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WELLINGTON RACING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. President, H. D. Bell ; vice-presidents, E. Pearce and T. G. Macarthy ; judge, G. H. Scales ; hon. treasurer, F. Franklyn ; timekeeper, N. Grace ; stewards, Jas. Ames, W. E. Bidwill, J. Duncan, G. H. Harbroe, J. B. Harcourt. C. P. Skerrett, J. Saunders ; starter, H. Piper ; hon. surgeon, Dr James R. Purdy ; clerk of the scales, J. Wilkins; handicapper, J. O. Evett; clerk of the course, G. McDonald ; secretary, H. M. Lyon. " The largest attendance and the best day's racing ever seen on the Hutt Park course " was the general opinion expressed by those competent to judge with regard to the Wellington Cup Day of 1806. Although the strong northerly gale made it anything but pleasant on the course such great interest was taken in the racing that the 50)0 visitors who were present simply ignored the wind, and determined to thoroughly enjoy the excellent sport provided. The course was in perfect order, and the going first-class. The lawn, saddling paddock and surroundings looked beautifully fresh and green, and the grand stand, crowded with ladies in brilliant and charming costumes, made a perfect picture. The number of visitors from all parts of the Colony was unusually large, and agreeable surprise and pleasure was expressed by many visiting the Hutt Park for the first time at the exeedent course and appointments provided by the club and the thorough manner in which racing is conducted by the Wellington Racing Club. The stewards and officials worked hard to make the gathering a success, and are to be

congratulated on the result of their labours. Mr Scales as judge gave his decisions with unusual promptness and accuracy, and deserves every praise for the manner in which he discharged his onerous duties. The Club's new starter, Mr H. Piper, is a worthy successor to the late Mr S. Powell, and the thoroughly practical and successful way in which he despatched the large fields on the 22nd was a treat to witness. The close finishes in most of the different events must have been exceedingly gratifying to Mr J. O. Evett, as handicapj>er. The large amount of ,£10,48S was put through the totalisator daring the day, .£2597 being invested on the Cup race alone, which is a substantia] increase on the amount put through last year. Minifie's Band played capital selections, and was much appreciated. The luncheon, under Mr H. Price's supervision, was a decided improvement on those of former years. Although a larger number must have travelled by rail than in any previous year, the railwaj T officials were fully equal to the occasion, and despatched the crowded trains well up to time. The ease and precision with which Mr H. M. Lyon executes his multitudinous duties is simply marvellous, and to his watchful care and attention much of the success of the meeting is due. The Cup furnished one of the finest races ever seen on the course. Lady Zetland was the only one of the 15 acceptors to withdraw, and great interest was taken by the public in the toilets of the remaining 14. The ladies mustered in strong force in the saddling paddock, and the different candidates were eagerly scanned and admired by lovers of the thoj'oughbred. Saracen, on account of the withdrawal of Lady Zetland, claimed a lot of attention, and his magnificent proportions left nothing to be desired. He looked the picture of health and muscular development, and his looks alone cost many an investor a pound. Skirmisher is also a splendid specimen of the thoroughbred, and looked fit and well, and his connections were very confident of success. Lorelei is a fine rakincr mare, and looked well able to carry her Sst 71b. The Shrew is one of the small sort, but the remembrance of her spring victories on this same course with high weights up made many support her chance. Rangipuhi never looked better. Spindrift was in the pink of condition, and gained many admirers. Panoply is a fine upstanding horse, but was neglected on account of

being stable companion to Stepfeldt. Dreamland has been seen looking better. Stepfeldt is not a big one, but had the appearance of having undergone a sound preparation, and her party had backed her so freely that many looked upon the Cup as a foregone conclusion for thv. cl:ivt}\- <■•)• ■■•' Vm-denfeldt. Kent was as gs.y .:. . '.'•.'. ~ .i. .... ~ and in great heart, but sadly disappointed his connections in the race. Pompom was considered out-classed, but Searchlight was given a chance on account of her appearance and breeding. Brooklet, by those who saw her run second to Lorelei at Palmcrston, was voted a fair thing, and most of those who supported her did so on the strength of that performance alone. That she is a sterling marc the time for the race proves, and as she is capable of carrying good imposts she shall probably be heard of as successful on many more occasions in the future. Saracen ran a brilliant horse, and but for stumbling when making his run at the entrance to the straight would have very nearly reversed positions with the mare. He made a wonderful late run, and was going faster than anything else nt the finish of the race. The following arc the results : Anniversary Handicap, of 100 sovs; second, 10 sovs from the stake. One mile. 101 Mr T. H. Lowry's b o Orion's Belt, 3yrs, by Castor —Bangle, 7st (including

