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SYDNEY, August 8.

Breadstuff; arc very dull, and quotations arc only nominal. V,'ur:'.u: Chick, 2s 2d to 2s 6id; milling, 2a lOd. I-'.iau, £6 s<s to £7. Oats (fiim): Feeding, Now /,i:f.:<uul, 2s Id to 2s 3d; local, Is 7d to 2s. Barley: Cape, 2s 2d to 2s 4d. Maize, 2s 7d. Peas: Prussian blue, 3s 2d to 3s 3d. Bran and poliard, 71d to 7'jd. Potatoes: Circular Heads, j£2 17s Gd to £3; New Zealand Der vents, £2 10s; Brownells, £2 10s to £3. Onions (scarce), £4 5s to M 10s. Butter: Dairy, Shd ; creamery, 9Jd to lOd. Cheese: Medium,-SJd; loaf, 6d. Bacon: New Zealand flitches, SUI to s!jd. [The above quotations are those ruling between the merchant and retailer, and do not represent the slightly lower rates obtained by the recognised brokers.]


Wheat (qiiict), 2s lOid to 2s lid. Oats (strong): There is a large business in Algerian at 2s !Ud to 2s -lid; stout, 2s sd. Mnize: Old, 2s Gd; new, 2s Sid. Bran. OJd. -Pollard, IOJd. Potatoes, £2 us to £2 7s GJ.- Onions, £2 i: :to £3 ss.

ADELAIDE, August 8.

Wheat (lifeless), 2s lOd to 2a IOJd. Flour, £6 13s. Oats: Algerian, 2g 3:1 to 2s Gd; stout, 2s Gd to 3s. Bran, 9d to SKA. Pollard, lid to Hid.



There were small yardings at tiie Audington market to-day, but the attendance was large.

Fat Cattle.—The yarding was made up oi 138 head. With the exception of some special lines of .steers, the entry was mostly composed of secondary and light-weight stuff. Bidding was very keen for all good lot 3, and last v/eek's prices were well upheld, and exceeded in the case of extra prime. Good to prime beef r.uled at from 20s to 23s Gd per 1001b, and from los 6d to 19s for other sorts. Some exceptionally fine steers sold at up to £14 10s; ordinary steers brought from £5 15s to £7 17s Gd and rip to £9 2s for good; heifers, £3 17s Gd to £7; and cows, £3 17s Gd to £G 17s Gd.

Fat Sheep.—There was a medium yarding of fat sheep, including some very good lot 3of rninie-qtiality wethers. Both crossbreds and. merino ewes were scares, and butchers had to fill up requirements by buying wethers, thus having .to ■ compete in s greater degree than usual with a few dealers for export who were operating. Though there was a general advance in prices, it was mainly due to the extra good quality of the entry. Kstra heavy prime, withers sold at up to 30s; prims freezers, 17s 6d to 21s; light and unfinished wethers and ewes, 15s tc 17s; prime merino wethers (suitable for freezing), 17s 5d to 21s; butchers', best sorts, 13s to 15s 6d; others, 9s. 9d to 12a 6:1; prime crossbred ewes, 17s 6d to 2Cs; others, 15s to 17s.

■ Fat Lambs.—The first new Eeafro'.i's lambs came to hand, and soldi uncommonly well, prices ranging from 10s to 20s Gd.

Store Sheep.—The yarding of store sheep was the smallest of the season,1 and it is evident that this class is getting very scarce. A gcod demand, was experienced for all sorts. Small lots of wethers brought from 14s to los 3d; bleeding1 owe 3, 12s Id and -12s 2d, and up to 17s for a line of 107.

Pigs.—-All classes were^well represented, and an improvement was ndticeable, both in fat and stores. Baconers brought from 30a to'42s, or equal to 3£d to 3Jd per 1b; porkers, 20s to 325, or equal to 3Jd to 3Jd; stores (mostly small), 12s Gd to 19s; suckers and weanera, 53 6cl to lls Gd.


