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COUNCIL ELECTION RESULTS Kleelions wore held in boroughs throughout tile Auckland Province. A number of mayors were returned unopposed, others were re-elected, but six sitting Mnyors were dcleated. In sonic cases mayors ;ind their entire council were elected without going to tlic poll. Results of the voting in mayoralty and borough council contests are: - Newmarket. Mayoralty: *S. Donaldson (re- ■ elected uiioppo-edj. Council; "R. Iv Newport, 71: {- !■'. I'hillpott, TfJ; Mv Buchanan. Toil; T 11. K. Mniiuti)in. <>o7; *C. <l. Khodo.s. ■ Olii; *!•', Alll > 1 c t < i r t. (J.'Sti; (". !v I'assuiore. «p. M. Pohlcu, •">!)•.!; M. Kay. o!H. t'MMii'i'ts.-ful; K. W. Hayes, too; X. (~ JloKcnas, F. K. 1 'inker, -J.vj. One Tree Hill. Mayoralty; "I. .1. Coldstine (unopposed). Council: *S. L. Arms! ronw, lliiii; *J. Adams, I isii; *A. .1- Pea roc. ■ »C. L. SlvficUt, I 103; *M. .1 ■ Hooper. I t tO; i 'h. Ma ndoiio, I to:,. L'nsiiccos.slnl: l(. Macj Donald. 071; (1. F. Hartley. 001; J,'. McI Remind, NIK. i Mount Ellen. Mayoralty: *!!. J. Mills (re- ' rl.-ei<•(!), :ill.Mi; A. C. Johns. 1 so:,; B. Martin. I on! i. ('uiincil: 11. F. liridKt'iis, *A. I 11.I 1 . 11arlnoil, ;toM ; A. I). Conies, MOl'.i; AV. (i. Offer, 'JM>7: I,'.' S. Hooper. 1; !.l. .1. Mill', 11! 1 11 ■_'<;!!!; C. W . Htaiie, I ">; • *.\. Sneddon, '2 l.V>; A. Kaine.V, 'JltO; | V\. 'l'. Dow, '_MO'j ; I', I*. Sheltoii, 'J.'tOO; *S. i K. ('happell. Unsuccessful: AV. S. 1 Buttle, 'J.'liilJ; AV. I'i. Hough. 'J!!51; F. ! C. 11. Cowan, 'J,'(Ol; '<>. 1-. Fletcher. -J'J0!l; I *K. W. Turner, -J-J7".; <i. H. Cornes. -'007; i * If. T. iSarulo, -Jiol; 11. I'. Casse, 1 T~>;j; AV. It. Mice, 1730; !I. T. Parry. KW»2; W. .), Ciatenhy, |-">li!t; 0. T. Chambers, MHl!; Mrs. hi. K. Snookes. 1.".57; A. Blake, 1 :!.">(>; J. W. Atkinson, i:t:W; C. H. Robinson. 130S; 1 1). J. l'avnc, t'Jo.s; A. W. 1,. Short, I "J It: 1,1. W A. Stead. I 'J 17; J, O. Smith, 1177; ! Mrs. M. I). Soljak. :ilO. Mount Albert.--Mayoralty ; 'II. A. Ander- , son i ii noppo>ed). Council; I'i- <>■ Fatier (nili opposed), *!•'. B. Watts (iiuoppo, od); *<;. : Carr, s-jii; Mi. Brinham, 7'-s; *V. A. 1 i oyle, li'Jt; T. A. Irvine, %os; ,1. McDonald. .'>01; *('. .1. I'ickeiis. ") I 1 ; *ll. I>. Kayo. ; To; A. Hilcllie, t'usuceessful; li. .1. I Wilson, 0-S; *(). Mcßrlnc. :>77; W. T. 1 Oiionly, .'aili; A. P. I 'ost lew a i t e. .">|N; W. ,1. Woodcock, -ITS; M. <'■. Conrad. t.'l'J; \V. 11. Scnit, 'JIT; A. Head, |.">s; D. Mc--1 Kwnu. H"i. New Lynn. Mayoralty: S. W. h'ickards {elected). *,l. S. Akchiirst, :sur>. Council: I * A K Woo! lev, 700: G. K. MeWhirter. :i ; j K. W. I lar\ey, ">;1U: I!. D. Taylor. -VIS; ,1. A. Hill. I; I!. Turner, :>oo. L'nsiiccess- ; ful: A. (1. Holers. 