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AMMUNITION, &c. ELEVS AMMUNITION. I BOX R OAEIBIDOES KOH SNIDER RIFLE. Tho Above CartridgcsAro made 1h three sizes, viz., .577 (or Snider EnSeW) bore; .500 (or half-Inch) bora ; and Ail (or small) bore. TnHESE Cartridges have been adopted, I after careful comparative trials, against all other ' descriptions, by Her Majesty's War Department, as the I Standard Biflo Ammunition for the British Army, and arc not only used exclusively for the Snider I Biflo, but arc uUptcd to all other systems of Military Breech-loading Kifles. They arc the cheapest Cartridges known, carrying their own ignition, and, being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and imperishable ia any climate. Boxer Cartridge Cases (empty), of all three sizes, packed with or without bullets, and machine for listening samo in cartridges. Makers of Boxer Cartridges .460 boro, for revolving pistols n use in Her Majesty* Navy. Pin Cartridges for Lcfauchcux revolvers of 12 M, 911, anil 7 M, boro. Central Fire and Pin Fire Cartridges, for all sizes of juns, rilies, and revolvers. Double Waterproof and E B Caps. Wire Cartridges for killing game at long instances. Felt Waddings to improve the shooting of guns; *ud overy description of Sporting and Military Ammunition. EL E V BROTHER Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C Wholesale on y. MEDICAIi. FRENC H MEDIC IKES I'IIErAUKB BY OIIIMAULT and CO., Chemists to H.I.H. Prince Napoleon, PARIS. These different medicines represent the most recent medical discoveries!, founded on the principles pi chemistry and therapeutics. They must not be confounded with secret or quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indicate their composition ; a circumstance which ban caused them to be appreciated and prescribed by the faculty in the wkole world. They widely differ from those numerous medicines advertised in the public papers as able to cure every posslblo disease, aa they are applicable only but to a very few complaints. The most stringent laws exi*t in Franco with regard to the nalo ef medical preparations, and only thorn which have undergono an examination by the Academy of Medicine, and havo been proved efficacious, eßhcr in the Hospitals or in the practice of the first medical men, are authorised by the Government. Tliis fact must bo a guarantee for tho excellency of Messrs Orimault and Co.'* medicines. DOCTOR LKRAS'S (Doctor of Medicine) Liquid Phosphate of Iron. Tho newest and most esteemed medlcino in cases of— Chlorosis, Pains in tho Stomach, Difficult Digestion, Diamenorrhea, Animca, General Debility, and Poorness of Blood. It la particularly recommended to regulate tho functions of nature, and to all ladies o£ delicate constitution, as well as to persons suffering under every kind of debility whatsoever. It is the preservative of healtl ' par excellence" in aU warm and relaxing climates. NO -MOIIE COD LIVER OIL. Grimault's Syrup of lodized Horseradish. This medicine lias been administered with the utmos success in tho Hospitals of Paris. It is a perfect sub stituto for Cod Liver Oil, and has been found mo* benencial in diseases of tho chest, scrofula, lymphatii disorders, preen sickness, muscular atony, nnd loks o appetite. It regenerates the constitution in purifyini the blooil, it being the most powerful depurativ known. It has also been applied with happy result* ii diseases of the akin. Further, it will be found to be o great benefit to young children subject to humour and obstructions of tho glands. CONSUMPTION CURED. Grlinault's Syrup of llyiwphospu ite of Lime. Tills new mdicino is considered to lie a Foverci(? remedy in cases of consumption and other dlec-iscs c tho lungs. It promptly removes all tho most serial: symptoms. The cough is relieved, night penipinitioi: ceaso, and the patient is rapidly restored to heulth. N. B.—Bo Buru to m tlint tho signature ef Griiimu and Co. is affixed to the bottle, as this syrup is liable t Imitations. NO MORE DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL DIGESTION. Dr. Burin Dv Buia-on's (Laureate of the Paris Imperial Academy of Medicine) Digestive Lozenges. Tills delicious preparation is always prescribed I tho most reputed medical men in France in cases < derangement of the digestive functions, such hh— Gastritis, gnstralgia, long and laborious digestioi wind in the stomach and bowels, emaciation, jaundic and complaints of tho liver and loins. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA, Diarrhwa, dysentery, instantaneously cured by 'Grimault'H Guarana. This vegetable Biibstimce, which grows in tl Brazils, ha« lieen employed since tiino immemorial I euro iiitlaiiunation of the bowels. It has proved of In to be of the greatest servico in cases of chulera, us it a prcveuUtive and cure in cases of diarrlicea. NO MOKE DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Dr Uuzcnuvc's pills. The efficacy of these pills has been fonnct after '. years of experience in this hospital of Saint-Louis, i Paris, under the direction of Professor Cazeiiave, he: medical man. This hospital is especially devoted to ti cure of skin diseases. NO MORE DYSPEPSIA, Vomiting during pregnancy, or Sea Sickness. Grimault s Elixir of Pcpsine. Pepsino undergoes no alteration in tliia delicioi preparation. Jt win, consequently, bo preferred pcpslnc powders or pills. It is tho digestive mcdiuii " par excellence," and it is, at tho same time, a mo agreeable bible liqueur. Messrs Grimault beg to call the attention of tl faculty nnd of th« public in general to the fact tli roul ptiwine is prepared in France alone. It is f: superior to all others, often extracted from the stonuu of porci. NO MORE COPAIBA, OR CUBERS. Griinaulfs Capsules and Liquid Extract of Matio Vegctalis. Whcro all other medicines have failed, these pr paratious will always effect a cure. The*; liimui rapid and extraordinary cures of severe recent in chronic ca«ci of private disease. They arc used in tl hospitals of Puris, by tho celebrated Dr Riconl, ai are found greatly superior to all hitherto know mineral remedies and copaiba and cubebs. The ii joction In used in recent, and capsules in tho moi chrouic cafccs. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. Indian cigarettes prepared with the essence of Cnnabis Indica. Wonderful results have bean obtained from the a of these cigarettes, by persons Buffering from astlin and other complaints of the respiratory organs. N.lJ.—All the übovo medical preparations are a companled by instructions as to the manner in whit they are to be taken. GENERAL DEPOT:— In PAKIS, at Grimault and Co., 43, ltuo Richelieu. In LONDON, at Newberry nnd Sons, '15, St. Paul Church Ynrd. In NELSON, MrT. B. Jladfleld. In INVKUCARGILL, Mr G. M. G. Clarke. In DUNEDIN, Trustees of Henry Youngman, lal Mes«r» FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., uud '. M. Wilkinson, Medical Hall. Princes street. li. J. COLLIS BROWNE',1 CHLORODYNK.—Vicc-Chancellor Sir W. Paf Wood stated )>iiblicly in Conrt that Dr J. Coll Browne wiu undoubtedly the Inventor of Chlorodyne and that Wie whole story of the defendant Freeman wj deliberately untrue, and he regretted to gay it had bee sworn to.—Sec the Times, July la, 18W. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodync.—Tlie Right Hor Earl Rußsell communicated to the College of Phyxiciai and J. T. Davenport that he had received informatio to the effect that tho only remedy of any service i Cholera was Chlorodyne.—Seo Lancet, December X 1804. Dr J. Cullis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Extract froi Jftdical Times, January 11-',I 1-', 1800.—"Is prescribed b scores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of court it would nut be thus singularly popular did it nc ' supply a want and fill a place.' Dr J. Collis Browne's Ohlorodyne is tho best on most certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, con sumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, &c. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Extract from th General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy ii Cholera :—" So strongly are wo convinced of the im men* value of this remedy, that we connottooforcibl, urge the necessity of adopting it in all cases." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of Hos pituls, Bombay: — " Chlorodyno is a most valuabli remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe my restoration to health after eighteen months' severe suffering, and when all other medicines had failed." Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is a certain euro in Cholera, Dysentery, Biarrhoea, Colics, &c. ■ Dr. J. Collix Browne's Chlorodync.—Caution.—Ncnc genuine without tho words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chloroclyne" on tho Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Solo muuufacturer —J. T. Davonport, 32, Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, London. The immense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price. It is now sold in bottles. Is lid, 'in 9d, 4s Cd, and 11s. Agentß for Melbourne: Taylor and Co., Collins street Wiat; Mcisrs Foltoii, Grimwade, and Co. Wholesale agents : Messrs Elliott Brothers, 181 Pittstreet, Sydney. Agents for Adelaide: Messrs F. H. Fouldlng and Co. . Wholesale agenta for New Zealand: Messrs FRiiNCU, liEMPTHORNE, and Co., • Duncdin. "■■ FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTHT ~ THIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all disorders of tho stomach and bowels. Two or three dozes will convince the afflicted of its salntary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its Btrcngth • a healthy action of the liver, bowels, nnd kidneys will rapidly take place, and renewed health will be the quick result of taking tliis medicine, according to tho directions accompanying each box. Persons of a full habit, who nre subject to headache, giddiness, drowsiness, and singing in tho ears, arising from too great a flow of blood to the lieoil, shonld never be ■without them; us many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their timely use. For Females, these Pills are truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing headache so very prevalent'with tho wuc,1 depression of spirits, dulness . of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples and salfcmpS' a"d ghC a hCttlthJl iUVCna° WoOm To Mothers they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can bo taken; and for children of all ogee they are niieqiaillod. j , . These pjiib unite tho recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect; and for elderly people, or where an occasional aperient in tl ■quired, nothing can be better adapted.! . ■ Her Majesty's ComuUsßißners have anthorised the ?i?? "wf fddrcfw of'» Thomas Prout, No. 229, Strand! ■ Trustee* of Henry Yonnirman late ; ntBNCa, K£MPIHoS I ' l S d * Co . > Dunoiin, '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4