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The ordinary meeting of the Land Board, held yesterday, was attended by Messrs J. P. Maitland (chairman), Dallas, Clark, M'Kerrow, and Duncan.

Alexandra.. —An application was received from the Alexandra Jockey Club to have an area of 75 acres at Alexandra set aside as a racecourse reserve.—The board had no power to reserve land as a racecourse, but would favourably consider an application to have the area set side as a recreation reserve.

Wakatipu.—An application by W. Patterson to be allowed to surrender his pistoral license over Run 39, VVakatipu, was referred to Ranger Mackenzie for a report.

Lauder.—Mr F. W. How wrote requesting that he might be allowed an extension of time in which to pay the rent due on-his perpetual lease section 14, block V, ,auder.-The application was granted.: An application by Richard Wilsou for a homestead area or 150 acres on sections block Vly Lander, was referred to the ranger tv report: l ? . . Hillknd.—Ranger SYaser, having reported upon section la block IV, Hillend district, it was resolyed^hat the Una, be offered at, auction w land of.-special value for agricultural purpo^f subject to the conditions suggested by the ranger for a term of 14 years, at the upset rental of 1« pei- acre. . ul ■"

GIiBENNALE.-Mr John M'Duff applied for a bcense to occupy gectioos (j and 7, block XIII Greenvale district.—lt was rescind thii A JPPl«'^ offered a yearly K^^r'w r^er" a *rental t0 bs fixed ™ «le CCYOE.-Ranger Fraser forwarded valuation of improvements upon blodt XLVII, town™ Ck-fa ana suggested ups-t price.-To he offered at, iWor pivce ot : £s with valuation for improvement £45, suhject to the Governor's approval CiiwiWEix.-Uanger Eraser hiving forwarded valuation of improvements upon section 35 bIS 111, Cromwell, and sujtcestcd canital i.i,, •? resolved that the section mXton h?' W<l3 mendedrfor notification a caS value of lo'Z acre, with valuation for imi>rovemAn+» Se P? ject to the Governor's appiwaT A 6 sub" Tuai'eka West.—Andrew n'li^ui i- j sections 28, 30, 31, and 33 block IVPPT Od ff r West-rural land-on the ocaumtin ' • m'J oka to nurchase Hy.teiii.-Appro^d l* WUh nght KXCIIANGK OF TISSUI'P Thn'f ll block V, Tiger Hill jg DUUd°rS' section mo^r^sfTAlß^rSn^ A*" Ki^re^E Uned'thCbOard deferred payment i^^a^

services, &c, and the reduction of debt 'as above, the expenditure includes the following items: — Interest, £129 16s 2d; rates, insurance, and r»pair<. £44 0s sd; diocesan funds, £44 •JS; Melanesian mission, JSIS 8s; charity, ■£10 9s; new communion plate (collected by Miss Hasgitt), £21 4-r Sundaj'school childrea'fl treat, £10.17 a lOd ; lantern and elides for Sunday scnool, £.0 9s ; S.P.C.K., addition* to Sunday school library, £5 45,. The S.P.C.K. has kindly supplemented the last item by a grant of books, value £5.

The monthly subscriptions have kept up to above the average ; some subscribers have dropped out, but others have beec added. The thanks o£ the parish are rive to the collectors, viz —Miss Nutt, Miss Flinders, Mits Hitchcock, Miss Preen, Miss Goldsmith, and Mr Ridings. On the recommendation of the Ladies' Guild it has been resolved to abandon for the present the project of holding a sale of work and gifts in the Choral Hall. The usual guild t<ale will be held in the schoolroom in December, and will be supplemented by a stall for which the Sunday school teachers are working, under the direction of Miss Grindley. . Under an arrangement made by the incumbent of All Saints and the local Church Committee, tlie district of St. Martin's, Worth-ffiasfc Valley, has. since January last, been in charge of the Rev. 1. Richards, M.A., warden of Selwyn Collie. Tno following are the statistics of the oiheus of the church since last report:—Marriages in the parish church, 4; baptisms, 37; confirmations, 33 ; attendance at holy communion, 1177.