21b over) ... ... (Whittakcr) 1 263 Mr W. Robertson's eh in Doris, l-.yrs, Bst (F.Davis) 2 110 Mr G. W. Mcliae's blk h JLoveshot, 4yrs, 7stolb (M. Williams) 3 209 Torpiua, Bst : 163 Solitaire. 7st Bib ; li;7 King's Bowman, 7st 51b ; 141 The Miser, Ost 121 b : 19 Tuhiwai, Ost 111 b ; 12 Legislator, Gst 101 b, also started. From a fair start Torpina was first away, while Solitaire and Legislator hung at the post. Solitaire soon ran through her held, and deprived Torpina of the lead, carrying on the running to the top turn, where Doris and Loveshot made a forward move, and Solitaire fell back beaten. Once fairly in the straight Orion's BeL joined the two leaders, and a good race resulted in the three-year-old beating Doris by a neck, with Loveshot two lengths away third. Time, lmin -15 1-osec. Dividend, £lO 10s. Nursery Handicap, of 100 sovs: second 15 sovs from the stake. For two-year-olds. Six furlongs. 25S Hon J. D. Ormond's ch c Defiance, by Dreadnought —Legacy, Sst (J. Delaney) 1 S 3 Mr J. ChaarVsb c St. Elmo, by Castor Welcome Kali.-.. 7st 4lb (0. Chaafe) 2 310 Mr J. Chaaff/'s br c Antiros, by Castor 7-1 Bavaria, 7st 7sfc ; 91 Uimctallist, 7st 01b ; 119 Lorenzo, 7st, also ran.

Bavaria went very well in her preliminary, and gained a few friends. At the barrier Lorenzo refused to join his field. After a little delay Mr Piper seized a favourable opportunity, and got them away to a splendid start, Antares momentarily showing in front, but St. Elmo at once rushed through, and led the field right round to the top of the straight, where the field, with the exception of Bavaria, took close order. Defiance gradually worked his way to the front, was on terms with the leader 100 yards from home, and the two fought out a desperate finish, which resulted in Defiance just getting homo by a neck, with Antares, half a length away, third ; the rest close up. Time, lmin 20scc. Dividend, JC3 ss.

The Wellington Cup, of 500 sovs, second horse to receive 50 sovs, and the third horse 25 sovs, from the stakes. One mile and a half. 215 Mr W. Douglas' b m Brooklet, 4yrs, by Torpedo Rivulet, 7st 3ib (D. Watt) 1 318 Mr R. Allen's br h Saracen, Gyrs, by St. George —Fair Nell, Sst 31b (White) 2 232 Hon J. D. Ormond's br g Spindrift, 4yrs, by Nordenfeldt —Spinnaker, 7st 111 b (Delaney) 3 215 Mr S. H. Gollan's b m Bessie Mc-

Carthy, syrs, Sst Sib ... (Stratford) 0 351 Mr J. Collins' ch m Lorelei, 4yrs, Sst 71b (Jenkins) 0 309 Mr J. B. Reid's b h Skirmisher, syrs, Bst6lb (W.Clarke) 0 456 Mr F. Moeller's br m The Shrew, 4yrs, Bstllb (Uerrett) 0 90 Mr E. Kahu's b h Rangipuhi, aged, 7stl2lb (Reedy) 0 52 Mr G. Wright's b g Panoply, syrs, 7st 111 b (Davis) 0 G 8 Mr D. McKinnon's b m Dreamland,