Wedueday, August 8. Fat Cattle.—l 96 head yarded, not more than half, of the number " killable," the remainder duly half and three-parts fat steers and aged cows. Taken all through, the quality was the poorest we have seen at Burnside. ior a very long time. For the few pens of good cattle forward competition was of a most excited character, and the high prices ruling last week were slightly exceeded to-day. Prime bullocks brought from £9 17s 6d to £1.1 ss; ordinary, £8 to £d 10s; light, £6 10s to £7 10s; prime cows and heifers, £7 to £8 2s 6d; ordinary, £5 10s to £G 17s Gd; aged and inferior cows, £3 10s to ■M 15s.——Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 32 head as follows:—For Mr Ralph Crombie (South Canterbury), 0 prime bullocks—two at £11 ss, two at £10 12s Cd, and two at £9 17s 6d etich; Mr George- Appleby (Kowan. Park), 6 prime Shorthorn heifers at £7 7s 6d to £8 2s 6d; Mr William Kirklan.d (Elingrove), 9 small heifers at £G 2s Gd to £7 3s Gd; and for, Messrs Jacob Graham, J. C. Briely, Richard Mitchell, George M'Laren, J. Armstrong, and others, 11 head at quotations. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr J. F. Fleming (Otakia) and others, "bullocks at £9 2s 6d and cows to £5 17s Gd. The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded and,sold: For Mr D. Murray, 3 heifers, at £5 12s 6d, 3 at £4, 4 vealers to £2 IDs; Mr Lindsay, 3 steers at £6 2s Gd, 1 cow1 at £6 17s Gd, 1 at £5 2s Gd; Mr A. Brown, 2 cows at £G, lat £4 15s; Mr A. Douglas, 1 cow at £4 12s Gd.-—The Otago Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association (Limitecl) yarded -141 and sold as follows: —For Mr William Bennett, 6 polled heifers at £6 12s Gd to £7 12s Gd; Mr William Kirkland, 2 heifers at £7 12s 6d; Mr C. Samson, 8 bullocks at £7.7s 6d to £8 ss; Mr John Wilson, 4 heifers at £4 12s 6d; Mr John Kirk, 4 cows at £5 to £G; Mr William Kirk t 3 cows at £6 2s 6d; Mr R. Mitchell, 1 cow at £6 2s Gd; Mr John Thomson, 9 store cows at £3 17s Gil; Mr William Smith and Co., 46 bullocks at £4 ils to £7 2s 6d, 43 cows at £3 9s to £3 18s; Mr W. G. Jones, 7 bullocks at £7 15s to £8; Mr W. Hall, 8 heifers at £3. Donald Eeid and Co. (Limited) yarded 83, and sold: For the trustees in the estate of the late Thomas Rainforth (Enfield), 4 bullocks at £8 2s Gd to £7 2s Gd, 3 heifers at £8 to £6 15s; Mr William Kirk (East Taieri), 3 cows at £7 to £5; Mr Walter Blackie (G-lasgow Farm), 4 bullocks at £8 10s to £7; Mr A. Douglas (East Taieri), 3 heifers at £5 7s Gd; Mr D: Reid (Salisbury), 21 bullocks at £7 17s Gd to £5 lGs, 44 heifers at £7 17s Gd to £5 10s; Miss M'Glashan (Maori Hill),. 1 cow at JM-Rs 6d.-—Dalgety and Company (Limited) yarded 61 and sold: For Mrs Brown(East Taieri), 7 bullocks at £8 ,17s Gd to £7 ,15s;,'. Mr ■J. 0. Anderson (Stirling), 8 bullocks at £8 10s to £6 10s; Mr R. Hawker (Stirling), G bullocks at £7 17s Gd to £7 12s Gd, 1 heifer at £7 10s; Mr D. Murray (Pukerau), 8 heifers (small), at £4 10s; oilier vendors, 30 head at market quotations. Stronach Bros, and Morris sold: For Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), bullocks at £9; Mr L. D. Robertson (S°andymount), bullocks and cows at quotations; Mr Alexander Douglas (East Taieri), heifers at.£G 10s;' and for other vendors, cows and heifers at quotations. Maclean, Praiu,'and Go. sold: For Messrs A. Douglas, J. Johnston, J. Cadzo'w, J. Williams, M'Gill, W. Townley, Cherry, R. Mitchell, D. M'Gregor, Green, Miller, and others,. 31 head at—for bullocks up to £9, cows and heifers to £5 15s.

