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Daily Times Office, Wednesday evaning,

Tbe amount or customs revenue received co-day on goods cleared for consumption was £1200 13s lid.


Fat Cattle. —A full supply came forward to Luniside to-day, 231 head being yarded-aboutone-foitrdi prime and the balance medium quality. For best, pens tliere was; keen competition, and for tiiese au advance of from ]5s to 20s per head was obtained on last! week's quotations; whilst for medium quality beef bidding was less active and prices without quotable change. Best bullocks, from S/l I2s Cd to £9 (two extra prime pens, £fi 12s (id and £9 17s lid respectively); medium, £4 los to £ti lis (id; best cows, from £0 to £7 17s Od ; medium, £3 10s to £5 10s.—Wkight, Stepuesson, and Co. sold 81 head as follows: Ou account of Mrs C. Miller (Braemoro farm), 7 pt ime bullocks at from £8 12s6dto£D12s Cd, aud 4 prime cows at from £7 to £7 17s Od ; on account of Mr William Shand (East Taieri), (j bullocks at from £7 5s to £712s Od, and 2 cows at £tj ss; on account of Mr William Iloy6e(Birchwood), ti Bteers at from £8 to £0 10s, and 2 heifers at £5; ou account of Mr W. H. Boss (Hakateramea), 6 steers at from £4 15s to £5 15s; on account of Mr Robert Charters (Ury Park), 7 cows at from £3 los to £5 ; for Messrs J. and A. Wilson, 10 heifers at from £3 17s (id to £5 10s; for Mr William M'lntyre, 21 cows at from £3 5s to £0 ; and for Messrs J. J. MAuley, T. * Godfrey, Ritchie and Bauchop, T. Bieha/dB, and others, 14 cows at quotations.— Donald Sthonach (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) •old on account of Ms William Ackroyd (Temuka), IS very prime bullocks at £3 12s Od to £9 17s 0d (top price); Mcssr» lioss Bros. (Uushy Park) 7 bullocks at £5 7s (id to £G; Mr William M'Breen (Ida Valley) 19 bullocks, at £1110s to £8 17s 6d. and 3 cows at"£o 7s 6d to £810s.—Heid, Maclean, and Co. sold for Messrs M'Goverin and Hardie (Hook, Waimate), ti prime bullocks from £7 12s 6d to £7 15s; for Mr; Henry Palmer (Otakia), 11 bullocks from £5 7s 6d to £8 7s 6d; for Mr James Liddell (Taieri Beach), i) bullocks from £5 7s od to JO; and for Meßsrs J. Campbell, J. Matheson, Peter Crawford, and A. Cairns, cows up to PS, 15s — Donald Heid and Co. yarded 7li, and sold for Messrs M'Goverin and Hardy ('l'he Hook, Waimate). 5 bullocks at £j 17s|6d, 2 small heifers at £ I 17s (jd; I'or Mr John Shand (Centre Bubli), 20 bullocks at £7 Ss to £7 10s; for Mr Edward lawson (Waitaki), 10 bullocks at*£3 10s ; for Messrs Murray, Koterls and Co. (Gladbrook), 14 bullocks at £7 7s (id to £8 ns, 11 heifers at £5 12s (id to £(;; for Mr William Shand (Keith Hall), 7 bullocks at £5 12s Od to £7 10s. Privately during the week they sold for Messrs lillis Bros. (Five Eivers estate), 500 extra prime bullocks to Mr Albert Dornwell, George street.—ll. M. Dkivkh (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold on aecomd, Mr Robert Wilson (Romarua), ti bullocks at from .l*:i l."is to£4 7s (Sd, and 8 cows at from £.'! 5s lo £.117s (id ;on account Mr Jame Brown (East Taieri), (i bullocks at ! from £5 17s tid to £li 10s. I

