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The annual prize-giving and breaking. up ceremony of King's School, Remuera, was held yesterday afternoon. There was a largo attendance of parents and friends. In his report the headmaster, Mr. S. Clifton Smith, stated that during the year the total enrolment was 184, of whom 47 were boarders. Since the school's inception there had been a steady increase of boarders. There had been only a slight increase in the number of day boys, that being due, probably, to the belief that non-State schools could not compete with State institutions in laying the foundation of a boy's education.

A considerable improvement, said Mr. Smith, had been made in the playing grounds. Sport, he recognised as an essential factor to development, and he thanked the resident masters for the manner in which they Ind devoted themselves to outdoor activities. Mr. Smith' also paid tribute to the work of the teaching staff, the co-oporation of parents, and the generous sympathy of the board of governors.

Bishop Averill congratulated the headmaster and staff on the year's activities. Parents could rest assured, he s..tid, that the boys were well looked after, and well prepared for a higher education. A better site for a preparatory school than King's School had could not be found in the Dominion. Thev were indebted to Mr. C. T. Major for that. A happy speech was given by Professor R. M. Algie, chairman of the board of governors, who related amusing recollections of his own schooldays. lie said that King's School was not a proprietary concern, and that every penny spent was returned to it in the interests of the institution. He congratulated the headmaster, Mrs. Smith, and the staff, for whom three cheery were given by the

boys. The need for providing adequate provision of facilities for sport was emphasised by Mr. H. P. Richmond, a member of the Board of Governors. He specially referred to the desirability of encouraging swimming, which was, in his opinion, the best of all exercises in a city like Auckland, so climatically suited to the pastime. Prizes wore presented by Bishop Averill as follow: —

School Prizes.— Form IB: Ostler. Form 1A: Gorrlon. 1. We>ir 2. Form '2: Mackenzie. 1; Yickerrran, '2. Form 3: Maffey, 1; Gilmour. 2. Form 4B: Madill. 1: Buchanan, '2. Form 4A : AbhoM. 1: Richmond. 2. Form SA: Tuttersfield, 1: Macindoe, 2. Form 5B: Lewis. 1; Kerry. 2. Music.—Hollinrake. Scripture.—Junior: Handyside. "Progress Prize— Woolams. Bayley Prize. —Fi?he;Head of the School.—Macindoe. Senior Prefect —Tattersfield.

Elocution.—Bi ms. Snorts Pnzes.-- Tro'.virp the cricket bull: Jackson. SwitrrJoirjs: Chisholm. Boeing: Senior. Hollinruke- junior, Macindoe. Gymnastics: Senior. Tattersfield; junior. Umbers. Athletics: Under 9. Mackenzie; under 11, Lennard. School championships: Lewis.



The presentation of diplomas to the Auckland kindergarten auidents took place at the Myers Kindergarten last evening, Mr. C. J. Ellerbeck presiding. Miss Gibson, kindergarten trainer, gave a brief report of the year's activities. The new kindergarten had been opened at the beginning of the second term, and was now doing excellent work. There was need for an extension of kindergarten work in Ai ckland, ond a committee was now making inquiries with regard to the establishment of yet another kindergarten centre. Miss Newman also spoke upon tno value of the kindergarten movement to the community. , , ... Diplomas were awarded to the following students:—Misses E. Ward (with distinction). G. Gibbons, J. Heath, M. Horsley. G. Williams. . ~ At the conclusion or the ceremony the guests inspected an interesting display of handwork by kindergarten students.