Fat Ca.lve.3. —Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) yarded 58, and sold as follows: For Mr John Thomson, 3 at 225; Mr John Waldie, 17 at 26s to 77s Gd; Mr W. Hall, 25 at 45s to 333 6d; Mr W. Townley, 7 at 25g to 27s Gd; Mr W. Kirk, 6at 295.

Fat Sheep.—22o3 penned. This . number proved in excess of the trades' requirements, and, as exporters were operating Very cautiously arid at reduced limits, prices as compared with last week suffered a decline of about Is per head. The quality of the sheep forward waa in the main good, most of them were wethers, and some drafts were very heavy weights. Prices ranged as follows: —Extra heavy crossbred wethers, 19s to 20s; prime crossbred wethers, 17s Gd to 18s Gd; ordinary crossbred wethers, 15s to 17s; prime crossbred ewes (heavy), 18s to 19s; good crossbred ewes, IGs to 17s; light crossbred ewes, lls to 15s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold !!28 as follows: For Mr John Potter (Hillend), 86 very prime three-quarterbred wethers at 18s 6d to 193 Gd, 3i prime half bred wethers at 17s 6d; Mr Win. Dallas, jun. (Maryfield), 12G crossbred wethers and maiden ewes (small) at 15s to 16s 3d; Mr Robt.Allister (Oakhill), 82 prime crossbred ewes at 16s Gd. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr Waller Merrilees (Taieri Beach), 1 pen crossbred wethers at 19s 3d; Mr Tlios. Mitchell (Limehills), 45 crossbred .wethers at 18s 9d, 15 do at 16s Gd; Mr James Liddell (Taieri Beach), 90 crossbred-wethers and maiden ewes at 18s 3d; Mr E. O'Connell (Rock and Pillar), 38 half bred wethers at IGs 6d, 20 do at 15s Gd, 10' merino wethers at 14s Gd. The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 512, and sold: For Messrs Hughes Bros. (Cambrians), 40 wethers at 17s, 19 do at 15s Gd; a southern client,' 38 prime Heavy wethers at 20s, 18 do at 18s Gd; Messrs James Smith and Sons (Greenfield), 40 'wethers at 17s Gd, 40 do at 17s, 45 do at IGs Gd, 94 do at. 15s 9d, 95 do at 15s 3d; Mr Jos. Turn'bull (Waipahi), Gl crossbred wethers to 16s 9d. Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association (Limited) penned 885, and sold as follows : For Mr W. CHddings, 32 merino wethers at 16s 9d, 34 do at 15s 9d; Mr William Bennett, 124 two-tooth Romney crossbred wethers 15s 9d to 16s 6d; Mr Patrick Spratt, 68 crossbred hoggets at 13s Gd; Mr A. M'Ritchie, 203 crossbred wethers, 19a 3d to 19s Gd, 287 do, 16s 9d to 18s Gd; Mr John Smith, 20 crossbred wethers at 193, 117 crossbred wethers and ewes, IGs 9d to 18s. Donald Reid and Company (Limited) yarded, and sold: For Mr Alex. Douglas (East Taieri), 35 ewes at IGs 9d. Dalgety and Company (Limited) yardod, and sold: For Messrs M'Kenzie and Leonard (Hillend), as crossbred wethers at 16s Gd to 15s: Mr W. Alexander (CampbelUon), G2 crossbred wethers at 10a to 15s; Mr John Frew (Po'.miv Row), 57 at 15s Gd to 13s Oil,