aged, 7st Sib (Creamer) 270 Mr L. D. Nathan's br m stepfeldt, 4yrs, 7st 4lb (Batman) 0 100 Mr W. Davies' ch h Kent, Gyrs, 7st 31b (L. Matthews) 0 82 Mr J. Paul's b g Pompom, 4yrs, 7st (Raynor) 0 139 Mr G. Hunter's b m Searchlight;, 4yrs, 7st (Whittatcer) 0 After the 14 horses had gone through their preliminaries, they were drawn up by the clerk of the course, and paraded in front of the stand and lawn, and the excellence of the field was at once apparent, nothing like the quality having previously contested a Wellington Cup. When the field reached the starting post Rangipuhi's rider discovered the horse had twisted one of his plates, and he had to bring the horse back to the saddling paddock and have the plates removed. This necessitated a considerable delay, and by the time Rangipuhi had rejoined his field several of the horses were somewhat fractious. To make matters worse the starting machine at the mile and a half post went wrong, and Mr Piper had to take the field a few yards farther back to start them. A lot of time was cut to waste, but ultimately the whole field moved off to a capital start, The Shrew being the first to show out, with Stepfeldt next, followed by Bessie McCarthy heading a closely packed bunch. Passing the stand Stepfeldt was in the lead, with The Shrew, Panoply, Pompom, Bessie McCarthy, Skirmisher and Lorelei close together, Spindrift, Brooklet, Searchlight and Saracen forming the front rank of the second division, and Dreamland thus early in the rear. Along the back Bessie McCarthy wont to the front, followed by The Shrew, Skirmisher and Stepfeldt ; Rangipuhi and Searchlight weU up. Kent fell back and joined Dreamland, and The Shrew began to lose her position. Skirmisher joined Bessie McCarthy at the top turn, and Spindrift and Brooklet made a forward move. Turning into the straight Brooklet was in front, with Spindrift next, and Saracen, who was disappointed in attempting to get through, coming fast. A great tussle home resulted in Brooklet beating Saracen by half a length, with Spindrift the same distance away third; then came Skirmisher and Bessie McCarthy heading the ruck, Dreamland and Kent last. Time, 2min 36£see. Dividend, =£l2 2s. The following arc the previous winners of the Cup :

Previous to 1890 the distance was two miles. First Hurdle Handicap, of 80 sovs; second, 10 sovs from the stakes. Two miles. 101 Mr 1. Frecth's ch h Revolt, 6yrs, by Treason —Mischief, lOst (P. McGrath) 1 2GI Hon J. D. Ormond's br g Hopeful, Gyrs, list 2 GO Mr M. Hobbs' br h Osman, aged, 10st 3 145 Liberator, 12st 101 b ; 96 Clarence, list Gib; 196 Auroa, 9st 121 b ; 35 Mutineer, 9st 71b ; 32 Steel King, 9st 71b, also started. Revolt and Clarence were the first to show in front from a good start, with Osman next. At the first hurdle, Mutineer ran off, and was not afterwards persevered with. Revolt carried the field along at a good pace, and jumped the second hurdle just in front of Osman, Clarence dropping back. Passing the stand, Revolt still led, and Hopeful ran into third place, with Steel King last. The latter ran up into fourth place at tne mile post, but soon dropped back again, and Liberator and Clarence made their efforts, but the leader, jumping in faultless style, led into the straight full of running, with an advantage ot two lengths, with Hopeful in hot pursuit. Thn latter failed to decrease the gap, and Revolt won easily, with Oaman third, Auroa and Steel King 'last. Time, 4min lisoc. Dividend, £3 IPs.

