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The North Shore Yacht Club held their championship races in the harbour on Saturday afternoon. The races were divided into five classes, all of which were well represented. The course for classes I. 11. 111. and IV. was as follows: From flagship, yacht Thistle, off eastern end of Victoria Wharf, round black buoy off Rangitoto Reef, keeping outside Sandspit buoy, thence round squadron buoy off Bastion, thence round mark off Queen-street Wharf, direct to starting line, once round. A moderate westerly wind prevailed, making it a run for the boats to North Head, a broad lead to the black buoy in Rangitoto Channel, thence a lead to the squadron mark, thence a dead beat to Queenstreet Wharf, finishing with a run to the winning post. All th& boats worked the southern shore, as a strong ebb was running. The course for class V. was as under:—From flagship, keeping outside Sandspit buoy, round first buoy round North Head, thence round markboat in Hobson Bay, thence round mark off Queen-street Wharf, direct to starting line. This also made it a run for the open boats as far as the first buoy round North Head, thence a beat to Hobson Bay, thence a dead beat to Queen-street Wharf, finishing with a run. The first prize in each race was a champion flag, presented by the Northern Roller Milling Company. The duties of starter, limekeeper, and judge were satisfactorily carried out by the commodore (Mr. W. A. Wilkinson). The yacht Ida kept cruising about" the starting line, thus getting in the way of the competing yachts, several of whom got a bad start in consequence. The details of the races are as follows: — Class I.: For tuck-stern centreboard yachts, of the mullet boat type, exceeding 24ft, and not exceeding 26ft overall. The only boats to face the starter were the Emerald, Sybil, and Mystery. The race was started at 2.30, the Sybil being first to cross the line, closely followed by the Emerald, the Mystery being one and a-lialf minutes late in starting. The Sybil did not maintain her lead very long, being overtaken by the Emerald, who went to the front, and remained in that position until the finish. The Mystery did not recover tho lost ground, and the result of the race was: Emerald, 4h. 52m. 55., 1; Sybil, 4m. 58m. 565., 2; Mystery, 51i. 2m. 165., 3.

Class II.: For luck-stem centreboard yachts, of the mullet boat type, exceeding 22ft, and not exceeding 24ft, overall. This race was started at: 2.40, the entries being the Maru. Glady, Seagull, and Tiro. All started with the exception of the Ti/o. the Maru being first over the line, followed by t.he Seagull and Glac]iy in that order. .The positions were unchanged until rounding North Head, where Glady gradually forged ahead, and bowling along in fine style, romped home in front of her opponents, the Seagull in the meantime putting in a claim for second place. The finishing times were: Glady, sh, 6m. 405., 1; Seagull, sh. 9m. 505., 2; Maru, sh. ll'rn. 465., 3. Class III.: For tuck-stern centreboard yachts of the mullet boat type, exceeding '20ft, and not exceeding 22ft overall. The starter got the boats away at 2.50, those taking part, in the race being Hetty, Mowai, Hilda, Daphne, and Phyllis. The Hetty crossed the line first, followed by Phyllis, Hilda, and Daphne. Jl'he Mowai was 50s. late in starting, caused through the yacht Ida being in her way. The Hetty and the Phyllis maintained their positions until rounding the buoy off the Bastion, where the Phyllis dropped back, and was overtaken by the Hilda and Mowai. A good "ding-dong go" then took place between the Hetty, Mowai, and Hilda, lasting until rounding the mark buoy off Queen-street Wharf. Here the Mowai got the best of tho Hetty, and sailing in splendid style kept in front for the rest of the journey. The finishing times follow: Mowai, sh. 26m. 245., 1; Hetty, sh. 27m. 34m., 2; Hilda, sh. 27m. 355.. 3. The Phyllis and Daphne did not finish. Class IV. : For tuck-stern centreboard yachts of the mullet boat type, not exceeding 20ft overall. Tim race, which created more than usual interest, was started _ at three o'clock, the competing boats being the Seahorse, Roma, Rawhiti, Mara, Mei, Merlin, and Eileen. Merlin got a good start, and following her wore the Roma and Mei. The other boats were bunched together and followed on. Merlin led down

