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High Wateb atAuckiawi-4 £ 2 a.m ; ; 5 -* 9 p^ii.' - Manukau—B.32 a.m., 8»59 p.M. * Run —Rises, 0.13 a-in.; sets, 6.57 p.iu. MOON.—New, 31st, 11.19 p.m. ARRIVALS. Wellington, s.s., 279, Stephenson, from "Whangarei. Passengers: Rev. Mr. ami Mrs. Hewlett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leimner. Mr. and Mrs. Horn. Mesdames Smith Marshall, Edgar, Misses Cloesworthy, McLennan, Snelling, Gash, Messrs. Ourrie, Bail, Revburn. Thompson, Lott, D. Smith, Wilson, "Wood, Marr, Galway, Elliugham, Coutts, Grey, Quintal, Sergeant, Goodiey, Moore, Wilson.—Northern S.&. Co., agents. , I una. s.s., 15!), Amodeo, from lauranga and Mercury Bay.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. March T,. Southern Cross, mission schooner, '24 J. for Norfolk Island and Melanesia, l\i-iiengcrs> :—Revs. A. Krittain and R. M. Turnbull, Mrs. Congard, Mrs. Hickson, Misses K. Lodge, A. Dudley, JDisdall, H. ISobbs. —T. C. Tilly, agent. . . Klcctvviug, schooner, 5.1, Buike, for Suva, via Tairua. —M. Niceol, agent. March 2S. Te Ana s.s., 16.VJ, J. Mcintosh, for Melbourne and the South. Passengerstor Napier : Mrs. Cornlord, Misses. Tuke, Cornford, Rev. Mr. Dean, Messrs. A. Tupaia, J. R. Radford. Larue, J. Parker, Lewis, Davis. For Wellington : Mr. and Mrs. Iblietson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Every. Mr. and Mrs. Habeus, Mrs. Miles and maid. Rev. J. A. Siieehv, Messrs. A. Morton, F. Weston, J. Turner, Miss McGregor. For Lyttelton: Commander Howard, W. Barrett, C. leucourt, M. Aynsley, Lascellos, Shaw, Master Baker. For Tort Chalmers : Mr. and Mrs. lenih<ui, Mr.' and Mrs. Patterson, and Messrs. Ingleton, Holmes, Bridgcr. For IV;lift: Mrs. St-Trev. For Hobart: Mr. C. Bessitt. Mrs. .1. Bessitt. For Melbourne: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harvey, Mr. J. Airney, Mr. A. Brett. Mrs. Williams and infant, and '22 steerage.— Union S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s., 153, Amodeo, xor Great Barrier. -»—Northern S.S. Co.. agents. Simeon, barque, 40, Olson, for Newcastle. ®~H. P. Barber, agent. DEPARTURES. Te Anau, s.s., for South. _ lona, s.s., for Great Barrier, Southern Cross, Mission schooner, for Nor* Island. Folk LXPECTED ARRIVALS. FX FELTED ARRIVALS. LONDON : Alastor, barque, sailed December '29. .Largs Bay, ship, put back for repairs. Lady .loeelvn, ship, loading. Blair DiT.mmoßd, ship, sailed March '21. NEW v."... : „ At nold x .'on Bippen, barque, sailed Noveiiibc'T *50. Elinor Vernon, barquentine, sailed .January 12. SAN FRAN CISCO : Mariposa, R..M.s«s., about March 30. NEWCASTLE : Rebeeuu, barque, sailed March 23. Peerless, uriuaatinc. sailed March -5. T,YXXI-:ltos : Aiiii'l Abbott, lurqun, early, aireka, schooner, early. Saxon, schooner, early. "TAHITI : Ada C. Ovc-n, in March. SAMOA, ETC.: Richmond, s.s., about April 1, BAKOTONI :A ; Sandfly, schooner, early. JAVA : Nieoya, barque, early. Rollv., ship, sailed about February 23. FIJI Fiona, s.s., early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONr»ON : i'itiades, ship, to load. India, barqucntine, to reload. is'E'.V VuKK I ! iiistav Adolf, barque, to load. syp.NKY : Mariposa, R.M.S.S.. about March 31. Opal. H.M.S., about April 3. Lizard, H.M.s., about April 3. Raven, H.M.s., about April 3. Royalist, ILM.s., about April 3. Orlando, H.M.s., about April 9. Presto. barque, to load. k'tWi'.viTLE : Simeon, barque, to-morrow. Virginia, barque, early. Samoa r Rapid, M.s., about April 2. MsAviiem, s.s., about April 2. Richmond, s.s., about April 5. Isl.-.mj.l : Southern Cross, Mission schooner, to-day. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day.—Wanaka leaves Onehunga if mail arrived; Herald leaves for Westport and Greymoutii, at -1 p.m. Sati'uliay. —Mariposa arrives from Honolulu ami letvts for Sydney. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS.

