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HORSES AND DAIRY CATTLE. LIST OF PRIZE-WINNERS. [FROM our own correspondent.] TE PUKE. Tuesday. The thirty-first annual show of the Te Puke Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held on the Te Puke Show Ground yesterday in perfect weather. The show, which had been postponed from Saturday on account of the heavy rain, attracted an excellent attendance. Several competitors from outside parts were very successful. Following were the results:— CUPS AND CHAMPIONSHIPS. The following cups and championship ribbons were awarded in the various competitions:— Shorthorn bull: E. Law. Shorthorn cow: W. J. Law. Friesian bull: B. G. Pinker. Friesian cow: S. W. Mitchell. Jersey bull: <T. Rae. Jersey cow: Mrs. E. E. Mander. Ross Medal, best calf owned by child: Allan Riddcll. Fletcher Cup, fat stock: 11. J. Gill. Grazier's Cup, fat stock: H. J. Gill. Wilson Cup, group herd-testing: K. A. Bennett. Draught mare cup: F. Collins. Balnagore Cup, fat pigs: A. M. Ryburn. Mitchell Cup, best hunter: M. Abbott. HORSES. Saddle Horses.—Trotter, marc or gelding: J. H. Evans. 1; J. Morrice, 2. Walker, mare or gelding: A. Stewart, 1: D. R. Thompson. 2. Hack, mare or gelding, up to ISst.: M. B. Abbott, 1. Hack, mare or gelding, up to 13st.: Ward, 1; A. Stewart, 2; J. Morrice. 3. Hack, mare or gelding, up to list.: J. H. Evans, 1: Black Bros.. 2; A. Stewart, 3. Horse, Mounted Rifles, 15.1 or under: Black Bros., 1: A. Stewart, 2; J. Morrice, 3. Cob, mare or gelding, under 15 hands, up to list.: Black Bros., 1; A. Stewart, 2: J. Morrice, 3. Lady's Ijack, ridden by lady: J. H. Evans, 1: Black Bros., 2; Miss R. MacDougall. 3. Pony. 14 hands and under, ridden by boy under 13 years: J. H. Evans, 1 and 2; F. Alexander, 3. Pony, suitable for polo. 11.3 or under: R. Boyd, 1; Black Bros., 2; R. Boyd, 3. Best-paced hack: A. Stewart, 1: J. H. Evans, 2; Black Bros., 3. Soy rider, under 13 years: F. Alexander, 1; J. H. Evans. 2; B. Munsell, 3. Lady rider: Mrs. Grit Ten, 1; Mißs P. MacDougall, 2; Mrs. Abbott, 3. Girl rider, over 13 and under 17 years: V. Tanner, 1; C. Hodges, 2. Boy rider, over 13 years and under 17 years: D. Patterson, 1; A. James. 2: J. Morrice, 3. Best rider, boy or girl, 12 years and under: F. Alexander. 1; J. Evans, 2; B. Mansell, 3. Pony, owned and cared for and ridden to school by child: F. Alexander. 1: B. Mansell. 2; J. Evans, 3. Shetland pony: J. Morrice. 1. Championship ribbon, for best hack: A. Stewart.

