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"Prqpertieß_fdr jSale.^ REID <fc DUNCA NS, "63 Princes street, have FOR SALE :- HINDS—I4II acres good arable hind, all fenced HAKATEKAMEA—S2OO acre!, excellontllmobtono laud WAJKOUAITI-Convenient farm, 103 acres, cheap SEACLIFF-40 acres superior land BLUEBKIN—Thieo very convenient farms CLARENDON—I72-acre faiTn, with flax-mill, &c. WAIHOLA—674 acres Buperior land—sell or leaao ROSLYN—A fow ohoico residences OI'OHO—CottaRO and orchard; a bargain EVANSDALE- Corner half-aero near station ,and fine etorc sito DUNKDlN—Properties from £200 and upwards. Other farms of various sizes and localities, and numo , rous town and suburban properties on application. MONEY to Lend on good freehold eecuriUea. PROPERTIES managed. RENTS collected. Having had over a quarter of a Centura's experience in Otago, our advice may occasionally be of Bervice to new arrivals, and we will at all times have pleasure in affording ft. , REID & DUNCANS,. , Land Agents, Honey and Sharebrokers, and Authorised Surveyors and Civil Engineers, eS Princes street, Dunedln. 6]y im 0 R PRIVATE SALE, DUNCAN'S EMPIRE HOTEL, PalmeratMi. STABLES and OUTBUILDINGS. Applications to be sent in to the Undesigned, who is in a position to afford satisfactory reasons for the Proprietress wishing to dispose of the Hotel, which i* doing a. large trade, and who will give bonafide applicants the tallest information with respect to the business. The above is a splendid opportunity for an enterprising man of means of investing in an undertaking by which he is assured of accumulating a rapid indepenTho Hotel is situated near to the Railway-station, and tho purchaser have the option of taking the Railway Kef reshmeut-rooms, for which the Proprietress is the licensee. JOHN EVEREST, 30n Auctioneer, Palmerston. Xji 0 R S A L E, The AULD SCOTLAND HOTEL, comer of St&att and Cumberland streets. Apply IGn MARSHALL & COPELAND |^OB SALE, OR TO LET ON Jj . LEASE, All that LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, part of Section 13, Block VI, having a frontnge of 40!t i to Stafford street, with Buildings thereon, | lately occupied by James Winter and Messrs S. Tie Beer and Co. For particulars apply W. H. CHURTON, ■Id 21 Kattray street. FKKKEOLD PROPERTIES FOk SALE. nONNEBL & MOO DI B *_/ n»ve fnr Sale— 3HAO VALLEY.—A Ecautiful Summer Residence, with 40 acres first-class English pasture; house five rooms, very superior; grounds pli-.uted American trees; good garden; stabling, &c., fee. Price, £1000. Also, several Hrst-claes Furmn, irou; 6) to 600 acres. DUNEDIN.—Seven ■ roomed House, Cumberland street; full quarter-acre. Two Houses, London street, with full section; fine building sito. Section 63, block XXXVII, Dunediu, with fivoroomed Dwelling-house. Ten Acres aear Botanical Oarrlons(4fl). ANDERSON'S BAY.-Villa residence, brick and cement, 10 rooms; coioh-house, stable; grounds beautifully laid out, American trees, thorn hedges; orchard, over 120 fruit trees, lull bearing. PORT CHAUIF.RS-Scction 86ft. UPPER HARBOUR EAST.—About 12 acres on same Bide of Harbour, suitable for gentleman's suburban residence. ROSLYN.—Four-roomed House and Quarter-aero, near Tram terminus. | PALMERSTON.—SeveraI Sections for Rale. OAMARU.—Sections 1 and 2, Block XXXVI'; good site. RAVENSBOURNE.—Three-roomed House and several separate Sites. SITES in St. Kilda, South Dunedln, Orant'a Eraes, Rcckyside, St. Leonards. VAUXHALL.—A magnificent Site for a gentleman's villa, several acres in extent. Also, Dwellinghouse and Grounds. NEVADA. — Beautilul Suburban Residence, with charming view ; Quaner-acre ; nine rooms; brick tenement, extra well finished throughout. ST. LEONARDS. — Beautiful site, 2J acres, well sheltered; close to railway station ; small House. Also, another 64 acres, suitable Suburban Residence. NORTH HARBOUR AND BLUESKIN.—Sections 72 and 73, block VII LOVELL'S FLAT.—Good Farm of 1000 acres, mixed agricultural and pastoral; fenced, subdivided, partly cultivated. OTAGO PENINSULA.—Sixty Acres, with flnri-clasa Dwelling-house (eight rooms), Stable, and Outbuildings, POMAHAKA DlSTßlCT.—Sections 33, 84, 85, 38, and 87, Block VIII, price £4 per acre, near railwayBtation ; abo, a large block. HILLEND DISTRICT.