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RECENT RATES FOR SHEEP CATTLE PRICES FIRM Iho Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, report that tat sheep were penned in medium numbers and met with a steady sale at recent rates at Morrinsvillo yesterday. The advertised entry of 1000 storo hoggets, ex the East Coast, was submitted to a largo bench of buyers and sold from 26s 9d to 29s Bcl. The entry of ewes, also from tho East Coast, attracted spirited bidding and realised satisfactory prices, mixed age owes selling up to 39s Id, with fourtooth to four-year ewes making to 34s 6d. Other store hoggets realised late fates.

Cattle.—No ox beef v;as penned. Cow and heifer beef was • offered in smaller numbers, with only a- small proportion of finished cattle. Competition for this class was again very firm. Second quality sorts were also in demand, but boners showed no alteration on late rates. Storo cattle: A large entry of store cattle came forward, comprising the advertised lines of Gisborne and East Coast steers and station-bred heifors. Buyers were present in large numbers, and all lots submitted met with spirited bidding at most satisfactory prices. A line of choice two-year Hereford speyed heifers, ex Tokomaru Bay, sold under brisk bidding from £8 10s to £8 18s. A largo entry of empty two-year and yearling Jersey heifers was penned, and sold to a keen bench of buyers at advanced rates. Dairy cattle: A good entry of dairy cows, including the advertised herd ex the King Country. Competition was again particularly keen and values were in excess of recent quotations, i" extra largo yarding of dairy heifers, chiefly lots showing close to profit. Competition for all good animals of quality was very brisk, and the best sale of tho season to dato resulted. Small heifers, although not so keenly sought after, showed an advance on recent quotations. Pigs: A full yarding of fat pigs came forward, with competition keen from export buyers. Prices realised for baconers were considerably in advance.of those ruling at last week's sale. Buttermilk pigs and porkers fully maintained last week's quotations, while a full yarding of breeding sows and stores met with good competition. Quotations: —Sheep: Medium prime wethers. 35s 7d to 37s Gd; killable, 33s to 34s 6a; store wethers, 30s; prime young ewes, 36s Od; fat ewes, 31s fid; fat hoggets, 28s to 30s; . blackfaccd ewe hoggets, 28s Gd to 30s 6d; whitefaced woolly store hoggets, 2Gs 9d to 29s 8d; two-tooth to six-year ewes, 39s Id; fourtooth to four-year ewes, to 34s Od; aged empty ewes, 30s to 31s 4d. Cattle: Primo fat cows and heifers, £ll 5s to £l2; medium,,£B lOs„.to.£10 10s; lighter, £0 18s to £7 14s; heavy fat Jersey cows, £7 to £9 6s; killable cows, £5 to £6 12s; heavy boners; £3 los to £4 17s; medium, £'2 8s to £3 3s; lighter, 20s to 30s. Store Three-year Hereford steers, £lO 3s to £3O 10s; three-year Polled Angus steers, £lO 7s; three-year Shorthorn steers, £9 13s to £9 14s; two-year Hereford-cross steers, £7 14s; two-year Polled Angus steers, small, £7 6s; yearling Polled Angus steers, £0 8s; yearling Shorthorn-cross steers, £5 to £5 2s; forward-conditioned Polled Angus cows, £8 5s to £8 8s; Polled Angus breeding cows, £8 Is to £8 16s; three-year Hereford heifers, speyed, £8 10s to £8 16s; Hereford empty cows,' £7 7s Gd to £7 10s; empty 18-months Hereford heifers, £6 4s to £0 12s; smaller, £5 17s Gd;' Polled Angus bulls. IGgns; good two-year empty Jersey heifers, £4 7s to £4 17s Gd; others, £3 8s to £3 15s; yearling Jersey heifers, £<l 12s to £5 Is; smaller, £3 15s to £4 Gs; small, £3 to £3 8s; extra choice Jersey heifers, close to profit, £l3 to £l4 ss; Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers, close to. profit, £lO to £l2 10s; others, £8 to £0 10s; small and backward. £7 