■ First Welter Handicap, of 100 sovs; second 15 sovs from the stakes ; minimum ' weight, Sst 71b. One mile and a quarter. 2SO Mr W". > Davies' br h Strathbraan, by Apremont—Engagement, 4yrs, 9st 6lb 1 (Higgs) 1 I 111 Mr JB. Kahu's b m Tuhiwai, syrs, Sst 71b (tieedy) 2 | 191 Mr Wi Hutana's b g Slaiden, 6yrs. Sst ! 101 b (Barry) 3 301 Silver Spec, lOst 71b : 49 Johnnv Faa, I lOst 31b ; 174 Salvo, lOst 21b, also started. Strathbraan got well away with Slaiden ! second, and Tuhiwai third, Johnny Faa and 1 Salvo bringing up the rear. This order was maintained nearly the whole way, and the ; race was simply a procession, as the farther i they went the farther Strathbraan got awaj', ■ at length romping home the easiest of winners i hard held by six lengths, Tuhiwai second and Slaiden third. Silver Spec, the favourite, absolutely last. Time, 2min losec. Dividend, .£3 lis. T.HE President's Handicap, of 125 sovs ; second, 15 sovs from the stakes. One mile and a furlong. 459 Mr M. Hobbs' b m Lady Zetland, aged, by Ferkin Warbeck ll.—Forget-me-not, Sst 121 b ... (White) 1 135 Mr W. Davies' b m Leda, 4vrs, 7st 21b (L. Matthews) 2 152 Mr T. H. Lowry's Orion's Belt, 3yrs, 7st 21b (inc. 71b penalty) (Whittaker) 3 92 Revolution, 7st, also ran. From a splendid start Orion's Belt and Revolution cut out the running, with Lady Zetland next and Leda last. This order was maintained to the top turn, where the field were bunched. Turning into the straight, Leda got her head in front, and White bringing Lady Zotland with a great rush, a splendid struggle took place all down the straight, the Southern mare getting the best of it in the last few strides, and beating Leda by a long neck. Half a length away came Orion's Belt, with Revolution close up. Time, 2mm 2sec. Dividend, «£1 lis. First Hack Handicap, of 75 sovs : second horse, 15 sovs from the stakes. One mile and a furlong. 87 Mr A. Hammond's b h King's Own, syrs, by King Cole —Contessa, 7st 51b (C. Whittaker) 1 474 Mr W. Homes' JRbor 11., aged, Sst 121 b (Jenkins) 2 31 Mr C. Cress' g m Field Gun, syrs, 7st (Delaney) 3 S 9 Swordfisk, Sst 81b ; 83 Bona Fide, Sst 41b ; 129 Hillstone, 7st 121 b ; 52 On Dit ; 156 Listener, 7st 91b ; 34 Dissenter, 7st 51b ; 127 Epsom, 7st 41b ; 25 Sir Agnes, 7st 41b ; 76 First Result, 7st 41b ; 97 Vaseline, 7st 41b, also started. Mr Piper took a lot of trouble in arranging the big field in lino in front of the stand, and was well repaid, for on raising the barrier the lot moved of simultaneously amid a round of applause from the public. Hillstone was first to show in front, followed closely by Dissenter, the others all in a bunch. All along the back Hillstono kept his lead, and Field Gun ran into third place. At the top turn King's Own got on terms with the leader, and Kbor 11. showed out from the ruck. King's Own turned into the straight with a clear length's lead, and despite the vigorous riding of Jenkins, beat Ebor 11. easily by a length ; Field Gun two lengths away third, with the others tailing off. Time, lmin 59 3-ssec. Dividend, .£ls 2s. Telegiiaph Handicap, of 100 sovs ; second horse 10 sovs from the stake. Six furlongs. 252 Mr P. F. Tancred's ch g King's Bowman, 4yrs, by Forester —Princess Royal, 7st lOlb (C. Jenkins) 1 350 Mr A. Davis' ch g Acono, syrs, Sst3lb (P. Davis) 2 95 Mr George Hunter's b m Sparchlight, 4yrs, 7st 111 b ... (C. Whittaker) 3 126 Solitaire, 7st 121 b; 120 Loveshot, 7st 101 b : 27 Seabreeze, 7st 21b ; 43 Sea Serpent, 7st 21b, also ran. From an excellent start King's Bowman w r as quickest on his legs, with Acone next. The former, making every post a winning one, was never headed, and sailed home the easiest of winners by a length from Acone, wit!) Searchlight two lengths away third. Time, lmin 16 3-ssec. Dividend, £3 12s. SECOND DAY. The day broke cloudy with a strong northerly breeze, which freshened oonsiderablj as the day wore on. The attendance numbered about 1200 at the time the first race was run, and increased to about 1600 during the afternoon. Speculation was fairly brisk on the totalisator, but the total shows a slight falling off compared wi+h last year's amount —£6784 was put through, | as against .£7707 last year, making .£17,272 for the two days, as against .£IB,IBB for 1895, being a decrease* of =£Bl6 on the meeting. Mr Evett succeeded in well concealing the winners, only two favourites getting home during the day. Saracen's win in the principal cvent°goes far to prove that ho had bad luck in missing the Cup. Leda put up a new record for New Zealand for a mile and a furlong, and her connections have cause for regret"that she was not nominated for the Cup and the Racing Club Handicap, as on her running at the meeting she must have had a fair chance of success. Minifie's Band again played capital selections during the day. Mr H. Piper was very successful with the flag, and the public were not slow to recognise his ability by frequent rounds of applause. _ ~ ~ o ,^rm Taken altogether the Cup Meeting of 1896 will lorn' be remembered as one of the most successful held by the Wellington Racing

Club. , ~ . , , . The following arc the results of yesterday s races: — January Handicap, of 100 sovs ; second, 10 sovs from the stake. One mile and a furlong. 80 Mr W. Davis bm Leda, iyrs, by Castor Welcome Katie, 7st Gib (L. Matthews) 1 110 Mr F. Moeller's brmThe Shrew, 4yrs, g at ... (R. Derrett) 2 31 Mr J. Prosser's ch g The Miser, syrs, 6stßlb ... (F.Kingan) 3 67 Lady Zetland, 9st 31b ; 230 Spindrift, Bst ; 133 Panoply, 7st 101 b ; 32 Torpina 7st 81b ; 73 Silver Spec, 7st 61b ; U Orion s Belt, 7st 21b ; 52 Pompom, 6st 81b, also ran. From a capital start, Torpina and The Miser were the first to show out, Spindrift and Panoply next, and Leda last. At the back The Miser ran into first place, and led the field at a merry pace ; Panoply improved his position, and The Shrew made a forward move. Leda now commenced to go up, and soon ran through her field, and at the entrance to the straight assumed command and, coming on full of running, won easily from The Shrew, who came fast at the finish, by a long neck ; The Miser, half a length away, third, Spindrift fourth. Time, lmin £6|sec. Dividend. £9 lis. ." a