10!): 11. Brown, -JiKi; | W. 11. Ducas, ISO; I'. T. Annan, Oil; (.'. | Bale. .'UiO; X. Matheson. K. 11. Fail, Dovonport.—Mayoralty: If. G. May ! (elected), l'.S'i; F. Aldridwe. '.ISO; T. Laniont, J.".'J. Countil: "A. McDonald, |S7G; *A. .Mactrrenor. istt; A. Massoy. 17Hi; *T Mason, 170'j; A. AV. JouKhin, I.VW; G. X. L, ■ Kiiitrht, | *>(«); * P. ('. 1 lobhs Jones, I I 10; D. 1,1. P. Tinnkley. 111"); *W. !•". M. Mac Lean, i f2SS. I'lisnccessful: P. O. Blenkarne. t'_':'S; IT. S. ,1. Doherly. lisi; AV. (). Loiur. 107"); 1(1. F. Fmirali, 001. Takapuna. Mayoralty: M. (liiiniven : (elected). Ml.").",; If. White, Dil l. (,'onncil: ; 0 1. M. (1 a 1 braifh, D'.Mi; "If. X. White, I.VJI; i C. A. Snedden, 1 (OS; *('. L. Cliflon, 1 I 10; I *F. 11. Carr. II'J:!; *C. V. Holyoake. llDi: | A. K. McFarlane, 1107: .J. S. AVilcox. DJOO; ♦F. II M. Wills, I:») 1. Fnsiiccessful: P. Tederseii. i:««; 'F. O. Cibson, t.'ts'j; T. il. Hollo, if,lis; ,1. M. Spear. I ISO; J. K. Austin. 1 I•">•">; F. Wills. I 1 •')•'!; .!. (1. Findlay, 1110; T. Walsh. 1KK); A. Blomfield. 7.".'-'. Northcote. Mayoralty: F. C. Fowler (elected), OSS; C. F. A. Mcßeih, Council: *W. F. Aspden. OSS; 11. Cadness. iun.. 017; C. Cross. ."iSS; * A. K. Ilitrdinar. *('. <!. Ifobertson. .%00; *F. M. I'earn. "ill: F. AV. X'ewman. .">!0; *A. 11. Byon. •*>:l7 "11. Burrows. .">.'ll. Pn-iiiccessfnl: *W. 11. Morrison. •*".17; *A. Coldeil. 171: C. F. A. McBeth. :t Is; II .K. Moxhani. Birkenhead. Mayoralty: *F. J. Osborne (el'feted). 000; 11. (1. Ctreville, :i-s|. Council: ♦X. .J. Campbe!!. 1001 : *A. Iladfield. OAi; j M. Macdonald, 017: *D. T. Ilayinan. 01.".; I *J. Pricket!, sso- *N, ({. Stewart. 557: *.J. ! Boatwood. s:i."i; *A, K. Chiles, S 4 _> 1; *F. J. : Sine!. SO!i. Unsuccessful: 1?. 11. Oreville, j .-,77: C. ,1. rtfliiK. l!)'J: W. 11. Payne. ■ A. C. Stack. :.s7.*»; X. Squire, a."iO. ! Orehunga,—Mayoralty : ,T. Park (elected), 1 107.'!; * A. (Sarside. IL. C. McClintock, : 1 1. Council: *F. Cilchrist. 'Jir,7; *T. H, Oerasrhty. 'JO.'i t ; A. C. W. Cole. '2001 : F. Coe. ts-jS; *D. C. McClintock, iS'27: H. F.. Bishop, 17a.*,; *Mrs, Meri Xewton, lOO.'i: 1 0. 11. C,rainser. 1A70: Al. J. Hosiers. I.ViO. ViiMicces-fn:; L. F. Catt. I.Vi'J: J. .1. Clynn. I'll!); (". Smith 1.-.tiK; 0. Kl'.is, 1 I'2*>: S. Brown. 111,'!; Mrs. F. F. Barrett. D',77: f[. CI. Menzies. I:U t: -Mrs. M. A'ounii. t •'!:',?