to £7 15s; inferior, £4 15s to £5 355. One truck of good quality heifers averaged £ll 10s, while a truck of three-yea/ heifers, ex Piopio, averaged £lO 10s. Springing Jersey cows made £9 los to £lO 15s; others, £8 5s to £9 10s; more backward, £6 5s to £7 Is; best cows, in milk, >£B to £l2; others, £6 17s Gd to £7 15s; Shorthorn heifers, medium quality, £7 15s to £8 ss. Pigs: Best baconers made £3 18s to £4 ss;medium, £3 8s to £3 15s; buttermilk pigs and heavy porkcrfc, >£2 12s 1 to £3 3s; medium, £2 Gs to £2 10s; light, :£2,, to £2 ,ss; choppers,' £2 10s to £3 7S; large stores, 35s to 395 l medium,,'i2Bs to 335; slips, 25S to 30s; .,2ps to 20s: <> others, 32s Gd to 17s; maiden Tamworlh sows, £3 7s Gd to £3 17s 6d;'BerkShire breeding sows, £5 10s; crossbred sows, £3 2s Gd to £4 ss.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report that there was nothing of outstanding quality entered; but quite, a large proportion of the yarding comprised medium and unfinished quality and both Shorthorn and-Polled Angus cows were included in representative numbers. The second class beef pens were well filled, while boners and stores also were plentiful. A full bench of buvers was operating and a good sale took place, with high lovels prevailing throughout. Practically everything changed hands and the stores and boners participated in tho brisk inquiry. A few inferior types of dairies sold satisfactorily. Quotations: —Medium to heavy Polled Angus, fat cows, £8 10s to £lO 15s; lighter class, £0 15s to £8; medium-weight fat Shorthorn cows, £0 15s to £8; lighter conditioned, up to £0 12s Gd; heavy Jersey beef cows, *;5 10S to £0 31s; medium fat Jersey cows; £-1 5s to £5 10s; unfinished, £3 17s (3d to £1 ss: heavy boners, £3 2s Od to £3 15s; rough, up to £2 17s Od; dairy cows and lioifors, plain, £0 5s to £B. Sheep: The supply was comparatively moderate and con sisted of forward quality hoggets. A good sale was recorded. Forward store hoggets made 23s to 08s. Pigs: The principal part of the yarding -was young pigs. Other than these a fairly small entry of light baconcrs and porkers was' handled. For all'classes compcti tion was spirited and the quotations of .other centres were maintained without discernable fluctuations. Light baconers made £3 2s 6d to £3 12s 6d;.heavy porkers. £2 5s to £2 15s; light porkers, up to £2 4s; good store pigs, 32s 6d to 308; slips, 23s to 30s; .good weaners, ISs to 22s Gd: small, up to 17s Gd. Dalgety and Company, Litriited, report- a small yarding of sheep, all hoggets, for winch a good sale resulted. Good black-faced hoggets mado 25s Id. and small ones t22s Gd. Cattle: There was a goodvyarding of fat and boner cows and also of yearling Jersey-heifers. Competition was keen for all sorts, and practicallv all sold under the hammer, with prices in tho vendors' favour. Quotations:—Prime fat : Hereford and Polled Angus-cross heifers, heavy; £l2' 15s;• prinlo heavy Shorthorn cows. £lO to £l2 2s Od; medium Shorthorn and Holstein cows, £S to £10; heavy, good quality Jerseys, £7 to £8 10s; medium, £6 to £6 10s; others; £4 10s to £s'lss; boners, £3 to £4 15s: light boners and .young store cows. £2 to £3 ss; empty Jersey two-year-old heifers, ■ £'2 15s to £3 ss; well-grown Jersey-Holstoin-cross - yearlings, £3 12s Od; small, light conditioned Jersey and Jersoy-cross yearlings.' £3 10s to £1 Os; culls, £2 10s Dairies: A full yarding of dairy heifers came forward and practically a total blearance was effected at prices on a par with recent quotations. Tho cattle for tho most part woro very low in condition. Quotations:— Good, quality springing Jcrsoy heifers, £7 10s to £7 lost, medium quality springing Jorsey heifors. £0 to £7 10s. Pigs: Only a very small yarding of pigs came forward, and prices realised were on a par with late quotations.

