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MEDICAL. DR. CllA\Vi''Uli£>, Consulting Surgeon and Accoarhk-or, Ih-^si to intimate that ho nifty bo consulted in all Urj Isrannhi* ot his Profession, at tain Medical Laboratory, i'riucoa street, o»poslte th« Criterion Uotel. Dr. U. bus great experience of the following dlsetMßt viz :— Diseases irjcuUur to women and children Discuts vi the heart ami luuga Diseases of the digestive system DiHKtscs », i thu ntu-voua system. Diseases ■! the eye Diseases if tho t-iln Di.-t'aso-. of thu blood. Advice gratis from 3 to 12 a.m., and from 6 to 10 p.m. tTr t. h. goodsir, Member Royal College of Surgeons ot England, 4tc, LATE SUUUEO.N 01' THE EJIIUU.VXT SHIP TIMAHV, At horao for Consultation, daily, from 9 to 12, No. 3C, HIGH STREET, DUNKDIN. A YER'S HAIR VIGOR, XX For RESTORING The NATURAL VITALITY And COLOUR OF THE HAIR. This elegant preparation stimulates tho enfeebled glands of tho scalp into health; action, arrests the fall of the hair, and promotes its luxuriant growth, rendering it Soft, Youthful, and Glossy. FADED or OKKY HA IJft Is invariably RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOUR when the Vigor is applied in accordance with directions. It contains neither D V B nor OIL, And -will not soil thu most dulieato fabric. Hay bo had of All chemists and druggists, Price Ob per bottle. Tropared by J. C. Ayor and Co., analytical chemibU, Lowell, Moss. U.S.A. Wholesale Agent for Australia and New Zealand, HENRI J. HART, Qncen street, Melbourne. Agents for Otago, r, lIAYM.AN and Co. TRUSTEES OF HENRY YOUNGJtAN, FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., WHOLESALE RDUUOISTS, and Importers ef (iennino drugs rom their original sources, chemicals fr»m tho be?' Viglish manufacturers; English, Foreign, and American patent medicines and perfumery from Lhoi rnroorietorß; druggists' sundries, photographic chemical painters' OU.I, French polißh, dyo stuffs, corks, aed manufacturers' goods; dental, veterinary, an sargical instruments, and medical appliances of erery Kind, which they offer on liberal nuA odvuntngcoa terms — wholesalo only — selected from their extensive open stock, ur many articles at reduced rates in original packages. Their numuroai European AKuucieF, with tholr arrangements for ootuinlng supplies direct from Kiigland, and tiieir established business throughout th« Colony of New Zealand, with tho ready menus of commuuication, give tnem (icculiar facilities for filling all demands as they arise, and doing business to tho satisfaction of tho purchaser. Ckkmists and Diiuuuisr.s, besides every ordinary requirement, can procure of F., X., and Co. all noveltica connected with tliu tnulo, and can select on thoil premises all essentials to commence or extend businues —including window carboys, specie jars of now and elaborate designs, shop bottled, and general furnishings, at a. uioru satisfactory ratu than il imported by themselves; an assortment of urst-elass «urgical Instruments, trusses of erery size and make, elastic stocking, beltrt, ic., magnetic machines, feeding bottles from every maker, Turkey and bath sj ionics, surgical and pliarmoccutic glass and eanhenware, chemical and pluirmuccutiual apparatus, scented soaps from the best manufacturers ; with goods for prcMiiituttan, fluoh ftt toilet bottles, (josncll's cut-glass pint perfumes, silvercappod smullliijf bottles, and every other requisite. (Shortly expected, the new British I'harinacopceia rt* medics.) S'l'OltKKKKl'Elis* good* imported ami ntwayn on sale, IIolluw:iy'!> pills anil ointment, l'crry Duvia'B paihkillor ; Xownseiid's, Bristol's, and Ayer'u BursaparUla (which may I*1 had duty paid or in b-jtid), Taylor's cocoa, extract o. meat, otsorh-d culinary essences, cayenne pc-|ii.vr in bottles, jujubes and pastilles, liquorice, gcL-uino, wUljittre, Hiilphur, saliul ami cantor oils, Uuid magnesia, ijeidlctz powders, Epsum aalw in packutß, Aic.; a:id CutiKi'iiv S'i'OHKKKKrEiis aro invited to select from their stock on visiting IJunciiin, or their correspondence will meet with prompt munition. In localities wtiere tiie drug business may Ims uiircprchcntcd, a lnrga and prolitablo nddition may l.w made to tho siorekovpiuK business by vending various articles conuisctud with tuu trade, which aro in demand wherever there is a population. FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE. and Co. have been appointed the wholesale agents for Now Zealand for thu lollowint: — Keatn.g'g cough lozenges, innccticido, and worm tablets. Bishop's granulated citrate of magnesia. Dr ColliH lirowiic's chlcrodyuo. Tho only genuine, prepared by Davenport. O'lvoiU's oxide of copper pomade, for removing balduesa. Qrimault'H French medical preparations, Dr Churchill's specific remedlea for consumption, prepared by H. Swjinn, I'aria. Blair's gout pilLs, and Frampton's pIIL For lull i.■nrtic'.iliirs of nil the above, boo tho various proprietary .