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"Like a STAB." X As supplied to Jlilll - A.M. the King. '. * & But backache is not the ONLY x ♦ A -Pare Malt Vinegar, properly brewed and malted, and contains no deleterious J symptom of kidney trouble; 'W )\ I acids. When you order Vinegar, stipulate for CHAMPIOW S. % WmmmmLM others are:- \\ , | SSSfW/ W ♦ Best for Pickling and Table Use. ALL GROCERS. J ™" EYEB, ' mmll ) LswhbJ 1 (Lsm The New Zealand Dairy GRAVEL AND STONE, ■■■■■■'"■ ll y| I &&W & 1 WW &BW RHEUMATIC TWINGES, 1 \ pi 1 A * Aj 9 ¥ i % 4°jf%*s mmmflKW w y\ 1 ASSOCI2LtIOA y UmllCui SEVERE PAINS IN THE Tj (J | * &&>&%* i BACK No patient has all these v symp- w a lasting'.ure s ' t or Sidney poisons ** «i it Iy_ j. m I and it s affiliated interests, pioneered the Dairy different people differently—but I IJCID IOH J-1010 IIOW M . . ..* A „ flMnn I'D '-nr>& J^.HU'ls •» you have any of them the pro- r • ._ H 1 Business in the AUCMantl province. ago i us«d Doan-s BacKache Kidney bability is that you need a kidney —Dontl? " 1 . Pills (or severe pains in my back, and > HM\ 881 l 5 ;■ $ other symptoms of disordered Kidneys. an( bladder corrective. m m ~ %Jkt | Tt mir «*A +hA Tridustrv in ths early „!„,, Md St TS in « ,n , . I Tie Greatest ui».»« Discovery of «, Age.' I " nursed the Industry in the early struggicured mo, and I have been perfectly well n oan 'c Backache Pills are so,e,y I ** » w housewives, to get their IDC Age. mQ days when money was scarce and supplies ever .Inc.. Previous to taking Dean's Uoan « BacKacn e "«• are SOlely N . housewives, to get their washing 1 {&# daVS WltoU mOneV WaS SCaiCe attCl SUppUeS Pills had tried several medicines, all f or tu. v d nevs a nd urinarv e- u * j i UAiifuuAi u 4 *AAg WW J° t? xawjj. "*vm«j »wwv» aj, of which wen. supposed to euro back- tor ine K,aneys ana urmar y fresh, sweet, and clean, had to stand half the day rub- | ° " -- - , ..« /^,-VT „:« rf Q -nA fn^QTrifl ache, but none of them> dirt me.any good, sys t em , That explains their sue- I bing away for dear life on a washing board. Naturally, 1 Were Small, It IS SHU grOvVlllg, ctUU IU UOiJ 10 I cannot epeak too highly of this remedy ' , ' I ~ ° i . • ~u ~,° , - ~ . .. ■" I i»v*v k»***w**« ■■« ~ 0 ... _ . _ and always keep a botti. in th. house cess. It is no use taking a k ; /ney I that used to wear out the clothes before their time, | , l~4rfrrno+ a-nA PVnnqitlOTl of the COin case l might need them. There would a i while it played all manner of pranks with a house- i hUB DISSeSt and Dfc/Sb CAMUbIUUiI UA \iUU V^V be less suffering In the world If Doan's remedy for inactive bowels, and rjl _jfi, J...UU an A flf,. flm »th H .