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SATURDAY’S MATCHES. Conditions were ideal on Saturday for the third round of matches, the results of which leave two teams—Seacliff and Northern—in the leading position with an equal number of points. A feature of the play was the improved showing of Maori Hill and Seacliff, both, of which scoied heavily in their respective games. FIRST DIVISION RESULTS, Seacliff .. .. 6 Mornington .. 3 Northern .. .. 3 Technical .... 2 Maori Hill .. 5 H.S. Old Bovs’ 2 Y.M.C.A 3 Mosgiel 2 The following table gives the relative positions of the teams engaged in the First Division;—■ Goals Cup „ P.W.L.D. F. A.Pts. Seacliff 3 2 110 4 5 Northern -• 3 2 1 8 5 5 Maori Hill ..3111 0 83 Mornington ..3111 9 11 -3 lechnical .... 3 1 1 1 7 6 3 Y.M.CA 3111 4 63 H. Old Boys .. 3 2’l 10 14 1 Mosgiel 3 —2 1 9 12 I SEACLIFF v. MORNINGTON. Played on Mornington ground, the game between Seacliff and Mornington provided a fast and exciting game for a fair number of spectators who stood on the bank. Although Mornington went down by 6 goals to 3, the score does not give a fair indication of the play. The hill team was without the services of Wills, in goal, and.had he been between the sticks the two simple goals scored by the winners in the early stages of the game would prooably not have been attained by them. 151 ' I’linS 1 ’ lin S the toss, Mornington plaved with the sun behind them, and shortly after the .start Seacliff forced a corner kick, which M Loughlin nicely placed , for bimmonda to send towards goal, where Hooper .headed through out of reach of Donaldson in goal, Seacliff 1, Morning.k y B forcing play, kept Seacliff in their own half for a time until the superior combination ■of the vs 1 tors found a weak spot in the opposing backs, and Donaldson, in clearin'- a shot,.w-as upset, and before he could°reeover MConnack hooked the ball overhead into the net. Seacliff 2, Mornin--ton 1111. Mornington’s attacks were lacl:nig in method, and Baillie and Anderson, although firmly pressed, cleared all ad--1 Following ? n unsuccessful -leader, by Munro. Mimsie received from the goal kick, and sent ‘ well ■ down to Htmper, who tapped the ball across ■to JlLcanr and the winger, with a fine cross, beat Donaldson, who was caught out or position. _ Seacliff 3, Mornington nil. Up to this point the hill .defence, with the exception of Munro, was poor, and Cooper was tried out in goal, Donaldson going up to the forward line. For a time Mornington held the’visitors on defence, but their .short passing tactics were ineffectual against the solid tackling of the opposing backs. On one occasion, when the forwards did get through, Fleming snot .wildly when in front. Munro, -Mornington,s centre-half, who at this stage was the man making the attacking movements, essayed a fine drive which just missed the coal. Poor play‘on the part of the hill backs again let Seacliff through, and a cross by M’Laughlin on the right was. smartly netted by M'Cormack.. Seacliff 4, Mornington nil. Again the bill team forced the attack, Kayand -Munro being prominent, and Rivers twice cleared a couple of -headers. Mornington Were awarded a penalty kick against Baillie for tripping, and Munro, taking the kick, gave Rivers no chance with a slow low shot. Seacliff 4, Mornington I. M'Cormack and M'Lean were again seen in good combined work, but Cooper, in goal, cleared the former’s shot, and play returned to Seacliff’s end. where lack of dash in front of .goal by . the .hill forwards again proved their undoing, although. M'Gregor had bad luck with a shot which skimmed the bar. Fast up and down play continued till half time was called.