FRIESIAN PEDIGREE HERD Dalgety and Company, -Limited, held n dispersal salo of tho Murvalo pedigree Fnesian herd on tho farm of the owner, Mr. A C. Trousdalo, at Howick. This herd comprised animals specially selected from the Hobson farm herd, of which Mr. Trousdale had charge for many years. There was a largo attendance, and. although it was a winter milking herd, and tho caving dates wero not suitnblo for ordinary , dairy farming competition was keen. Tho 59 animals comprising all agos down to calves a few days old averaged 10 guineas Some of the principal sales were:—Cows: Hobson Alcartra P. Zozo 2nd, to Mr. .A. \V. Montgomery, Mangere, 31 guineas; Hobson Alcartra Hez. to Mr. W. Louden, Aka'Aka, 26gu neas; Hobson Ada P.' ; Hep, to .Messrs-.' J. Cooper and Sons, Koto-o-rangi, 25/* guineas; Hobson Pansy, to Mr. A. J. Kidd, T\aiuku, ooi/ miineas; Hobson Concordia P.,Hez,, to Mr. J. T. Crawford. Kohekohe, 20 guineas; Hobson'S.P. 2nd Koba, to Mr. .T. T. Crawford, Kohekohe, 16 guineas; Murvalo Icrrie, to Mr. J. Kay, Panmure, 10 guineas; Hobson Alcartra Koba, 16 guineas, and Hobson Marie Hop, to Mr. C. Chynoweth, Pukororo, iGVa guineas; Hobson Valorm Hep, to Mr. \ J. Kidd, Waiuku, 15 guineas. Bull, Murvalo Sam, to Mr. L. H. Burgoyno.. Clevedon. 15 guineas. ) TE AWAMUTU . BIDDING BRISK Tho Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports as follows on its Halo at To Awamutm—The mutton pens wero well filled with fat sheep, and competition for prime wethers' was good, with prices firm. Fat owes wore also in keen demand, while a largo offering of fat hoggets realised satisfactory prices. Cattle: Ox beef—Lhe entry totalled 60 head and included a good proportion' of exceptionally well-finished cattle. Competition was very brisk and again high values wero reached. A truck of eight prune steers on account of Mr. A. H. Storey averaged £l7 Os. 10 lighter prime steers on account of Mr. A. L. Storey realised £l2 17s to £l3 Ss, 10 light fat. steers on account of McGhie Brothers realised £ll to .£l2 Js, and 14 light fat steers on behalf of Mr, N.,Lethbridge sold from £8 19s (>d to £lO 10s. Cow and hoifer beef: This department was also well filled and comprised a good proportion of exceptionally wellfinished cattle. Competition for those was brisk and quotations very firm. A line of eight primo Polled Angus heifers and cows on behalf of Mr. A. L. Storey averaged Cl 3 ss, nine light fat cows and-heifers from Mr. W McGco sold from £8 5s to £lO, and 18 light fat cows and heifers on account of McGhie Brothers sold at £7 10s to £8 13s. Many other pens realised from £7 12s to CO 10s. Second quality cows were also yarded in heavy numbers, these also

