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TO IJ3T. T O L ET. A TWO - ROOMED HOUSE and tx. Stabling, with n Fifty-aero Paddock, on the kiulersona Bay read, within one mile from tho Poet MBce. Apply to M'CALLUM, NEILL, and Co., Bond street. T O LX T. piIRST-CLASS VILLA RESIDENCE. BIX ROOMS, and GARDEN Anderson's Bay. Apply M'LANDRESS. HKPBUBN, and Co. PA B M T~O B~E LET. A pplcndid Farm at'Otepopo, containing abont 200 acres, nearly all fenced and under crop. Has a Dwel-ling-home, Stable Barn, &c. For rent, term, and other particulars, apply to UcdsrH Council and Moodlc, land agents, Dunodin ; or Conncll and Webb, land agents, Oamarn. ] FARM TO LBT. TO LET, for a term of years, a Firstclawi Farm of 10<)0 acres In the Tokomniriro District, fruti.iug tbe Vain South Road, all fenced, with dwelling-house of novcn roonu, stable for seven horses, bum, iitift. x 18ft., stockyard, cart and other abuls, garden well Mocked with fruit trees, tic, Ik. For particulars, apply to M'LANDBESS, UEPBCBN, and Co. Auctioneers, Dunedin. WOTICE. rpo be LET by TENDER, the Stables > attached to the Victoria Hotel, Lawrence I Tenders to bo forwarded to W, E. Fairer, or Dr. Stewart, on or before tho 4th December. ' TO LET—-Comfortable Two, Five, and Six-roomed detached COTTAGES. Apply Brown'i Store, top Kattroy street. O~BE~LET OR SOLD, New Six roomed House; reducud rent. David Boss Architect, Princes street. mO LET, a 5-roomed Brick COTTAGE, I Apply to Jacob Fogel, Great King street.. TO LET, THE House and Grounds in Leitl street, Pclichet Bay, the property and resident; of Wm. Carr Young, Keg., to whom apply, on the pre mtecs. EDUCATIONAL. PIANOFORTE AND SINGING. MISS BELL Iteceivoa PUPILS at MB C. BEGO'S MUSIC SALOON, Princes street. Terms, at Mr Begg's, Four guineas per quarter ; at Elwood Cottage, Cumberland Btroet, Three guincaa and at the rcsidenoe of the pupils, according to distance. T>OARDING and DAY SCHOOL XJ For Young Ladles. The MISSES SPROULB, Lackbeg House, Comer of Maitland street and 'Walker street . Prospectuses orwarded on application. BUSINESS NOTICES^ WM. COUS T0 N, FURNISHING IRONMONGER, Tin-plate Worker, Plumber, and GAS-FITTER. Returns his sincere thanks to his Friends and th< Public generally, for tho liberal support he has received for the last ten years, and begs to Inform than that he lias now opened his New Premises in RATTRAY STREET, Where ho hopes, by strict attention to business, ani moderate prices, still to merit their patronage, &c. : MANOLKS ! MANGLES ! ! MANGLES !I! A AND T. BURT have much pleasure • in re<me>-.t'i!B tho attention of their Friends am the Public, that they liavc be-on appointed Solo Agent* for the Kale of Low nnd Duff's Patent Mangles in Key Zealand. The large reputation they hare gained it the Home Country. Victoria, and New South Walts, h ample proof of their efficiency. They take up littli room, simple In conntniction, moderate in price, au< arc most useful article* in any household. Tliu first shipment have just lauded by Wm. Davie and can now bo inspected on the premises. Note the Addrew— OTAGO PLUMBER, COPPER. St. BRASS WORKS, Princes street, mar OctagonF. CHRISTEN and Ca . OUAIN AND >'LOUK MERCHANTS, Shipping Agent?, ie, ADELAIDE, AND PORT ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. _ _ __. "IVTR WM. BUR ALL, Mechanical anc jLVJL Mining Engineer, Next Bank of New South WaUa. Mr Enroll will undertake the designing ai.d erectioi of oil descriptions of Mining and other'ilnehiiicry General Management of Cemi'iiniey, including period! cal inspection and practical Supervision of Quart* ai.e Alluvial Mining interesu. Wiiw H.u-cb, Uc "Contractor to the Honorable Board of Admiralty. PLIZ A TIN S L E V, JLi Sedgely, near Dudley* in England, manufacturer of Wrought