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£7,4,285 FROM 32,303 TONS.

TOTAL. * TO DATE, £7,790,090.

The Waihi Gold Mining Company during. the four-weekly period ended August 7 last crushed and treated 32,303 tons of ore for the handsome return of £74-,285. This shows* an increase in' value of- £1746 upon the return for the previous month, when. 30,561 ' tons yielded £72,539. It also represents an- increase of £1382 upon the return for the corresponding period of last year, when 31,485 tons treated produced £72,903. The August return brings the total Value of the bullion won from the mine to date up to £7,790,090, shown as under : — £

To July 31, 1890 ... ... ... ... 13.628 I July 31, 1890. to December 31, 1891 ... 36,458 In 1892, 18,297 tons ... ... ... ... 46,219 « In 1893, 19,805 tons ... ... i; .... ... 64,345 i In 1894, 24,364 tons ... ... ... 83,023 j In 1895, 33,670 tons ... .... 120.335 In 1896, 34,410 tons 135,156 •= In 1897, 40,764 tons .... ... 144,041 ; In 1898, 77,929 tons"-... .... ... 256,494 In 1899, 102,381 tons ... ... ... , 302,525 '■ In 1900, 112,012 tons ... ... ... 317,902 £ In 1901, 159,325 tons ... 461,205 ' In 1902, 179,485 tons • ■ ... 521,574 { In 1903, 231,323 tons. •/«, ... .- 658,393, , In 1904, 259,978 ton? • ... ... » ... 683,882 , In 1905, 298.531 tons " ... ... r 728,521 1 In 1906, 328,866 tons , .... J. 837,927 •111 1907, 356,974 tons v..' 878,485 In 1908 (corrected to October 31), 393,214 ' ( tons ... , ... ... 930,122 , ' £7,220,235 ! Period ending— January 23. 1909 (17-days), 22,105 tons " 55.203 1 ■ February 20, 19097 31,428 tons ... 73,135 i March 20, 1909, 30,770 tons 73,515 j April 17, 1909, 33,263 tons 74,554 , May 15, 1909. 32,649 tons ... ... 73,412 June 12, 1909,-32,065 tons 73,212 July. 10, 1909. 30.561 tons 72,539 August 7, 1909, 32,303 tons ... ' ...- 74,285 ' Total to date ... £7,790,090 ' Total dividends, etc.. declared to date, , £3,516,006 18a Bd. ; WAIHI GRAND JUNCTION." A RECORD RETURN. £8408 FROM 4850 TONS. During the period ended August 10 last the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Mining Company crushed and treated 4850 • tons of ore for a return of £8408, constituting a record.* This . shows a substantial increase upon the return for the preceding period, when 4835 tons yielded £7601, and also upon that for the corresponding month of last year, when 4206 tons were treated for a return .of £6168 9s. - It may be pointed out that the company will shortly be dealing with an increased output. Alterations and additions to the battery are being carried out whereby they will be able to gradually treat more than the 200 tons per day now handled- Ultimately the output is expected to reach , 300 tons' daily.' This last return brings - the total amount won from the mine . to date up to £210,528 17s Id, as shown in the following table: — '-■v.' £ e.d. 11l 1906 13,794 12 1 In 1907, 40,127 tons 75,832 2 7 la 1908, 40,050 tons • .s. ... 70,918 13 9 Total .. ... ... ... £160,545 8 5 Period endingJanuary 23, 1909. 2470 tons ... 3,991 8 8 February 20, 1909, 4207 tons ... 5,784 0 0 March 20, 1909, 4411 tons ... 5,133 0 0 April 29, 1909, 4776 tons 7,056 0 0 May 27, i 1909. 4291 tons ... ; ... 5,507 0 0 June 26, 1909, 4650 tons ... " ... 6,503 0 0 > July 13, 1909, 4835 tons 7,601 0 0 August 10, 1909, 4850 tons ... 8,408 0 0 Total to date ... ... ... £210,528 17 1 ' The superintendent of the Waihi Grand Junction mine cabled the London office terday as follows:—" Running 39 stamps 24 days, crushed "4850 tons, .value £8408. No. 5 level crosscut north, 263 ft. No. 5 level crosscut south, 365 ft. No. 4 lode, No. 5 level west, 112 ft; width of reef, 59in; assay value per ion, £8. No. 4 lode, No. 4 level east, winze* ' No. 8, 85ft down width of lode, 36in; value, £3 3s. No. 4 lode, No. 4 level west, winze No. 4, down 62ft; width of lode, 39in; value, £7 16s 3d." ; The No. 4 lode referred to is the one be- ; lieved to be the Empire. Shares showed a rapid advance on the posting of the return. As against 51s, the closing sale on Tuesday, they sold at from 51s 9d to ? sss to 54s 3d to 55s to '54s 9d to 55s to 54s 6d, the closing quotations being buyers 54s 6d, sellers 54s 9d. " i [BY —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Waihi, Wednesday.