Harness Horses. —Mare or gelding, 15 hands and over: L. Jenkins, 1. Mare or gelding, under 15 hands: J. H. Evans, 1: H. Innes, 2. Pony, mare or gelding. 11 hands and under: J. H. Evans. 1. Twowheeled turnout: J. H. Evans, 1; L. Harris, 2 " Draughts.—Mare any age: Fred Collins. 1 and champion: A. N. Morton, 2. Draught gelding, any age: A. B. Morton. 1. Medium draught, maro or gelding, three years and over: A. B. Morton, 1; P. Collins. 2. Pair heavy draught mares or geldings, any age, property one owner: A. B. Morton. 1. Pair medium draught marcs, or geldings, any age, property one owner: I'. Collins, I. Team three horses, mare or geldings, any nse, property one owner: A. B. Morton. 1 Heavy spring-cart horse, mare or gelding. up to 30cwt.: P. Collins 1: A. B. Morton. 2. General purpose horse, mare or "elding, suitable to vide, drive or plough: T. Witherow. 1: Terry McC'ourt Jumping Competitions.—Maiden hunter. J. Morrice. I: A. Stewart, 2: R. Boyd. 3 Hunter, ridden by gentleman, weight not under 12st.: M. B. Abbott. 1: A. Stewart. 2- J Morrice. 3. Open consolation hunter, ridden by gentleman not under lieit.: Black Bros 1; R. Boyd, 2. Pony hunter. 14.and under, ridden by boy or girl under 17" R. Boyd. 1: R- Thompson. 2. Boy rider, under 15 years, ride pony. 14.2 under: 0. Evans. 1: J. Morrice 2 Lady rider, over three jumps: Mra. H. Mori ice. 1- Miss Peggy MacDougall. 2. AVire jump: Black Bros.. 1: A. Stewart. 2 £ ar fc k ridine: over burbles: A. Stewart, 1. E. Bojd. o The Mitchell Cup, which was donated for the best hunter, and had to be won three times in succession or five times at intervals, was won outright by Jlrs. At. Abbott. . . , Bending Competition: Black Bros.. 1. Stockmen's competition: Black Bros,. 1. A Stewart, 2. Sy.ocknien s competition tor boys under 14: J. Morrice. 1. CATTLE.

Pedigree Millsins Shorthorns.—Bull, throe years and over: E. Law. 1 and champion. Bull, calved since July 1, 1929. two year?: W J Law, 1. Bull, calved since July 1. 1930: E. J. Law. 1. Cow. any ape. visibly in calf or in milk: W J. Law. 1 and champion. Heifer, calved since July 1. 19-8. three years, in milk: A. B. Morton. 1 and 2. Heifer. calved since July 1. U-9. two yearsj W. J. Lav/, 1. Heifer calved since July 1. 1930. one year and under two years: A. B. Morton, 1: E. J. .Law. 2; TV H. Law, 3. Heifer, calved since July 1 1931- A. B. Morton, 1; W. .T. Law, 2. 'Group Class.—Milkinc Shorthorns one bull and three females, to be property of one owner: W. J Law, 1. (trade Milkinc Sliorthorns.--Cow. any a<?e, visibly in calf or in milk: .J. I. Heifer, calved since July 1. 1929. two years. A. B. Morton, 1 and 2; P.- T. Kenm. 3. Heifer, calved since July 1. 1930. one year. \ B. Morton. 1; Eric Oilmore, 2; I. . Kenm. 3. Heifer calf, calved since July 1. 1931: A. B. Morton. 1; P. T. Kenm. 2: Eric Gihnore. 3. .. , . Pedigree Jerseys.—Bull, three years and over: J. Kae's Oakland. 1 ami champion ribion; M. Crimmins, 2 and reserve; W Riddell 3. Bull, calved since July 1. 1929. two years: A. Wells, 1; Mrs, K. K. Marnier '2; B. Sutton, 3. Bull, calved since July I 1930. one year: R. Walsh, 1; W. Biddell, R R. Evans, 3. Bull calf, calved since July 1, 1931: M. Crimmins, 1; J. Bae, 2: M Crimmins,-3. Cow. any age, visibly 111 calf" Mrs. E. E. Maiider, 1 and champion; G B. Sutton, 2 and reserve champion: K. Walsh. 