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EI . . . ■ —". ■ — ■■ ...ii -ai«mi.iiM»»ii«wiiirmiiir« M T™MMß«MMM«iw»mr^^ ■■hub ■iiib.ihwiiiumbmmi—HßMßßCl TPHIT f* f\ DCIP TP C World-famous IT\ fYVA T JDOHIOII PI £ OIL LjfUICCjiL/ ICS forsoyears MV/ I/VL/ V rADQFTQ J \*JF iSk a because of their quality I\™ IJKIJCLfO I JC/K ! ! VSrlr™^, A >£ W A For Indoor and Outdoor Work; and for all forms of * \TOI^ET§^ '*"""" Yt>>/TS /r\ /SL y& Ollfflnnf £ vmW Healthful, Comfortable, and Essentially mould the figure to Ba « BS^ II XnT II \ l *~~~~\SI VUiaOOT exercise. Up-to-date and Stylish. fashions requirements. ISUsib mSbffl V/V . v gJ \ \ Wtevl / YOra GUARANTEE OP FIT. TOP VALUE is represented in ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS, re- ID^iS^fflf^SE&S uJm^ : l V> TOtfgrMi.&fff / ) \ \\\ For years BON TON CORSETS have been famed for their FIT, the gardless of the price you pay. -\ \Btfl J it Till I / ' / 7 elite Of every rtyl« centre relying ttj»n them for perfect fit Of gown. And Higher prices mean finer fabrics—more elaborate finish and trim. J ' \JS> \ W ? / II I 11 / > I /' B °IE°L£ iSSMSPf al7 W the,am « .i , tatal . But the cardinal prllciples of Style, Fit. Comfort. Service, and Economy /V 1| W} / SfV / I I* I V I ft'iSftTto" * oHhetypo are carried to the very last llmlt-ln any ROYAL WORCESTER you select / / fl % > / / / / IS J I \\f \\ 9 And with mr a hundred sack models to select lrom-BON TOW You will AM real pleasure is mating your selection with the aid of or., / / J AJ $ I jd&fcaw $iJ B'l 1\ '• 1. 0 « CORSETS are a (fßinntee of PREEECT STT ON AHY FORM. expert Oonetiores. *S- / IJ mTITi Irnp c TCr-s Ew f^ nt Royal Worcester Corset Waists wlTvf J/ I fl I 111 il HO»EL. All the * IL "" V JVf J 1 *d*W fill I tRSwi? S^TwlSTar" 1 Si MSKHn» TO PIT ALL AGES. \&&*FW m£7 I ft 9 „, - *' ■ I^**^, % JlK"" '• "»»»'»«• in If mothers Ml? knew fcot many thousands of girls have their figures tn every case the BON TON AND ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS W^iWrl/ i & 1 ' 9 kffi ES a kttf ""St* •'staffiS «P«'rt and their keatth twain* by weaiiii stiff, shapeless cornet wdite, they are modelled on the lines oi a perfect human figure. Scientific research WX/11l j If S7 kewd corset, iwU tart «n# W would sever agali fctrr anyltog bat ,7 807al Worcester" Ooraet Waists, shewed that there was a known number of variations from this perfect Qgurfl. till 1 '// I Iff , support* turn Irmly but «igstio fwart In «*ntro which ere hyglonk and la ever? wiv Ideal for growing girls. Height and build may be different, but they are always approximate to 4 Al\ / \\ I I 1 \ I I j 6«ptiyt ■wHutk lensth tart: rmdt In White . ' figure which is absolutely correct. The simple Idea, which made the Bon /F ,l\ I A\ ; SYjJ —Hi r-% Good n*/ J? 8u1 "' Good on • -< iHI #TS\ ToD and Worceßtor Corsets famous, was to have a large number of sizes, all Kl\l /\\ Vtuufl. 7/0 Value 29/6 ffif?