; ; Handicap Hurdle Race, of 70 sovs ; second, i 10 sovs from the stakes. One mile and three-quarters. j 111 Mr P. Butler's b g Liberator, aged, 1 by Betrayer Diana, 12st 21b i (F. Holmes) 1 I 133 Hon J. D. Ormond's br g Hopeful, i Gyrs, list 21b (W. Stowe) 2 I 161 Mr I. Freeth's ch h Revolt, Gyrs, list (P. McGrath) 3 I 17G Clarence, lOst 121 b ;74 Auroa, lOst 31b ; 90 Osman, 9st 101 b ; 22 Steel King, 9st I 71b ; 19 Mutineer, 9st, also ran. i Revolt and Liberator were first to show in I front, Osman third. Hopeful fourth, Mutineer ! fifth and Steel King last. Coming into the straight the first time Revolt led, with Hopeful second, Osman third and Liberator and i Clarence next. At the back Hopeful took command and led along the stretch, with Revolt handy. Liberator improving his position. Hopeful was first over the last hurdle, with Revolt next, and Liberator coming very fast. Once in the straight Liberator assumed command, and coming on full of running won easily by a length from Hopeful, with Revolt third. Time, 3min 23 2-osec. Dividend, £6 7s. Wellington Racing Club Handicap, of 200 sovs ; second, 20 sovs, and third 10 sovs from the stakes. One mile and a quarter. 434 Mr R. Allen's br h Saracen, Gyrs, by St. * George Fair Nell, Sst 81b (White) 1 256 Mr J. Collins' ch m Lorelei, 4yrs,Bst lib (Jenkins) 2 49 Mr J. Prosser's ch g The Miser. syrs, 6st 81b (F. Kingan) 3 85 Kangipuhi, 7st 111 b; 185 Stepfeldt, 7st I 31b, also ran. \ The horse 3 were sent away to a capital start. The Miser led passing the stand for the first time, Stepfeldt next, Lorelei fourth, just in front of Saracen, and Rantjipuhi last. Rounding the bend Rangipuhi replaced Saracen, but the others kept their places. The Miser and Stepfeldt brought the field along at a merry pace, and at the back of the course Lorelei improved her position, and as they came to the road the field closed together, and it looked anybody's race., Lorelei and The Miser led into th<s straight, but half way down the straight Saracen came with a rush, caught the leaders, and beat Lorelei cleverly by a. neck. The Miser was a good third, Stepfeldt fourth, and Rangipuhi last. Time, 2min 11 3-ssec. Dividend, ,£2 Is. Juvenile Handicap, of 80 sovs ; second 10 sovs from the stakes. For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. „ 49 Mr W. H. Chitham's b f Bavaria, by Forerunner —Star Water, Gst lllb (L. Matthews) 1 106 Mr H. A. Knight's r g Bimetallist, 7st (K. Wilson) 2 164 Hon T. D. Ormond's ch c Defiance, Sst 71b (J. Delaney) 3 315 St. Elmo, 7st 71b ; 141 Antares, 7st 61b ; 55 Lorenzo, Gst 11 lb. also started. Lorenzo was the first to get going, with St. Elmo next, the others all clustered. At the top turn Lorenzo was still in front, with Defiance coming on the outside. Once in the straight the whips were out, and all were well together. A good race up the straight saw Bavaria juat get home by a neck from Bimetallist, with Defiance samo distance away third, St. Elmo last. Time, lmin 4 4>ssec. Dividend, J 215 4s. Welter Handicap, of 80 sovs ; second, 10 sovs from the stakes. Seven furlongs. 76 Mr E. Kahu's b m Tuhiwai, syrs, by Ascot—Mystery Girl, 9st 21b (Roidy) 1 1.;.5 Mr 4. W. Cave's b g Sea Serpent, 6yrs (Connop) 2 63 Mr Wi Hutana's b g Slaiden, 6yrs (Barry) 3 344 Strathbraan, list 21b; 72 Revolution, list ; 231 Loveshot, lOst 91b ; 53 Johnny Faa, lOst, also started. Slaiden got first away, the others all together, with the exception of the favourite, who was the last to move. Turning into the straight the whips were all out, and it looked anyone's race, but Tuhiwai gradually drew out and, running gamely to the end, beat Sea Serpent by half a length, with Slaiden same distance away third, the favourite fourth, and Revolution and Loveshot last. Time, lmin 33 4-ssec. Dividend, =£ll 15s. Second Hack Handicap, of 60 sovs ; second 10 sovs from the stakes. One mile. 142 Mr W. Home's ch g Ebor 11., aged, by York —Beeswing, 9st ... (Jenkins) 1 75 Mr A. Rore's b h Hillstone, 4yrs, 7st lllb (including 21b over) (F. Barry) 2 l4(> Mr A. Hammond's b h King's Own, I svrs, Bstslb (Whittaker) 3 ! 68 Swordfish, Sst 51b ;25 Bona Fide, Bst lib ; 56 Listener, 7st 71b ; 54 Field Gun, 7st 61b ; 56 Sir Agnes, 7st 41b ; 62 Epsom, 7st 41b ; 158 First Result, 7st 21b ; 38 Nero, 6st 71b, also ran. Ebor 11. beat Hillstone home by three parts of a length, a length and a half between second and third ; First Result fourth, Bona Fide, Sir Agnes, Swordfish and Listener all close together, with Field Gun and Nero whipping in the field. Time, lmin 45 4-ssec. Dividend, £5 lis. Metropolitan Handicap, of 125 sovs ; second horse, 15 sovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. 84 Hon J. D. Ormond's' b f Solitaire, 3yrs, by Eiridsl'ord—Solitude, 7st 81b (Atlas White) 1 272 Mr P. F. Tancred's ch g King's Bowman, 4yrs, 8s t 81b ... (P.White) 2 185 Mr F. Moeller's br m Tho Shrew, 4yrs, Sst 51b (R. Derrett) 3 165 Doris, Sst 61b ; 122 Searchlight, 7s,t 121 b; 41 Crescent, Gst 91b ; 60 Seabreeze, 7st 51b, also ran.