3. Heifer, calved since July 1, T>2B three years:, in milk: M. Crimmins. 1; Mrs' E. E. Mander. 2. Heifer, calved einco ,'fulv 1 1929. two years: Mrs. E. h. Mander. 1; R. Walsh, 2. Heifer calved since July 1930, one year: Mrs. E E. Mander, 1: J. Rae. 2 and 3. Heifer calf, calved since July 1 1931: M. Crimmins, 1 and 3: J. Rae, 2. 'Group Jerseys.—One bull and three females, to be property of one owner: M. Crimmins and Sons. I; G. B. Sutton, Mrs E. E. Mander, 3. Grade Jerseys.—Cow. any asre. visibly in calf or milk: R. Walsh, 1; K. A- ' " and 3 Heifer, calved since July 1, three years, in milk: E. O. Webber 1 ■> Heifer, calved since July I, 1929, two years: A Jackson, 1. Heifer, cah-ed since July 1. 1930, one year: R. Walsh. 1. K. A. Reiinett 2- E O. Webber, 3. Heifer calf, calved since July 1. 1931: Allan Riddel), 1;. Cliff Riddell 2: M. Crimmins and bons. Pedisree Friesians.-Bull, three years and over: B. G. Pinker, 1 and champion; U. y. Pinker 2 and reserve champion. calved since July 1. 1929 two years: b \\ Mitchell. 1 and 3; Mrs. M.-Webber. 2. Bull, calved since July I. 1930. one year: B. G Pinker 1- S W. Mitchell, 2 and 3. Bub calf calved since July 1. 1931: B. G. Pinker. 1 and 3: S. W. Mitchell. 2. Cow. any ape, visibly in milk or in calf: S. W. Mitchell, 1 and champion. 2 and reserve champion, and 3. Heifer, calved since July 1925. three years, in milk: B <• 1 inker, 1 : S. W Mitchell. 2 and 3. Heifer, calved since Tulv 1 1929, two years: B. G. 1 inker. 1 and 2-' S -W. Mitchell n. Heifer calved since July 1. 1930. one year: B. C.. Pinker. 1 and °• S. W. Mitchell, 3. Heifer calf, calved since July 1. 1931: B. G. Pinker. 1; S \V MitChell. 2 and 3 Group Class. —One bull and three females. to be the property of one owner: S. \V. Mitchell, 1. B. G. Pinker, 2 and 3. SPECIAL CLASSES. Two grade Shorthorn heifers, yearlings: A B. Morton, 1; Eric Gilniore 2; P T Keam 3. Two grade Shorthorn heifers, two yearn-' A. B. Morton, 1. Two grade Jersey heifers, yearlings: M. Crimmins and Sons. 1; Walter Bennett. 2- K. A. Bennett. A. Two grade Friesian heifers, yearlings: H. G Pinker 1: S. W. Mitchell. 2 and 3 Two grade Friesian heifers two years. S. VV. Mitchell, 1 and 3: B. G. Pinker 2 Bull calf, owned and bred by member of the Bay of Plentv Jersey Club: E. O. Webber. 1, Mrs. E. I'-. Mander. 2; R. Walsh. 3. Heifer calf, bred and owned by njember of the Bay of Plenty Jersey Club: Walter Riddell. 1; R Walsh 2 and 3. Best dairy heifer calf, hand-reared by school child: Peter Fagan 1 Clifford Riddell. 2; E. Pinker. 3 Marked yearling Shorthorn heifer: A. B. Morton 1 : W J Law, 2 and 3 Marked yearling Jersey heifer: I\. A. Bennett I. Butter-fat, Competition.—Cow: I\. Bennett. 1 and 3- A. Morton 2. Two-year-old: h. Bennett. 1. 2 and 3 Three-year-old: h. Bennett, 1 and 2: A. B. Morton, 3. FAT CATTLE. Fat steer, three years: A. Snodgrass. 1 . H J. Gill. 2. Fat Hereford ox: H. J. Gill, j.' Fat Shorthorn ox: H. J. GUI, 1. STORE CATTLE. Steer two years, suitable for fattening: H. J. Gill, 1. Yearling steer: A. B. Morton, 1 and 2.

