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WELLINGTON RACING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. BROOKLET WINS THE CUP. (*V TKLKOKAPIt.—PRESS ASSOCIATION,] Wellington', Wednesday,. The Wellington .Raoing Club's Summer Meeting opened to-day, The weather was fine in the morning, but an unpleasant strong nor-wester was blowing, and in the afternoon a sharp shower fell. After the finish of the Cup the rain soon passed away again. The course was in capital condition, but the high wind prevented any good times being recorded, exoept in principal event, but that was from a flying start, The attendance was a record one for the Hutt, quite six thousand being present. H. Piper handled the flag, and was very successful in despatching the fields on even terms, though in the Cup race he had not the advantage of the machine, owing to something going wrong with the tapes, Speculation was brisk all day, and a sum of £10,438 was put through, being an increase of £282 over the first day last year, and a record for Wellington, The railway arrangements were simply wretched, and 'for the popular train leaving town at 11 o'clock only a few firstolass tickets were avail able, the majority of the people being compelled to proceed in open trucks, where they were smothered by dust from the engine and road. Every year there is the same complaint, the rolling stock being badly deficient in coping with holiday traffio, The raoing throughout the day was of an interesting oharucter, but the winners in the Hurdles and Welter Handicap had been treated too lightly, and never gave anything in the respective races a chance, especially in the Welter where Strathbraan left the field and simply romped in. The Cup was a pretty race and Bessie McCarthy and Skirmisher looked to have the race between them when bearing the straight, but Brooklet came through with a great run, and finishing gamely landed the valuable stake for Mr. Douglas, the popular Hawke's Bay sportsman, Saracen, who appeared to be blocked, at the turn made a gallant effort to get up but it is doubtful if ho had had a clear run he could have beaten the Rivulet mare. The usual punctuality was not observed in starting the events, the Cup being threequarters of an hour later than the time on the card. The following are the results Anniversary Handicap of lOOsovs, second horse to receive lOsovs from the stakes. One mile. 104— T. H. Lowry's li c Orion's Belt, 3jrrs, by Castor— Mangle, 6st 121b, carried 7st (Whittaker) 1 263-Mr. W. Robertson's ch m Doris, 4jr Bst(F. Davis) .. 2 UO— O. W. Mcltae's blk c Loveshot, iyn, 7st 61b (O. Jenkins) 3 21*9, Torpina, Bit; 163, Solitaire, 7at fllb; 197, King s Bowman, 7st alb; 141, The Miser, Cat 121 ; 19, Tiihlwai, fist 111b, carried 6st 131b; 12, Legislator, Bit 101b, carded 7st lilb, also ran. H. Piper effected a capital start with the machine, Toritina being first to move, with Tuhiwal on his quarters, and the others bunched, except Legislator, who tailed oft from the jump, and was last all the way. 'Along the back stretch Torpina was still in front, but nearing the turn by the road Solitaire got past Tuhiwai, who was firing fast, and challenged Torpina for supremacy, The Miser dropping to the rear. Rounding the top turn Loveshot was with the leaders, and Doris on the outside moved up a little closer and closer, and Orion's Belt's colours too were seen threading a way through the field. Torpina was first to cry go, and ai the Held turned Into the straight lie rapidly fell away, and Loveshot was un.ible to sustain the final effort. The other pair, Doris and Orion's H-:lt, however had a slashing setto from within the distance post, both being under the whip, but Orion's Belt managed to squeeze home by a neck, Loveshot three or four lengths away third, Legislator and The Miser bringing up the rear. Time, lm. 45js, £1218 on the machine ; dividend, £1010 a,

Nursery Handicap of lOOsovs ; seconl horse to receive 16-tov.i from the stakes. For two-year-olds. Six furlong*.