Pigs.—2ll penned, chiefly porkers, stores, and suckers. The few bacon pigs entered sold well, as also did porkers and stores; suckers, however, were almost unsaleable. Values ranged a3 follows: —Baconers, 33s to 425; porkers, 24s to 325; stores, 17s to '22b; slips, 12s to lGs; suckers, 3s to 10s. We would direct attention to the fact that at this time of the year the pig sale commences at 10.30 o'clock.- Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold to-day 71 pigs at quotations. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr Jolin L. Bruhns (Hyde), IS at quotations.— Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) sold slips at 5s to 10s; porkers at 2Gs to 345. Donald Reid and Co. yarded 113, and sold: For-Mr James Dow (Outram), 8 at 2Ds 6d to 255; Mr Hugh M'Coll (Edendale), 53 at 31s to 8s Gd; Mr A. Grieve (Mosgiel), 7 at 15s; Mr James Allan (Wyndham), 9 at 3s Gd; Mr J. Midd.'editch (Sawyers' Bay), 9 at Gs to ss; Mr William Baird (Allanton), 3 at 30s to 255; Mr J. Columb (Allanton), 4 at 35s to 325; Mr P. Walsh (Momona), 2 at 30s; Mr John Hears.(Mosgiel), 7 at 10s; Mr D. Morgan, 7 at 13s;' Mr R. Fairbairn (Taieri Beach), 4 at ss.— Stronach Bros, and Morris sold: For Mr A. Thcmson (Allanton), 4 pigs at £1 7s Gd. Maclean, Pram, and Co. sold drafts for Messrs R. Culleu and others at current rates.

Store Cattle. —At Burnside to-day about 120 head, mixed cattle were offered, and all of them changed hands at very satisfactory prices considering the time of year. There is a demand for good three and four-year-old bullocks for forward delivery.

Store Sheep.—There is some demand for crossbred hoggets, and good lots off turnips are fetching 12s to 13s. Forward wethers are also inquired for. Country Sales.—Taieri Stock Fair and Horse Sale: Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) report having'held theii usual monthly sale at their Taieri saleyards, Allanton, on Tuesday, August 7. The entry comprised 31 heavy draught and light harness horses and a fe^v cattle. There was a large gathering of farmers and others piesent, and the draught horses, which were a .superior lot, were very keenly competed for, and realised splendid prices. A draught mare, the property of Mr .Ralph Ewing, Whare Flat, brought £50, and two foals by the well-known sire Lion King sold at the record prices of £23 and £20. We also sold: For Messrs Mmr Bros. (North Taieri), John Meat's (Mosgiel), Robert M'Caw (Allanton), 1). Campbell (Woodside), P. "Walsh (Momona), and others, draught mares and goioings at ;G-10 to £29. Hacks and light harness hor.=es brought £H to £5 10s. The sale for horses was. certainly one of the most successful ever held in the Taieri. The few cattle forward sold at £5 7s Gd to £3 18s. Donald Heid and Co. (Limited) also report having held a clearing sale on behalf of Mr James Williamson (Allanton), at the Taieri saleyards on Tuesday,- 7th August, -when, owing to Mr Williamson having sold one of his farms, all his surplus stock and implements were offered for unreserved sale. The day was beautifully fine, and there was a, large turnout of farmers and others from the surrounding district, as well as dealers fiom Dunedin and Tokomairiro. The stock offered by Mr Williamson was a very superior lot, and included several tip-top heavy draught geldings and mares, and well bred steers and heifers. The sale wont with spirit from start to finish, and everything was sold except a few of the implements. Dravlght geldings sold at £54; Hraught mares, £45; unbroken colfe and fillies (two-year-old), £27 10s; steers, £s'l7s Gd; heifers, £3 17s 6d; calves, £2 Is; and implements at satisfactory prices,

Sheepskins.—Moderate-sized catalogues were put forward at Tuesday's sale. There was a fair attendance of buyers, and competition was brisk at prices on a par with those ruling at last week's auction.