Resuming in the second half, Seacliff opened the attack, but Morningtou soon returned play to the other end, where Rivers partially stopped a shot by M'Gregor. .The ball was curling into the net when Baillie' handled the leather; - and, although l it went through the goal, the referee awarded a penalty. Munro was again successful with the kick. Seacliff 4. Mornington 2.- Almost immediately Munsie sent M’Cormack away on the left and a corner was-forced off Johnson, from which Hooper scored a; neat;,goal with a header. Seacliff 5, Mornington 2. Fast up and down play" followed, Mornington playing muchV. better, .than in the first spell. A nice piece of combined play between Munro, M f Gregor, and Connolly broke down- with the winger failing to centre, and a free kick against Maxwell for a deliberate trip just outside the penalty.mark was headed clear by Baillie, /and Rivers saved a return shot by Fleming- Johnson was more on his game at back in this spell and repeatedly held up the Seacliff advances. Mornington kept the ball on the move and were having the advantage of the play. M'C'ormack uiissed with a header from a cross .by Simmonds, and Munro, M'Gregor, and Connolly set up a hot attack on Seacliff’s goal. Fleming over-ran the ball at .the critical moment; and lost a good chance. Anderson and Baillie were saving Seacliff repeatedly, and. following a strong clearance by ■ the former. Hooper ran through pn his own, when an unsuccessful corner resulted. Play swung back to Seacliff s end, where Fleming heade 1 over and, a counter move by the visitors’ forward line was frustrated by Scott, who had gone into goal for Mornington, when he fisted clear from Hooper’s head. Mornnigton again came away on the left, Con-nolly-finishing off with a good shot to goal, which Baillie headed out. The Hill forwards were showing poor finish in front of goal, and after a spell of desultory play Simmonds, on the right wing for Seacliff, got possession, and. with a Jong shot from the line, drove the ball past Scott into the net. Seacliff 6, Mornuigton 2. From the restart. Mornington came through with nice plav and Munro with a fine drive, beat Rivers all the way The came, controlled bv Mr V. G. Smith, ended shortly afterwards with the scores: Seacliff (j ROa ls. Mornington 3 ROa ]s, MAORI HILL v. HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS. , This match was played at Prospect ir-n . bef , ore a sood number of spectators. ILll had turn new players included ■ in their team, Dalziel, a junior, and Cockburn, late of Ponsonby. Auckland High School Old Boys started off" facing a strong sun and Hill at once commenced to force the play. Balk, after fine footwork, sent in . a good shot which was booted clear by Caskie. in the School goal Brown, Hill’s centre-half, returned play to v/Jirse* who raced down the right wing and sent in a perfect centre for Martin to place over. Hill maintained the attack and it was only the fine defence of CnnBingham that kept the Hill vanguard out Pickerill cleared from a hot sortie and Chapman cleverly eluded Thompson and Brown, and was all but through when 13am made a brilliant clearance. The game went on at a great pace, each side attacking in turn, a foul to Old Bovs spelt danger to the Hill, and Chapman with a great shot, hit the crossbar, and the ball bounced out of play. From the kick off Thompson received and dashed down the field, and with a great drive just skimmed the bar. The Hill forwards were combining well ami kept the School on the defence for some time until Bovd in clearing nearly put through ins own goal Caskie giving a corner, which proved resultloss. Old Boys broke through but wore repelled hy ,Dotigal, who, with a Hetty kick, put his side on the attack, when Carse, with a well-judged kick, gave Martin his chance, this player making no mistake with a good shot. Hill I>—nil. This reverse livened up the School, and a series of attacks kept Bain and Dougal busy. Wood sent in a fine shot which just went wide. The School forwards were keeping well up and Wood was responsible for a fine shot that Callaghan had trouble in clearing,- Latimer and Groves next tried Callaghan, but the goalie was safe. From a fine clearance by Bain, Dalziel. with clever footwork, beat two opponents and passed in to Martin, who forced Caskie to give a corner in. saving. The kick was placed well by Carse and Brown quickly snapped up and registered Hill’s second goal. Hill 2—nil. Hill were combining well. Dalziel, playing fine football* fooled the defence, and passed to Martin, who gave Caskie no chance with a trimmer. Hill 3 —nil. School attacked and forced a corner, half time beiim called immediately after. The second spell started in ‘sensational fashion. Brown breaking through in great style, and with a well-judged pass sent