68—Hon. J. I). Ormond'B ch c Defiance, by Dreadnought—Legacy, Bst (Delaney) .. 1 82— J. Ohatfe'sb c St. IClrao, by Castor—Welcome Katie, 7st 41b (C. Cbaafe) .. ..2 313— Chaafe's br <• Antares, by Castor—Hilda, 7»t 01b (J. Chaafe) 3 74, Bavarian, 7st 71b; 94, Bimetallism 7st 81b; 119, Lorenzo, 1 st, also ran. Antares was first away, but after traversing a hundred yards, St. Elmo want on with the lead, with Antares second and 81-metalllst third, but little between them, Defiance lying last, But as they approached the road, the son of Dreadnought moved tip, aud was handy as the horses turned into the straight. St. Klino was first to tnrn for home, and 81-nietalllst for a moment or two flattered his backers, but soon died away again. A couple of hundred yards from home, Defiance was on ternii with St. Elmo. From this out, it was a hard ridden race, which resulted in Defiance receiving tlio verdict by a nose, Antaros half a length away third, a gap of several lengths between the others. iirae, lm. 20j.. Totalizator, £940. Dividend, £3 ss. 'ELLlNfiros' ('UP of 50040va; second horse to 1 receive oOsovs. and third liorso 25-iOva from the ►takes. One mile and a-half

215—Mr. W. Douglas' cli h Brooklet, 4yrs, by Torpedo—ltiriilet, 7st3lb (D. Watis) .. 1 318—Mr, R. Allen's br h Mftracen, Ovrs, fiat 31b (P. White) .. ..2 232—Hon. J. D. Ormond's br g Spindrift, 7st lllb (l)elanuv) 3 215-Bsssio McCarthy, fot 811) 0 351—1/orelnl, Sit 71b ~ ~ ~ „ ~ C Skirmisher, &<t 61b 0 45(1—The Shrew, lib ~ .. „ .. 0 90-lUngipuhi, Tat 121b ~ „ m 0 S3—Panoply, 7st lllb .. „ ... 0 (18—Dreamland, 7stßlb 0 Stepfeldt, 7nt 41b 0 100—Kent, 7»t 31b 0 82—Pompom, 7st ~ ~ i) 139—Searchlight, 7at ~ 0 Owing to the machine breaking Mr. Piper despatched til* Hold by a flag on (airly even terms, '1 he Shrew being quickest on her lens, and with Stepfeldt on the Inside they passed the stand just clear of Bessie McCarthy and Skirmisher, Kent, who was alow to raovo, up the roar. Along by the rim The Shrow was still in front, having half a length the best of Stepfeldt, alongside whom was lifssie McCarthy and Pompom, Kent and Dreamland tailing off badly. Along the back stretch Stepfeldt and Pompom fell away, and Bessie McCarthy drew out with half a length's lead from The shrew, while Skirmisher ran Into third place. Neaiing the road Brooklet and Spindrift jot nearer the leaders. Bessie McMarthy at this time was still in front, but as the Held came round the turn she gave way to skirmisher, who led the way into the straight, but was immediately joined by Brooklet. When fairly turned for home Saracen and Spindrift tackled Brooklet and skirmisher. The latter gate way, but not so Brooklet, who hold her o«n to the finish, winning rather comiortahly by a length and a-half. Spindrift same distance away third. Skirmisher fourth, liuside McCarthy fifth, Kent and Dreamland whipping in. Time, which was taken from a flying start, 2m. 3!l}s. Totalisator, £2897. Dividend, £12 2s. Hurdle Handicap of 80jovs; second horse to receive lOaovs from slakes, »'wo miles,

161-Mr. J. Kreelh's ch h Revolt, 6yrs, by Treason—Mlichlof, lOst(McOralh) .. 1 261—Hon. J. i), ormond's br g Hopeful, fljrw, list (Stone) 2 60-Mr, M. Hobo/ br If Osuinii, aged, lost (Cochrane) 3 115, liberator, 12st 101b; 00, Clarence, list nib; 100. Auroa, 94 121b; 35, Mutineer, Ost 71b; 32, Steel King, Ost 71b, also ran, Mutineer ran off at the first fence. Revolt and <>s"ia , i led for a mils, when the latter fell away third, and Hopeful ran up second. This order was maintained throughout, Revolt winning easily by four lengths, Osnnn about the same distance) behind Hopeful third, the others pulling up several lengths away. Time, 4m. lis. Totalizator, £980. Dividend, £510s, Weltkr Handicap, of lOOaova; second horse to receive 15sovs from the stakes. One mile and a-quarter.

