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New Zealand Hkrald Office, Thursday evening. The Customs duties to-day amounted to £60214s lOd. A very dull week's business is the general report of distributors. Demand comes only for small j>arcels, and no free buying is expected until the new month. Oatmeal has advanced £1 per ton, and supplies are scarce at that. Sugar buyers are holding off in expectation of a drop likely to take place next week. Potatoes are worth £4 10s, with £5 asked for very prime lots. Maize : 3s 3d, parcels, ex wharf, very dull, and small inquiry. A considerable quantity still remains in first hands along the coast, fully sufficient to last till the new crop is fit for use. Some new '* cobs" were seen in town this week, and their appearance betokens a good yield and first-class quality for the coming season. We understand that some farmers are already plucking. Wheat : Prime milling, 4s '2d; inferior, sprouted, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; Southern is worth 4s 7d to is Bd. We would advise our farmer friends to realise while good prices are offer-

nig. * Fowl wheat: 3s Gel. Oats : 2s Id to '2s 3d ; long oats, 2s 4d ; dun, Mack and short feed. Nearly all the local oats are more or less discoloured, while Southern oats are bright, and appear to have been well harvested. Potatoes, slack, £4. Bran and pollard are £1 dearer. Flour is firm, with a tendency to advance. We notice growers are making earnest inquiries for bonednst and other requisites, to prepare for the coining season. _ Too much cannot he made of the present fine weather to prepare, and, from appearances, we should think this province should show up well in regard to area under crop. Surely, with everything favourable, our country friends should strain every nerve to help themselves. In the local produce market the price of eggs has advanced to Is 3d wholesale and Is 6d per dozen retail. Good dairy butter has advanced to 8d per lb wholesale and lOd per lb retail. Messrs. Churchill and Sims' Wood Circular of Feb. 5 states —Kauri pine : Logs move off very slowly, but planks are more enquired for, and a parcel of decking sold without reserve was well competed for, and brought good prices. The prices given are Kauri pine : Logs, Is 6d t<? Is 9d ; planks, 2s 6d to 3s 6d. Messrs. Wilson and Clayton report the sale of house and allotment in Grafton Road, for £340. KAURI GUM MARKETS. This market continues weak, and apparently still declining. Supplies for 27 days of March are about 500 tons. Prices arc still somewhat unsettled, but we quote meanwhile nominally as follows Poor ordinary, 28s; fair ordinary, 295; best ordinary, 30s; East Coast, 425. LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Messrs. Hunter and Nolan's Weekly Report. —Horse fried, grain, seeds: The demand for grain has been brink, and a good deal ha*; been disposed of, but the demand for chaff and seeds has been slack. We quote:—Feed o.itx, 2s £d to S.s 2d ; dun, 2s to is fid ; maize, 3s f)d ; bran, £4 10s ; chaff, £2 10s. Horses : There has been an increased number brought forward, and found purchasers at fully the previous week's values. Quite an average number •wove entered at tho Durham yards on Friday ; competition was good throughout, and moat of the lots were cleared, and there remained an unsatisfied demand for geldings as hacks and light harness horses. 