\ /fßfcn fi[\ | if]«\ /y ml perfect. Naturally, whea a lady obtains the neanst size which (Its her in £, , |il^*AVßOfflligft 1 jam,. ' rnftvSv. Ml (fa %\ /I fi I fill comfort, and puts it on, her figure Is at once moulded healthfully into the > , IL'/ ]\ i «D—MODEL for FUit jdS&tk J&w&ii iTOW*Ek li\\^^T //1 1 b I I Ira ft I perfect lines from which she varied slightly. This explains why the leaders \*- J / \l B FIGURE, medium high /AWWm m$MWk i/trrmM \\\ «\\ 1 ! :5;; 5s»~-J jj: \ n lluW m tne fi reat fasl,, ° centres have found no cause in 60 years to vary their 1' / | I waist RrwJafed &sa&i& ' MMEDtt WmfflM 111 Ii /Ml , 111 \ ?iy\ decision that Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets are " the best in the Nl \^\A ' In Orey Oeutll. Sires li B* aSM M'f \\l\ 1\ 8/A \\ /IJ/\r MBjMR il ill tJ \\ I world '" I{ y Oll deslre to obtain the perfect figure—and what woman does I>T J rf?D 1 to 36, Jl ~AW «** I Yt jf Ay n\i J l!\\ /r' jl ffl OHI |\ // 1 V\ I not—use these world famous corsets. Perfect in fit, as well as in manufac- rt j M vC'''i3 I Value 9/11 W V"*"/ V' 7 1 111 1 I'l 11 1 Hbb HI/ I «' tUrO " our oxpori9nced coraetieres will be glad to hear from you. sn\wil(ktfu/TJ YJ (J VX \ / /<*^ /LA \Cj aS_3 ii nil l ""IrteH ""' "' 'We are pleased to give fuU information Z VKlv?& Snr I/JcTr) \\* *&%s&* 195-BON TON MODEL FOR FULL FIGURE, low bust, Tltrßutti clever design- 1| I I ''' |\ I\™ flll E'\\l•l It BO \ W _>»/ \l \ \\lf\l \f L. fW\ /-° / //■' TA ) » rt l*' Ing and skilful goring this model Blves the stout woman altrwtlve. stylish // ll \\ l\ *11 \\ 11111 (I 111 1 ill HI \\ Wrrr T TA'// I \V /IA / /TWI \ 1 r-v4 liws. Girdle top; very long skirt, having deep elastlo inserts at hips. Made |// 1/ 51l ll 9\ [\\ I////ft Hi 1 fil 11 I V' //I if 1 f /l\ \ iVV 1 Yn^J v ?« IWO Bfl7-MODEIL FOR AVERAGE FIGURE. Extra boning at front perfectly cwv $/ II <; \l I I IMM \1 111 I 11111 J i ~\\ ll?v , M 1 [ \\ W* j trol9 abdomen, Gives the much-deslrerJ flat back effect. Deep gores at bust K. / ,- \\ >, y rii 23 fcUiJL I lJUyi** / 'i II \ ISi ..... / 11 \\ -. C—rtrA, r 8l Mm ?!L'tt ,l *♦>"•,»'« Up eaiWfes to 4iln at tha back, controlling v^ === J/_ *«- II H *'«--£iiifeti=== "||l J/&\ It'll" [ if \\ HAr/AWiw'rrTrft me *oulder free hip sow*!''-W skirt with deep eiastle Inserts. Made s m "J." y Ml \1 nnYAWWr-NTFr? '" Whlt9 B^,C ' lß, «««« „* , ODM7~Age 9to 12 years, CDIB4 - LADIES' ROYAL ' "I {tiffl IM . 11.L ■ t 11 ' InLTOllirJ Lk S??R„ CDJM-An » years to 8 baHon fronts. Sizes 22 WORCESTER WAIST, ||§ % IS Qj 01 » |W W VALUE, 00/ years. Sires 21 te 28. (a 31. front eiusp. Made In I- life La T I II ? WlflTFDMir/ Price, t/R Price, C/Q Whits Jran. I / \fPnLi-, rJr'ffl 1 II mIuKINIII. Srs-MODEU TO SUIT THE MEDIUM FIGURE, low bust. A Stylish Corset, 0/0 0/» Good Q/Q -Uv f// W»M /SISI U ll accentuating opmfort fit every point. Ths side sections art entirely of elastic, Vsiuj, 0/17 \\*\JU I Wllhu W ■ ..„, uat.-uitv 8l^? ln, , oW !liy',^ t}oi, L y ? t %!" . «PPort. without pressure] llgtit bonins; ""•• f W\\ MftlHW 11 I CDB4B — MATERNITY medium lenain skirt: made In White Coutil— ._ Ii ?Q' A «-' m "null O/tfwfill f I CORSET, low bust: a "*™ fidoo 10/ C OBTAINABLE ONLY PROM THE MANuTAOTUREBS' SOLE AGENTS. l\ JwSlfl ._„, w 'PS' an, fTS^-tf new conception In cor. VALUE, 10/0 081 " - A New 1 " ftOYAL R Met eersetry. The rub- ' , , ■ t m royal wonrF« USTO corset ,8 2 i!L" . J^^J her sections In front and f M r.n«>i wo .V u?' "£ a Combination Elas- 1/ *ff5SS23rZ(f iMinz« at « hm, aiTMri i«m ■!»