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Med A ROWLANDS' " jMBgSk . MACASSAR OIL Used for 100 years. Prevents and arrests baldness, strengthens the Hair, and produces a luxuriant and glossy growth ; also prepared in a Golden Colour. A pure', non-gritty Tooth Powder. It whitens the 'Teeth, prevents decay, gives fragrance to the breath. IMWLAIOS ' ROW LA ND KALYDOR.. A harmless emollient milk for beautifying the comrOP fw ''N \a I B plexion. Removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Roughness ' K x'• 'n? «v and Redness, and produces soft, fair, and delicate Skin. ROWLANDS' ESSENCE OF TYRE . a reyH .,a permanent Brown or Black. Ask Chemists and Perfumers for ROWLANDS' Articles, j of '20, Hatton Garden, London, England, and avoid imitations. . f ■ jfiSNlfe ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, f An emollient milk for Jxsautifying tlic complexion, and warranted VF&IFB&W VaakSf free from lead or grauo. It removes) Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, vWvW'm <&'Sy&tf4lSF Redness and Roughness of the skin ;is most cooling ami refreshiMrxt* x Hwmram; ins to the face in hot weather, and produces soft, fair, and delicate skin. No lady should be -without it. M 4jf ROWLANDS' ipNfSw MACASSAR OIL Prevents hair falling off or turning grey, and is also sold in a 'Tits '' m- * golden colour. ROWLANDS' ' ODONTO AVhitens the Teeth, prevents decay, and sweetens the breath. f'ii 01 l=j\l\i OS EU kQ a pure Toilet Powdei in Throe Tints, Whits, Rose, and Cream. Ask Chemists and Perfumers for ROWLANDS' Articles, of 20, Ifatton Garden, London, England.

A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECIOTS PILLS Are nniTerMiliy O H admitted to he ws worth a, Guinea ft ■ -»\ Hoi for Bilious g Qj/ \!ft\ NerrouH Disorders B\i/ \ \i\ Slu: '* as Wind and I '!<•/~ . \i.-\ Pain in the Sto- : I / PATENT \ '\\ m » ch - s }?* lHc,id--810 1 ... I I*3 I ache, Giddiness, I 1-3 PILLS 52 j Fulness and S«el1' ,\ /A?/ ting fcftor Ileal*, iffil ■"• /&/! Dizziness and \X?V\ J&}J Drowsiness, Cold vCXV /fV/ Chills, Hushing-* of xffy Heat, I/08& of Ap. 1 /ss«N'Jr petite, Shortness AV 'i.v of Breath, Crwtireness, Scurry and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Fripbtful Dreams, >ncl all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Ac. The first doso will ! give relief in twenty minutes. i Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one j bor of "these Pills nad they will > e acknowledged i to be ; v WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For female." of all apes these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry of!" till humours, and bring aljoiit all that is required. Mo female should lie without them. There is no Medicine to be found etuiftl to Beecham's I'lllp for removing a«y obstruction or irrrgrulnrit* of the system. If taken according: to the direction'. (,'iven with each box, they will soon restore females of all ajjei to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured bv their use. for a freak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act Uk« magic, and a few doses will be found to worfc ■wonders on the most important oignns in the j human machine. They strengthen tlia wt-ola ! muscular »>stem, restore the long lout complexion , tiring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy o.' the human frame. These art) Fact» testified continually • b< members o' aJI classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BKKGHAWS PILLS have the Lurgett Sale if any Patent. Medicine in the Wtrld. Beecham's Magic Cough Pills, As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, I Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and < 'pwreasion of the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled, j They are the best ever offered to tho public find ! will" speedily remove that reuse of oppression ! and difficulty of breathing, which nightl<- deprive the patient of rest. Let anv person give EKCHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and tho most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, : by the Proprietor, Thomas Beechsm, St. iirlena, j Lancashire, England, in boxes la. lid. and I 2s. 9d. each. ! | Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. ' : N.B. —Fall directions are given with each box. COCKLE'S FILLS, J FREIi I'EOM MERCURY I jMQCKLE'S TILLS, Vy FOR LIV3R. /COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR BILE. I (OOCKLE'S PILLS, | FOR INDIGESTION. I /COCKLE'S PILLS, \j FOR HEARTBURN. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR SiCK HEADACHE. i 7S"ockle's pills, ~ ; FOR ACIDITY. ! COCKLE'S PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. COCKLE'S pills, Vy IN USE lOHTY-EIGHT YEARS. In Boxes at la. 1 i> l, 2s 9(1, 4s Oil, lis, and 22m, j At all Medicinu Vendors thuouohout the j WORM). "Jp IRE! JURE! IRE! Wo beg to intimate to our customers and to the residents of Newmarket and surrounding districts that we have STARTED BUSINESS AGAIN in those large and commodious Premises opposite the Newmarket Railway Gates. Our Stock has been selected with great care, and we will be able to sell goods at prices hitherto unapproachable for quality and cheapness. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—We are in a position to supply Corrugated Iron and all Building I Requisites in ironmongery on specially favourable terms. To FARM ICRS we hog to intimate that we have always on hand a large stock of Barb Wire and all Farming Implements. Country Orders by post will receive prompt atteni tloil. C. GOODWILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, Newmakiiet Hardware Emporium. I FREEZING ! ,» SPECIALLY i O" PREPARED for j every_crop. i % Discourage Insect Life ! COMPANY'S , I APPROVED BY SOLD BY ALL MERCHANTS, i j LEADING J IN IX CWT. BAGS. ! I AGRICULTURISTS j LOW FREIGHTS TO DIS- I I V 1 ANT DISTRICTS. > MANURES Write for Detailed Catalogue. j mO SETTLERS, STOEEKEPEERS FARMERS AND OTHERSj, IR E LAN D . BROTH ERS, TANNERS, LEATHER MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERS, SADDLERS' IRONMONGERS AND IMPORTERS. . CASH BUYERS OF HIDES, WOOL, SHEEP SKINS, TALLOW,.BEESWAX, <kc„ . AT CURRENT RATES. WAREHOUSE—Vuixan Lane and High sink ' t i WORKS—PANMURK, j AUCKLAND N. Z. I