280—Mr. W, IHvies' brh Strnthbraan, 4 years, by Apremont—Kngageinent, Ost 61b (E. Higgi) 1 111-Mr, li. Kahu's b in Tuhiwai, 6yrs, Bst 71b (Reiily) 2 191-Mr. Wi Ilutana's bg Slaidsn.fiyrs, Bstlolb {V. Barry) .. 8 Also started: 301, Silver Spec, lOst 71b; 49, Johnny Fas, lOst 31b; 174, Salvo, lOst 21b. This was a race which needs very little description, as Htrathbraan slipped his field at th« start and never gave anything a chance, winning in the easiest manner by half a down lengths, the same between socond and third, Time, 2ra, 16s. Totallsator, £1100. Dividend, £8 lis,

PRH3IDBNTS' Handicap, of 126iovs ; second horse to tec ive loaova from the stakes, One mile and a furlong.

489—Mr. M. Hobbs' b m Lady Zetland, aged, by I'orkin Warbeck ll.—Foruet-me-not, Bst 121b (P. Whits) .. I 135 —Mr. W. M, D,ivle»'fl b ni l,eda, 4jra, 7sb 2lb (L. Matthews) si 162—Mr. T. 11. I.owry's b 0 Orion's Belt, Syrs, 7st 21b, including 71b penalty (Whlttaker) 8 92, Revolution, 7at, also ran. On the flig falling, the Belt! moved away at an easy pica, Lady Zetland being In the lead, Along the back the pace Jmprored, and hare ilurolutlon was racing with the favourite. As they came round the turn the fluid was well together, but Revolution soon dropped away, while Ledi and Orion's Belt went at the leader. White had to shake up the niaro, and stalling off a lata run by Leda, won by a quarter of a length, Orion's Belt on the latter's quarters, Revolution * ■ gaud fourth. No time taken, Totßllsator £888; dividend, £1 lis. First Hack Handicap of 76so»s; second horse to receive Ifisors from stakes, One mile and a furlong, < 87—Mr, A. Hammond's b h King's Own, by King Contessa, Syr.', 7st 81b, (Whittakar) .. ..I 474-Mr. VV. Holmes's ch g Kbor 11, aged, Sab 1' ib, (0. Jenkins) 2 81—Mr. 0. Cress's g in Field Oua, Syrs, 7ab, carried 7st 31b (Delaney) .. ~8 89, Swordfish, 8st81b; 83, Bum Fides, Sit 41b ; 129, Millstone, 7#t 121b, carried 8»t; 52, On Hit, 7st 101 ; 16.1, Listener, 7st nib ; 34, Dissenter, 7st Mb ; 127, Itpsoiu, 7sl 4lh ; 26, Sir Agnus, 7st 4ib, carried 7st 01 ; 76, Pint 'Result., 7it 410 ; 97, Vaseline, hi 4U»t also ran. l!uor II led until entering the straight, when King's Own caught him, and won rather easily by a length. Time, lm, 60s, 'fotalisator, £i4OO ; dividend, £15 2s.