being in firm demand. A good yarding of store cattle comprised mostly young cattle, these again commanding spirited competition with high values ruling. Pigs: A good yarding of all classes, tho majority being stores and wcaners, which met a good demand, selling at late rates. Baconors and porkers showed no alteration on recent values. Quotations: Sheep—Light fat wethers, HCia to 38s; killable, 3'ls 9d to 35s Od; heavy fat ewes, 30s to 38s; lighter, 30s to 32s Gd; .prime fat hoggets, 30s -to ,335; medium, '2os to 28s Od; lighter and forwardconditioned, 21s Gd to 24s Od. Cattle: Prime fat steers, £l7 Gs; prime medium steers, £l3 8s to £l4: lighter,'£ll OS to £l2 10s; killable, £8 17s to £lO 10s; prime fat cows and heifers, £l2 10s to £l3 T>s; prime medium cows and heifers, £0 5s to £lO 10s; lighter, £7 Os to £8 4s; heavy fat Jersey cows, £7 2s to £8 1 Os; killable Jersey cows, £5 f»s to £0 10s; heavy boner cows, £3 15s to £4 2s; medium, £2 12s to £3 Os; lighter, 20s to £2 4s; potter bulls, £4 10s to £0 ss; sound bulls, £5 to £7 10s. Dairy cattle: Choice two-year Jersey heifers, £1 10s to £5; two-year empty heifers, £3 5s to £4 Is; yearling heifers, £3 15s to £1 12s: sound young cows, £2 IBS to £3 10s; Shorthorn cows and calves, £4 Is to £S 10s; forward-conditioned Short;, horn cows, £4 15s to £G ss; torward-con-ditioned Friesian cows, £4 to £5 lis; yearling Shorthorn steers, £4 12s to £5 Is; yearling Shorthon heifers, small. £2 35s to £3 lis. Pigs: Medium baconers, £3 lis to £3 17s; light, £3 5s to £3 OS; heavy porkers, £2 15s to £3 4s; medium, £2 10s to £2 13s; light, £2 to £2 ss; good stores, 33s Od to 37s Od; good slips, 28s to 325; good wcaners, 20s Od to 275; others, 18s Od to 20s; good Tamworth sows, to farrow, £3 10s to £4 15s.

STEADY RATES AT WAIHOU The Farmers' - Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited,. reports , that at its sale at Waihou a good yarding of all classes of cattle came forward. Competition for both cow and heifer beef was firm and values remained fully on a par with those ruling at other centres. Boner cows sold readily at late rates and a total clearance resulted. Competition for a number of Jersey yearling heifers was keen, and good sales resulted Sheep: A medium offering sold under brisk competition, with values in vendors' favour. Dairy cattle: A Rood yarding;, including a fair proportion of quality heifers. Bidding was spirited and the best sale of dairy cattle at Waihou for some considerable time resulted. Seven heifers on account of Mr. W. Coombe averaged £lO 7s. with 11 heifers on account of Mr. J. J. McCarthy averaging £lO lGs. Pigs: A medium yarding of fats and a full entry of stores and wcaners. Competition was keen for all classes and a good salo resulted-at late rates. Quotations: — Cattle: Fresh-conditioned Shorthorn steers, to £!) 4s; light fat Jersey steers, to £8 Is; heavy fat cows, £lO to £lO Os; medium, £8 2s to £0 lis; lighter, £0 Cs to £7 ISs; heavy fat Jersey cows, £8 to £S 10s; medium Jersey cows and heifers, £G Is to £7 325; forward and killable cows, £4 10s to £5 15s; heavy boners, £3 to £4 Is; medium, £2 3s to £2 10s; light, 30s to £2 Is; forward-conditioned Friesian cows, £5 Os to £G 10s; yearling Jersey heifers, small, £3 Gs to £3 10s; sound young cows and heifers, £3 lGs to £4 ISs. Sheep: Medium fat wethers, to 38s; medium fat ewes; 31s Gd to 33s 6d; white-faced ewe hoggets, 34s Gd. to 3Gs; white-faced wether hoggets, 25s 2d to 275. Dairy cattle: Best quality heifers, closo>to profit, £l3 to £l4 10s; good-quality calved Jersey heifers, £9 10s to £ll 10s; good* quality Jersey heifers,' close to profit, £lO to £l2 10s; Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers, close to profit, .£8 to £0 10s; Friesian K&ifers. close to profit, £8 5s to' £10; smalleV heifersj £6 to, £7 10s;' best dairy cows, dose to profit, £lO 5s .to £ll 15s. Pigs: Best' baconers, £3 15s to £3' 19s; light, £3 to £3 Ss; heavy .porkers. £2 12s to £2 l8s;' medium, £2 Gs to £2 lis; light, £2 to £2' ss; large stores, 3Gs to £2 2s; medium, 2Ss to 31s; good slips, 20s to 30s; best wcaners. 23s Od to 30s; smaller, 17s to 21s; Tamworth sows, :£2 12s Gd to £3 10s; Berkshire sows, £4 ss.

