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A meeting of the Otamatea County Council was held on the 28th September. Present: Messrs. Isbister (chairman), Ariell, Birt, Colbeck, Fitness, and Stewart. Closing Roads.— question of closing the various roads as advertised in the Auckland Weekly News was taken into consideration, and it was decided that as a complication appeared to exist relative to the road proposed to be closed in Wairau Riding, the matter be deferred for further information. It was decided not to close the road in the Mareretu Riding, a petition having been lodged against it; but that it be publicly notified that the road is not open for traffic. It was resolved, " That the road line intersecting sections 13|, 132,155, and section 134. township of Pahi, be closed, as also the road line intersecting sections 35, 37, and sections 32, 33, 34, suburbs of Pahi, and the road intersecting section 67 and .section 107, parish of Paparoa; also that the new deviations of road he taken through sections 107 and 56, parish of Paparoa, as surveyed." The clerk was instructed to find out whether or not a deviation of the main road had been carried through section 32, suburbs. of Pahi. A letter was received from Mrs. E. Mcllwraith, Pahi, protesting against the closing of the road through the Pukehuia and Ahikiwi blocks, Whakapirau Riding, as her interests would be affected. It was pointed out that the road in question terminated at a point about three miles from her property, and was being superseded by the new road to the beach. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Mr. Ariell, and seconded by Mr. Birt, that the road in Question be closed. As an amendment, Mr. sbister moved that Mrs. Mcllwraith be requested to explain how her interests will be affected by the closing of the road, but as no seconder could be found, it lapsed. There voted in favour of the motion: Messrs. Ariell, Birt, Colbeck, Fitness, and Stewart; and against it, Mr. Isbister. It was therefore resolved that the road be closed. The plans for closing road in Kaiwaka Riding not having come to hand, the matter was deferred. A letter was received from Mr. Bowmar protesting against the closing of that or any other road. Mr. Fitness stated that Mr. Palmer had not yet started the survey of the road at Tokatoka.

Paparoa Wharf.— letter was received from the Marine Department requiring plana to be lodged, and full information given relative to the erection of a wharf at Paparoa. Mr. Ariell stated that the application for the erection of a wharf would be withdrawn. A letter was received from Mr. Parsons, Paparoa, on the subject. Recovery of Rates.—A letter was received from Messrs. Jackson and Russell Riving a legal opinion on the power of the Council to recover rates for the past year from Messrs. Cliff and others, and it was decided that no further action be taken.

Homestead Road.— T. Healey attended as a deputation, and presented a petition signed by a number of ratepayers, requesting to have some work done on the Homestead road, Paparoa. The work to be about half-a-mile in length. Resolved, that Mr. Ariell be authorised to have specifications prepared for the work, call for tenders, and to deal with them when lodged.

Wairau Road.—Mr. Da vies made application to have some tea-tree cut on a road in Wairau, adjoining Mr. Huband's land, which was granted, provided the cost does not exceed 10s. v