°° . _ _ . -. _ mm, 1 1 Backache Kidney Pills were better .... M wite 8 nealtD ana BtrengtlL M rt v\ovQ+ ma \r\do\ ITI Na"oo' Known." it is no use taking a bowel remedy 1 But that's all oyer and done with now that Science I OperatlVC ltteai Ul IN 6W e&UcUttHU. Six year, later Mr. Newaid confirms, for inactive kidneys and bladder. ■ h ftS discovered a way to get the » * pi HS°?SHS Doan-s pillshllp weak and slug- 1 ™ SPOTLESS WITHOUT v RUBBING 1 The co-operative principle enables THE my old complaint since. I need say no gish kidneys to throw off the uri- | It is named EASY MONDAY and all you have to do is M "l. ... »iCT •* » TOW r » nriA/iT i mT/MVT Tmn a mor«, th. fact, •* for themselves." " wastewh . ch 1 to put a little in the copper, boil, rinse, hang out, and i m ZEALMD DAIRY ASSOCIATION, LTD., to Do,n,Baok M h.K.dn.yP. ll .ar..o,d nary waste which causes so much I washing is finished. '»••«•, 1 /.MLAINiJ UALlil ULU., W Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are sold ' H, K »'— ~ i.-. ~ at 3/- per bottle (6 bottles, 18/8). at all disease if it is left too long in the 1 Ko rubbing-not the slightest. EASY MONDAY die- j pay the best prices for its supplies of ButterChemists and Stores, or post free from a U , solves, loosens, and extracts the dirt without injuiy to the | VciiJ bllC UOOU UIIUCO IUI IvD W.. J-»u.vuv/* Foster-MoClellan Co., 71, Pitt Street, s yt m. ■ most delicate fabric, or to the hands. Rinse—that's all. I i." - ■ -nffl-.n n «>. «v*/3 •vw^'mA* ____. I Allßrocerß, Besureolth « name! 1 f at m Milk or Cream form, and to provide BP^^li^t ! F&°n IF* TLB <& 1 the Consumer with the Choicest Quality - ! YTfteScientificQote Washer/ " piniiniiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiH He Sew Zsslsffid Dftifv Associ&lioOi Ltfli 1 Baby is a Connoisseur | — —— 9 wholesale depots wellesley street, aucklanr s in 19 own e way g wW9W*WWM®wsssQs4QQWssssQssM®sQWQQW*ssWs§<>Qs§QQ<>s<>n I , He likes—and must have— best You gff j ! 88 ' 1 5 . cannot be too cautious in selecting his SB jA7 ff 1 5 . i I food. Use a proved iood-a food which || | ■ ♦ lllsV illl\ jSL\' 'Mightier than i | most'efficadous Sfi.fS 1 I IfjJJ* -II I' ♦ Fr>l'lllll kW» Era' nm «Pi ■■ * 1 Mother's Milk, and satisfac' ggg || 1 J\lQCllCS!' {MM / I TL C ill t |- torily fulfils all the require- h £^ d j| || i*^ I I fTI 1 E ' — 1 D ADV I ITTI V TYYTC I ♦ ill li llllili if 1 iLa 5 ; Sample Bottle of Mellin'i Food, together with useful Handbook ft* S I KAKY ■■ —LI I 1 L/C liJi eJ 1 4 VtHHßttt^df It \—A" 1' »' lII' '<jiw''rl 4 S Mothers, "The Cwe of Infants," will be sent post Free, g 1 X . / lit n /i ■5 MESSRS. COLLIN & CO. PROPRIETARY, LTD., WELLINGTON. Si 1.1 • 1 li J'l ! A vs3w '""V- SV 1 I /// ~ TT" 11 lii 111 EVERY SOUND TOOTH Is a<» =1 ailH fnAir hmtlW* flnfl ! X \ //iS 11 r , i /A .//&///fl"i wea P° n ln healtb-« <l iiiiiiiii , i ,i,,,,,,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iilllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimF § dflU " 1C 0rUlllCI& ttllU «»lvl9. A\\// i I//A Ukl'lM builder of physical power thr«ugh « I 1 t Al'jMßim '<" d dl »<> and a " lm,,at,w> -" *t ■ - ; ■ • I muy PLATES heavy ■ ■ •' ■ ■ ■ 2/9 r % constant ald ln lhß maintananc* of J ' I i S CHILD'S PLATES ■ ■ • • ■ !/• 1 ♦ of the greatest hy|,in " ooianandi 0| ■•»'•' 1 CHILD'S CHINA MUGS ■ • • •8d and 1/6 % * tO - day u J I CHILD'S CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS. - 1/6 I ♦ - JIS • J it If\t j. a i 2 I CHILD'S KNIFE, FORK, AND SPOON . per set, 4/6 I ♦ VtOWn aM DTldge WOTK ItOm 30/- pCf toolh 4 J I CHILD'S FOLDING PUSH CHAIRS. ". - nett £2/7/6 I % . -. J « TA CHILD'S foldinq" COMFY " CARS . . nett £2/9/6 !