Searchlight was restless at the post, and refused to join the field. After a little delay Mr Piper got them off to a good start, King's Bowman and The Shrew being first to move. Doris soon ran into second place, and the , three leaders ran well together to the road, when Solitaire came with a fast run on the outside, and catching King's Bowman, a great race down the straight under the whip resulted in Solitaire getting home from King's Bowman by a full length, with. The Shrew a length away third, Doris just on The Shrew's quarter, with Searchlight, Seabreeze and Crescent in that order. Time, lmin 16sec. Dividend, .£9 19s. Farewell Handicap, of GO sovs; second, 10 sovs from the stake. One mile. 219 Mr J. Paul's b g Pompom, 4yrs, by Wapiti Legera, 6st 111 b (including 41b over) I (Watt) 1 193 Mr W. Davies' ch h Kent, 6yrs, 7st 61b (Matthews) 2 92 Mr N. Grace's r g Legislator, 6yrs (Kingan) 3 These were the only starters. Legislator at once rushed to the front, and soon had I half a dozen lengths to the good: Pompom : second and Kent last. At the road Pompom closed on Legislator, and Kent made a forward I - a.rd

despite the efforts of the other pair, romped home by three lengths; Kent the same distance in front of Legislator. Time, lmin 45sec. Dividend, £2 Is. THE WINNING PAYMENTS. The following are the amounts won byowners at the meeting : —W. Douglas, ,£403 15s; Hon J. D. Crmond, £228; R. Allen, £209; W. Davies, .£190; M. Hobbs, <£lo4 10s ; P. F. Tancred, <£99 15s; T. J±. Lowry, .£BS 10s; E. Kahu, .£BO 15s ; I. Freeth; £66 103; W. H. Chitham, £66 10s ; W. Holmes, .£6l 15s; A. Hammond, «£57; P. Butler, .£57 ; J. Paul, £l± 10s ; J. Collins, .£l9 ; J. Chaafe, £l4 ss; W. Robertson, A. Davies, F. Moeller, J. H. Prosser, H. A. Knight, A. W. Cave, A. Rore, .£9 10s each: total, THE WELLINGTON CUP. Mr R. Allen, the owner of Saracen, who ran second in the "Wellington Cup, has lodged a protest with the secretary of the Wellington Racing Club against Brooklet receiving the stakes, on the ground that Mr Quinlivan, the nominator of Brooklet, instructed the secretary to scratch the mare for the Wellington Cup, and consequently Mr Allen holds that Brooklet was not eligible to start, and claims the amount of the stakes on behalf of his nomination, Saracen. THE FOXTON RACES. The Foxton Racing Club's meeting- was a big success, notwithstanding the counter attraction of the Wellington Cup. About 700 people were present and the racing was most enjoyable. The weather was beautifully fine. Memorial, while competing in the Trial Hurdles, fell and broke his fetlock joint. Swift, who was turned out in capital condition, succeeded in winning the double, the Foxton and Stewards' Handicaps of one mile and a-half and threequarters of a mile respectively, Mr F. Martin's Review being the runner-up on each occasion. The favourite in the Foxton Handicap, Undine, was never in the hunt and put her numerous backers in a hole. The weight told its tale on Flying Shot, list being even too much for this big son of Foul Shot to carry successfully. The sum of .