Fat Sheep.—The supply was a moderate one, only 2233 being penned, all crossbreds of good to prime quality. Owing to the existence of a strong demand lor sheep suitable for freezing, competition throughout tho sale was very active, anil sellers experienced no difficulty in placing their consignments at advance in values of from ls to ls Oil per head on last week's quotations. Best crOßsbred wethers brought from 12s to 14s ; medium, 10s to lis ; best cronsbral

e.ves, us to lis: medium, Ts to Ss.—Wiiiiiht, ' Sn*.l'lll*.v*.u.\', ANI" Co. sold 1207 as follows:—For Mr James Itrown, .10 prime crossbred wethers at Ms; for .Messc, Creon and Souness (Gore), 35 crossbred wethers al. 12s. and 25 liallbred wethers nt lis; for Messrs JamcsSmUh and Solls(Greenlield estate), 45i> prime halfbred ewes at front 9s to 10s ; lor Messrs ,1. and T. Kemp (Kurtigi), 09 prime crossIreds (small) at IDs; for Mr James lt. Elder (Oaklands), (io ciossbred ewes at 10s ; for Messrs ftoss Jlros.fllushv Park), 71 qu■irl.i-r-bred wetberßiif 10s. ami 01 hallb'ivd nun at 9s lid ; for Mr George Nichol (Abbotsford station), 209 quarter-tired wethers at los (M, ami 121 ewes at from 7s to Ss; and for Mr 11. Clark, Wl crossbred wethers at lis (Id.— Dux A lip Stiionaih (on bch df of I he New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) sold on account, of Mr William Macara ((lore), crossbred wethers at 12s 9il tn Lis itop price); on account of Air Jpthti Geddes (Mount Harris), cruoslavd wot Iters at lis Md to 12s; on ammnt of Mr John Cumming ((lure), inixi'd (Tos-limls ,*it Ids 9il to lis.- Elan. .Maim.kan, amp Cpp. sold fllasljllows: For Messrs M'tlovoriit.uul Hardie (Honk. Waimate), 51 crossbreds from 8s .'id lo lis; lor Mr J. Thompson, 30 crossbreds M. lis 9d ; for Mr (t. lilighaii (Taieri Hcai'h). ,'■-' crossbreds at Ss liil *. lor Mr David Murray (I'liMTim), liocidsslti-i'il wethers from Os .'ld tn I L's Hit. lorMrW.Stopliensnn(Arfhurtou).l2lcros,blcilewes' (small), from lis liil to 83 3d ; and for Messrs .'.. and J. llrowntOreen Island), it eiosabred wethers at lis. Privately dining the week wo sold 1000 prime crossbred wethers.—-iiuxALii iii;n> and Co. sold for Mr J. Mackie (Tapanui), 57 crossbreds at Ms; from 11 soul bein client. Oil crossbreds al lis 9,1; for Mr .M'tioverin and Hardy (The Hook, Waitratc), 50 crossbred wethers at "ias; lor JU* A, Sutherland (Ngapara), :',5 crossbreds at his itd, 3SI merino wethers at Us 3d to Us; lor Messrs A. and J. Brown (Woolly Vall.'V), It merino wethers at (is (id; for Mr Johu Kineh (Milbuni).iiue ossbieds at 9s to lis 3d. As butchers' slocks will be very low by next week, we look for the advanced nites'of to-day being well uphold,'especially on lets lit for the fieeziii;; cham-ber.-H.M. D iuvkh (on behalf nr the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand. Limited) sold drafts on account, of .Messrs W. Rovse (Fortrose) anil P. Williams (Kaihiku), crossbred* ewes at up to .13 (id.— Pigs.—A yery large number came forw.-.rd this week, 3011 being penned, mostly porkers an 1 lightweight baconers. Tho demand was fairly g tod, but prices were if anything in favour of bu'yits. Host bacon pigs brought front :iUsto-lSs; prime oorkors, 20s to 28s; stores, 18a to 21s.—WliKiilT, Sykl'UKNsipn. amp Co. sold lit at questions.—Rt*:'i), Maclkan, ANI) Co. sold 65 as follows:-For Mr J. Thompson, •> baconers from 39s to lis; and for Messrs Jon sand Bourne (Washdyke), 51i Irom 21s toIIOs.-DoNALiißEiip ani, Co. sold 127 for Messrs 11. Cowie. W. Kirklniids. Shirley, and Wright nl, 21a 1.0 .'Ms.-11. H. Ditivtii (oil behalf of flic Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold— On account of Mr VV. Royse (Fortrose), 10 pigs at from 111-: lid to 2(ls ; on account of Mr D. M'Kinnon (liilemhlr), 30 do at 1r.,111 17a to 335, and 10 suckers at 10s 6d.