—Farm, 231 acres, all Improved ; dwelling, aiablo, cattle-shed, barn.' HOKONUI DISTRICT (SOUTHLAND).—292 acres, adjoining Kiversdale. First-class farming land, cheap OLENKKNICH AND WAIPAUL—Several first-class farms, improved ; areas to suit purchasers—from 200 to 2000 acres. LARGE FREEHOLDS.-Several choice Freehold properties, from 4000 to 15,000 acres, with extensive improvements. SPECIAL SITE FOR MANUFACTORY, Near KILGOUR POINT. El O R SALE, -2- By Private Contract, Sections 14, 41, and 67, Sawyers'. Bay distrietarea, about 30 acres,—the property of Captain Thomson, harbourmaster; Together with Ten-roomed Dwelling-hcuse, in first-class order. This property forms the best site for a manufactory in Otago, being close to the Port, with a large quantity of level laud and line stream of water. A railway-siding from Sawyers' Bay Station (one mile from Port) can easily be run in on the level. Terms very easy. 7n LAND FOR SALE. mJBE NEW ZEALAND AND AUSJ_ I'RALIAN LAND COMPANY (LIMITED) la now prepared to treat for the sale of ESTATES and FARM 3 in Canterbury, Otago, and Southbnd, on the most Liberal Terms of Payment and luterett. Blocks of Land are already surveyed into farms on many of the properties, upon which moderate resorvo prices have been fixed, and any of then) nuay be selected. Where the land is not so subdivided, blocks may bo selected, and by applying to the Company prices will be obtained. The Company has already disposed of 115,996 acres for £605,425. The Company's properties in Canterbury and North Otago produce first-class wheat; and the Edendale Estate, iii Southland, is unsurpassed for oats, grass, and turnips. The Dairy Factory a now In full working order at Edondale. For plans and all other information apply to THE NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN LAND CO. (LIMITED), DnueiHn; Or its Agents In Cbristehuicb., Tltnam, Oatnaru, Dunedin, and Invercar ill. AGRICULTURAL LAND FUR SALE, . Subdivided nto FARMS AND ESTATES. SHE NEW ZEALAND AGRIOUL6. TURAL COMPANY (Limited) are now OFFERING FOR SALE the whole of their SPLENDID ESTATE, situated en the Mataura, extending from Gore to Athol and Dipton, and intersected throughout by railways and good roads, I BY FREB SELECTION, Upon the most LIBERAL TERMS OF DEFERRED PAYMENT AND INTEREST. A large number of settlers are already in successful occupation of farms on various parts of the Estate, and intending purchasers are invited to inspect the growing crops of wheat, hurley, oats, turnips, and grass. The Gain Brokers of toe Company in London, EEPORT ON CROPS grown on the Estate last season (1881-2) as follows :— " The value of the rod straw and white velvet wheat is about the same—6ss to 60s, the fortuor for strength, and the latter for colour ; and tho Tuscan would bo worth about 60s. The long Tartarian oats, 30s for 3521b; and the short onoi, say, 35s for 3SJlb—all delivered here. "It is seldom that wo sco such fine New Zealand wheat. The samples all round are of very prime quality; being well dressed and in splendid condition, they would always meofc a ready sale here." PASTORAL LANDS. The Company have for sale several Estateß of about 1000 acres each, along with which ttioy are prepared to loaso3 of their Crown pastoral lauds lor an unexpired torm of 10 years, at a very low rental, in blocks of any sizo to suit purchasers. " Sheep to btock those runs may also bo had it required. ADVANCES. Tho Company also undortako to advance (If required) to any purchaser the cost of substantial Improvements in fencing and buildings, not exceeding in the whole £1 per acre, ropayablu in fivo annual instalments, with interest. Also, . To make liberal Advances on Growing Crops of Gram, charging Inicrtst at current rates till repaid by the sale of grain or otherwise. For plans of the Estate, townships, &c. and other information, apply at the OFFICES of the COMPANY, Wantwood (near Maudevill«), Or to their Agents at Gore. Or at the various oSices ot tho Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited). r\ N SAL B. MALT—PaIe. Do Patent. HOPS-Calitornian. Do Nelson and Tasmania)). BUNGS, TEATS, SHIVES. 8 ti.p. STEAM-ENGINE. Sovoral First-cWs HOTELS in City. 270 MARSHALL k COPELAJTP.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4