>: ]> 1. AVilliams 1 77: W. Bond. Tint ; A. Simpson, tc".".' J. K. Bradley. PK1I; \V. p.n!\ 100,' i; F. •). AVnrd. oOS; W. ,1. Moore. S'_* l ; C, A Ray. 222. Otahuhu.----Mayoralty: *('. H. Petne. M.P.. S7I .1. J. ('; ra ha m. ISO; X, A. Mclvrov. "0. Coulic'l: * A. Murdoch. OOA; "AV. Morton. 70! I; *F. W. Orev 717; *.{. V. I,awe-. 72! I; *ll. AV;n-. J. Sinclair. <!,'. Barry. 02!'; . A. j- Harden, .".mj, riiMiccessful: F. AV. Stephenson. ".21; T. A Maxuell. •|s.*>: M. Hand I JSI; J. If. Tester. ::-<0; !,. Reid. ::»!>; T. T Skojrlund. '2!i!t; X. A. McFlrov. 207 Manurcwa. Mayoralty: "AV. J. Fcrinison. :; 17: ,1. IT. Kdwardf. 200 Council : J. A. Keliv 1.".!i■ F, Jamii-son. .",07 ; A. C>. Dent. :!S5; *D., 11 ; *W. R. Butterworth. :10; 'AV. F. AHsopp, I; C>. T. i Slade. :i'2o; J. 11. Fdwards. 20S. t-nsuccess-j ful: *L. I. Aylinsr. 2s(»: P. P. Lea. 227; S. R. Seymour. 221; C. F. Cray. 170; P. A. X'ield. 17.-,; J. A. Turton. 1(«»; F. 1. Cleave. 100; C. van der s. Hunter, 102. Papakura. -Mayoralty: *tS. Fvans (unotiposed). Council; C. B. Bryant, 2(i!); *P. 11. Brown hi 11, 20s; F. (I. Mull ins, 2(11; I). ,T. Crahani, 212; W. C. Markwick. 22*>: T. Mack. ; M. A. AVMiart, I!».%; D. AleKen/.ie. ISO. Unsuccessful: P. Sutton. ISO; A. Burgess. 170. Pukchohe.---Mayoralty: 'J. I'outly (reelected). ,">!11; A. P. Brown. ;soi. Council; *\V. 11. Adams, S2O; *F. W. Htembridtfe, Sol; M. I!, (irierson. 7!).".: *{}. H. Arms!rone. 777; *O. T. I'arviu. 0!i 1 : *F. J. Morrow. 070; L. K. Brown, .">s:!: V. AV. Morley. .%.">(t. Unsiicce.s.sfui: X. (t. Winter. "i2l ; X. L. Shields ■111; I). Scott. ;{:.(!). Represcutativis on Franklin Power Board: *("•. T. Parvin. (ilii; *C. K. Lawrie. o:;o. Unsuccessful: .1 Patterson. t,")7. Huntly.—Mayoralty: (!. Smith 'elected). II ; *w. C. !'"• CeorLTi', ;; 7< >. Council: .1. Porteous, 002; *A. Til her, .")!>!; *(!. A. Shaw. "i.) 7; A. A. Carlton, .MO; A. C. .llarloek. -)•'!!»; A. 11. Berry, too. Unsuccessful: *.), Mellinyr. 122: Mrs. A. Cliisholm. 'J!i^; i C, Sale. 27: i: MI. Dowd. 2IS; 11. Gavin. | jun.. 225; ,!■ T. Hughes. 21."). Represent;!I five on the Central Waikato Fleetric-I'ower Board: J. Porteous. Ms. Fusuccessful: *W. I F. rieorge, li'i.'i. Huntly-Xsiaruawahia reo- ! reseiltative on Waikato Hospital Board: 'lf. ■ F.vre. ."ill Unsuccessful: S. Knulbrey. I a:!,"., Ngaruawahia. -Mavoralty: Mf Fy-.. ireelected), 210; S. S tsaiilbrey, 117. Council: *l>. .Jackson. 202; *C. McCowan. '-'lt: AV. 11. Kaddy, 2;!0; *A. ,1. I,'. Whelan. 22 1; *H. D. Sampson. 2ts; *F. S. llicklintr. 