1 We quote: — Hacks, from £4 15s to £10 103 ; light harness ditto, £6 XOs to £11 10s. Wool, hidas, ami skins ; Average quantities were pitched at the Durham yards on Tuesday, and competition for all the lots ' was brisk, and heavy ox hides advmced in value. We quote as follows : — Ox hides, Sid to fid : cow hides, 2d to 2(jd; calfskins, 3.U1 to 4jd ; sheepskins, Is 7d to 3s (id ; lambskins, Is 4d to 2s -2d ; pelts, is to Is 7d ; wool, ti.Jd to 6Jd. Cattle : The number brought forward has not been large, and the demand hits been steady, with little or no alteration in value. The Newmarket yards were well tilled on Tuesday. Bidding was steady throughout the sale, but prices remained unaltered. Some averages were : Steers, £4, £4 Ss Od, £1 10s, X 5 Us Od ; £6 12s, £5 17s 0d ; cows, £3 (is fid, £3 its tid, £3 10», £3 17s Cd. Sheop : There was a good muster of sheen at Newmarket on Tuesday, but there was an evident indisposition on the part of purchasers to give the previous week's prices, which consequently receded from 6d to Is per heart. Lambs : But few yarded, and sold at from Cs Gd to 10s. Pigs : There was a large attendance of wouldbe buyers but an absence of swine, consequently there remains an unsatisfied enquiry. Messrs. Alfred Buckland AND Sons'WEEKLY Report.—At the llaymarket during the past week, fodder has been offered in usual quantity, and there has been no alteration in values. The new crop of grain is now coming forward, and prices are something lower. The wholesale price of maize has been 3s oil; oats from Is lid to '2s 6d the bushel; oaten chaff, 42s the ton. At the horse sale on Friday, although no higher prices were obtained, there was steady bidding throughout the sale, showing a greatly improved demand, prices mostly ranged from £4 to £0 ; those of a better class from £8 to £14 each. On Tuesday, hides advanced in price. Ox hides ranged from 3Jd to SJd; cows, from '2M to 3Jd ; calfskins, 4jd the lb. Pelts and skins were at late values, and ranged up to is 9d each. Lambswool, (Ud ; odd lots of wool from 4d to G|d the lb. At the country cattle sales, held at Pukekohe and Fa pal; urn, less than the usual numbers were brought forward, prices are without change. J At Remuera on Thursday, dairy cows in full mim-

ber sold freely at an advance of 10s each over last week's market. Fat cattle, in full numbers, wero at last week's values, from 10s for cows to 12s 6(1 the inoib for Rood oxen. Sheep yarded plentifully. Heavy wethers scarcely at previous values, but ewos and inferior sheep kept their price. The twotooth ewes advertised brought 9s fid each ; wethers, from lis JVt to 9s 6d ; ewes. 6s 6d to 9s each. Lambs in short supply, sold at high figures. Pigs plentiful, and better worth than for several woeks. Messrs. G. W. Bi.nkky and Sons' ItF.POIIT. The market for hides and sheepskins continues brisk, and we cleared a large catalogue on Tuesday last, I'riaie ox, 4jit to 5;1; heavy stout, -Id to 4Jd; medium, :3d to 3}d- Best cow. 2W to '.'Jd ; medium, : id to 2id. lleavv kip, 2i<l; light,, 3.1 to Sid. Calf, 4a to 4}d. Daniage<l of all classes is dull of sale. Sheejiskinr : Demand brisk, and all cleared at pood values. Best sailed and sound urk-d, Is fid to 2s each; medium, Is to is 4d ; shearlings, 3d to 3d ; lambs', huge, Is Od to 2s 01; medium, Is 2d to Is t>d ; small, 6d to 9d ; well wuoUed dry skins un to 3s tkl each. Lambswool, Ojd to Ojd per lb. Tallow, 13s to 14s 6d per cwt; rough fat. Id per lb. bones, 4s Gd per cwt. Bonedust : Napier, £5 5s ; Sydney, £5 10s, ex store ; Melbourne (in cwt hags), £(5 las, delivered garuawahia or Auckland. Potatoes: Market dull; sales from £3 7s 04 to £4 per ton. Flour: Atlas brand (full roller), sacks, £12; 100's, £12 10s; 50's, £12 16s per ton; Gray and All Inch (combined sacks, £11 10s ; 100's, £12 ; 50 s, £12 5s per ton.

THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. [Corrected to noon of Thursday.) FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Wholesale. Retail. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d Butter, fresh, dairy, 1!) 0 S — 0 0 0 0 — 0 10 Do., Waikato " Anchor' brand .. ..It' — 00 00 — 13 Do., inferior salt ..03 — 06 04 — 08 Milk, quart .. .. .. 0 3} — 0 4 Cheese, local, lb .. 0 3 — 05 05 — 07 Do., best factory .. 0 4 J— 0 D Kgcs, dozen .. .. 13 — 00 16 — 00 Lard, bladder, lb .. 0 5 — 0 «> 0 6 — 0 0 Hums and Bacon, Pro. 0 0 — 0 7 Do., bare .. ..0 6 — 0 7 Cant* Bacon, new .. 0 7J-- 0 Si 0 7J— 0 8 Hams 0 Si— 0 10 0 S — 1 0 Jams, case 5doz .. '-3 9—20 3 .. Fowls, each .. -- 06 — 10 14 — 2 0 Ducks, do. „ .. .. 10 — 18 Geo ye, do. ... .. .. - 0 3 0 Turkeys, do. .. m . .. 66 — 80 Feathers, lb.. ..16 — 19 — FLOUR. ~i s. £ s. Flour, A tick, roller, ton 13 0 —13 10 n Do., household .. 1- 10 —IS 0 _ Do., Southern, roller 12 10 —13 0 Do., Southern, stonu 12 0 — 0 0 Bran .. .. 50 — 00 -» , Sharps 5 10 — 0 0 — Cabiu Bread .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 — Oatmeal 25s .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 _ Oatmeal 7s .. .. 17 0 — 0 0 M Pearl Barley .. .. 20 0 —21 0 _ Parent Porridge Meal, 71b bags .. ..0 0—15 0 .. HAY AND CORN. Percwt, Hay, ton .. ..3 0 — 4 0 5 0 — 0 0 Lucerne, do. .. .. 6 0 — 6 10 7 6 — SO Oaten, do. .. ..2 0 — SO 4 0 — 5 0 Chaff, threshed .. 1 10 -2 0 0 0 — 0 0 Oaten Chaff .. .. " 10 — 3 10 Straw, load .. .. 0 IS — 1 10 4 0 — 5 0 1 Clover, ton .. ..5 0 — 0 0 .. Potatoes, local .. 4 10 — 5 0 ~ ». d. s. d. White Clover Seed, lb 1 0 — 11 — Red Clover do. .. 0 10 — 0 11 .. Cowcrass do. ... ..Oil — 10 _ Alsyke do 11 — 0 0 Timothy do. .. ..0 5 — 0 6 Trefoil do 0 6 — 0 0 M Rape do. .. ..0 D — 0 0 .. Mustard do. .. ..0 4 — 0 6 — Ryegrass do. (new season's), bushel ..4 6 — 6 0 _ Cocksfoot do. (new season's) .. ..56 — 70 Maize, bushel.. .. 33 — 00 00 — 0 0 Ifcirioy, food ., .. 30 — 3 3 33 — 40 Do., malting .. ..3 0 — 3 10 Oats, reed .. ..2 0 — 2 7 33 — 36 Oats, milling .. .. 3 8 — 3 6 00 — 00 Wheat, local milling 4 2 — 0 0 00 — 00 Wheat, Southern 00 — 00 00 — 00 Do., fowl .. ..3 8 — 00 4 0 — 0 (I GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE. A pplas, case, imported Do., lb, local .. ..0 i-0 1 0 2-0 3 Lemons, doe .. ..10 — 13 16 — 19 Oranges .. ..OS — 07 10 — 13 Do., case .. ..6 0 — 7 0 Plume 0 2£— 0 3 0 0 — 0 0 Bananas, lb .. .. 0 1 - 0 2J 0 4 — 00 Cocoa nuts, each .. .. 0 1 — 02 Do., sack .. .. 10 0 — 0 0 Onions, cwt .. .. 9 0 —11 0 0.0 — 0 0 Garlic .. .. ..04 — 00 06 — 00 Celery, bundle .. .. 0 0 — 00 BUTCHERS' MEAT. Per pound. Roasting Beef, lb — 0 2 — 04 Boiling do. .... _ 0 — 0 3 Mutton, hindquarter ... 0 — 0 0 Do., foreqnarter .. -. 0 11 —- 2 Pork .. .. .. .. 0 4—05 Veal - 0 3-04 Steaks „ 03-06 Mutton Chops.. .. .. 0 3 — 04 Sausages .. .. .. 0 0 — 0 3 Mntton Tallow, cwt... 20 0 —24 0 — Beef and Mixed do. IS 0 —21 0 KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for twenty-seven clays of March, 500 ton.