♦ Four-tooth bridge to replace four front teeth X|| / J NO AJjVANCR ! BABY CARRIAGES (folding), latest models • . . . 1| JUL )kJ/i,AA which have been lost 22K. gold crowns, I|li/ia X liw t * £3/10/., £4/12/6, £5/10/., and £6/10/. | J heavily reinforced with. 20K solder. V/ « CHILD'S MORRIS CHAIRS, just like father's, adjustable back, i % -. .. orTirlV TTn?Tr vatksi ti-qq tjoapttpat it_rr « j• i • * a I upholstered seat and back .- . -9/., io/., 10/6! i? , The work 13 SCIENTIFIC, PRACTIGAL, lasts a lifetime, and is low in cost J CHILD'S SEA GRASS CHAIRS . • . 23/6 and 25/. It PLATES-Whalebone, light, strong, fit absolutely guaranteed, From £3 3s. I T OAK AND OXIDISED COPPER CHAIRS . chairs 18/. each I J Extractions _»__ when plates are ordered. Extraction* Painleis. 2 1 |P|||f\S child's folding wood table and two chairs 12/e set II ExtracUow FREE when plates are ordered. Extraction! Painless. S ■" X Wll U j CHl c L hair oAK AND OXIDISED copper taw win I $ CONSULTATION. EXAMINATION. ADVICE. ! 11/ 4 CHILD'S DESK CHAIR 19/6 | ♦ You are incited to call, have your teeth examined, and be told what is best to i X JCiXIL CHILD'S KINDERGARTEN DESK AND BOOKCASE . 52/6 | % ensure their preservation and restoration, just how the work is done, its cost, 7 I CHILD'S COMBINATION TABLE AND BLACKBOARD. 29/6 I ♦ how long it will take, and all about it. For this there is no charge, SPECIAL % CHILD'S string HAMMOCKS • . . - 6/6 I J ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS. J O>T«TT IT CHILD ' B BED HAMMOCKS 19/6 I % Write if in need of Dental Work. J aIIJLjL I CHILD'S WICKER COMMODE CHAIR . . . 12/9 !♦ . m m „^ A T w^«* * . «.*«., -, ♦ 2±±L±,™™,*,, .... .„ Il AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, I A% /% I A B BABIES'BASKETS • • • • • 2/3,4/6.5/6 HI _ .„... . „ »,,«„, .»«* , * 2IZ an A Z/d 3 CHILD'S RIMU COTS, 4x 2, with sanitary link mattress. 32/6' g I Comer Queen and Wellesley StrCel8 ' AUCKLAND » and at Wellington. % < dM/dy allil **[W I DITTO, DITTO, DROP SIDE . .... 42/6 t DR. RAYNER. Daily from 9 till 6. Saturday 9 tiUl. Open Friday Evenings only. | CHILD'S RIMU COT, 4x2, semMolder, drop side, with sanitary 1 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J link mattress (folds flat for shipment) . . 52/6 . vv^virvvvvvvvvww Bring the children with you. It will be their delight toinspect gBBBBBBBBBBBBBV " ==== W^-P - B « BMMM « l I.' .... | ao I link mattress (folds flat to meet their requirements, . 52/6 |. • « w TTTTTrrmntw Bring the children with you. It will be their delight to inspect S |j ■ ■■—— I the goods we stock to meet their requirements. I 4Efts) * I » w i« « 8 ] = .■ AmSgmrig&j The Home Beautiful | ,P - SSmHSrW I * J** " ; Let us change your old fashioned and ugly fireplace, i WB&ft£JLarM&9 ehiite <» ow-hefttine _ I -. . . i The Place tor £ 1 .. j ' .... . i . y«a cannot do better $$% U Co., Ltd, $*.**>•* fuel-wasting and uninviting, to a new design. JSSffiTWUS #3» I Queen Street ' ; Auckland. I Uood A... Zi.. lameias m .«ss ' ?