Road Fenced Across.—Mr. Worthington complained that the owners of land adjoining the road line intersecting sections 206, 207, and sections 208, 209, Mareretu, have fenced across the road in several places, and as his children were now going to use the road to reach the school, he requested that the Council would cause the owners of the land to erect suitable gates. Should this be done, he intended forming a track at his own expense along the road for about one mile and a-quarter, so that his children could use it. Resolved, " That the owners of land who- have fenced across the road be requested to erect suitable gates, and be also notified that the removal of timber from the road line is proh bited except for road purposes. Tenders. — The following tenders for works on roads were opened and dealt with, viz.:—Contract No. 1, Pahi-Waikeikei Road, Mareretu : John McCarroll, £80. Contract No. 2, Pahi-Waikeikei Road, Mareretu. Birt and Jenkins, £34 15s. These tenders were not accepted, as sufficient money was not at present available. Contract H, Mareretu: Birt and Jenkins, £12 18s. Contract J, Mareretu: Birt and Jenkins, £13 18s; John Mould, £18 10a. Contract K, Mareretu : Birt and Jenkins, £7 15s. Contract L, Mareretu: Birt and Jenkins, £17 9s. Resolved, " That the tenders of Messrs. Birt and Jenkins be accepted for the foregoing four contracts, and that they be paid for when money is available out of land fund. Contract No. 1, work on road at School Hill, Matakohe : James Simpson, part at £1 10s per chain and remainder at £1 15s; Joseph Hardie, £1 18s 6d per chain. Resolved, " That James Simpson's tender be accepted." Contract No. 2, work on road from Big Hollow to Mr. Ovens, Matakohe : James Simpson, £3 per chain. Resolved, " That this tender be accepted." , Road formation, Cooksey's culvert, Paparoa : John Dodds, £47; Joseph Hardie, £59; James Simpson, £69. Resolved, " That the tender of John Dodds be accepted." A tender was received from John Dodds for cuttings and formation of Pahi- Waikiekie Road, Paparoa, and was accepted subject to money being available out of grant. Purchase of Kauri Trees on Road, Wairau.—Norman Finlayson, £3 15s ; W. Rowsell, £2 5s ;R. J. Howard, £1 15s. Resolved, " That the tender of N. Finlayson be accepted." Mareretu Contract.—Mr. Birt stated that Mr. Sykes had not surrendered his contract on road at Mareretu, and until he did so he did not see that a fresh tender could be accepted. F our fresh tenders for the work having been lodged, it was decided that they be left in the hands of Mr. Birt and the clerk to be dealt with when Mr. Sykes had formally surrendered his contract. Compensation.—The Government having refused_ to refund the amount of compensation paid to Mr. James Dilworth and others for land taken for deviation of the PahiWaikiekie Road at Mareretu, the matter was laid before Mr. Thompson, M.H.R., together with copies of letters received from the Lands and Survey Department promising to recoup the Council for all outlay in compensation, and relying on such promise the Council had paid the money. A letter was received from Mr. Thompson enclosing one to him from the Department still declining to fulfil the promise. Resolved, " That the whole matter be gone into with the Department, and that a demand be made upon the Government for a refund of the amount paid in compensation." Tram Road, Bridge, Etc.— Stewart reported that the work of making up the approaches to the bridges on the tram road at Pukekaroro was in hand. Mr. Fitness stated that no works had yet been laid off at Tokatoka, but that he hoped to have tenders lodged for consideration at the next meeting. Mr. Stewart was authorised to acquire a title to a small piece of land at Mangawai for the purpose of making an outlet drain : also to have tenders called for work on the HakaruKaiwaka road; on the Great North Road, at the back of Ross's, and to clear tea-tree on road between Kaiwaka Schoolhouse and Thornton's Bridge. Mr. Ariell was authorised to have specifications prepared for repairing the road between Mr. Skelton's and the Wesleyan Chapel, Paparoa, and to have tenders lodged for the next meeting. Mr. Fitness reported that a culvert had given way in a deep filling on the road at Tokatoka, and that he had put men on to get it re-laid, and the road made passable; but that it would be an expensive work, as the pipes were 17 feet below the crown of the road. Resolved, " That the action of Mr. Fitness in having this urgent work attended to be endorsed." Mr. Fitness reported that he had sanctioned the taking of two puriri trees for the purpose of fencing the cemetery at Tokatoka ; also that Mr. R. M. Clark had erected the receiving shed at the wharf under his directions. In the absence of Mr. Smith the clerk stated that the repairs to roads at Wairau had not yet been undertaken. Mr. Fitness stated that as Mr. Palmer had not yet started the surveys at Tokatoka no further steps had been taken in taking the deviations of the main road under the Public Works Act.

Wharfage Does.—A letter was received from the Northern Union Steamboat Company, declining to pay the increased wharfage dues demanded, and declining any liability for the dues for the current year on the "plea that the present company only started operations on the Ist August, 1892, and are not liable for arrears due at that time. Resolved, " That the demand for the payment of increased wharfage dues be adhered to, unless an opposition company is started, when a concession will be made and that as the present company took over the assets and liabilities of the late company, they be held responsible for the current year's wharfage dues. The chairman stated that -the Steamboat Company had impounded 22 of the rails for the Matakohe wharf, and would not deliver them because the freight was not paid. Resolved, " That the freight on the rails be paid, provided they are delivered, and that the company be asked to make a reduction in the amount due for freight on pipes, as so many of them were broken and injured." The clerk stated that no reply had yet been received from the Steamboat Company relative to refunding the cost of repairing the damage done to the wharf by their steamer, also that the scale of charges to be levied at the Matakohe wharf had been forwarded to Wellington to be gazetted.

Unregistered Dogs.—A letter was received from Constable Scott stating that the Council had been misinformed, as he was looking after unregistered dogs at Tokatoka. It was stated that Constable Abrams had been through at Matakohe looking after the unregistered dogs there, and it was decided to inform him that the Maoris residing at Otamatea had refused to register their dogs, and for him to summon them. Pahi-Waikiekie Road.— reply had been received from Mr. Thompson, M.H.R., concerning the £225 unused balance of PahiWaikiekie road grant. Resignation.—A letter was received from Mr. John Sykes resigning the position of returning officer for the Paparoa Riding. Resolved, " That Mr. Sykes' resignation be accepted with regret, and that Mr. William Goodall be appointed." Polling was decided ;to fir the following places as polling places in the various ridings, namely Kaiwaka, Courthouse, Uakaru (principal); Public Hall, Mangawai, and Schoolhouse, Kaiwaka; Wairau, Davies' Hall; Whakapirau, Schoolhouse ; Mareretu, Schoolhouse; Paparoa, Cliffs Hall (principal) Public Hall, Pahi, and Schoolhouse at the Homestead; Matakohe, Public Hall; Tokatoka, Schoolhouse No. 1.