SHEEP. Pen three ewes, Bomney Ms rah: W. J. Law. 1. Pen three ewes, for breeding fat, lambs: W. J. Law, 1 and 2. Pen three ewe? suitable for butcher: S. W. Mitchell, I and 2: W. J. Law, 3. Pen three crossbred lambs, euitnble for butcher: \V. J. Law, 1 and 3; A. Ryburn. 3. Pen three lambs, suitable for freezing: W. J. Law, I and '2; A. Rybtirn. 3. PIGS. Tamworth boar, under eight months: D. and S. Ros6, J and champion. Tnmwortli sow, over eight months, and under 11 months: D. and S. Ross, t nnd champion Tn in worth sow. under eight months: D. and S. Ross, 1. Large Whites.—Largo White boar, over II months: D. mid S. Ross. 1. Large White boar, under eight months: D. anrl S. Kobs. 1 Large White sow, over J4 months: J). and S. Ross. I and 2. Large White sow, over eight months and under 14 months: D. and S. Ross. 1 mid champion. Large White sow, under eight months. D. and b. Ross, 1 and '2: S. W. Mitchell. 3. Large Blacks.— Large Black boar, over 14 months: D. and S. Ross. 1. Large Black bonr. over eight months and under It months: D. nnd S. Ross. 1. Large Black boar, under eight months: D. and S. Ross 1. Large Black sow. over H months: D. and S. Ross. 1 and champion. Large Black sow, over eight months and under 14 months: D and S. Rose, 1. Large Black sow, under eight liiontha: D. and S. Rcss. 1. Sow and litter, any breed: D. nnd S Kos* 1 nnd It: H. Innes. 2. Bacon pig. 1201b. to 1501b.: S W. Mitchell, t. Fat porker, any breed or cross-weight, not to exceed 001 b.: A. Ryburn. I. MATAMATA FIXTURE. AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS. FINE LIGHT HORSE DISPLAY. [from ovb own corr ksi*onpf.nt.] MATAMATA. Tuesday. \ The 21st. annual show, organised by the j Mntamatu, Agricultural and Pastoral Associo- J tion, was held tn-day. It, was on outstand- j ing success. Matamata was favoured with tine weather for its coming-of-age show and j the entries were about, 120 in excess of j last year. Despite reduced prices of admis- j sion the gate receipts were £133, as against j £ll4 last year. The entries in the Jersey and hunter classes were especially noteworthy, the best, of the light horses in the "Waikato com- j peting. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. i C. H. Clinkard, M.P., Mr. J. W. Anderson. chairman of the Matamata County ! Council, opened the show. Great credit is j due to Mr. W. S. Wilson, president, Mr. ! F. Bunks, secretary, nnd the executive for | the successful organisation. The principal awards are as follows: CHAMPIONSHIPS: Horses.— Hack: Mr. H. S. Wyatt's Romford. Hunter: Mrs. T. L. Rnnstead's Toby. Draught mure: P. McNaughton. Cattle.—Friesian bull: 10. C. Banks, junr. Friesian cow: K. C. Banks, junr. Jersey hull: R. K. Garland: reserve. Colson Instate. Jersey cow: R. Holmes; reserve, H, J. Barford. Ayrshire bull: A. A. Potts, HORSES. Thoroughbreds.—Brood mare: W. Egan's Irene Bruce, 1: Kereone, Limited, 2; Mr. D. Shaw, 3. Two-year-old: W. Egan's Miss Raina, 1; M. D. Slinw. 