«. a s. d. £. s. d. Poor Ordinary, ton' .. .. IS 0 0 — 000 East Cairt 42 0 0 - 0 0 0 Fair Ordinary _ .. .. 59 0 0 — 0 0 0 Best Ordinary .. .. .. 30 0 —000 Flax .. .. _ .. 11) 0 0 — 2 0 0 Tow 000—300 Fungus, lb.. 0 0 3| —0 0 4 Cocoaaut Fibre, cut, cwt.. .. 0 15 0 — 0 17 0 Beeswax, lb 0 10 — 009 BUILDING MATERIALS. Boards slid Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0—013 6 Do., best dressed.. .. .. 0 14 6 — 0 15 0 Do., second-class.. .. .. 07 6 — 011 0 Rustic weatherboards, best .. Oil 6 — 0 15 0

Mills, cargo, best .. .. Oil 0 — 0 10 0 Flitches .. .. .. .. 0 110 — 000 Rail: 060 — 086 Bricks, Whau 1 10 0 — 20C Do., town yards, 1000 .. .. 1 15 0 — 2 0 0 Do., delivered 200 — 250 Liruo bushel 010 — 016 Drain Pipes, 6Ln bores, IW)0 .. 16 0 0 — 0 0 0 I)o., -lin .. .. .. . 6 10 0 — 000 Do., Kill 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do.. 21 11 . .. .. .. 300 000 Do., 2in 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 English Slates, 1000 .. .. 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Socket Glazed Pipes, foot : 24 inches .. .. .. 060 — 000 21 inches 046 — 000 IS inches 0 2 3 — 000 15 inches .. « .. 01 11 — 000 12 inches „ _ ..0 1 li — 0 0 0 9 inches „ ». .. 0 0 10 — 0 0 0 6 inches .. .. .. 0 0 4^ — 0 0 0 4 inches .. .. .. 0 0 34 — 0 0 0 3 inches .. .. .. 00 3 — 000 MANURES. Bonedust, Sydney, ton .. .. 7 10 0 ■ S 0 0 Do., inferior 6 10 0 — 700 FJoneflour 800 — 8 10 Do., Auckland 800 — 000 Peruvian .. .. ..14 0 0 — 0 0 Coral Queen do. .. .. 5 00 — 000 Long Island do., bags included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 26 to 8 per cent. .. .. .. 600 — C10 0 Do., 36 to 38 per cent 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 Ammonia Phosphate, Fison's 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Special Potato Fertiliser ,, 11 00 — 000 Superphosphate 700 — 000 Freezing Compolyphosphate, 32 per cent 8 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 25 per rent 000 — 000 Cora Majiure .. .. .. 800 — 000 Root Manure 8 W 0 — 000 Potato Manure 8 16 0 — 0 0 0 Bone Manure 00 — 000 Grass Manure 7 10 0 — 000 N.Z.F. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal discount. COAL AND FIREWOOD. Coal, Newcastle, ship's side, cargo, ton .. .. .. 1 10 0 — 000 Do., delivered 1 15 0 — 000 Ik)., yard 1 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., Bay of Islands, yard .. 17 0 — 1106 Do., delivered .. .. .. 1 10 0 — '0 0 0 Do., mine .. .. .. .. 0 13 0 — 000 Do., ship's side .. .. ... 1 5 0 - 0 0 0 Waikato, mine 0 8 0 — 000 Do., household 0 12 0 — 000 Do., in Auckland 0 IS 0 — 12 0 Kxmo, loading ground, ton .. 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Taupiri, mine, steam .. .. 0 8 0 — 012 0 Do., yard, steam .. .. .. 0 17 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 140 — 150 Whangarei, mine .. .. 0 9 6 — 0 0 0 Do , yard, steam 0 17 0 — 000 Do., household 120 — 130 Firewood, uncut, wharf, cargo, ton 0 7 0 — 0 7 6 Do., delivered 0 10 6 — 0 12 0 Do., cut 0 13 0 — 0 15 0 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. Prices aribjoct to trade terms. Rope in all sizes, ton .. .. 