Removal of Shed.— letter was received from Mr. Slater, stating that he understood that permission had been granted by the chairman and Mr. fitness, for him to erect the shed, and he had done so. Mr. Fitness stated that part of the blocks of the building had been placed in the drain, and might become an obstruction. Resolved, "That Mr. Slater be written to, and requested to have the shed removed to the other side of the tramway, and placed on a site to be pointed out by Mr. Fitness." Agreements.— reply having been received from Mr. Hazard, concerning Messrs. Smith's agreement, it was decided that he be again written to. A letter was received from Mrs. Sarah, offering to give a title to the deviation of the road through section 74, Parish of Mangawai, as surveyed by Mr. Smith, for the sum of £25. Resolved, " That the matter be left in the hands ot Messrs. Stewart and Linnell, to make the best arrangements they can with Mrs. Sarah." Charitable Aid,—Mr. Stewart stated that he had seen Charles Waring, at Hakaru, and considered that he should obtain some assistance in the shape of charitable aid. Resolved, "That he be allowed necessary stores to the value of os a-week, and that Dr. Mountaine be requested to visit him when in the neighbourhood." Road Deviations.— clerk stated thai he had gone over the deviation of the road through the Ohungarere Block, Wairau, as recommended by Mr. Rowsell, and found that a much drier road could be obtained, and that no serious grades would be encoun- : tered through Mr. W. Cullen's property, although it might entail a slight alteration in the line of load recently taken through Mrs. Gloyn's l.nd. Mr. Rowsell stated that Mr. Cullen was willing that the road might be deviated through his land, provided Mrs. Gloyn agreed to the alteration in the line of road through her Lad. Mr. Rowsell was requested to make arrangements with Mr. W. Cullen and Mrs. Gloyn for the exchange 1 of land for road, without compensation, and, if successful, that the new line be surveyed when a surveyor is in the district. TniRDS.~A list of "thirds" amounting to £160 Is Bd, was received from the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Councillors were requested to send in to the office such information as to the nature of the works as will enable the clerk to make up the schedules. Miscellaneous.—Letters were received from Messrs. Ovens Brothers and Mr. R. Smith, requesting to have some bush on road lines at Omaru chopped. ' Resolved, " That the chairman be authorised to call for tenders, and to deal with them, for chopping bush on deviation of road at Oamaru as surveyed by Mr. Hazard, and also for chopping about 10 or 12 chains of the road further on; and that Mr. Smith be granted permission to chop what bush he requiries on the road at the Maori Camp. Mr. Taylor applied for and was granted a progress payment of £30 on his contract on road Wairau. Mr. Ariell made application that steps be taken to have a. deviation of the Maungaturoto-Paparoaßoad carried out under the Public Works Act, through the properties of Messrs. J. B. Ariell and J. Birtles, and that the old road could be closed. Consideration of the matter was deferred so that the proposed new line might be inspected by the chairman and Mr. Ariell. Mr. Fitness stated that the owners of sections 10 and 11, Tokatoka, are fencing in the line of road which traveres these sections being a continuation of the road through section 2: It was decided to communicate with the Survey Department and ask if the decision given in the Supreme Court in the case of Clark versus Aikin constitues the road through these sections and onwards a legal road. Mr. Stewart was authorised to write to Mr. Palmer, M.H.R., relative to this Council receiving a share of the grant allocated to the Mangawai-Waipu Road. It having been stated that a petition had been forwarded to the Government praying that the Great North Road might be deviated through this county so as to pass along the East Coast instead of centrally as at present, and it was decided that a strong protest against any alteration being made be forwarded to the Government. The treasurer reported having paid since the last meeting the sum of £18 15s 8d for authorised works. Finances.—Resolved chat the treasurer's cash statement as examined be adopted. Accounts amounting to £256 2s 6d were passed and ordered to be paid. This concluded the business of the last meeting of the present Council. Statement of ridings' balances on the 28th day of September, 1893:—General accounts : Dr. Wairau, £37 Is Ojd; Paparoa, £169 6s l£d ; Mareretu, £1 8s S£d; Whakapirau, £14 los lOfd; Great North Road, £54 10s 9d. Cr.— Kaiwaka, £209 4s Hid; Matakohe, £49 6s 6Jd; Toka Toka. £4 13s s|d. Separate accounts : Kaiwaka, £9 6s 9d. Cr.—Wairau, £30 10s 7£d: Paoaroa, £84 10s 4Jrd; Mareretu, £6 4s 7£d ; Toka Toka, £64 7s lid. —[Own Correspondent.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9335, 19 October 1893, Page 3

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OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9335, 19 October 1893, Page 3

OTAMATEA COUNTY COUNCIL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9335, 19 October 1893, Page 3