Rabbitskins.—The quantity coming forward is not large, and buyers are keen for all descriptions of best skins. Summers, broken and light racks, are not in such good demand, and prices fo* these are hardly so firm. Quotations are: Prime winters, 15d to 15M per 1b; medium do, 13£ dto 14|d; autumns and early winters, lO&d to 12-kl; summers,* Gd to 8d; suckers and runners, 3d to 5Jd.

. Hides. —There is still a good .demand for these, and prices reanain about the same as last week.

Tallow and Fat—Good demand, but market slightly easier. Best rendered mutton is to-day worth up to 18s Gd; mixed and inferior, 13s to 16s Gd'; rought fat, up to 13s per cwt.

Grain. —Wheat: There is not much business passing in this. Buyers' ideas of value are slightly . below sellers', and neither seem inclined to alter their prices. There, is a fair inquiry for prime milling, samples and lines suitable for shipment, but medium quality milling grain is neglected, and is only saleable as fowl wheat. Quotations: Prime milling, 2s 6d to 2s 7jd; medium milling, 2s 2d to 2s sd; fowl wheat (good whole), 2s to 2s Id; broken and damaged, Is 9d to Is lid per bushel (sacks in, usual terms). Oats:. This market has..been rather dull during the week! Consignments .in stores'are still being firmly held, and the qua'ri= tities coming in for immediate disposal are not large, so that they are readily sold at quotations which are slightly lower than last week. Prime milling,'ls 8d to Is 9d; good to best feed, Is 7d to Is 8d; medium, Is 5d to is Gd per bushel (sacks extra). Barley: Prime malting is wanted, but very little is offering. Medium malting-.and milling^gra-in 13 almost unsaleable, and quotations can only be considered as nominal. Best malting (Lakes), Ss to 3s 3d; good malting, 2s Gd to 2s 9'd; medium malting (nominally), Is 9d to 2s 3d; milling, Is Gd to Is 8d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes—The market is well supplied, and the demand is confined .almost entirely to prime Oamaru-samples. Other qualities are almost unsaleable, even at reduced prices.. Prime Derwents, £2 to £2 2s Gd per ton (sacks in). Chaff.—Owinp to large supplies coming forward, values this week show ft decline of fully 2s Gd per ton. Moat of the buyers are well stocked, and sales are diffictdt to effect at quotations. Prime, £2 7s Gd to £2 10s; medium, £2 to £2 5s rcer tori.

PALMERSTON SALE. Messrs Wright, Stenhenson, and Co. report as follows: —We held our monthly sale in M'Kay's yards on Monday last, but owing to the unpropitious wenthor, there was a very poor muster of both sheep and cattle, and also a small attendance of farmers. Sheep,: We yarded and sold for Messrs James Ritchio (Dunback), 24 very good two-tooth wethers at 17s Gd each. Cattle" were also a small entry, and rather a dragging sale, unless for cows, and heifers close to profit, which sold well at from £4 to £5 10s. We yarded and sold for various clients 17 head at from £3 7s Gd to £5 Ids.

GRAIN AND PRODUCE REPORT. Messrs William E. Reynolds and Co., Bond street, report for the week ending August 8 as follows: —Wheat: There is nothing fresh to report since last week, and we quote prime milling at up to 2s 8d; medium, 2s 3d; whole fowl feed, 2s to 2s Id. Oats: These also remain the same as last week, very few. offering, and the demand fairly slack, 'but prices, have kept up, and we quote prime milling up to Is 8d; prime feed, Is 7d to Is 7Jd; ordinary feed, Is Gd. Potatoes: The demand i 3 very limited, and any but prime Derwents are hard to place. Wo quote: Prime, from £2 to £2 2s Gd ;■ medium, £1 15s to £1 17s Cd. Chaff: There has been a fair quantity of this forward during the week, but prime remains firm yip to £2 10s; medium and inferior, from £1 los to £2 ss.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11807, 9 August 1900, Page 7

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WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11807, 9 August 1900, Page 7

WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11807, 9 August 1900, Page 7