the harbour and back again until off Orakei, where she was overtaken by the Rawhiti and Seahorse. Beating up the southern shore the Rawhiti sailed exceedingly well, and on rounding the mark buoy off Queenstreet Wharf the issue was never in doubt, the race being won with several minutes to spare. Following were the Seahorse, and the Mei. Appended are the finishing times: Rawhiti, sh. 48m. 155., 1; Seahorse, sii. 53m. 555., 2: Mei, sh. 58in. 55., 3; Roma, 61t., 4; Maro, 6h. 5m.,'5. The Merlin and the Eileen did not finish. Class V.: For open boats, not exceeding 16ft overall, tuck-stern centreboard. The commodore got the crafts away at 3.10, the entries being the Bronzewing, Lolo, Estrella, Norma, and Ailsa. All started, the Bronzewing getting the. best of the start, followed by the Ailsa and Estrella. The Bronzewing soon made a gap between herself and her opponents, and led throughout the race. The Lola, which got the worst of the start, gradually overtook the other boats, but had to be content 'with securing second prize. . Tho finishing times read: Bronzewing, sh. 15m. 155., 1; Lola, sh. 18m. 405., 2; Estrella, sh. 21m. 305., 3. The Norma and Estrella did not finish. WEST END ROWING CLUB. The West End Rowing Club held its final trial fours of the season on Saturday, under most favourable conditions. The trophies were presented by Mr. Murdoch McLean, president of the club, who is now on his way from England; but he was represented by Mr. W. Edwards, who ably filled the position of judge. Mr. .1. Clark acted as starter, five contests in all being held. Afternoon tea and refreshments were dispensed under the management, of the Ladies' Committee. The water was perfect for rowing, and the racing was of a very high character, excellent form being shown by practically every competitor. The arrangements were excellent, the committee working admirably under the direction of the captain, Mr. A. M. Wilson, there being no hitch from start to finish. A special feature of the day's function was a race for ex-members, and there were 16, many of whom in years gone by worthily upheld the reputation of West End, who again donned the black and white, and the form they showed, almost without exception, proved that they had not forgotten their old skill. The first three events were for present-day members, and four crews, stroked respectively by F. Baker, .1. H. Bigelow,, C. Carter, and A. 11. Bailey competed. A good contest took place, Baker's four beating Bigelow's crew by a bare length. Crews stroked by L. Mark, A. Carlaw, M. Alison, and T. Blomfield took part in the second race, which, after a most spirited contest, was won by Mark's four by only a-cyiarter of a boat's length from A. Carlaw's crew, the third boat being only half a length behind tho second crew. The third event saw crews competing stroked by C. Carter, L. Dixon, W. Wright, and O. W. Carlaw, when another great race eventuated, Carter gaining the judge's verdict by some 6ft from Dixon's crew. Tho old members' race next took place, and as the various men came to the boats they were lustily cheered by the present-day members — very pleasing tribute to the veterans. The crews were: (1) W. D. Cossar (20 years a member), W. Sands (13 years'), E. Mason (10 years), A. Finlayson (25 years); (2) R. M. Doule (10 years a member), R. H. Cook (15 years), A. M. Wilson (10 years), and D. R. Salmon (20 years); (3) A. Linder (20 years an oarsman), F. J. Hales (13 years), A. Wright (15 years), and F. B. Boyce (13 years); (4) P. H. Usslier (10 years a member), A. Mclndoe (24 years). C. H. Hughes (13 years), and C. H. Poolo (M.P.). The old members rowed the full course, and it looked , when near home as if the judge would not be able to separate them, but by a spirited spurt Cossar's four gained the verdict by a matter of feet only from Doull's crew. A special feature of this race was that Mr. A. Finlayson rowed in a jersey of the old Ponsonby Rowing Club, now defunct, for over 20 years. At the'conclusion of tho raco tho visitors heartily cheered the "old members again, and the hop© was expressed all round that a similar raco would be held next year, and an endeavour made to muster more of tho members of days by. . The final race of the day. and the one to decide possession of Mr. McLean s coveted trophies," took place between the winners of the three races, viz., F. Baker's crew, L. Mark's crew, and C. Carter's crew. This proved a great go, all the competitors being very keen. However, F. Baker's crew (F. Baker, stroke, C. G. Dieke-son, W. Mason, and J. R. McLean) would not bo denied, and they gained the victory by a length from L. Mark's crew. Carter's crew being only half a length behind the second lot. Mr. W. Edwards received the winning crew at the club's staging, and on behalf of the president Mr. Murdoch McLean congratulated them on their hard-earned and well-deserved victory. Hearty cheers were given for the president, and for his representative, and cheers were also called for and given to the starter, Mr. Clark, who briefly replied.