■utvertib'jrnciiU, in this and the other New Zealand j.iij*'^ They are nko sole ayei.U for N. Z. for :— Dr Dc Jemyh's light brown coil liver oil, tho nnlform purity and elllcacy of which iimki! it tho moat reliai.:"' preparation know;;. A l;irge stock ir. original ciu-eh- li.ilf-pinta, pint-., a-:-l <iunrta— always on hand. Cuoper'i) ulnupiuo liibui-', for immotliato mustard POIIJIiU'S. How'k embrocation, or fannem' friend. Judtion'u Biiuple dyes lor tho people, in 14 colora, which will dye anything, uud which anyone can urn; and Pitssc and LubinV perfumery, " from even- flows* that breathes a fragrance." Ex Catharina, Warrior Queen, kfi.: — Townsend's earsaparilla, Dr C. J. Ayer's medicinea Barry's tricophenis, Florida water ; col.::i, olive, boilea and raw linteed oil, spirits, Lar, blue atone, turpentina hump, raj.c, and canary .'cod, Sxhooiin's pastilles, pure white sugar candy, soft soap ; Cocklo'B, I'arr'e, and I'rain.-jtun'a pills, Kyita's cocoa, lirovfii ami Poison's corn Hour, Liebcg'K fooiJ, L>u iiarry'B ruvulenta, Nolson's gelatine, perfumed soaps, Murray's ina£iie3ia r indexieitl silver soap, new British phnrmacopxlas, Rieljaiiihon'g anoasthetiu ujiijaiatut, Rii.nncrs Mine juice :n;d ylycorine, combs, Lrushwarc, Uosriell's Ean do colofrr:e ; v inatiiiliceni awortmeut ot metal pull, boxes, with Rowland's, iteiKer's, illinn»;H'B, liosnull'o, Atkius.jn's. and Briedei«l<ach:» telect go<xln. COKD.'AL, MAKKitS' Ui'OU.S, comprising G.B. and. B.W. bolik-s, Enyliah'.uid Spanish cut U.b. and S.\V. Corks, whiting, ginger, oili, ovide, i»-ences, qninIne, brandy colouring, reclined spirit, (d p. or in Iwndj, capsules Hi'aming tvrinc, cut tinfoil labels, tinned and copper .wir»,*and all other articles rc-iuired in their ' busiucts ; also, tinfoil for tobacconists' use, winecorko. . and botrlc wax ior wine merchants, brewers' bung?, isinglass, and bruwars' and bottlera" sundi-ied. By pur chasing tUcso goods in quantity, they can offer at a lower rate than the consumer can import. A largo stock of the leading i'HOTOGBAPHK AJITICI.ES :— Re-crystal nitrate silver, Chloride of gold, Maw-sen's Keen's, and Pontiug's collodionH, ulbuuicuised paper, Sohnee Frere's vuruiEh, l-ic. These go«U in originalcases at a marginal reduction. Sodium amalgam,'quicksilver, and crucibles. Depot for It. uml L. i'erry nnd Cob Lomton medlclncii. Importers of Jcechcß. Agents lor Otago for the QUKR.f Inhuiiaxce COMI'AS V. Lifo policies granted on the most liberal tennu rates the lowest in tho Colonies; and Fire risks takua at the lowest current rates. X'rospcctuses on apj.lica tion to the Trustees of JJenrv Yuiingman, late FKENOU, KKMPTUORNE. and Co.. Duncdiru DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of tho Older of Leopold oi Belgium) LIGHT BROWN COD LIVKIi OIL. Tho practical experience of the most eminent medical men during the last 'i<i years has now conclusively ctitablisUid tho fact that the lull benclicial elTicts of Cod Liver Oil can be renluctl only by the use o£ Or. de Jongh'B pure and palutiiblc Light liro *n Oil. Consumption and Diseases of the Chest. Dr. de Jongh's Oil is adminihkred with extraordinary success in cases o£ consumption and diseased of the chest. Allen O. Chattaway, Esq., Surgeon to tho Leominstcr Infirmary, England, writes :— "Iho effects of Dr. do .longh's Oil aro very far superior to those of any other Cod Liver oil. Nearly four j'cant Rinco, two cases of conlirmeJ Cuntinnption were placed under my care. In both the lungs were a mass of tubercular deposit, and every possible tound to be heard in phthisis was present. Tho sole remedy employed was Dr. do Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil; and now the putiuiiu* are strong and fat; thediseased (abnormal) bounds nearly inaudible; aid iv the one case (male), hunting, fishing, and shaoting are freely indulged in, the patient cijinnisinj; himself quite capable o£ urn ergoiiig as much fatiguu as any o£ his fellow-Bportfmcn." Debility of Adults and Children. Dr. do Jongh's Oil pomcbdcs unequalled uud peculiar nutritive and restorative propertied; hence its marvellous cfllcacy In debility of adults and children. RowJand Daiton, Esq.,, L.S A., District IfcdicalOfficer at Bury bt. Edmuuds, England,, writesr —" Dr. de Joiigh's Oil iias ccrta nly Iji-eu the only means of saving my life on two occasions, and evert now, wbeu I led >'out of condition,' 11 ike it. and like it, unmixed with anything, as being the mo3t agreeable way." Thomas Hunt, Esq., Medical Officer of Health* Bloomsbury, London, writes :—'■ For badly-nourished. infants, Dr. do Jough'g Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil Is invaluable. The rupidici with which two or three tea-spoonfuls per diem will fatten a .young olrild is astonishing. Children generally like the t-rsto of Dr. do Jongh'g Oil, aud when it is giveu them, often cry for more." - Dr de Jongh's Light Brown Cod Liver Oil is sold only in capsuled " Imperial" half-pints, 2s Cd ; pints, 4s 1*1; qnaris. 9s; labelled with his stamp ami signature, " without which none can possibly be genuine," by Cheinista, Druggists, ami Storekeepers throughout tfco world. Solo Consignees: Ausar, Harford, and Co., 77, -strand.London, Vf.OAgents: , Mow Zealand—French, Keinpthorno, and Co., Duncan^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4