2. Yearling: M. D Shaw, 1. Foal: W. Egan. 1; M. I). Shaw. 2. , . Hacks. —Brood mare: Kereone. Limited. 1; Crabb Bros.. 2. Cob: G. Porritt. 1: K. M. Peake, 2; Kereone, Limited. 3. Ladv's hack: E. Johnston, 1: J. Rnnstead. 2: C. Morgan, 3. Hack, up to list.: L. Johnston 1; J. Rnnstead, 2: C. Morgan. 3. Hack. : up to 13st.: H. S. AVyntt's Romper, j I: P. H. Clarkin's Polite, 2; Ben Myers' j Heather Belle. 3. Hack. 13st.. owned_ and | ridden by farmer in county: H. S. AVvatt. j 1; E. Johnston, 2: Crabb Bros., 3. Hack. ] most suitable for mounted infantry: T. j L. Rnnstead. 1; P. H. Clnrkin, 2 : Ben j Myers. 3. Polo pony: C. Morgan. I; P. i Thirwall, 2: W. C. Vincent. 3. Bending competition: G. Porritt. I: Kereone. Limited. 2; G. Campbell. 3. Hunters. —Maiden hunter: H. I'.. I orritt. 1- E. Johnston. 2: W. Hamilton, 3. Hunter, up to list.: J. Ransteiid. 1: A. M. Samuel. 2; J. Tims, 3. Hunter. 13st. nnd npwnrds; Mrs." T. L. Rnnstead. 1 : P. H. Clarkin. 2: Ben Myers. 3. Champion hunter: Mrs. 'l. L. Rnnstead's Tobv. !: P. H. Clarkin's Polite (reserve champion!. 2: A. M. Samuel s El Arisli. 3. Consolation hunter: P. Clnrkin. 1- Ben Myers. 2. Lady's hunter: .T. Rnnstead. 1; Mrs. T. L. Rnnstead. 2: Hen Myers. 3. Pony hunter: K. M. I enke. 1 • Kereone. Limited. 2 nnd 3. "Juvenile Classes.—Child's pony, not over 12 hands: F. Burke. 1: A. JolmsfoD. 2: B. Hnrris, 3. Pony, not over 13.2 hands: A. Johnston. I; Wendy I'avge. 2: B. Harris. 3 Pony, not over 14.2 hands: KereonCj Limited. 1; K. Peake. 2: R. E. Bnrtleet,, 3. Girl rider, under 14: B. Hnrris, 1; W. Johnston, 2. School hnck: K. Penke. 1: B. 1 Rnnstead. 2; B. Morgan. 3. Fancy dress, girl: B. Harris. 1. Boy rider, under 14: Kereone. Limited. 1 nnd 2; F. Burke, 3. Girl rider, under If.: K. Ranstead and G. Johnston, 1: B. Ranstead. 3. Boy rider, under Ifi (over fences): R. Douglas, 1; V. Burke, 2. Riding nnd Driving.—Lady rider: Mrs. T. L. Rnnstead. 1; Miss P. Gorrie. 2: Mrs. (i. Ranstead, 3. Gentleman rider: F. Baker. 1: E Johnston. 2; W. Tims, 3. Heavy Draught, Horses.—Heavy mare: P. McNnuchton's Portia. 1: W. F Harding, •2: E. O. Banks, jun.'s Mala Blossom. 3. Henvv gelding: W. F. Harding. 1 nnd 2; P. McNaughton, 3. Best, walking horse: P. McNaughton. 1: "W. F. Harding. 2 and 3. Three-yenr-old gelding: W. F. Harding. 1: P. McNaughton, 2. Best kept pnir. in har ness: P. McNaughton, 1: W. F. Harding. •"> Two-year-old colt : 10. C. Banks, iun.. 1. Two-vear-old Jillv: P. Barugh, 1; G. Conder. 2. One-year filly: P. Barugh, 1 nnd 2; A. C. Vosper. 3. Draught foal: C. G. Pnvge. 1. Miscellaneous.— Heavy spring enrt mare or gelding: \V. F. Harding. 1: G. E. Conder, 2. Spring cart mare or gelding: W. F. Harding, 1. Pair horses: W. F. Harding. 1: G. E. Conder. 2. Utility horse: G. E Conder, 1: Kereone, Limited, 2. CATTLE. Fill Cattle.—Fat steer: M. M. Scott. 1 nnd 2; W. F. Harding. 3. Fnt steer. two years: AV. I. Harding. 1: M. M. Scolt. 2. Fat heifer: W. C. Vincent, 1; W. F. Harding, 2. Best, butcher's cow: Kereone. Limited, i and 3: W. C. Vincent, 2. Pedigree Friesians.