£3645 was put through the totalisator. Murtagh's starting machine was used with success. Mr J. R. Whyte, the club's secretary, deserves every praise for the way his duties were carried out. The following are the results : Flying Stakes, of 40 sovs. Six furlongs. 125 Reality, Bsfc 21b ... (O'Haggan) 1 181 Sedgebrook, Bst 51b (McCormick) 2 38 Airlie, 6st 71b ... (Williams) 3 Also ran—BS Titoki, Bst 21b ; 28 Brookfield, Bst; 38 First Sight, 7st. Won comfortably by a length. Time, lmin 20sed Totatisator, 496—125 ; .£3 lis. Trial Hurdles, of 25 sovs; lOst up. One mile and a half. 55 Electro (W. Higgins) 1 33 Clearlight ... ... (Green) 2 115 Te Uku (Arnott) 3 Also ran —41 Raupo, 22 Dutchman, 21 Memorial, 6 Hercules, 13 Penelope, 14 Kerry Lass, 11 Ranger, 50 Cheve. Won very easily by three lengths. Time, 3min 1 2-ssec. Totalisator, 381—55 ; <£G 4s. Handicap Hurdles, of 50 sovs. One mile and three-quarters. 108 Pyrites, lOst 21b ... (Gillett) 1 17 Nat, lOst (Morris) 2 168 Bush Girl, lOst 91b (Higgins) 3 Also ran—49 Rossall, lOst 131 b; 29 Leander, 9st lllb; 12 Moa, 9st 71b; 25 Canard, 9st 71b; 95 Le Grande, 9st 71b; 12 Revenue, 9st. A good finish. Over the last hurdle Pyrites appeared to be winning easily, but Nat came with a rush down the straight, and only lost first place by a head. Time, 3min 32 2-ssec. Totalisator, 515 — 108; £4- ss. Foxton Racing Club Handicap, of 150 sovs. One mile and a half. 94 T. S. Bristol's Swift, Bst 31b (McCormick) 1 30 F. Martin's Review, Bst 21b {Pritchard) 2 79 B. Dennehy's Slumber, 7st 101 b (Fairbrother) 3 Also ran—l 73 Flying Shot, list; 110 Goosander, gstlllb; 334 Undine, 7st lllb ; 46 Flying Fish, 7st 91b. Won comfortably by two lengths. Time, 3min 49 2-ssec. Totalisator, 866—94 ; £8 ss. Anniversary Stakes, of 20 sovs. One mile. 130 R. Sheehy's Acme, Bst 41b (McKay) 1 61 A. Ferguson's Stockade, Bst lib (Parker) 2 10 G. McCarty's Opai, Bst 131 b (Marr) 3 Also ran —17 Totia, Bst 131 b; 23 Airlie, Bst 131 b; 41 Venture, Bst 131 b; 4 Barossa, Bst 131 b; 3 Vision, Bst lllb; 113 Whar-ano-i, Bst4lb; 32 Blue Mountain, Bst 131 b. A "splendid finish between Stockade and Acme, the latter winning by a head. Time, lmin 51 3-ssec. Totalisator, 424—130; £2 18s. Electric Handicap, of 30 sovs. Five furlongs. 92 J. P. Belcher's Sedgebrook, Bst 101 b (McCormick) 1 133 P Dudson's Reality, Bst 71b (O'Hagan) 2 123 J. Handon's Flying Shot, list 41b (F. Young) 3 Also ran—lß Titoki, Bst 71b ; 12 Tapeoa, 7st 51b; 34 Snapcap, 7st 51b; 19 Kanapa, 6st7lb. Sedgebrook led nearly aJJ tha Way apd won comfortably' at the finish. Time,"" lmin" 6 X-3sec. Totalisator, 431 02; .£4 4s. ''•"••• Stewards' Stakes Handicap, of oO sovs. One mile and a quarter. 146 T. S. Bristol's Swift, Bst 121 b (McCormick) 1 60 F. Matlin's Review,- Bst 41b "■ ■■ -'■ ■ (Pritchardl 2 64 J. Collins' Undine, 7st 131 b (p'Neill) 3 Also ran—s 9 Goosander, Bsfc 131 b; 111 Slumber, '7st 12l'b ; 4 Naughty Girl, 6>t fib. Half way up the'straight Swift made her effort and won easily by a clear length. Time, 2min 20sec. Totalisator, 444—146 ; £2 14s Welter Handicap, of 25 sovs. One mile and a distance. 70 J. Goodwin's Flying Fish, lOst 21b (Higgins) I