21.">. Unsuccessful: *F. 1). Mills, |!i:i; F. Barakat. Ml. Representative on the Central Waikato Electric-Power Board -*R. Fyre. 210. Unsuccessful: S. S. Sanlbrey, l.'iO. Hamilton.—Mayoralty: *ll. 1). C'aro (reelected). 21,5; C. Croall. OB!. Council: *F. Findlay, '2.Vi7; *.T. R. Fow. 2ts ; S; *F. C. House, 210(>; *W. W. Dillicar. 2001; T. Parker. HHi!); *ll. M. Hammond. 100'J; *W. M. Canri, *1!. McCaw, 10(12: *T. C. Reynolds, lso;{ ; J. Treloar, lfi!Cl; *C. Dafferty, 107".; * AV. If. v-ilia t lock. I 11 I'lisnccessful : P. AV. I'lalts. | IS2; P. Hunter. I 101; *1). I. Gate, lO.Mi; A. K. Cilibons, D 121; C. W. Pepperell, j !!»'>; F. A. AVaters, SMI; C. Parsons. (js.S; ('. (',. Dick. 552, Henresentatives on Waikato Hosiiital Board *F. Findlay. 2201; Mrs. 11. Ross, lot!). Unsuccessful: *T. C. Revnolds. 12iK; c. Lafferlv. !l7.'i; C. Croall, 701. Cambridge. Mayoralty ■; ' F. ,lames (reelected unopposed). Council: 'A. If. X'icoll; *W. If. Garrard; 'X. R. Soiiler; ' AV. Moore; *K. L. Wilkinson; * M. Wells (elected unopposed). Ifepresentatives for Cambridge Flectrie Power Board: «M. Wells,. " W. Moore (electeil unopposed). Te Awamutu. Mayoralty: L, G. Armsi roim (elected), (('_'(!; *G. SplnleA IIS, Council: F. Parsons, it] I: V. A He Cock. S2O; *('. J. Spiers. 70S; *!,. S. Armstroiiß. 77-'!; F. If. Olscn. 7 10; G. Dalton, OS2; A. R. Hill, 07 1; *W. .1. Xorlli, <i.-)S. Unsuccessful: J. D. Wallace. 00 1; A. 11 lit; Ties, 2">0; J. Richards, Representatives on Te Ana- ; in it t ii Flee! ric-Bower Board V. A. De Coek. 'is I; R. iS. Arnistroim, ,".02. *W. .1 Xorlh, 10,' i; M. C. Montefiore. Hi:,. Matamata.— Mayoralty: ,). Buchanan (elected), ;;ll: A. F. AVritfle.v, 010. Council: ' *\V. ,1. Stanley. -Isl: *C. C. Vincent. -tOO; j 1, (). Mason. O.M: if. C. Reid. fitS; 0. AV. I Marks. ,",21; *(i, 11. Ilawes, fill.'.). IBisnccess- I till: S. ,1. Woodcock. 2!).",; K. X. Gouk 201; j R. .1. Lurk in, 2".0; *T 11. Holmes. 210: W. ! B. Mollis, 2o:s, 'Representative of the Mata- ! iiia t it Borough Council, Matamala County Council and Biitaruru Town District on (he Waikato Hospital Board: *.L Price, ills. Unsuccessful: IT. T. A. McGahan, 22.* i. Thames.-- 'The si I. tins Mayor of Thames, Mr. S. Fnsor, was rel.unied in the first Mayoral election held there for to years owintc to the town beiiiff under a Coveri'unent Commissioner. Results: Mayoralty: *S. Fnsor (elected), «).V2; B. D. Chapman, 7 10. Advisory Council to Boroipvh Commissioner appointed by the Government: *S. C Mtiir. 12i 0; ('. 