—Breeder's group: E. C. Banks, jun., 1. Bull, three years_ or over: E. C. Banks, jun.'s Domino D.K.G., 1 Bull, two years: E. C. Banks, jun.'s Netherland Posili. 1 and champion. Bull calf" E. C. Banks, jun.'s Mnta Domino 1 nutn ph. 1. and Totara C.. Rajah, 2. Cow. four years or over, in milk: E. ( . Bunks, jun . 1 ; K. G iflord, 2. Heifer, two years, in milk: E. C. Banks, jun.'s Main Nether inncl Posch. 1 mid champion. Heifer, yenrling: E. C. Banks, jun.. I nnd 2: K. GifTord. 3. Heifer, calf: E. <". jun.. 1 ni'd •2. Pnir yearling heifers: E. C. Banks, 1 'g ratio Friesians. • Heifer, calf, hand fed: J. J. Ryan, 1 and 2. Pedigree Ayrshires.-Pair yearling heifers: W J. Bates. 1. Bull, two years: A. A. Potts, 1. Bull, ealf: A. A. Potts' Hohoroa Prince Charming. 1 and champion. Heifer, vearling: W. J. Oates. 1. 2 nud 3. Heifer, calf: A. A. Potts,.l: W. J. Gates. 2 and 3. Grade Jerseys.--Cow. in milk, within radius of 15 miles of Matamata,: H. Vosper, 1 and 2; J. McSweeney, 3/ Cow, three years or over, in milk: 11. Vosper, 1; J. Mc- | Sweeney, 2; W. S. Wilson, 3. Heifer, two years, in milk: H. Vosper. 1 and 2: H. J. Barford. 3. H°ifer. yearling: H. Vosper, 1 and 2: F, Richmond. 3. Pair yearling heifers: H. Vosper. 1; H. Sutherland. 2. Three yearling heifers: n. Vop.per, I: H. Sutherland. 2. JTeifer cnlf: J. Watson, 1 and 2; J. McSweeney, 3. Pedigree Short horns.—G. Conder. I. Grndn Shorthorns.—Heifer, two years, in milk: W. F. Harding, I. Heifer, yearling: W. F. Harding, t nnd 2. Two hand-fed slcer calves: G. Conder. 1. Two hand-fed calves, calved since July J. 1031: W. F. Hnrding. 1; G. Conder, 2. Calf Club.—Best-fed cnlf: K Ware. 1: ,T Potts. 2; W. Holmes. 3. Cup class: H. Watson. 1; M. Watson. 2; W. Arc,Sweeney, n. Yearling: M. Watson. I: H. Watson. 2; N. Conder, 3. SHEEP. Sonthdowns.—Ram, four-tooth and over: Robins and Mockridge. 1; W. Men's. 2. Ram, two-tooth: Kereon°, Ltd.. 1; AN. Menrs. 0 Ewe four-tooth and over: Robins and Mockridge, 1 and 3: W. Menrs. 2. Ewe-two-tooth: W. Menrs. 1: L. L. Cook 2. Ram or ewe lamb: Robins and Mockridge, 1 and 2; W. Menrs. 3 Fat Sheep. -Pen of three fat ( Payze. I: W. Menrs. 2: M. M. Scolt. ,3. Pen of three ewes, suitable breeding: W. Menrs. I; C. G. Payze. 2; Kereone Ltd 3. Pen of three lambs: H. Rollclt. I; E. Johnston. 2: Kereone, Ltd... 3. Pet, lamb: A. Potts, 1; Mrs. G. Englnnd. 2; Kereone, Ltd., ' 3 ' PIGS. Sow and Litter.—L. L. Cook. I. Large White sow, one year or over: L. L. took, DOGS. Cuttle Dog. rough.—W. Vincent, T, Bluck, 2. Cattle dog, smooth: J. N. Fitness, 1: F. J. Downie, 2; J. McSweeney, 3. Sheep dog, rough: E. Johnston, 1; C. G. Payze. 2. Sliecp dog, smooth: A. Vopper. l. N _____

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21115, 24 February 1932, Page 13

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AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21115, 24 February 1932, Page 13

AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21115, 24 February 1932, Page 13