Mr C. Haynks, in moving the adoption of the report;, said it was the inost_ satisfactory reporb that had been presented during the time he hbd been connected wiMi the church. They had in the past been indebted to the Ladies' Guiid for making ends meet; but this year they had meb all liabilities without asking the ladies to oupplementi the ordinary iacome in any way—indeed, the.y had a surplus ; and as it wts unusual iv parishes to hava such ft satisfaotory state of thins* they might eougratulafce themselves on the fact that fchcy had a balance to credit after meeting M their engagements. In saying that, they had not been called npon to ask the Ladies' Guild for assistance, ac did not wish it to be thought tbat they had not had help from the guild ; for owing to the help of the ladks the vestry had been saved something like £30 in interest during the year. Mr Lubiscki seconded the motion, which wns carried ucaniinonsly. Mr .Jnmes Ailea was re-Elected minister's churchwarden and Mr Charles Haynes parish churchwarden. The following were elected vestrymen : — Messrs J. M. Ritchie, C. E Bray A Hamilton, P Treseder.'J.'A. Hoporatt, G. C. Graham, J. 1\ Ridings, D. Harris Hastings, J. Angus, and 'flflr Aogns was appointed treasurer and Mr T. H Lusk auditor. ' Mr Graham moved that the cordial thanks of the parish be accorded to the Ladies' Guild rnrpsideut. Mrs Ritchie) ;to the Sunday school Sers (superintendent Mr J. A M-Nickl«); fco the choristers, and to Miss Tre3eder, the organist •to Mr W. Houghtou, for services in training the choir boys and assistance to the

feel that Almighty God ha 3 prospered our efforts to work for His honour and glory, and that a growing and stronger interest is being aroused in the spiritual work of this church. .The congregation is decidedly increasing, and -I have been greatly pleased to see a larger number of men at the services lately, for the-absence of men from the services is a sad token of their ■ want of interest in, their church. For the sake of their children, as well as for their own best interests, I would urge upon the male members of our church the importance of setting & better example in the matter of church-going. As your children grow up they will most surely, to your deep sorrow, follow your example rather than your precepts, in this as in other matters. Our indefatigable Ladies' Guild have intimated to the vestry their intention to endeavour to redeem one or more debentures at the end of this year, in addition to the £50 annually paid by them to the vicar to make up the loss sustained by him in giving up the post of diocesan secretary in the interests of the parish. A handsome altar book and silk burse and veil have been presented to the church by the Communicants' Guild of St. Peter. The church now possesses two hsndsomo sets of altar linen, one having beea given this year by the confirmation candidates. I desire to express my hearty thanks to the choirmaster, organist, and members of the choir for the zeal and diligence which has resulted in raising so greatly the tone and quality of services. The churchwardens and gentlemen of the vestry have bravely maintained their efforts to continue the work of the church against obstacles which at times seemed insuperable. I trust and believe that the next financial year will abow our position to be thoroughly sound. Mr Campbell has continued to render, in his capacity as lay reader, services which are as grateful to the congregation as th ey are to myself. The Venerable Archdeacon: lidwards has afforded me valued assistance 'in the services, to tiie great satisfaction of his mam' friends in this congregation. The Sunday school is now bsing reorganised, and will issue its own report. We n«ed communicants to replaca some valued teachers who have left the parish The Bible class is attended by 25 young- persons Baptisms from Ist July 1593 to 30th Juneis94 11; to .50th Juue 1895, 58. Confirmed in 1894 9 raalss, 16 femilea; in 1895,11 males, 3S females Marriages to 30th June 1894, 5; to 30th June IMS ilSa communicants (average 2043)- lSjU'qt; fir celebrations, 1468 communicants (average, 2VfjS) The Vestry reported thus :— The members of the vestry are vleasuxl +« i~ able to report a surplu, of redipts ove^o^ndT ture, as par balance sheet. At r,he« m +;~^pV?al have to explain that they havVw^uitfnnabie to keep u» the payments to the sinking fund fo? paying oft debentures and interest In™ telected as a member of the vest™ •I. h^ been of the debenture-holders Th e %™f c ""I" 6* iiiß at 30th June 1894 has been L*P j i°n Ut" tandto 30th April last, leaving tw^t a'l d l°mooths at date of closing accounts w hi"v.T ths - nat Tears paid. ( in comparing the rec^t I Sl*? e beeQ years-lst July |i;<s to «?f P t for the two Ist July 1894 to 30th June 1895 «,UM -189f ud off in every item exrenf ere l 8 a falllDS except pew ren t S) stipend