11. Coakley, 112(1; 11. F. I'nniell. ss7; M. Morli-y, 070. Unsuccessful: W. Boswell. .*.02; X. Joiias.seti, .Mi,",; |>. (), Downes 10.".; F. .1. Wilton. :t:*,!i; B. F. While, .'tU,. Te Aioha. .Mayoralty: B. C. Mackie (eleeled). 020, * I f, Coulter, 500. Council: 11. H. Wood. IfSII; T. 11; 111 i <4:; I 11. SS!I; 11. I;. Cal'Wji I'll i lie, s7,*i: ' W. T. Dale, si Mi; W, G. Barclay, soil; *V. (f. Haiuilton, 757; *W, A. ('la rke, 775; If. A. Wilcox, 000. t'usiiccessful: X. M. Austin, 0li2; W. C. Kennedv, 000. Waihi. Mayoralty: *W. M. Walliiutl (reelected), oil.",; C. I'. Butcher, 17::. Council: H. ■I- Caunille, o:;d; *S. M. Ilovell, (i.'ii, T. A. ('. McDonald, O.'iit; 'J. G. ('ornes. (iOA; S. Hotiliici, ">77; Iv. M. Wrinley, IS,"). Uiisuccesst"!: •' .1. ('a 11 a tr 11 a n, -1,">0; S. 11. Thompson, I 20; ■!. L. McDermott, 002; *T. A. Ilickev, ON7; .1 p. Ifobertson, ISI7; I''. Roddintfs. 25 1; L. !•'. Stoakes. 202. Representative on Thames Hospital Board: S. 11. Brown, ,*i!»S; *,) G Conies, -100. Unsuccessful: S. M. Ilovell, 12.>; *J. ,1. Cnllaiflian, ,'ios; J. F. Ifobertson. 202. Rotorua. Mayoralty: TT. D. Dunsev (elected), 1020 i *T. Jackson, 820. Council: •P. Kusabs, 1047; *E. T. Jobnson, 010; *H.

Till Mitchell, 862j *O. IT. Coleman, 812; D. Jervis, 81 )0; It. A. Potter 70,; *L. Ewert, 7 15. Unsuccessful: *A. G. Holland ,0,7; D. N. Simmons, 031; L. Clarke. 020; *P. Kinmninont, 014; A. W. Sands, 500; C. J- 0. Grant, 550; ('. I>. Allen, 480; U. H. Musgravc. 3, >; It. Carnachan, 332. Representative on the Waikalo Hospital Board; *.L Banks, 00b. Unsuccessful: K. G. Guy. 8/0. Hepresenfalive on Tatinuiga Harbour Board: J. J3nnkß # |01«. Unsuccessful; ,1. McDowell. 8,4. Tauranga. - Mayoralty: *L. R. Wilkinson (re-elected), 814; R. (.'oldie, I SOI. Council: \\ . A. Carswell, 1101; W. S. Holland, to«H; 'V A. Fleming, 000; *A, N. lies, ! '-"j Matheson, 020; 'll. W. F. King, OIO; *A. 4. Gallagher, *08; ('. F. Washer. KO, ; E. b. Uyllon. 770. Unsuccessful; C. T. McFarlane, 7:ir,; F. M offal t. 727; P. S. Derisem, 584. Representatives on TaiißinjfJi Hospital Hoard; •Mrs. M. K. Faulkner, 1218; Dr. T. Hlnart, HIO. Unsuccessful: C. T. McFarlane, ->OO. To Kuiti. Mayoralty; *ll. T. (unopposed). Council; *A. Dobson, 3.>1; *I . M Helot, 337; 'C. S. Forster, 02 1; I. K Sparks. ;tlO; *(!. B. .1 oh nson, 28 J; *A. I). McLennan, 205. Unsuccessful: K. \V. Huiikin. 222. Representative on the AVaikato Hospital H~i;i'rd • A. Blackmail. 37 J. Unsuccessful: i *Mr<. 11. M. Wilson, 201. Whansarol. ---Mayoralty; *\Y. Jones (tinopposed). Council: *1). 