•• After squaring up the .face of the drive the work of advancing the north crosscut at No. 5 level in the Grand Junction mine has been resumed.. The object is to determine the question as to whether the footwall of the Martha reef is to hand, a point on which there is a divergence of opinion. A round of holes fired to-day brought in a change, a mixture of quartz V and, mullock being in evidence in tho face, but further advancement of the»crosscut . will 'be - necessary to show whether or nob this is the forerunner of another body of ore. A - ■ ' ' , / KOMATA REEFS ' , 1"I > " '< •, ' •*•'*- ' : £2165 FROM 820 TONS. ; ' - The Komata Reefs Gold Mining Company', during the four-weekly period ended the 7th inst., crushed and treated 820 tons, obtaining bullion' valued at £2165. This represents a decrease on the return for the preceding period, when 800 tons yielded £2444, and also upon that for the corresponding .period of last year, when 2200 tons gave £4197. The expenditure on revenue account during the period in question was £1183, and on capital £334. The total amount won. from the mine to date is £333,135, as shown in the following table: — *~. *• ' " -'V': •- £ 8. d..! To December. 1900 ... :.. ... 30,369 0 0 In 1901, 8670 tons ... , ... ... 11,092 0 0 In 1902, 12,260 tons ... - 27,085 0 0 In 1903, 14.783 tons ... ..." ...-i 37,157 00* In 1904, 16,900 tons ... ... ..I: 34,430 0 0 In 1905 ... ... 43,136 0 0 In 1906, 20,490 tons ... ... ... 42,779 0 0 In 1907, 28.430 tons ... ... ... 47.128 0 0 In 1908, 28,270 tons ... , ... ... 44,309 0 0 Total ~. ... £317,485 0 0 Period ending January 23. IJKS9, 1100 tons ... 1,345 0 0 February 20,'i909 1400 tons ... . 1.892 0 0 March 20, 1909, 1400 tons ... 1,774 0 0 April 17, 1909, 18Q0 tons 2.161 0 0 May, 1909, 1200 tons ... ' 1.953 0 0 June, 1909, 770« tons 1,916 0 0 > July. 1909, 800 tons • 2,444 0 0 ; August 7, 1909, 820 tons ... ... 2,165 0 0 ! Total to date ... ... ... £333,135 0 0 , ' WAIHI EXTENDED. The secretary of the Waihi Extended Gold 1 Mining Company (Mr. J. W. Nichol) was advised as follows by the mine manager by ' telegram yesterday:—" Broke 2ft into southeast, lode No. 5 level. Every appearance of ' solid well-defined ore body." * 1 [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] j Waihi, Wednesday. 3 The work of breaking into the now reef in the south crosscut at No. 5 level in the [ Waihi Extended mine has been commenced, j and the result disclosed' by the firing of j some of the top holes is regarded by tho » manager as decidedly encouraging. The" f round after clearing away the casing to tho lode penetrated quartz for from two * to three feet, tho ore being well mineral- " ised and of better appearance than was expected from the bore holes recently put in. The indications point to a compact reef, and the shooting out, confirms, tho manager's views .with regard to the strike 'of the lode, which is approximately north and -south, and gives the company a long stretch of ore. As there appears to be no likelihood of the water giving trouble, the work of breaking into tho reef will bo continued when the face has been cleared up. No particulars as to values are yet ; available- . ; DIXON'S CONSOLIDATED. J The manager of Dixon's Consolidated \ Mines telegraphed as follows to the secre- ! tary of the company (Mr. J. W. Nichol) yes- * terday—Cut reef in No. 2 crosscut." WAIOTAHI. I [BY TELEGRAPH.-—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] I Thames, Wednesday. [ The rise on the hangingwall leader in, the i eastern face is now up a total height of 22ft. The cross break which was expected to be [ met with is now showing in the eastern end of the rise at tho top, and appears to cut i off the leader eastward, but this - will not i affect the block being opened up for stop-. F ing. About sft of tho leader in the top of , the rise was broken down to-day, the quartz I being about an average thickness of 3in, and i of a dark colour, while a few small colours of gold were seen through it. '■ *■**.