The annual prize-giving, which marks the clone of the school year. was held yertcnlay a! St. Mary's Convent, Ponsonby. Bishop Cleary presided, and there was ar large attendance of parents and pupils. Jno SOhCOI report, which was read by the Very Rev. Chancellor Holbrook. demonstrated the very (.-ratifying rer-uHs of the year s work, the religious side of which was marked by affiliation with tin University of Washington. Ten of the senior pupils, none of whom secured less than 70 per cent, of the possible marks in the evaminntio-i sot by that touy, : wens presented. Three pupils secured ! matriculation. 10 claps D certificates. 11 ini termediate and public service, and 1/ proficiency certificates. In music the highest marks in Auckland in the intermedia e and senior division were secured by candidates from the school. , During the. ceremony nn address was delivered by the bishop, and a miracle. play. "The Nativity of Christ," was. admirably staged and presented by the senior pupils. The prize list is as follows:--Christian Doctrine.—Form V . TSancy Flynn (Bishop Clcary's gold medal); Form IV Eva Cr.rsidy (Rev. Mother s prold medal): Form TIT.. Rona Kelly: Standard 6. Marie Bellamy: Standard 5, Nancy Cameron; • Standard 4, Gertiude Terry -Standard 3. I Joan Kiely; Standard 2, May Hiscock; i Standard 1, lan Perseill. Aggregate Marks.--Forrri \ .. Doreen Kalaugher: Form IV.. Grace Butler; Form 111.. I Katie Hacke't: Standard A 1., Florence Chatfield: Standard V.. Echia Armmer; Standard l IV.. Nora Chapman Smith; Standard 111.. Valerie Ross- Standard 11.. Aellie Bird: Standard 1.. Lenore Piggott. T)omer>*ic*.—Standard v 1., Lorna lElson: Standard V.. Mary Kell. Dress-r.-aking- Nancy MeKone. tainting: Edna Parker.' Ca'decirg: Alice Kennedy. Commercial subiec.ts: Lila H»nn. TT , Music—S M. Ttnlph Gold Medal: Helen ! Macdonald. A.T.C.L. , Silver medal: Mavis O'Connell Mollie HoW Phyllis. Hasted' Owen Jones. Nellie Bird. SmR-.ns (cold Doris Brarsgrove. . r iol;n (gold medal)- Grace Dyer. Special music rms:os: Mrllie Sheffield. 1 : Zoe Raynes. 2. Theory: ] M«v Kell. C. DohertT. Book Prize"—lnfant cln«=es- Mora ■Murphy. PII. 'first prize), Edna Watson, Francie Hiscock; Jim Grevatt (PHI.); Maureen Hiokey (PI-\-, , , Theory of V.utic.—Silver medal: Nancy MeKone. _ , _ , .. ~ , ~ Crown for Good Conduct.—Kathleen McGold Medal for Chnrrb History and Dogma (highest marks in Catholic University examination, Amorica). —Nora Josephine Go'd medal for Fr«nch. —Jovce Parker Gold Modal for English Essay.—Mollie Gillies. Special Conduct Prize.—Rose Dolierly.

DOMINION EXHIBmON MEDALS Prize essay: Molly Gillies, Joyce Parker, Lorna Elson, Joyce Burnet. Elocution: Doncee O'Brien. Ccokery: Lormi Elson. Dressmaking; Isobel Percival. Helen MacDonald. Knitting. Lily Bradney. Colleen Wright. Kathleen Williams. Fancy work: Nancy McKone Moirn Bryant. Trinity College gold medal for honours in senior singing Dorothy Mudford. Trinity College silver medal for honours in intermediate division: July Dean. Results of Trinity College music examinations (piano unless otherwise stated) are as under:— Licentiate: Edith Moore, Lenore Donett (ringing), Ethel Jono;, Marjorie Hoffman Associate: Helen Mac Donald. Doris Bransgrove (ringing), Edna Smith, Mary BpcllBigher Local: Mavis O'Connoll (honours). Zoo Kavnos (honours). Molly Overton (honours), Doris B*i.njgrovo (honours), Pearl Miller, Leila Mahcr. ~.,,, Senior DivjEicn • Dorothy Mudford, honours (gold medallist). Dorothy Wudfnrd (flinging). 'ionour t , (sold medallist), Grace Dyer (violin), honoure, Phyllin Renner, Helen Mac Donald (violin). Kathleen Bradanovieh, J-an Marlwovich. Intermedin I o Division: Inez Dean, honour* (mednlliot). Mollv Overton (singing). honour?, Elizabeth w »tzell, Junior Division: W*i\y Hoben (honours). S-'di-» Pflrris, I'nn Monro. Muriel Handly, Phyllis Hostedt, Mary Kell, Eileen Hewscn, Molly Aiahibie. Alice Kennedy. Preparatory Division: Dorothy MacKenzie (honours), Jessie Milne (honour,.). Gvenyth Jones (honours), Audrey Murfitl, Doncee O'Brien Valerie Rose. Moira Bryant. First S'epa: Patricia liner. Associate Bo;,rd.- -Final Grade: Advo. Advanced Grade 1 Audrey Thnmnson. Lower Division: Mario Devereux. Elementnry Division Kathleen Mullen (violin). Primary; Dlviaio"; Tan Pursmi'l. Fr»nk Cassidy (violin). Ri'dimenta: Molly Overton, Marjory Green. Kathleen Reid. Rose McCnl>e. London Collogo Associato: Olga Skinner, Maaiu Webster