4. Ihomson, ,I- >; S. ,J. Snow, ISO'S; *.!. Henderson. 001; M. S. Woo I ley. 007; *D. L. Smedley, 053; *L. I'evnolds, <517; *4. Draper, OKI; R. J. X ' Crosby ">01; S. Ohlcorn, r.»O. UnsuccessI fill: I!, Holland, 402; *(i. S. Brown, 111. Darsaville. Mayoralty: *H. Gibson (reelected!, 427; F. ('. Gould, OHO. Council: *E. H. Sloddart, 503; M. L). Hoskings. 532; O. Williams. 501.; L Lawrence. 4H4; W. L. I!tithes 174; *ll. H. Dunn, 472; C. A. Morse, 10 1- *T. W. McKay, 400; 4. Robertson, 433. ■ Unsuccessful: *A. R. \\ e 1»I>, 302; *l. G. Hvison, 300; H. A. McGregor, :$44; A. h. ; Little, 343. COUNTY COUNCILS MANY rLOHK CONTESTS TIE OCCURS AT PIAKO SURPRISE AT MATAMATA A number of very dose contests re,idled in the county council elections throughout tin/ province. In I lie Walton Hiding of tlie Pinko County the two ea in I ula les lor tile one seal each pulled 1(15 \ otes nil the provisional count. The issue will lie in doubt until 1 lie ollieial count, wlneli will commence to-day. In ilii-ee other ridings of diflerent. counties oiilv one vote separated the successful and unsuccessful candidates on the provisional count. Surprise was caused in the result of flic election of the Mataniata County Council, the former chairman, Mr. .J. W. Anderson, and Mr. K. S. Cox, hot h members of long standing, being defeated. Mr. .Anderson was first returned to the council in 1911 and became chairman in 19.13, retaining the position for 2<S years. Results are;--Waitemata (elected unopposed when- only one nomination given).- 't'rikapuna Hiding: "11. I', (iilt.soii, 307. Unsuccessful: A .11. Taylor, 170; (i. Johnson, 80. Titirangi Hiding: A. Bishop, 250. Unsuccessful: U. B. Chapman, is.'!. Birkenhead Riding: W. H. Boyd, 2JO. Unsuccessful: F. C. ''handler. 125. Wa itakcre 1 {i• Iinfi'; Glasgow, 210. Unsuccessful: W, D, Leslie, lot; 4. R Lm'kens, 55. Wuipareira Hiding; A. Ferris. I os. Unsuccessful: IC Wood, Hi,. Wniniii Riding; 'I). S. MeCalhie. Kaukapakajia Ridiii'j: *ll. Dye. Kumeii Riding: 'L. E. KerrTaylor. Mairelahi Hiding: 'S. Phillips. Waikuniete Riding: *ll. It. Moor. Pukeatna Riding: *A. I'. Smith. Manukau (all elected unopposed except in Waina, Riding). M.mgcre Riding: *S. W. (louse, A. K. Trayes I'akuramra Riding: M> T. Bell, i'apakura Riding: *C. S. Mc- < all ulll. I'apatoetoe Hiding: *F. M. Waters Turn tnra itidiujr; *B. T. Broker. Wairoa Midiri!;: *D. R\hurn. 210; X. MacDoiurall, 230. Unsuccessful: "4. Luke, 112. Franklin. Mauku Riding: *W. J Sommerville, 205. Unsuccessful: J). Beloe 02. Mercer 'itidinsr: K. A. Murray, 181. t'nsucrcsM'ul: *4- Dean, KiO. Waiuku Biding: *HP. Garland, 230. Unsuccessful: R. \V. Bennett. 