To-day.— Clansman arrives from Russell at 0 a.m. and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m.: l»»na arrives from Great I'arrier early and leaves for Mercury Bay at 7 p.m.; Wellington leaves for \\ hanjrarei, Marsden Point, and Pariu«, Bay at 10.:-!u p.m. VESSELS IN HA Hi'OUR. 'This li.-t does not include < casters.l Orirtii'to, H.M.s., in stream. Royalist, H.M.s., in stream. Opal, 11. M.S., in stream. Kapid, It.M.S., in stream. Raven. H.M.s., in stream. Dart, H.M.s., in Calliope Do>:k. Lizard, H.M.s., in stream. Pleiades, ship, at Queen-dire jt Wharf. Oustav Adolf, barque, at Railway Wharf. Virginia, barque, at Sugar Works. Simeon, barque, at No. :2 Jewry. Presto, barque, at Breastwork. % Belle Isle, barque, at Railwsy Wharf. Jt.-S'ie, barquentine, at Hobson-st. Wharf. Maile, barquentine, at Breastwork. India, barquentine, at No. fi Jetty. Waitemata, barquentine, i*» stream. Lady Mabel, brigantine, aiHobson-st. Wharf. Magellan Cloud, brigantine, at Railway Whan". Araiajiu, brigantinc, at No. 2 Jetty. Sarah Rile, schooner, as Railway Wharf. Fleet wing, schooner, in stream. -Christine, schooner, at Hobson-street Wharf. 'Vindex, schooner, in stream. Orpheus, schooner, at No. 2 Jetty. Throe Cheers, schooner, in stream.

EXPORTS. Per s.s. 'i'e Anau : 12 eases fruit, 5 cases •tobacco, 12 packages furniture, (50 cases cheese, 5500 paving blocks, 1088 bags sugar, -4 casks treacle, 5 cases syrup, GO cases safe cure, 177 pieces timber, 18 bags and 212 hides, 134 packages butter, 35 eases mullet, 5 cases lisli, 04 bugs lime, 63 cases apples, 10 sacks oysters, 0 hhds. ale, and sundries. The ship Pleiades was yesterday taking in .manganese as stiffening. At the Customs yesterday the Norwegian Ttarque Simeon was cleared outward by.Mr. Pf. I'. Barber for Newcastle, where she is to ;_;o in ballast to load coal. She is to sail on Saturday. The barquentine India has completed the Reloading of her original cargo of copra, which was discharged and stored here during the time of her being docked for repairs. She •will probably resume her interrupted voyage to Europe in a few days. From Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co. we learn the direct steamship Coptic sailed for N'-w Zealand from J'lymouth on the 2.'ird jnst. Her ports of call will be Port Chalmers, Lvt telton, "Napier, and Wellington. The well-known ship Crusader, of the Btiaw, Savill, and Albion line, is not to visit our port as was intended, but will proceed from London to Wellington. Her place on "the bf,rth for Auckland has been taken by tin equally familiar vessel—to wit, the Lady JoceJyn, which is now loading for this port. Having discharged about 100 tons of her "West-port coal into H.M.s. Rapid yesterday morning, trie s.s. Herald hauled alongside the flagship Orlando, where the gunboat Raven was also ranged close to her. During the day coaling operations into the bunkers of both •of the ■warships was vigorously carried on. land in the afternoon the Orlando had taken ■in 210 tons and the Raven 15. The Herald 'will also supply the bunkers of H.M.s. •lloyali.i. Cable advice has been received by the New Zealand Shipping Company to the effect that the ship Blair Druniniond had left London lor this port, with a full cargo, on March 21-s/.

A the Queen-street wharf yesterday, the E.s. Wiiimii took in a considerable quantity uf timber for her Fijian ports. She will receive general cargo to-day. Yesterday shortly after noon the ferry Steamer took passengers and a large number •of friends on board the mission schooner Southern Cross, which was lying in the •.stream. As soon as all were safely on board "with their multitudinous packages of luggage Captain Bongard quickly got the schooner under weigh, and proceeded out of harbour under the steam power supplied by the vessel's auxiliary screw, the ferry boat accompanying her round the Heads, where the last loud adieus to the departing missionaries were waved, and the last good wishes shouted. -• Early yesterday morning the s.s. lona arrived from Tanrauga and Mercury Bay with 'freight and passengers, and at S a.m. sailed again for the Great Barrier. About noon yesterday the s.s. Te Allan, Captain Mcintosh, took her departure for

Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobartj with a general cargo and a good number of "St steamer Mariposa left; San Francisco two hours ahead of contract timo —that is, on Saturday, March 9th—she should arrive here about 8 or 9 clock tomorrow morning, but should she. null up any time she may arrive during to-night. At Messrs. Tonks and Co.'s mart to-day the well-known schoner Vindex will be offered for sale. This little clipper is so well known that a detailed description is superfluous, but she is deservedly famed jis & fast sailer find grand sea boat. She is 44 tons burden and 60 feet in length by 15 feet beam, and if not desired for trading purposes, would make a fast, comfortable, and staunch yacht. In the event of the mail steamer arriving in time, the s.s. Wanaka will leave Onehunga for the South at 5 p.m. to-day as announced, but should the Mariposa be delayed the Wanaka's leaving is to be postponed till 8 o'clock on Saturday morning. . The s.s. Wellington arrived about midnight from Whangarei with a large number of passengers, and a quantity of general freight. PORT OF ONEHUNGA.

ARRIVALS. , Gairloch, s.s., Arthur, from New Plymouth. Passengers : — Rev. Farley, Messrs. Gregg, King, Mendelssohn, Halloran, Turner, Basset, Bowden, King, \\ Parslow, Leahy, Osborne, Tapp, Tobin, Weir, Stirling, Lumsden, Leigh, White, Fairs, Lieutenant White, and 7 steerage.—A. Barnes, A °Wanaka, s.s.. Meads, from the South. Wanaka, s.s.. Meads, from the South. Passengers :—Misses Harding, Carrington, Mesdames Medley. Skinner, Eastick and infant, Stoddart and infant, Captain and Airs. Grey, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Hon. Mr. Fergus, Messrs. Fargo, Rotherham, Cattanaeli, Bell, Lambert, Grcenough, Hallingworth, Chambers, Board man, Kennedy, Waldegrave, .Lichfield. —Union S.S. Co., agents. 1 DEPARTURES. Gairloch, s.s.. McArthur, tor New Plymouth. Passengers : —Miss Church, Alesdames unless. Maunsell, Messrs. Adams, Andrews. Fitzgerald. Bowler, Sullivan, Watson. Nelson, Maunsell, Ling. Kemp, George, Thompson, Aicken, Curtis, Wickham, \V. F. Wilson, and S steerage.—A. Barnes, agent. IMPORTS. Per s.s. Gairloch : S3 cattle, 1 horse, and 3 cases butter. EXPORTS. Per s.s. Gairloch : 13 cases corrugated iron, IS cases drapery, 1 cask spirits. 4 lihds. ale, 3 jacks, .'55 cases fruit, 7 cases drugs, 4 sacks oysters, 3 bundles spouting, 1 buggy, 2 cases fowls, and 45 packages. The Northern Co.'s s.s. Gairloch, from New Plymouth, arrived at So'clock yesterday morning, with cargo and passengers. She sailed again at one o'clock for the same j>ort. The Union Co. s s.s. Wanaka, Captain J. Meads, from the South, arrived at 6.30 a.m. yesterday. BY TELEGRAPH. HOKIANG A. March Sailed : The barque Devonport, for Melbourne; schooner Queen, for Auckland. RUSSELL. March 2S.—Arrived : S.s. Clansman, from the North. Sailed: S.s. Clansman—Passengers : Dr. Hoeken, Mrs. Edwards. LYTTELTON. March 2S.—Sailed : S.s. Mararoa. for the North. Passengers: Misses Smith, Whitney, Movcui, Bailey, Hooper, Rowley, lvissell, Dale, Willis, Gordon, Clapp, Guir; Mesdames Hill, Hulbert, Clapp, Gates, Harris, 1 kites, Mai-shall, Sendes, Froser, "Ward, Hebbell, Fahey, Hay man, Hackshaw ; Rev. J. Patterson; Messrs. Lonsdale, Allen, IViuce, Scott, Rhodes, Woole, Capper, Goddey, Block, Samson, McLachlan, Hayman, Cray, Mendelsohn, Greenup, Curtis, Kissell, Clapp, Rogers, Callan, Fraser, Hamilton, Hackham : Master Danks. PORT CHALMERS. March 23.—Arrived : S.s. Wairarapa, from the North : s.s. Mahinapua, from the West Coast. Sailed : Isabella Anderson, for Hokitika : barque Hurunui, Sinclair, for London, with a full cargo of wool, skins, flax, leather, etc.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4