LATE RATES AT- MATAMATA Dalgety and Company, Limited, 'reports that at its sale at Matamata, when there was an average yarding of cattle, which sold at late . rates, all good duality cattle were keenly sought. Quotations: —Heavy fat ,cows,- £lO ss. to £ll 7S Gd; medium, £7 15s to £9 15slight, . £5 5s to £6 10s; heavy fat heifers, £9 5s to £l2 ss; medium, £7 to £8 2s Gel;, light and unfinished, £4 10s to £5 15s; store cows, £4 to £5 2s Gdj heavy boner cows, £3 10s to £4 2s Gd; light, £2 10s to £3; two-year empty . Jersey heifers, £4 to £4 12s Gd; others, £3 to £3 15s; yearling Jersey heifers, £4 to £4 Bs. Dairy cattle?: Medium quality springing Jersey heifers, £7. to £7 ss'; others, £o 10s to £(> ss; dairy ;cows, Jersey, £7 to £7 10s; others, £5 10s to £fl. Sheep: Moderate yarding. Fat wethers, ■ £2; fat hoggets. 27s to £L lis 3d. Pigs: Only a medium yarding of'fat pigs 'came forward, with a full-yard-ing. of stores and weaners. Fat pigs showed a slight decrease. Stores and weaners were on a par with recent quotations. Quotations: .Medium heavy baconers, £3 10s to £3 15s; medium, £3 5s to £3 10s; light, £2 18s - to. £3 ss; heavy porkers, '£2 10s to £2 ISs; medium, £2-2s to £2 10s;' light, 36s to £'J '2s; large store pigs, 30s to 3Gs; medium. • 25s to 30s; small, 20s to 255; best slips. . 20s to 2Gs; medium, 18s to 225; best weaners, 24s to 30s; small, 14s to. 20s; choppers, £2.10s to £2 ISs; sows to farrow. £3 10s to £4 15s.

•GORDONTON CLEARING SALE G-. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited, report holding a clearing sale on account of Mr. T. .R. Thomson at Gordonton. There was a largo attendance of buyers and the herd, which was submitted in good condition, was keenly sought.- The whole, herd- of 47 cows averaged £lO. Quotations: —Best quality Jersey and Jersey-cross cows, in milk, £l3 to £l6 10s; others, £ll to £l2 10s; aged cows, to £0 10s; good quality Friesian and Shorthorn-cross cows, in milk, £ll to £l2 10s: others. £9 10s to £lO 15s: unsound cows, in milk, £7 to £S 10s; good quality Jersey and Jersey-cross cows, early calvers, £ll to £l3 ss; moro backward, £0 10s io £lO "15s; backward and unsound, £5 10s to £S 10s.