fond, and donations. An appeal was made T fiS3!!*^ tUD%f °r TUndß' *° W off all liabilities to 30tU Jane, which oaly y- e-eultc-d .in £9 le^ing donate.*.. Th« thanks i tM vestry are due to those friends of the church "' who contributed It would relfeVettte reitrytf a deal of atw.ety if a sum sufficient to wipsoff the lwavy outstanding could be'rawed- * The groat friend of the church £3r worth ofLw tares have been redeemed-• for• £25 which, lie ; donated for that purpose, Pewrats^uVa&Jd ! pMntld'i^n^rhev a 1 moun(;. subscribed, shaU be ! pnntea m future balance sheets. . '■ • M On tta adoption of 'tha reports baing moved. I the church 8 pos,tioa as compared with former } P^TOnotAowß.ttoughat the previous .meeting m ? tract.ons to thac effect had been j gWfcn. Ue also pointed out' that Captain i Bisther'sappomfcmeatto the vesfcry had bsen ' made^a irregular.form. Thastatiites provided 1 that should ba, filled up by the : pansWrs -and uot :by the vestry, aad no I meeting of parishioners had been convened for-I .the purpose. He had no objection to the geutleman named, but desired.fco see thinga done properly.-The Ouapi ruled that ! ■»;i " w^i!-r object-lon t0 the appointment; .y»8 absolutsly correct; that ife was only a j meeting of debenture-holders that had made ! the, appointment; and that they had not ] qaestiou as to the balance; sheet."raised a general discussion on the fioancial position of the charch, darinc j -the course-of which Mr Gibson, the treasurer, I said that he took tha onus of not printing the ■ ste^emenf referred to, as he had beiievld it 1 woum be advisable not to incorporate ii; in the balance sheet,.but he had the statement with '•iot?oi a?a^ it- show(= d a t»tal indebtedness of ■gatpL-lB Yd, with1 -assets amounting to £4-1 17s 9d.—The CHAnwiAN thought that result highly .satisfactory under the circumstaQces, for it meant that, despite the bad times, the parish was £6 to the good as compared with the posi» tion at the end of 1889.—Mr Mace pointed but, further, that in previous years the Ladies' •Guild had been called on for assistance, whereas tor tho jsast year the, pariah hid paid its way withoet interfering with the guild's special wort. ;~The sports and balance sheet were eventually adopted on the voices. . ./ The following appointments were made— Jaimster's churchwarden, Mr P.: Mpca ("A better man I could not have had." said the vicar); parish churchwarden, -Mr Favell • vestarymen—Captein Basbher and Mesais:'P j' Broad, S. 8.--Gibson, William Bazley, A. Fleet", and.J. Hardy. Prior to the, vestry being chosen' the Chairman intimated that he should rale that'ouly:coinmunicadtß were eligible.' •' ' ■ Oq -the motion -of- Captaia Easthee; it was resolved that- at^ the-end of the nest financial year a; public -accoantaat be called in to audit the accounts. ■ .;':..' ■: 4i A question being asked about the tareasurership, tho Chaieman said that it. was not for the vestry to settle ..whether there should be a treasurer, and that .he (the! Rev.. Mr King) intended to.write to the bank annonricing that in accordance with the statutes the churchwardaas of the parish were the. only persons authorised to work the chnrch account. '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10417, 20 July 1895, Page 2

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LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10417, 20 July 1895, Page 2

LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10417, 20 July 1895, Page 2