217: Waikato.- • Hiiakura Riiiinti: J. R. Hooper, 131. Unsuccessful: *4. Primrose, 8(5; R. R. Challinrr, 20. Pinko, -Tahuna Riding: \T. M. Stewart, 05. Unsuccessful: T. Proctor, 21. Walton itidirur.- L. R. Cooke. 105; F. F. Harris, 105, As only one member is required, the result will not he decided until after the official count. Waitomo. Te Kui! i Bidinjr: C. D. Hoherri, '2O. Unsuccessful: T. Kearins, 0. Thames. I'uriri Riding: *1). Courtney, 87; •4. W. F. Mc.Bcth, 5o Unsuccessful; H. A Julian, .is. Hauraki Plains. Xtratea IMdili:.': J. W. Xea te. 51. U nsuccessfnl: "T. A. McCleafi. 50. Turua RidiriK; A, il. Sullon, 00. Unsuccessful: 11. H. Hicks. 51. Waifakaruru Ridiiur: *l''. Finch.ess. 81. UtiMiccessful: G. Gray, 41. Kcrcfierhi liidiutc. I). (!. Mr.Millan, 57. Unsuccessful : 11. Taylor, 30. United Drainage Board Central North: "C. W. Srhultz, 102; I!, f!. ton, 83. Central South: K. E. Tye. 81; "C. K. Fox. 72. Unsuccessful • R. M . Hutchinson. 12. Refiresentativ-s on Thames llospita! Board: *C. \V. Parfitt. 25 1; 'A. G. Davies, 213; A. 11. Sutton. 181. Uusuceessfiil: ,1. W. Xeate. 170; *F. Finchess. 100. Matamata. Tokoroa Riding: G. C. Dunham, 102. Unsuccessful, *K. S, Cox, (il. Tirau Kjdintr: (•. 11. Verily, !i2. Unsuccessful, *4. W. Anderson. 70. Pufarnru Killing: 4. .R. Duxfield, 153. Unsuccessful, J. J. Shine. 02. K'epresentatives on the Thames Valley Rlef-tric.-l.'ower Board: "J. Pohlen, 505; 'P. R. Hawke, is:;. Unsuccessful, ,1. F. Duxfield, 170. Raglan. Kaironi Riding: F. B. Gibbi.son, Oli. Unsuccessful, ,1. Marlvn, 30. Onewhero Riding; Mi. ,1. Clasff.nv. Unsuccessful, S. li. Crawford. Port Waikato ftidiiui: R. Baker. ■".B, Unsuccessful, F. R. Hawaii, :'.7. .Pukemi r« Riding: 'E. .Lowe. 150. Unsuccessful, R. C. Tapp. 120. Te Akan Riding: *P. Kirk, 01. Unsuccessful, H, Snodyrass, is. Whansaroa Riding: W. J. Lu.sty. 100. Unsuccessful, ' W. Moore, 1 (.15. Representatives on the Waikato Hospital Board: 'X. Beatsou, ,(iO; *ll. W. Wilson, 017. Unsuccessful, W. J. Lusty, 383. Representatives on the Central Waikato Electric-Power Board: *G. Smith, 413; Ml. W. Wilson, 3 17. Unsuccessful, W. J. .Lusty. Rotorua. - South Riding: 11. P. Ford, 222; C. ,1. Ford, loo; 8. B. Murray, 137. Unsuccessful: F. S. Hulchiinrs, lis. Tauranga.-- Te Puke. Riding: *J. H. l'ivans, 08, Unsuccessful, J. ('. Aitken, 47. Waimapu Riding: C. Kennedy, 180; (:. H. Ball, 117. Unsuccessful, "J. 1). Ahich, 100; W. F. Sinclair. Hi. Maketu Ridinu': *if. Brnjrir. 