&«« /^ k I Queen Street Auckland.! Uod Quality Umeias if) If « ad At «£»%"" '"™<XyV Vw ■■■ ■■■■■■— ■ liiillir and Cinematographic Supplies. ™ Art j Oament» of shapely oat in aTI sizes 11 V s ) — —— . p.ij;,,. r.m.r.. A .11 .i». B Colours. ! «nd atrles for Men. Ladles and Ohfldwo \§ (Vi ■ .. g c S m^ a ' 0, „"' ""»' ! <r? —„(.,.„ Tl) I -close, perfect fitting, non-ruck'ntr, dffik ] B 'W> — ———«««-, including Eniigni, rocket tn- j jaafl" m fS B \d i^l ndia . ! L fr * < l llont !7t !flrin *S ©&) >fI»HW B f ■.■i.ii.i ? I «e«tte, Veil Pocket Kodak, feT fep-' 1 r^^^ Mgiii feS D »'f 1 Uh f hST* Jfi,B * n d *" * \ ■ i i^r^'" MIIM * IHI '' KBiWaaMI ' llillmtß>Wf * WIMBBHM ' aMIIII^ |Ml|| n e \ Brownies, Box Eniigm, and liPti'l " ' if BeaUUIUI /»/«(!• fvt, whiu We», Ltium JtlfiL in T 3iI«ISSI 1 \ t R V/ \ Folding KlUoi of e«ry de,cri I \ I ""^^^f^^^^ I 1 Tilsc j ™KS^ Mien '^ M ,i ,on,a,tCT &i /iKim 1 fil I*l ll 111 ll MI C IJI -1 ■STII -1 li\3 11 I Jait Landed— large awort- ■ , BerL j> {.. I W«» •_. THE JASON UNBERWEAR CO. nWVWIHUfc QffIVFH meat of Kodaki of every ,ue. I "™—' —r7"rJrJJT — ! U/ITM Dl IDC RiDI If.C \ m Mi We ecil,i,ein Albnmi. A, .1 ' £%g« !Haa \ ? Ne» SSSffiSiS WtlSPl ■ Willi rUKt UKUIJie i r'li «<"« ourFlsMelFlowerStri "- |, pf -^=^1— [ Meas. 'Olympic" '^y™' l h»»« P —————— H fc "$//% « Ti I I [ H^lS-'S^ : ?^iS ifeg;:Sj;fc^^±^ Branl «J xi lower llnea ecnU ™ » '"•""mi XRWBoRSHEfI Bfev i! * 0 K WXvM Send TOOT F " l '" ,0 at ,8 be nft l -. «w»n Jol 9 u*l* 7 u wtar EL' W jffifflMra^^' l H A ff% I A! ff% I I V, developed and printed. I l)lMJiW>*ai V nniffll l | li ;i l T t M. | ' UIU eA g ~ -^ aH,M |j ur popular Pharmacy Dept. UP °""°"" ,ltl " , ■ ?r ed <> ___ m] __ m ] m B » P a «BUI LSil Tiling "T ~ .. . v. GIVES YOU ' ' iWU WeitotkthePoweri6BCine. ffl 11 N»BaE~IWlill J 5 \ •«! DOR t Wait tO (fsbk I 1 matogr.pb Machine. Alio " P 111 ff r«-~«»aflfi| |H|| ' I Artist will . «... /Vi I JUfiUffrX W9 1u« L A !•*- 1 rSBESffi ticketi, carbom,condenien, etc. ' R sis I* / F*i\ If 3 li be Bfllious /^A^| B l Higher Quality I. Mm — | ifli' /[EI helpyoD ' ! Keep well. Whenever your appetite fcepill /j ¥A || 11 IM | l/aAnAF PrSfAc 1 ' IfflH '" " * ° gM " !' I lIBIgW "'" ■* .HI 8 nil to Big or i lour itoraach and coated tongue Nfl/ i Sfi V [ BVCCIICI riBLCS I | II 51 li IM/xli! li S £H? l^@K v _ Efficient Service I • 11! Harringtons H Quickly< 'oi'tcome. jtmm CARTERS \ r§*s Send us your next prescription. 1 :H|| ELison chamber.. ! r ' ceß ' ! "JmW I iyW' / Coufttry orders and Prescriptions mailed I qubnstre-aauckund _," ~ Low. |Wu* by return post. | I|W • 1 1 1n Bm \ * miW H rH VnT■ Full and comprehensive stocks of I «*r J& Ta aCKt^4lS^" ~,,i ,Noßoning,-H^ bA# | medical and surgical goods. mmmmmmmmmmm VI IV Jlll6l QL l/0# ; Snail Pill-Small Dotsa-Small Prtcs. - % I 9 I —— -— TtTi ! Saesjsaaaul J Cmpetnnc Itri Phflrmanw n«nt J? I " fIEBI ° PQ Ironmongers 8 General Hardware Merchants, I /?m?@wt£, ; >«iasaF-* i omeeions Ltd., rnarmacy Dept. io. -- »— sh OW Room,: or„ »»* m i»»_ __' a*""™'"""" ' <l^ VaS,t«a& l -*' g ft S. WILES, C 1'" ' 1" tty « Mm .), Mm,.,,,. g O .»_ Re-ail: Queen Street, opposite Smith & CamWi.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 6 (Supplement)