A large gathering of parents and friends of pupils of St Cuthbert's College assembled at the Town Hall concert chamber last evenins, when the annual breaking-up concert !} Q d Prize-giving ceremony took place. Mr. J, Robertson, chairman of the board of directors, presided, the prizes being pre wnted by Mrs. G. H. Wilson. .Reference was made by the chairman to the establishment of the new college at h/psoru, where, upon an area ol 15 acres, a spacious school building had been ero-ted on modern lines. Many of the past pupiix. no doubt, regrottsd that their codoge Kie nad terminated prior to tho transfer to Uie new buildings, but by linking up with the St. Cuthbert's Old Girls' Association. the association would still be maintained. ft, . Bl l eakor .concluded by congratitating tho stair, pupils and prizo-winners upon the good work accomplished during the year. A brief address was also given by the Uev. <-.. J. Tocker, who spoke of the importance of a good school influence on the moulding of character of tho pupils. Ihe report of the principal stated that tho examination results had been good, honours having been obtained by several pupils i ln l. spe ? lul subjects. Thero had been no lack of enthudaFm as far as eport was concerned, tho girls having held their own in hockey, tennis and other games. 1 nor to the distribution of prizes, an enjoyabij procrauimo wns rendered by the pupils including items by the junior singing class, rhythmic exercises and musical anil, a display of wand drill and Grecian frieze and statuo poses by the senior girls. bports prizes wero presented as follows:— Upper, Senior and Matriculation; middle. First \ear A: lower. Form 111b. Basket- • ,;, u r, por - Senior and Matriculation: middle, first Year A. Drill: Upper. Intermediate: middle. First Year A; lower. Form Ha. Swimming: First Year A. Tennis: Upper, Senior (B. Hitchings and N. Whitelaw) : middle. First Year B (P. Grenier end J. Mairs). Drill prizes: Junior, S. Watkins : middle, M. Hargreaves; senior. V. Koulston. Swimming champion: M. Wool colt. Tennis champion: Phyllis Greni:r. bports champion: D. Jenkins. School prizes wero presented as ander:— Lower School.—Form I.: Good work. J. Bowdon. Form prizes: B. Brown, M. Hull. N, Rogorson. J. Bull (Ist). Form 11.b.Musio: G. Park: good work. ,T. Crouch, Ai. Fisher. Form prizes: M. Bainbridge. J. Coles. S. Paterson (Ist). Form U.a.: Good work. M. Ball. N. Closs, S. Marriott; sow ing and. form prize, M. Abbott: form prize, M. Pettit (Ist). Form 111 b: Music, P. Hayes; D. White; good work. S. Watkins. B. Rich-White; form prizes. W. de Vcre, A. Morley. J. Paterson. D. Aitken. J Simpson (Ist). Form Ill.a: Sewing. M. -lowden: Scripture. R. Pettit; good work, F. - Schreideman. J. Thomson H. White; form prizes: I. Pettit. K. Bull (Ist). Upper School.—First year: Good work. b. Armstrong. M. Kinniburgh: form prizes. M. Landon. M. Bradstreot. J. Carlaw. D. Lox, J. Winstone. I. Collins. J. Foreman. brst form prize and bronze medal, J. Mit c.iell Second year Remove: Musio. J. McCullough; domestic science. E. Peako form prize. L. Stokes. Second year: Elocution. B. Colwill; good work. P. Hume; form prizes. M. Grenier, J. Hamill. M. Wilson, N. Anderson; music and form prize. M- loung; botany note book and form prize, R. Innes; first form prize and silver medal (junior scholarship). L. Crump. Intermediate: Painting. D. Grantmusic. B. House: good work. J. Mclndoeform prize. F Innes; form prize and bronze medal. M. Collins: first form prize and silver medal (Junior Scholarship), A. Suter Matriculation: Good work. B. McCormick. V . Roulston. Z. Cameron ; cx-stndenta' prize for most public-spirited girl. I. Lamb: form prl j e -, t; *Y ay , tei form prize and bronze medal. E. Graham; form prize and silver medal (Senior Scholarship), L. Seamor. Senior: Good work, R. Owen: dictation and good work. M. Smyth; form prize and silver medal (Senior Scholarship). N. Whitelaw : head girl, M. Beattio.



The annual prize-giving ceremonies at the large secondary Bchools will lake place during the coming week:— The King's College break-up will take place at Middlemore on Tuesday afternoon, when Sir James Gunson will present the prizes. The presentation of prizes to pupils of the Auckland and Epsom Girls' Grammar Schools will take place in tho Auckland Grammar School hall on Wednesday evening next. The presentation to the boys of the Auckland Grammar School will be held in the same building on the following evening. The Hon. 0. J. Parr. Minister for Education, will present tho prizes on each occasion.

The ceremony at the Mount Albert Grammar School will take place on Thursday afternoon.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 9

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ANNUAL PRIZE-GIVINGS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 9

ANNUAL PRIZE-GIVINGS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18891, 13 December 1924, Page 9