CURRENT RATES AT TIRAU The Farmers' Co-operative 'Auctioneering Company,- Limited, reports having held its sale at Tirau, when an averago yarding of cattle ' was penned, the whole offering being disposed of at current advanced rates. The advertised herd on account of Mr. E. Churchward came forward in :good condition, and commanded spirited competition from a large attendance of 'buyers. Quotations:—Cattlo: Medium fat cows and heirers, £9 to-£9 l~s Gd; light fat cows, £7 5s to £7 1-ls; plain and killable cows, £5 os to £6 ss; fresh conditioned store i cows, £3 12s 6d to £4 15s; boner cows; £2 5s -to ,£3 10s; well-grown Jersoy heifer calves, £5;' two-year empty Jersey heifers, £4'. On account Mr. E.-Church-ward: Best quality Jersey and Jersey-cross cows, in milk, £0 to £l2; others, £7 to £S 10s; aged and unsound cows, £4 10s to £6 10s; small but good quality Jersey heifers, £S 15s to~£o 10s; calved Jersey heifers, £6 10s to £7 15s. Pigs: Good weaners, 14s to 16s Gd: best slips, 25s to 2Ss; smaller, 22s 6d.

PAPAKURA DAIRY VALUES The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, held a successful salo of dairy cattle at Papakura, for which prices ruled high. Choice Jersey dairy heifers, close up, made from £lO to £l3: good, £7 10s to £9 10s; backward and smaller, £-1 10s to £0 10s; quality Jersey cows made £8 10s to £lO 10s; good sorts, to £S; others, £4 to £0; Shorthorn dairy cows made up to £l2, and small wcaner Jersey heifers, £2 to £3.


The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agepey Company, Limited, reports on its fortnightly 'stock sale at tho To Puke saleyards. '['hero was a smaller yarding than usual. Fat and store cattle were ji» pood demand, while dairy cattle sold well at late rates. A small yarding of store pigs was disposed of under keen competition at increased prices. Tlio range of prices is as fol-lows.-—Medium fat cows, £5 15s to £0 17s; light, £4 17s Cid to £5 10s'; store cows, £3 to £4 os; boners, ;£1 10s to £3 2s; Friesian heifers, closo to profit, £7 7s Gd to £8 2s; medium quality Jersey heifers, £6 2s 6d to £8;. Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers. £5 10s to £7; small and backward heifers, £4 to £6; large store pigs, £2, to £2 15s; small, 30s to 355; slips, £1 to 30s; weaners, 12s to £l.

CATTLE DEARER AT FEILDING [BY TELEC.RAra—PBESS ASSOCIATION] FEILDING, Friday Late rates prevailed in practically all sections at the weekly sale at Feilding to-day. Tho demand was firm for ail lines of sheep, while dairy cattle showed another rise of 10s a head. Quotations: —Fat sheep: Primo ewes, -10s to <l2s; lighter, 30s to 37s fid; prime wethers, 41s to 13s; others, 20s Gd to 355; lambs, 2<ls to 2Ss. Store sheep: "Wether hoggets, 20s to 27s 7d; ewe hoggets, 33s 4d to 3.1s Sd; black-faced, 22s Id to 255; owes and lambs, -lis (id. Store cattle: Polled Angus yearling steers, £0 r>S to £0 15s; cows, with calves,-£0 lis; forward cows, £1 5s to £5 Is; yoarling heifers, £4 to £4 10s; weaner, £2 to £2 7s. Dairy cattle: Springing heifers, £7 to £lO Ills; cows, £6 10s to £lO os. Fat cattlo: Cows, £5 5s to £0 ss; ox, £lO 12s Od; heifers, £4 10s to £u 10s.

KEEN SALE AT MATAWHERO [BY TEIiEOIIAPH —OWN COBRESrONDENT~\ GISBORNE, Friday Tho top prices of the season to date were realised in tho fat sheep section at the Matawhero stock sale to-day, a small entry mooting with particularly keen competition In tho storo sheop section the yarding was smaller than usual, but the market was buovant, and somo good prices wero paid. There was a yarding of 60 fat cattle, most of them being Jcrsoys of fairly good finish. Good competition resulted in a first-class sale. Good finished Jersey cows ranged from £4 10s to £5 7s 6d, with those in light condi-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22819, 28 August 1937, Page 11

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STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22819, 28 August 1937, Page 11

STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22819, 28 August 1937, Page 11