Telegraph Handicap of lOQsovs; second hoise to receive, lOsovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. 252—'P. P. Tancred's cli g King's Bowman, 4yrs, by Forester-Princes* Royal, 7ab i 1011)(Jenkins) ~ ~ .. ' .. ..1 350—Mr. A. D.ivies' oh g Acone, syrs, Bat Blb (F. • * Davis) ~ .. .. i ~ .. ■ .. 2 95— G. Hunter's D ra Searchlight, 4yw, 7sfc 111b (WWttaker) - „ M .8

128, Solitaire, 7st 111b', 120, Loveshot. 7at 101b," carried Bst; 27, Seabreeze, ?at 2lb; 43, Sea Serpent, 7st 21b, carried 7at lib. alao ran, King's Bowman darted away when the tapes were released, followed by Aeons And solitaire, with •Searchlight at the laser's heok The speedy son of Forester was never caught, and taming Into the straight with a ample of lengths' lead, held it all the way. Searchlight being a fair 'bird. Time, lm. 10 8-6 8. Totalizator, £1013; dividend, £3 lis.

FOXTON RACES. Palmbrston North, Wednesday. The Foxton races were hold to-day, The following are the results

Flying Handicap. -Reality 1, Sedgebrook 2, Alrlee 3. Dividend, £3 lis. Trial Hukdles.—Electric 1, Clearllght 2, Teuku 3, Dividend, £0 4s. , Handicap Hurdles.— l, Nat 2, Bushgirl 3, Dividend, £4 6s. Foxton Handicap of i6osovs.-Swift, Sst sib, l; Review, Bst 21b, 2: .Slumber, Vat 101b, 3. Dividend, £1 6s. Anniversary Stakes.—Acme 1, Stockade 2, Opal 3. Dividend, £218s. Electric Handicap. -Sodgebrook 1, Reality 2, Flying shot 3. Dividend, £4 4s. Stewards' Handicap,-Swift 1, Review 2, Undine 3. Dividend, £2145. Welter —Flying Fish 1, Opal 2, Violet 3. Dividead, £( 185. GISBORNE RACES. GibborNe, Wednesday. The Gisborne Racing Club's Summer Meeting took place to-day. The weather was glorious, and the attendance large. The following are the results Flying Handicap.—Sequah, 1; Moonraker, 2; Strowan, 3. Dividend, £2 18s. The Catch Weights Hack was won by Campaspe. Dividend, £4. First Hurdles. Hop Oarden, 1; Donald Mc> Kinnon, 2; Tally Ho, 3. President's Handicap.—Retribution, 1; King Cannibal. 2; Sequah, 8. Nine started. Won by a length HE.d a-balf. Dividend, £11IB*. Time, 2m. 13s. The HACK Rack was won by Huna, Dividend, £3 Bs. Time, lm. 18s. Shouts'.— 1; Nightingale, 2; Creeper, 3. Dividend, £2 8. Time, lm. 48. Park Stakes.—lard Raven, 1; Sequah, 2: Cocheco, 3. Dividend, £710s. Time, 2m. ljs.

The starting machine of a local inventor proved a great success, splendid starts in nearly every instance being effected.



Messrs. Hunter and Nolan announce an important sale of blood stock to be held at their Durham-street Yards, on Monday next, when they will submit to auction the whole of Messrs. Alison Bros', racehorses in training. The following arc the lota to be submitted B h Warrior, by Ingomar—Fanny Fisher; Hippoclydes, by Hippocampus—To Tohi's dam ; cli c Detector, 2yi's, by NelsonMystery ; b m Carbuncle, syrs, by Carbineer —Pearl; cli m Lady Affiles, 3yrs, by Nelson —Sister Agnes: ch m Miss Nelson, 3yrs, by Nelson—Torment! ch o Nestor, 2yrs, by St. Legei—'Tamora. The faot of the norses having engagements at the Takapuna Jockey Club meeting next week, will be suro to causo some spirited competition at the sale.