MANUKAU YACHT CLUB. The Manukau Yacht Club sailed off the 10th and last race of the season, counting points for the handicap cup, last Saturday. The club also brought off a race for motor launches. For the sailing event no less than 20 yachts were entered, the handicaps being as follows:—Anahera, scratch; Heather, scratch; Aland a, 4 in.; Viking, 6ni.; Wain-re, Bm.; .Edith, 19m.; Bronzewing, 20m.; Hilda, 20m.; Thistle, 20in.; Spray, 20m.; Elsie, 21m.; Wave, 23m.; Edna, 28rn.; 'Adieu, 30m.; Signal, 34m.; Clematis, 39m.; Ma,lainga, 40m.; Arnua, 43m.; Presto, 43in.; Mana, 57m. The starter and timekeeper, Mr. W. B. Mclntyre, despatched the limit boat at 2.3 p.m., a light westerly wind prevailing. Mana led on the beat down to the markbuoy, and was still in front on the run back to the halfway dolphin, which was rounded in the order by Mana, 3h. 58m.; Hilda, 4h. 10m.; Heather, 4h. 10m. 305.; Manola, 4h. 14m.; A;mua, 4h. 15m.; Anahera, 41i. 15m. 305.; Sprav, 4h. 16m.; Edith, 4h. 20m.; Signal, 4h. 31m. _ On the boat down the second time Heather rapidly overhauled the leaders, and rounded the buoy for the run home with a good lead, eventually winning by 12 minutes. The finishing times were: Heather (W. Mcintosh), sh. 22m.; Manola (W. Shale), 51). 34m.; Anahera (E. Pullan), sh. 36m. 305.; Hilda (A. Jeffs), sh. 40m.; Spray, sh. 46m.; Mana, sh. 48m.; Edith, sh. 55 m. The first prize is a handsome'marble clock, presented by Mr. H. Sharp. Heather, in addition to winning the champion cup, has carried off the handicap oup also, storing 76 points in the competitions, as against 52 by Hilda, the runner-up. Throughout the season she has been a most consistent boat, having missed a place on only two occasions. The entrants for the' motor launch race were: Vera, scratch; Mikado, scratch; Maui, scratch No. 1. scratch No./ 2, scratch: Edie, scratch: Emerald. 7m.; Rongotai, 12m.; Grace, 12m.; Mildura, 25m.; Manukau Maid, 25m. ; Startle, 26m.; Iris, 34m.- The course was, from the wharf to a markbuoy off the mill, three times round. Mildura led on the first round, and eventually won by three minutes from Vera, with Grace third. The race started- at 3.5, and the times of the placed launches were: Mildura (\V. Grundy), 4h. 37m.; Vera (D. A. Sutherland), 4h. 40m.; Grace, 4h. 37m. 30.«. The season just concluded has proved the most successful in the history of the club. On Saturday week the usual wind-up social will be held at the Foresters' Hall. WAIT EM AT A BOATING CLUB. The series of trial fours was continued by the Waitemata .Boating Club on (Saturday for trophies presented by the lady supporters of the club. The course was from near Campbell's Point to the Wynyard Pier, the same as the association trials course at the beginning of the season. Eight crews competed, and these were divided into three heats. Each was contested in good style, close finishes resulting in each case. The final gat was won by Andrews' crew, consisting ot B. Andrews, Nash, Miller, and Robins. W. Heath's crew was second, and J. Magee third. ... Next Saturday afternoon trial fours will bo held for the handsome medals presented by the commodore of the club'(Mr. A. M. Myers). It has been arranged to hold them at" Orakei, and to make the afternoon a picnic. All members and friends of the club are requested to catch the two p.m. ferry boat on Saturday from the Devonporfc tee. Entries close on Thursday at the shed, or with any member of the committee. A good entry is expected. CHALLENGE PACE. A challenge race between the 20ft yacht Merlin, owned by Mr. G. Emarili, of Devonport, and the 22ffe yacht Daphne, owned by, Mr. A. Bone, also of Devonport, took place in the harbour on Sunday morning. The course was from off the eastern end of Victoria Wharf, round the black buoy in Rangitoto Channel, keeping outside Sandspit buoy, thence round squadron buoy off the Bastion, thence round mark-boat off Queen-street Wharf, thence round jiuoy off Calliope Dock Wharf, finishing' ''at starting line: The Daphne got the best of the start, being over the line 15s, ahead of the Merlin, The latter caught the Daphne just