110; *E. R. Hughes, 121; -"S. W. Giinton. Io;i. Unsuccessful, T. McDowell, 00; *(i. P. Spratt. 00. Representatives on Tanrnnga Eleclric-Power Board: *A. Smith, 383; Ml. .) Clarke. 308; *H. G. Lever, 318; *('. I-!. S. (lane. 347; *B. ('. Baron. :il(i; *W. 1-7 Wickhani. 323. Unsuccessful. A. (.'. Wright. 280; R. W. StruKnell, 253. Representatives on Tauranga Hospital Board: *ll. J. Clarke, 3sii; *C. McXaugliton. 380; 'A. E. Xewslntni, .".13; *A. W. T. Hyde. 273; C. S. Moffntf, 201. Unsuccessful, (.1. P. Spratt, 250; *L. R. Wilkinson, 218; G. J). McLaren, 177. Hobson.—Arnpolitic Ridinfc: *E. G. Applelon, 50; P. W. Hill, 17. Te Kopuru Riding: 'F. Wordsworth, lot; H. F. Elliott, 05. Tangiteroria Riding: 'Si. J. Nash, 20; T, R. Wreakes. 7. Tulamoe Riding: <l. F. Wright, •".2; B. A. Gorrie, 12. Heprescntatives on the Kaipara Hospital Board: W. P. Begg. 370; A. F. Gates, 301; P, W. Hill, 312; W. G. Sommerville, 33:;. Unsuccessful, *4. H. MrCarroll, 322; Mi. Wordsworth, 312; R. li. Rope, 308; *C. X. Taylor, 305. Representatives on the North Auckland Elertrie-Power Board: W. Montgomery, 525; "H. G. Applelon, 510; M. 11. McCarroll, 115. Unsuccessful. "W. P. Begg, 308. Whangarci. Mangakahia Riding: *T. X. Blake. MO; (i. O. Dysart, 35. Hikurangi Riding: *F. Elliott, (il; J. Biggar, 10. Reiiresentalives on Ihe North Auckland ElectricPower Board: M. A. S. Maclvay, 50,3; A. A. MarKa.v. 153; *F, Elliotl. 105; M. X. McCarrull, t0.".. Unsuccessful. "A. J. McKay, 307; .1. Makinsoi, 311. Representatives on the Wliangarei Harhour Board: Ml. E. Hewlett, 158, 'K. Stevens. 132; W. C. B. Powell, 2iio. Unsuccessful. *L. W. Smith, 208. Bay ut islands.- Kawakawa Riding: *,J. T. Mi Keowu. 88. Unsuccessful. F. A. Paul, s:!, Russell Riding; .1. 11. Morris. 01. Un-succe-slill. Ml. M. Cooksou. 72. Representalives on the Bay of Islands Rleetric-Power Board: 'A, E. Bissel, II ; Ml. 11. Mountain. :;75. Unsuccessful, E. F. Moir. 185. Representatives on the Bay of Islands Hospital Board; *T. .1. V. Iluiilop, 311; Ml. T. Atkinson. 325; "A. 11. Mot'uan. 323; *B, \V. Smith, 311; Ml. M. Cookson, 303; 11. W. Rusk, 207: T. M. Arlidge, 281, Unsuccessful, *C. IL MeKenzie, 270; 4. T. McKeown, 207; A. C. Douglas, 180.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23968, 19 May 1941, Page 10

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IN THE BOROUGHS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23968, 19 May 1941, Page 10

IN THE BOROUGHS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23968, 19 May 1941, Page 10