back to Martin, who, with a terrific firsttimer, beat Caskie hands down from 30 j'ards out,- it was a great effort, and Martin registered the hat trick. Hill 4—nil. Hill still pressed, but School settled down and Cunningham, who was proving a stumbling block to the Hill forwards, sent down well to Wood, but the winger’s cross went behind. From the kick off M'Farlane sent on to Chapman, who' made straight for goal, but Doucal intercepted, and a little later Bain was penalised for •tripping, and ■ from the spot ■ kick School registered their first goal. Hill 4 —l. This success inspired the School players, and they set about to further reduce Hill’s lead; Chapman was a tireless worker, giving his .forwards some fine openings, but Dougal and Bain proved reliable. A short attack by ■ the School, took play to the Hill coal, and Callaghan, in clearing, lost -the ball, and School had an open goal, hut Cockburn fisted out, giving the School another penalty withVwhich they were successful. Hill 4—2. The pace was never slackened, and Chapman and Co. peppered the Hill goal with shots from all tt l -?! ‘ about 10 minutes to go Hill asserted themselves, but Caskie from Martin. However, the Hill were again rewarded, Balk racing down the wing sent in a fine cross for Martin to score his fourth goal with a clever header. Hill 5—2. Hill now were playing . fine football, but, Cunningham was again to the fore and cleared strongly. Wood crossed nicely, but Thompson saved a certain goal. Shortly after the final whistle ended a fine, clean game. .Mr Jordan controlled the game. Final result:— Maori Hill 5 goals High School Old Boys .. 2 goals NORTHERN’ v. TECHNICAL. The above match was played at the a . j °m an d "'as fairly evenly contested. Technical lost the toss and kicked off facing a very strong sun. From the start Northern gained possession, a good movement being stopped by Hector, who sent his forwards away, and a shot by was tipped over the bar by M Quarrie. From the goal ’ kick the Northern forwards attacked strongly, and from a well-placed pass Warnock opened the scoring for Northern with a good low ■drive. A period of up and down play followed, the Northern team combining well and harassing the Technical defence, who were handicapped by the strong sun. From a goal kick Technical’s left-wing went away, 1 and M'Quarrie’ saved a good cross shot from Cope. Northern halves did good work. Perry and Thompson placing nicely, sent their forwards wellaway, and Hughes put in a good shot which Holden mishandled, and the ball dropped into goal. , Northern, 2; Technical, nil. Again kicking off. Technical attacked strongly several times, and nearly scored until finally Lindsay gained possession well out and with a fine, strong shot beat M'Quarrie all the way. Northern, 2; Technical, 1. A short pause ensued as Sutherland injured his knee. Upon resumption there was a period of up and down play until half time arrived with the scores unaltered. : At the start of the second half Technical pressed strongly, Addison just failing to score. Northern immediately retaliated, and, after a melee in front of Technical’s goal. Young scored.. Northern, 3; Technical, 1. This spurred Technical to fresh efforts,, and for some, time their halves and forwards did good work, making repeated. though unsuccessful, efforts to score, M'Quarrie being safe in goal. Following a corner kick by Technical, Northern carried the play to the other end of the field by a strong clearance by Coates., Technical backs, now ’ showing to better advantage, repujsed Northern’s attack, andplay was carried up field, by Hector. Then, following some give-and-take play in front of Northern's goal, Lindsay scored. Northern, 3; Technical, 2. Technical continued pressing. Witchall and Batchelor combining well on the right wing. Northern retaliated, and Hughes put across a good centre, which Holden saved well. Technical made strong attempts on Northern’s goal ’ in the final stages of the game, which ended:— Northern .. .. .. 3 goals. Technical • ..... 2. goals. Y.M.C.A. v. MOSGIEL. Y.M.C.A. obtained their first- win of the season by beating Mosgiel. For the winners O’Rorke scored two goals and Budge netted another. R. Skinner and M'Dowell were the scorers for Mosgiel, SECOND GRADE. ■ . Maori Hill A 7, Mornington 2. - FOURTH GRADE; ; Mornington 10, Ravensbourne nil. FIFTH GRADE. Technical 2, Mornington 2. IN OTHER CENTRES. THE AUCKLAND COMPETITION. . (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, May 5. The Association football games yesterday resulted:— , Thistle 3. Celtic .1. Tramways 3, Onehunga nil. Ponsonby 7, Y.M.C.A. 4. . North Shore 4. Belmont 2. WELLINGTON MATCHES. (Per United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, May 5. The local matches resulted as follows; Marist 4. Y.M.CA. 2. Diamonds 4, Thistle, nil. Petone 3, Institute 1. Hospital 4, Watersiders 4. CHRISTCHURCH GAMES. (Per United Press Association.} ■ CHRISTCHURCH, May 5. The results of the Association football games yesterday were as follow; New Brighton 5 beat Rangers 1. Thistle 3 beat Sumner nil. Western 3 beat • Nomads 2. Kaiapoi 2 beat Technical !.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20709, 6 May 1929, Page 10

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20709, 6 May 1929, Page 10

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20709, 6 May 1929, Page 10