!■ ,:; ' MODEL, suitable tlo Tt,||, R L «rlucor and ScomULS ' : W Hi II /I « '* ~ he. a " ffl ' ; " h ?" re - Ab dornlnal Supporter. SIS-MODEL FOR GLEN. Sort the boa* wftiMua" tt-u»t>»i>m fil "-■ *• £w I ■ ,ow bust. Fas,,, Is the ThoAdjusto bands ere DEK MEDIUM &A fewt. Sutll? to™!" or Postaao Paid ■ ■ J 0 A JaT J 11 keynote emphasising skilfully conceaiert, thus FIGURE, very low t«ml. ■' clod nf/n ' to any AddroM «k ■AA «s4,W 9fif & mm*, mm mm leW -~ — bMU ' y a " d ace ln eliminating any ten- elastic top. A rather Vafue 25/6 on Receipt of Remittance. Wk «f fl JNr fif «f| iP| MRk%W «vory line; long skirt: Senoy towards a bulky high 'jack, supports the vaiue, uxji \f W\ If if 11 H 1 B1 H ■OT.jiijff BH|» H» H SLJoH mat,a ,n Whlte Coutll « appearance, Made In shoulders- wido free hln •— X/\ fißa I i B B Hi ff iBnaVH HUH HI H M 1 White Cou'.ll. Medlui.i space; lone skirt; made %|k aßs Bb BBam He SL Be VLmf H iWfiL MftmJraa\ UyW Good io ,-> bust; cradiut.vl clasp. :.( v.'hlto Coutil. H — em at* «M| Value, 10/.0 Good OQ/fi Good lIS. &C. Ltd. ■ Hul fZSIPriVes I i^^SS^S?^ mmwih bmsmhbsw ail" ffi I Inspectioncordiallywelcomed Cfr P Value ' jj I ju. \-/. J-.IU. Auckland s Lowest frices. 253-263, Qneen St., Auckland. UM> 1 No one pressed to pmcUe. s. CX LilQ. | ->?F>HttVS3KAB£iWVBMsnBVM9HBBBUBWB«ani KMBbwMIBstWsWssWbmHbWWM iMs™ ■ssWkrr fsBBMriWsW BWliPsff^FsW

_ g ' — '■■',- , : lgll—' i i—«~3pgs= 3H3 TTV* /ITlM"l"a % tffc - ' ■§" There's a Life-Saving Power about mmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmtmtmmfmmmmmmmmmmmm HEARNE'S m Bronchitis Cure T£§f|s that raises this remedy right out of the Ruck. Read this and reflects adBHBP^aBI "When my little girl was 3 years old, she contracted "Measles upon which supervened Bronchitis, Pneu* "monia and Congestion of the Lungs. She was attended /jBI» "by a Doctor of high standing whose treatment however Jt nUrv^ "was not successful. On Saturday, 21st October, hi /fill H 1?L ''said that her life was In danger-that there was very Bi W)Xm Wsk "little hope for her. For eight days and nights she had St V W \\**s? /rA "been prostrated with Cough, Pain and Fever,and Jfl ffl ▼ jA\ *\ ' "was lying like * statue, Unconscious. At this /M W "stage, I was persuaded by a friend to obtain /gjSSf / "Hearne's Bronchitis Care, with its auxili- (jB&E ft "ary medicine for the Fever and Congestion of jfi » \ "the Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue SB& \ "of Medicines which accompanies each jgSm /\\ ]§§ % \ "Medicine as directed, and there was an gSm /ft @ Iflßß *f|| > "improvement from the First Case Jj»r ' jjfft Ig fS I Idl "of Hearts Bronchitis Cure. JgSr 9sk' ft 1 "MONIA, CORGffITOJN, Cough, Pain 111 jm Jw W 9 I "and Fsro, art wis well except /7 « mIaV ?t» «| B g J f /a\ J II rxi*. IwMs tfe Ja W» G. ■wtm & Co. ILML NX BRANCH OFFICE; KENNEDY BUILDINGS, CUBA STREET, WELLINGTON

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 7 (Supplement)