Nulls, best, E. T. Charcoa Horse Nails, Chains, and Rivets, and of rATKKT WIIOUGHT KAILS, Exactly nimllar In every respect to tho Ewbonk nail The attention of merchants is particularly called U the prompt execution their indent* will receive, one the bettor terms they will obtain if entrusted to thi ttbovo-tiniruMl Ilrra. London, 24, Chisn'cll strtet. I BEG to call attention to my BAKING POWDER, which has now stood tho test ol public opinion for more than twenty years, my objocl being to caution against purchasing any article wiiicti does not bear my trade murk and signature. Sptirioaf and injurious Bubstuncer. I find, arc boing plnccd befort tlie I'ublic as Baking Powder, to tho injury of mv urticlu, and tlic health of those using such spurious imitations. The article can be purchased of oil respectable Storekeepers, Chc-mi<-tH, and Grocers. I would also cnll the attention of Captains and Owners of Passenger and Emigrant fillip.*, to the importance' of taking a good supply of this useful article to sea, as it is not only a great Boon to Passengers, Oflicera, &c., but etfects a Rreat saving In time, and economises labour in Making Bread, Pastry, Sic., independent of the benellcial results on tho health of those on board. GEORGE BORWICK. BKRVICJB, GIB3ON, and Co., Wholesale Agents, fDunedin. L O THTN G — Wholesale — "Axe Bnind." Jient valuo for money, is the Trade Mark of Favcll and Bousctields, \2, St Mary Axe, Jxmdon. For patterns aud further information, application must be mode to the above address only. LE A A~N D~P ER R I NS'S Celebrated WORCESTER AUOE, JOeclared by Comioisscirs to be Tho only good Sauc«. Caution against fraud. The saccesß of tliis most delicious nnd unrivalled condiment having cauecd certain dealers to apply the name of " Worcestershire Sauce" to their own inferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine, is to Ask for Lea and Perrinu's Sauce. And to aeo that their names are upon the wrapper, labels, stopper, and bottle: Some of the foreign markets having been upplicd with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which the name of Lea and Perrins have been forged, L. and P. give notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power of attorney to take instant proceeding! against* manufacturers and vendors of such, or any other imitations bj trhich their right may ba infringed. Auk for Lea and Pen-Inn's »auoe, and soo the lame on -wrapper, lable, bottle, and stopper. Wholesalo and for export by the proprietors, Worcester ; Crowe and BUtckwell, London, Sic., ic.; aid by Grocers and Oilmen universally. Agents, Dalgcty, Rattray, and Co.. Otago. JUDSON'S SIXI'LE DYES FOR THE PEOPLE (REGISTERED), Are undoubtedly the most useful article ever offered to the public. Anyone can use them. A NYTHING can be dyed with them in XjL a few -minutes, without soiling the hands. In England," Jurtson'sDyea" areas "Household Words." Articles of clothing, that have been put aside as faded md useless, may be made nearly new, by merely following- the eixaplo directions appended to each bottle of dye. Names of Colors s—;Magenta, mauve, violet, scarlet, jreen, blue, pink,, crimson, brown, ■■ canary, • orange, jtock.—Price sixpence per bottle. May"be bad of druggists ai>«l storekeepers throughout he world; or wholesale of ' ■ ; DANIEL JUDSON and SON, ./; ' I9a, Colenuin-i.t., London. N.B.—A, Email bottie of enlor will dye 12 yards of tonnotribbons. , ~ ■ .. . i . ~:■■* gZT See that yon got " J u4xm,'»" simple dye*, th« rondcrfnl popularlrr of wh&A has caused numerous afcri»r imiutionn, which are calculated to injure both «iyero and idlen. . - Aak for our catalogue of instruction* how to tue til* yo» for twwrty different pnrpesea. " JadMß'a Simplo Pfm.'

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 4