after passing the bathing shed, and was four minutes ahead of her on rounding the ouoy in the channel. The Daphne overhauled hei opponent just before reaching the Ka.s.lo and on passing if. she was 2im. ahead ot tt> Merlin. The positions of the hoat3JWW c unchanged until Stanley Bay was reftcne . where the Merlin glided past, her rival anil secured a win by the narrow margin ot *of. DEVONPORT YACHT CLUB. The Devonport Yacht Club held a cruising race to Matiatia, on Saturday afternoon, the course being from the cable depot wharf, via Rangitoto Channel, round Rakino to Matiatia. The entries and handicaps were as follows: The!ma scratch, Rainbow 5m., Waione 17jm., Ngatira 20m., Kotiri I On)., Aorere 20rn., Iris 37m., Daisy 37m., Pandora 35m., Mavourneen 53«. The start was a fairly even one, all starting with the exception of the Thelma and \\ aione. A moderate westerly wind gave the yachts a run for the greater part of the journey, the result being: Daisy, 1; Rainbow, 2; Ngatira, 3. NORTH SHORE ROWING CLUB. Trial fours were held on Saturday afternoon by the North Shore. Rowing Club for the coveted challenge cup presented by three old rowers. This cup always carries it the handsome photographic trophies, presented annually by Mr. Herman Schmidt, an lion, member of the club. Competition for this race is always particularly keen, and Saturday's event was no exception to the rule. Five crews competed, arid as all the men were in good training, some exciting finishes were seen. Mr. R. Harvey acted as starter, and the position of judge was filled by Mr. A. Bartlett. The course was from Victoria Wharf to the clubhouse. Crews stroked by M. Harrison and RSpinley started in the first heat, and the victory rested with Spinley by a length, after a strenuous race. The second heat saw crews stroked by S. Marshall. W. Logan, and F. Best face the starter. Logan led from the start, and maintained his advantage throughout, and was adjudged the victor by a length. A '* neck-and-neck" race between Marshall and Best for second honours resulted in Marshall jus.. beating Best by a few inches. The final was a splendid race between Logan's and Spinley's crews. Both got well away together, and keeping on terms, the issue was in doubt until about 30 lengths from home, where Logan, putting in quicker strokes, forged ahead and secured a victory. The winning crew comprised W. Logan, H. Grubb, L. Eraser, Gilmour, and A. Bougard (coxswain). NAPIER CARNIVAL EVENTS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Napier, Sunday. Some postponed sailing and motor launch events on the Napier carnival programme were got off at West Shore on Saturday. The weather was fine, but the attendance did not come up to expectations. Following are the results: — Patiki Handicap: Maroondah, 1; Ngaromo, 2: Sunray, 3. Open Sailing Boat Race: Buttercup, 1; Friv, 2. Motor Launch Race: Airini, 1; Courier, 2; Kiwi, 3. REGATTA AT GISBORNE. [BY TELEGRAPH.OWN* CORRESPONDENT.] Gisborne, Saturday. The annual fixture between the Gisborne and Poverty Bay Rowing Clubs, in connection with the Licensed Victuallers' Association's shield, took place to-day in glorious weather. To enable the publio to witness the events to better advantage the races took place in the afternoon, and the fixture was turned into a regatta. Besides the races for tho shield, the Gisborne Club's maiden sculls event was rowed. An exhibition of rowing was also given by W. Webb, the world's champion sculler, who, with Roes-Jones, the local champion, rowed down the Waimaki. Tho combined committee had all tho arrangements well in hand, and everything passed off very successfully. - The bridges and river banks were thickly lined with spectators.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7

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AQUATICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7

AQUATICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7