TELLURIDE ORE : < DISCOVERY AT .MARATOTO. Mr. A. T. Firth, mining and metallurgical engineer, reports that he has discovered the existence of rich telluride of gold and silver in the Maratoto district, and has extracted gold and silver telluride bullion containing 34 per cent, of tellurium. Tellurium is a rare element. It is occasionally found native, but generally in combination with various metals such as gold, silver, bismuth, copper, and lead, and is usually accompanied by selenium. Where tellurides of gold and silver occur, usually rich deposits are met. with, more especially beneath the oxidised zone. Gold ana silver in combination with this element are of such rare occurrence in New Zealand that ;their identity may easily lie mistaken, owing to the gold and silver loosing their usual characteristics when in combination with this element. The only known substance with which gold is known to combine in nature is with tellurium.

'} ' ; NOTES. The reef iii the Silver Hill mine has been extended 6ft for the week. In the face it is 3ft wide, showing good oro containing sulphide of silver.

v- The manager of Lanigan's antimony and minerals mine states that since last report he has been engaged laying rails into Nos. 5 and 2 levels, and timbering fox stoping. The stope from No. 5 to No. 4 has disclosed nice-looking sulphide antimony sin wide, and should the run continue if, promises a fair shipment of high-grade ore.

In the Tairua Monarch Consolidated mine lie low'level has been extended to 605 ft. The

country penetrated during the past, week is of a much firmer nature. No. 1 level has been extended to 152 ft. A splendid class of brown sandstone country is being penetrated, and a good deal of water is issuing from the face. About another 22ft of i driving should see the reef to hand. 1

Operations- in the Old Hauraki mine, Thames, are now confined to putting in a. crosscut. at the 400 ft level, with the object of intersecting the No. 9 or 4in leader at. a. point underneath the winze started from the

300 ft level, and about another 40ft of driving should see the reef to hand. A quartz formation about- a foot in width appears in the face of the crosscut, and a large stream of water is issuing from it, gradually draining the water from the winze above.

Tho low level .in the Dominion mine, Karangahake, has been extended to 620 ft. The drive is still penetrating blue country, but it is of a milder, nature, and is carrying a little mineral. Driving on tho hangingwall of the reef in a v northerly direction from the bottom of the winze has been in progress, 18ft. having now been driven, but only a little quartz has been broken down. In a narrow drive along the side of the reef tho stone has been cut into at intervals to lft or 18in, presenting,"a favourable appearance. "■ In the southern end of the winze a quartz and rubbly formation has been discovered, and junctions with the reel;.; now being worked on. ~ V*-' ; • >'■ '• ;''

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14143, 19 August 1909, Page 3

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MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14143, 19 August 1909, Page 3

MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14143, 19 August 1909, Page 3