3d 0 0 40 0 0 Tarrod Yarn, do 36 0 0 —49 0 0 Wool Tailings, do. .. .. 35 0 0 —38 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Kerosene, 130' lent, duty paid 0 18 — 0 0 0 Do., 150' tost 0 2 0 — 000 Fencing wire, No. ti, ton .. "i No. 7 .. .. > 11 10 0 —12 0 0 No. S .. ..J Barb Fencing Wire .. .. 24 0 0 — 0 0 Lime, slacked, bushel .. .. 0 10 — 0 0 0 Quick lirno. in stoue .. .. 0 16 — 0 0 0 New Zealand Palings, Mt .. 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Tcatree Rails, 100 . .. 2 10 0 — 8 16 0 Puriri Posts 5 00 — 600

Shingles, 1000 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 IIchart Mings, 5ft .. .. 0 17 0 — 10 0 I)o., Oft 0 IS 0 — 1 1 0 Hobari Rails 10 0 — 1 10 0 STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. Auckland, March 2S, 1839. Company. Business. Closing .Prices. Banks: Buyers. Sellers. New Zealand .. — — 8 2 0 Insurance: South British .. — — 2 2 0 National .. .. — 0 19 0 - Union .. .. — — 17 0 Miscellaneous : t. N.Z.L. & Mercantile — —340 National Mortgage — — 0 13 0 N.Z. Shipping .. — — 3 0 0 Land Mortgage .. — 0 15 3 0 16 0 Miking : Cambria .. .. 3/4,3/6 0 3 6; 0 4 0 Saxon .. .. 0/ 0 8 9, 0 9 3 Prince Imperial .. — 0 10 Trenton .. .. 3/10, 4/ 0 3 10 0 4 0 Manukau .. .. — 0 13 — New Moanataiari 2/8 — I 0 2 8 C. Alexander, S. Vickors, J. F. Clarke R. Prater, .1, M. Lennox, I). B. McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Aitkon Carrfck, R. Spratt, ]<Vancis Hull, .Tamos lleid, E. G. Muclcy, Samuel Turtle, T. A. Menziea. Joseph Nkwma.n, Chairman. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. CALLS. £ S. d. Gem G.M.Co 0 0 3 — April 3 Askhara - Molloj' Gold ami Silver Extraction Co. .. 0 il ;U — April S DIVIDENDS. Bank of Australasia .. .. J It) o — April 5 Paroquet G.M.Co, , .. ..0 0 8 — April 21

MESSRS. VIOKERS AND HULL'S WEEKLY STOCK AND SHARE LIST AND INVESTOR'S GUIDE. J 13 oo 0 j ccstoeiH | j oca gjjj 2 1/j > SyCt-tot-o lO 00 | 2 00 S* I I cot "* " o # CD oo "p 0 fC^O^'^4AOJC5iO'* , ' C3Is "^'$3'y <N IS*" OH W __ „ _ C1 -*-» d* ,_: © © © © o © © © o"0 —©o©o C 5 IS a» <N § mOOOCOOOWOOIN.yM^OfrlO^ 3 •— qNWtNOW«COOHCgH«ttOHO CL. rt o r-IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C of oJj tfiOOOOOOO 0000000 0 0 £50 w •<VH c^i-CJOOOOOOCgHDlvnHOHOCJ o ~ 1_ • CONMISOMWA COQVO "* <> 1 «sss§q.£§s | l;slss | . as J Ci V r-* M CO* u'S O". O ' tO C Wv H* CO VO O CC »0 I- k; CC 00 "5 r~< — r-< 1-4 ~T~ 11 i 1 i§|||ii|||| O C* r-T ci" r-T r-" f-T M r-. C»f »-« >> - S ;::::: i : J • i : : : 5cm © g C bfl © ,2 a* < w • 2*5 • :::: ! i * t *. & : „• * N s3 6 g * * ' *2 " _ t: § '2 ItS «■» cc Q 1 IS I : i :: '■*'"2% o a O c«5c 3 g a ££ J j' z w = r ~ ■ * Cc c-g-s X 2 = £ C = or-i-S^.^S 5(35 2§=£ 5 |?-§f.?.S§ w §5 •J-3-3 lis sl-aSg § 13^1^:3 I ='BJsi * -s 3 s!= b * £ - do- H o J C C • S- < ® c 11 I _ "Auckland, March 27,1SS9.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9324, 29 March 1889, Page 4