Storo Call Ic—Thero is nn improvement to report iv tho business done iv these. The market continues quiet, and. excepting some alight iuquiry for young cattle, there is very little demand, and the sales effected of small importance

Store Sheep.—The market in the meantime is alniosi, at a standstill. The only business passing is confined to the disposal of small lots suitable for fattening ; otherwise, tliere are no tales of auy consequent':; effected.

Sheepskins.— Monday's sales were well attended by i he trade, aud as good catalogues were submitted, both as regards quality and quantity, tliere was satisfactory competition, and prices generally may bo reported a shade better. Butchers' green stins: Crossbreds sold lit from 3s Id to is Cd ; merinos, from 2s 3d to 2s P'd ; dry country skins, from 7d to Is lid.

Rabbitskins.-Owing to the circulation of a report by Iho local buyers that the London market ruled easier at the public salc3 last Friday, prices here on Monday fell fully ljd per lb, and in consequence several bts were withdrawn by the auctioneers pending receipt of reliable information as to the state of the Homo market. To-day cable news readied the town to the effect that the supply is still inadequate ami that values for nicilium quality and half-grown skins are higher, and flic reason no doubt tliat reference is not made to best winter skins is that tht: market is bare of them ; ou May 21st these latter were worth up to 2s (i:]d per lb. Values on Monday last, iv this market for prime winters ranged from 18tl to 20d per Ib, others in proportion. Hides.—There is noqiiolable alteiatiou to note in the price of these, the market continuing in almost the same position as last reported. A fair demand exists for local requirements. Moderate supplies come to baud, all of which arc placed at almost equal to late rates. Buyers still complain of the carelessness shown by slaughtermen in flaying (so many hides coming to market cut and hacked), seemingly quite regardless of the depreciation in value caused in consequence. Quotations are: —For inferior and bulls', ljd to 2d; light, 2'd to 2Jd; medium 2Jd to 3!, d ; heavy, :\_il to M_ ;it over 001b and in satisfactory condition, -Id may be obtained.

Tallow.—Thore'is a very lair demand existing, and, st-tcks being limited, alt available supplies are readily placed, chiefly tor iocai consumption. Tliere is no improvement to noto in price in consequence. Reudercrs for the most part prefer shipping. Buyers for local use are therefore moic disposed lo take up all the odd lots comine; forward. VVe quote inferior anil mixed 10s to 13s; medium to good, 14s to Ids go;:d to best mutton, 17s to 18s : rough fat —Inferior iisto 7s, medium to good Ss tofts; best mutton, 10s to lis per cwt.

Ihiiin.—Whcit: This market continues firm, and although transactions are not heavy, millers are; operating quietly, and arc taking up mostly all con-, sigumentfl now coming to hand. We have no alteration to note in prices, which remain about the sume as last week. Some descriptions, such asTuscanand red straw, sci'm to b:i rather in short supply, and would command a shade over quotations, whicii we give as follows, vi/.: —For prime milling, 4s to 4s 2d ; minium to good, 3s Bd to 3s lid; inferior and fowls' wheat, 3s to 3s (id (ex store, lugs weighed in). Oats : The market does not show very much activity, but at the same time a qniet business is done. Acoilsidcrable quantify is changing hands,both for millit g and shipment, and although there is no quotable altera! ion in price, bright Bhort sorts are lirmer. These have been in good demand lately, Ihe quantity held being considerably reduced by this time. On the other hand, full stocks of discoloured ami the common sorts are on hand, which do not meet with the same inquiry. No doubt they will be required before long. We quote prime milling, ls 9*l to ls lOd ; best Bhort bright feed, ls 7jd to ls t'jd; medium, lsiijd to Is 7_d ; inferior, ls Id to ls Ud (ex stoic, lings weighed in), Earlcy: Market quie*, with but smaU demand and light stocks; business r.siilting is limited. We quote prime malting. 3s lOd to Is : medium, :ia (id to 3s fld ; feed and mil'ing, :is to 3s tid (ex store).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7929, 21 July 1887, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7929, 21 July 1887, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7929, 21 July 1887, Page 2