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Pot Sftlo, Aa. GB O R Q E B L V T H, Crawford street, Duxidin, Has ON SALK: CEMENT—IOOO casks, Knight-Bevan'd, aostling's GALVANISED IRON-40 tons Orb FENCING WIRK-6, 7, 8, White Cross TlMßEK—Baltic, Deal, Kauri Hardwood, Posts, Rails, and Piling! BARK—Adelaide and Tasmanian BONE DUST, Guano POWDER—Blasting and Sporting, Shortridgo's MACHINERY—PortabIe Engines, byGarratt Threshing Machines Reaping- Machines, Cranes, Hoists, &c CORNSACKS, Woolpacks, Europe Rope CANVAS-Moore's, Isle of Man &c., : fee., &c. GEORGE~BLYTH, Importer and Exporter, and Grain Merchant. Agent for Otago— Mutual Insurance Company of . New Zealand. 16n GIBBS, BRIGHT, & CO., BOND STREET, DUNEDIN, HAVE ON SALE:— Milnor's Safes and Boxes Printing Papers, Printing Inka Branson'B Coffee Extract Taylor Bros.' Fancy Mustards, &c. Reckitt'd Blacklcad, Sauces Paints, Driers, and Varnishes Brushware . Whiskies-Glendarrock, bulk and case; and other Whiskies Pig Stout-Edmonds' new bottling, to arrive Champagne Vineyards Brandy—in bulk, flasks, and bait-flasks—and other Brandies Clareta-A. de Luze " St. Estephe," quarts and pints Lager Beer, pints and quarts Ale—Drybrough's, pints and quart?, to arrive Black and Galvanised Tubing, Files, &c. Blasting and Sporting Powder, Peruvian Guano Otto Silent Gaa Engines, to arrive Reckitt's Thumb Blue and Paris Squares Cement and Whiting. Calcutta Cornsackß. INDENTS for all description of GooJs executed on the most favourable terms. 17ju TOHNED M O N D, ?> IMPORTER HARDWARE, BAR-IRON, SHIPCHANDLERY, &c. PRINOBS AND BOND STREKTB. American and English Stoves, Ranges, Cheese Presses, Curd Mills; Lamps and Lampware; Sicker patent and other Safes; all-steel Coal Shovels; Guns and Sporting Material; Avery's and Fairbanks' Weighing Machines; Can (age Wood ware arid Mountings; Garden • and Fire Engines; Washing Machines, Mangles, Wringers, Bedsteads; Electroplated and Britannia Metal Goods;: Cord- ■ age, all kind*; Anchors, Chains, all sizes; Hosing and Sail Canvas; Muntz Metal; Ships' Outfits, and everything comprised in the above branches. • •■ 21 -VTEILL & CO. (LIMITED) HAYS FOR SALE, LANDING AND TO ARRIVE :- Invoice Cricketing Materials Do Fa"ncy Confectionery Do Er amelled Ware Galvanised Iron, Fencing Wire, Tin Plates Vestas, Candles, Windsor Blue, Vtunidhes Corks, Seaming Twino, Dried Fruits L.H. Rum, Geneva, Brandies, Ales and Stouts, &o Also, Three first-class Billiard Tablos with all appliCUMBERLAND STREEr TANNERY. | ON ~~8 A Ls B By the Undersigned, Every description of Leather for boot and harnessmaking purposes, White Leather for laces, Leather specially dressed for belts, pumps, and engine-hose. Beits made to order any size. Neatsfoot Oil, Plasterers' Hair, &c. CHAS. COOMB 3 & CO. Cash purchasers of liidos and Skins, any quantity. ISn fIHEESE PRESSES, \J Curd Mills, Milk Dishes, Churns, Scythes, Hay Rakes, Jelly Pans. 5d ARTHUR BRISCOE & CO. " |?,OLs THE BLOOD 18 TSJS Us*- ' A! CLARKE'S WORLD-VjLMBD BLOOD MIXTURE. THE GRBAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND BESTORfcB. HAS THE LAUGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE . IN THE WORLD. For cleansing and clearing the blood from Ml Its lmpnrltlers, it cannot be too highly rccomineadod. Koi Scrofula, Scurvy, S'.dn Diseases, and oorej if sM kind:), it is a novcr-ftUlmj- ani'.^srma-ioat oui9. It Cures Old Sores. Outes Ulcetated S&rss on the Heci, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the ?»C3 Catoi) Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancezous Uloere. Curfts Blacd Olid Shin Oise&jsa, Carc-3 feluKdalar Swellings (Hem!: tho Blood horn all laipnis rnniisi. : Flow, whatever cwK-e arljiny. &s this' is. pioasaEJ to"(ho tele, sad wairar.tcjil Una from anything irrmlous 60 the most collects) reuatifcttt'on or" titiihfrr sex, the Frootivtein rolicli suirereia to give it a trial to test ita value. Thousands ol Testimonials from »!1 PssSa. Sold In Bottloß, 2s 3d each, oad in cases, coaU'.niuj six timea tie quantity, lla each—suScieui to sf?toS J permanent euro In tha great majority of Icng-sttud'nj easy—by all CkemUto and Patent Hediulae Yiadcj: throughout ilio world. Sole Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Trade Mark—" BLOOD MIXTURE." Fxporl Agents—All the London Wholesale Homes. Agents tot Now Ze&iand i KEHPTHORNE, PROS3ER, mi 00., Wholesale Dru^glsta, DUNiIDIN and AIiCKLAKD. _ QTEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDEBS K3 FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. The value, of this well-known Family Medicine has been largely tested in all parts of the world, and by ail grades of society, for upwards of 60 years. Ite well-earned extensive sale has induced Spurious Imitations—some ol which in outward appearance co closely resemble the original as ts have deceived many purchasers. The Proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give a special caution against the use of such imitations. . ■ . . Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine:— ' Ist. In every case the words Joutf Stesduan, Chkmist, WaIjWORTh, Surret, are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. 2nd. Each Single Powder has directions for the dose, and the words, " John Steedman, CheiuM, Walwerth, Surrey," printed thereon. 3rd. The name Steedman s always opoli with two ce's. 4th. The manufacture Is carried on solely at W»I.worth, Surrey. Sold in packets by all Chemista and Medicine Vendors at Is Ud and 2s 9d each. Sold by Kempthorno, Prosaer, and Co.. Duncdia Otairo. LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR KING'S .dInDELION" AND QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury). Tub Best Reukdy for Biliouskess, Stomach Derasßemest, f[iatdi,escs, pains between tub Siiodldbrs, Bad Appbttk, iNDiflESTiox, Acidity, Hbadaceiik, Heartuur.v, and all other symptoms of disordered liver and dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to be tho safest and mildest Pills for every constitution. In boxes at lsljd, 2aSKI, and 4s Cd. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Prepared by Jaa. Rorke, London. Specially valuable tills for residents abroad and travellers. Sold by KKMPTHORNii, PROSSER, & CO. " CjULPHoLINE LOTION."—An Exk? tcrnai Moans of CQSING SKIN DISEASES. - There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to "Sulphoiiue" in a lew days, and comnionce to fado away oven if it seems past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring skin-disorders that have plagued tho suffered ' or years, however deeply rooted they may be, " Sulpnoline " will successfully attack them. It destroys the animalculse which causes these unsightly, i. ritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear, healthy, natural condition of the skin " Sulpholino Lotion "is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d. Made by J. Pepper and Co. London. Sold by KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO. EPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC rousea and develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, ague, indigestion, fevers of every kind, chest affections, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous toudencios, &c, The whole frarro is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties bri. htcned, tho constitution greatly strengthened, and a return to robust health certain. Bottles, 32 doses, 4s (id; next sizo.Us. Sold by Chemists everywhere, "lie name of J. Popper, Bedford Laboratory, London, must be on the label. There is no Tonic so certain in effect us Popper's Quinine and Iron. It is Btrouuly recommended to residents in India and tho Colonies, and should always be kept ready for use in every case of fever or febrile condition. Sold by KEMPTHORNE, PtIOSSEU, & CO. mARAXAOUM and PODOPHYLIIn _8_ Prepared only by J. Pepper, London.—This fluid combination, extracted from medicinal roots, Is ■no"' used instead of blue pill and calomel for tho cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion'of the livor, which are generally pain beneath the shouldti'3, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in tho morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very siightly acts on tho bowels, giving a souse of health and comfort within L' 4 hours. It is the safest medicine Turaxaemu and Podophyllln is a fluid made only by J. PEPPEtt, Bedford Laboratory, London, *hose natno Is on every label. Bottles, 2s 9d and is Cd. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine for India, Australia, the Capo, and Colonies generally Fold by KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO. 22d THE REMEDY FOR CURING iHONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, \^ ASTHMA, CROUP, All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Pulmonary Orsfaas. By Its Faithful Use CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED When other remedies and physicians have failed to effect & curs. Racommondcd 'by Physicians Ministers, and Nurses—in fact by overybo'dy who has given it a good trial. IT NEVER FAILS TO BRING RELIEF Mothers will find it a safe M-.d sure remedy to giv their children when atlliclad with Croup. It Is harmless to tho most delicate child. It contains no Opium in any form. CAUiiON.-Call for ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, and shun the use of all rorcedies without merit, ie an Eipoctorant It has no equal. tST For sale by all Mei'iclne Dealers. BAres, sise, & co., Agents, Dußh' D.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 4