BG. McCarty's Opai, Bst 71b (Penman) 2 53 G. Maddison's Violet, Bst 71b (Murtagh) 3 Also ran—B Brookfield, lOst 31b ; 149 Le Grande, 9st 131 b, 72 Pyrites, 9st 71b; 8 Leander, 9st 101 b; 10 First Sight, 9st 101 b ; 5 Hesitation, Bst 91b ; 2 Raupo, Bst 71b. Splendid finish, Flying Fish just getting home by a head, Violet close up third. Time, 2min 8 4-ssec. Totalisator, 382—70; <£4 18s. GISBORNE RACING CLUB. Gisborne, January 21. The following acceptances have been received for the first day of the Gisborne Racing Club's Summer Meeting : Flying Handicap.—Moonraker. 9st 81b ; St. Rowan, Bst 121 b ; Booby, 7st 121 b ; Sequah, 7st 101 b ; Forella, 7st 81b ; Samoa and Nightingale, 6st 71b. Hurdle Race. —Donald McKinnon, 12st 101 b ; Disturbance, lOst 101 b ; Tally-Ho, lOst 61b ; Hop Garden and The Saint, 9st. Presidents' Handicap.—Moonraker, 9st 41b; Retribution and Perkin, Bst 101 b; St. Rowan, Bst 61b ; Sequah Bst; King- Cannibal, 7st 121 b; Free Lance, 7st 81b ; Hop Market, 7st; Zillah, 6st 131 b ; Lord Raven, 6st 101 b. Park Stakes. Retribution, Bst 131 b : Sequah, 7st 121 b ; Cocheco, 7st 91b ; Zillah, 7st 21b ; Lord Raven, 6st 121 b; Dangar, Gst 71b. THE WOODVILLE MEETING. Mr J. E. Henry has framed capital adjustments for the Woodville District Jockey Club's race meeting, which takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, the sth and 6th February. The very flattering handicaps will no doubt induce many owners to pay up on acceptance night, (this evening), the 30th inst., at 8 p.m. Mr William Nicholson, the secretary, wishes owners to note that the telegraph office closes in Woodville at 5 p.m. The complete list of handicaps for the first day appears elsewhere.

o Owner. ■ Horse. I Weight. Time. 1874 R. Campbell Castaway 8 I i 0 4 5 1875 D. O'Brien ;Tambourini 9 13 4 5 187(3 H. Redwood Karari 0 10 3 57 1877 H. Redwood Guy Fawkes 0 6,3 52 1878 F. Boulton Lara 7 7 3 44| 1879 R. Ray :AIaritana 9 4 3 48.1 1880 W. Robinson iFoul Play 8 43 37* 1881 W. Robinson : Natator 8 1 3 38 1882! G. Bate Hilda <; 4 3 45 1883' )>. Martin Misehief 8 10 3 41.11884 G. Bate The Poet 7 13 4811885 D. O'Brien Tasman 0 (5 3 38 1880 F. N. George Nelson 8 4 3 38 18S7 J. H. Hill Pasha 8 4 3 36V 1888 G. G. Stead Beresl'ord 7 8 3 37 .V 1889 E. Cutts Dudu 7 7,3 37 1800 G. Hunter Cynisca 7 12 30.1 1891 G. Humor jCyniaca 7 12 2 40 1802 G. Hunter .Cynisca 8 12!2 43 1803 F. Martin [Retina 7 0,2 40 1894 f. Sheenan Vogengang 7 1012 41 1805 H. Te Kani Pei re-Mahaki 8 0*2 30 180(5 W. Douglas Brooklet 7 3 2 36 A 1

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New Zealand Mail, Issue 1248, 30 January 1896, Page 26

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RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1248, 30 January 1896, Page 26

RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. New Zealand Mail, Issue 1248, 30 January 1896, Page 26