£®EISSNi33G®2SSiKraBBSSig®H2a A Crown of Gold or a coronet of pearls is the privilege of tew to have, but any one can rejoice in a glorious head of hair —Nature's own diadem and title to dignity —by the use of Mrs. S. A. Alien's World's Hair Restorer. ffai rßestorer IS PERFECTION! ~ For restoring Gray, White, or Faded Hair to its youthful Colour, Gloss, and Beauty. It renews its life, strength, and growth. Dandruff quickly removed. A matchless Hair Dressing. Its perfume rich and rare. *—T— 'i~~rsjsfssmsmsmssss^ IJj AS Y DIGESTION. CRAWFORD'S CHAMOMILE. RHUBARB, AND DANDELION PILLS. SAFE AND RELIABLE REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION Indigestion, I lean luirii, sensation o fulness aftoi meals, Costiveness, Hitter Taste in tne Month, with Furred Tongue ami Unpleasant Breath, Irregular Craving for l'"oi>ii, and an " All Gone," feeling in the Stomach; Flatulence, Nervousness. Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness during the day, out especially after Dinner, want of energy, accompanied with extreme depression of spirits. Any one or more of these symptoms may indicate some derangement of the Liver or Stomach, and relief should lie sought for at once. Nothing will give more ptcdy and certain relief than CRAWFORD'S CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB, AND DANDELION FILLS For Indigestion, one pill may be taken directly after Break hist and Dinner daily ; as a mild aperient two or three pills at bedtime when required. ■ Sold in Boxes, Is, Is 6d Cd, and os each, by CRAWFORD, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, MEDICAL HALL, NEWTON, AUCKLAND feOTH-AGHE UI7i«JGX) IX* SST-fLCTTIiY Hit' !**& o*3 &8 f W i?" 9 Prevent* Deny. Siitos eM. vLP Iw u Mfif ' w Extraction. Sleepiest h'ljfhU y w r Nenrwlsric Hsiul-acl>as and all Nwto j&k fjr* 2 &iU 3 & *3.9 Sf 3 * I'am* removed by Br .XT Kit's fei >!/£ Bjj £KM Jp XKItVIfIK. All Chmitlf. I/lj. 0 V PjSS 14 8 ttf S* VI &U£B Dr.. t en nen t, Legally-qualified and Registered Practitioner '32 years' medical experience, in addition to general practice), TREATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES both sexes). The only Practitioner in Auckland ivho CURES PERMANENTLY' THE WORST :;ASKS of Nervous Debility, Physical Weakness, Exhausted Vitality, Youthful Abuses, Excesses, anil ;he like. DISEASES OF MEN, however induced j ind no matter how inveterate, speedily, thoroughly, I iml permanently cured.—Call or addressDß, I'ENNENT, opposite the Opera House, Auckland HUGHES' WORM POWDERS AND VERMIFUGE Have afforded almost immediate relief to hundreds of suffering Juveniles dining the last 14 years. TELEPHONE 273. HUGHES, CHEMIST, 141, QUEEiV-STHKE T. THE SUFFERERS' BOON. 1 TIHE FRENCH HOSPITAL REMEDY JL will cure any case of NERVOUS DEBILITY dc. Failure is impossible. Full particulars, toother with the valuable pamphlet, "NATURE'S f IDDEN TREASURE," hya French Doctor, which s really worth its weight in DIAMONDS to those i-bout to marry. Plica by Post, sealed, la Bd, N.X ;tamps. Address Parisian Agancy Co., P.O. Box 170, Sydney. Fish. ?.o. rox 297J [telephone 177. ' F. W I L LI AM s, l ®* * | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITERER j AND GREENGROCER. j POULTERER AND DEALER IN GAME, &C. j FISH AND OYSTER MERCHANT. I OYSTERS IN ANY QUANTITY. FRESH AND SMOKED FISH ALWAYS ON HAND. Shipping and Country Orders Punctually Attended to. Fish forwarded to any part of the Colony. A S' A N F 0 R D, tJL® FISH CUR EE .AND EXPORTER. EGtsTEitb MARK.' RAKINO FISHERY, AUCKLAND, N.Z. Picjfled, drieil, and (Tinned) Smoked Fish, to eep in any climate. Price List on application at .akino Boat, Queen-street Wharf. POUNDKEEPERS' BOOKS (under the L new Act), 25 anil 50 pages, with the Schedule ; Fin oh fur Trespass ai)d Impounding Fees inserted i commencement, 011 Sale atllie 11 EitALD Pubises; Hice, Que en-a

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 3