MEETING. The following acceptances in connection with the first day's racing of the above Club's Summer Meeting wore received last night by Mr. Wynyard Takapuna Cup of 200sot«. One mile and a-half, at lb st lb Fabulist .. ..9 4 Scot Free .. 7 10 St. Clements ..8 8 Yattenfaldt .. 7 10 Doris .. ..8 8 Retaliation ..7 7 Panoply .. ..8 8 Miss Nelson ..7 6 Anita .. ..8 6 Repeater .. ..7 4 Three Star,. .. 8 2 Eve 7 0 Annabelle|.. .. 713 Norina .. ..0 7 Stewards' Handicap of sOsovs. Six furlon?s and a-lialf. st lb stlb Doris .. .. 0 1 Txird Dunluce ..7 4 Anita .. ..8 0 Dorothy .. ..7 2 Sharper .. .. 7 10 Rex 7 0 Miss Nelson ,, 7 10 Lady Agnes .. 0 12 Retaliation.. ..7 8 Commodore .. 610 Pirate .. ..7 8 Norina .. ..8 7 li»e 7 6 Cleopatra .. ..6 7 Zealandia Handicap of 40sovs. Five furlongs. st lb st lb St, Kllda .. .. 9 8 Ere 7 10 Doris .. ..9 8 Rex 7 4 Forma .. ..9 4 Peerless .. ..7 4 Lady Marion .. 8 4 Pororua .. ..7 2 The Sharper ..8 2 Lady Agnes .. 6 12 Linstock .. ..8 2 Norina .. ..0 7 Miss Nelson .. 7 13 Cleopatra.. ..0 7 Pony Handicap of 40sovs. Sir furlongs ami a-half. st lb st 11) Romp .. .. 912 Valencia .. .. 7 10 Lady Thornton ..9 4 Dan 7 7 Kit 8 4 Silkworm .. ..7 6 Hit of Fashion ..8 2 Fidget .. ..7 4 VAmpire .. .,8 2 Sidereal .. .. 6 10 Cupid .. .. 7 12 Handicap Hurdles of 60sovs. Two milesst lb st lb Bombardier ., 11 10 Othello .. ..9 8 Ladybird .. .. 11 8 Knapsack .. .. 9 6 Sterling .. .. 11 0 Ika Vuka .. ..9 4 Warrior .. ..10 12 Carbuncle.. ..9 0 Disturbance .10 2 Maiden Steeplechase of 4Dsova. About three miles. st lb st lb Kingswood ..11 4 Knapsack .. .. 910 Warrior .. ..10 12 Ilea vuka .. .. .9 10 hello .. .. 10 4 Carbuncle.. ..9 7 Hippoclydes .. 10 4 Calliope Handicap of 60soys, Six furlongs. st lb st lb St. Elmo .. ..8 0 Admiral Hawke .. 7 0 PoraugiPotae .,8 4 Sapph>> .. ..7 0 Antares .. ,. 8 4 St Owen .. ..7 0 Nestor ., ..8 4 Detector .. .. 610 La Iy Anna.. .. 7 12 Bricantine.. „ 0 7 Maiden Plate Handicap of 30sovs. One mile. st lb st lb Reneater .. .,9 2 Commodore ,.7 0 Ladybird .. ., x 7 Frontlgirtc . ..7 0 Lord Dunltice ..8 4 Stamford .. ..7 0 Dorothy ,, ..8 0 Cleopatra .. ..7 0 Mantle .. ..8 0 Sundown .. .. 7 C St, Simon,, ., 7 12 Corveite ., ,. 6 10 Rex 7 7 Carbuncle., ..6 7 Captivity .. ..7 6 Cadet .. ..0 7 Stepilance .. .,7 6 Problem .. ..6 7 Orestes .. ..7 0 Spokesman ..6 7 Lady Agnes ..7 2 Resolute ,, ..6 7 SECOND DAY, Handicap Steeplech of ioosots. About three miles and a-half. st lb st lb Bombardier .. 12 2 Knapsack ., ..9 7 Disturbance .. 10 0 Ditto .. ..9 7 Warrior .. .. 10*0 Othello .. ..9 7 Mozel ., .. 912 Hlppoclydes .. 9 7

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 5

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 5

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 5