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Niw Zealand Hebald Office. Saturday afternoon. The mail via San Francisco was delivered here on the 6th inst. The first quarter of the business year of 1884 terminated with a somewhat quiet feeling in trade generally, but as the present month has advanced it has given every indication of improvement in business* Below wc give the imports and exports for the quarter above referred to. The former show a total or £522,752, and the exports a total of £239,030. Of the former, £395,299 iB from the United Kiogdom; £39,346 from New South Wales; £22,902 from Victoria; and £28.943 from America. The exports gives £96,468 to the United Kingdom, £49,950 to New South Wales, and £61,189 to America (this is in the main for kauri gum). The fine weather of the past month, has given a general impetus to country operational and in fact all outdoor work, and as a natural result they have been pushed on vigorously. On Friday last the annual meeting of the Northern Steamship Company and the half-yearly meeting of the Bank-of New Zealand were held here, and the reports of both show a most satisfactory state of affairs. The former declared a dividend at the rate of ten per cont. per annum, and the Bank paid a dividend of a like amount, . but added a bonus of 5s per share, which is equal to 5 per . cent, per annum. The rates of exchange on Loudon may now be quoted as follow:—Buying: 120 dayß,2 per cent.; 90 days, 1J per-cent#; 60 days, 1 per cent.; 30 days,- £ *per cent*; demand, £ -per cunt. This shows a decrease ..of & P er cent, throughout upon previous quotations. The selling rates are Demand, H per cent, premium,3o dayß; £pßr coat, ditto, 60 days; J per cent, ditto, 90 days, par. Stocks on hnnd still -continue heavy, especially ia hardware and general groceries, and to this, and to the break which had to be applied by the banks, which had the effeot of checking imports, may

be attributed the small total showing for imports for the quarter ending March last. -However, -as the Chairman at the half-yearly meeting of the Bank of Not Zealand, held on She 25th inst., remarked —" the break long riiico applied is fast telling, and_ it may. reasonably be anticipated that importers will soon be relieved of the extra wgjftht, they have for some time been carrying,. During the month , there has been a large export trade done in maize, butter, etc., to the Australian markets, where a good, profitable market has existed for some time past, brought about by the heavy drought experienced in New South Wales and pares of Victoria, and prices remain pretty firm" for the lines quoted. In wheat, recent advioes from Australia report a slight advance in pricos in the Victorian market during the week April 16tb, which is owing to charterers having to fill uj> their ships; Jut it can only be looked upou as temporary, as an almost immediate reduc : tion is expected. The Sydney market has a considerable downward, tendency, _ although quotations are about the same, owing to .the great reductions in the European markets. London advices are to Maroh 14th. At that date the wheat market is quoted as dull and inactive. Business in foreign markets has been dull, saleß being limited to retail quantities. However, as the arrivals in London of late have been small, the demand has been sufficient to take them off and make some impression upon the stocks in "granary, which has induced a firmer feeling on the part of holders. _ Such inquiry as there has been, has been chiefly for low olasß Indian wheat for the country. On the date named the quantity of wheat afloat for England was given as 1,643,000 quarters, against 1,706;500 quarters a fortnight before, and the American "'visible supply" 31,075,000 bushels as compared with 31,825,000 bushels on the 28th February, and 22,500,000 bushels on a corresponding date in 1883. There has only been a limited inquiry for jifte goods, and the parcels changing hands as a rule are small. Afew lots of cornsacks sold at Ss, but the demand is by no means brisk. (Voolpacks have'been sold (full lOlbs) at'Bs 3d for Calcutta. We have Calcutta advices for the Bth Maroh. Speaking of jute fabrics, Messrs. F. W, Heilgers. and Co. report :—"Our : market during the past fortnight has been exceedingly dull, and as far as the oolonies are concerned, we .have not heard of a single transaction. Sales of Caiifornian and country goods have been small, and as there is little probability of a better demand springing up in those quarters, the present state of depression is likely to last some time longer. The mills are already contemplating oitlior to close for a time altogether or to curtail thsir production, whioh under the circumstances would certainly be advisable. Our quotations must be considered more or less nominal : Woolpaoks, IOJIbs, standards, 15as. each; oornsacks, 2Jlbs, standards, rs. 26 per 100 ; branbags, 50, x 29, rs. 18 per 100." There has been a fair demand for cements experienced during the month, but we have no alterations in prices to quote. Slates are still in hoivy stock, and are moving off slowly. The market for candles is rather dull. The fact that London prices hare receded Jd per lb. is hardly likely to improvo prices. A good trade demand oxists for local makes, and the factories are doing a good fair trade. Prices remain unaltered. In chemicals we have not much to note, business, excepting for soda crystals, having been somewhat quiet. Wo have no alterations to quote in confectionery, the looal makes still being in demand in preference to English goods. In currants there has been a little doing, bat at unchanged prices. The ship Rangitikei and barque Alastor and s.s. Tongariro (transhipped at Dunediu) have , both added considerably to the .stocks of this lino. Sales of sultanas have been made at from 7£d to Sd per lb., and of muscatels at Is Gd. iilemes have also been quitted at 7d to 7Jd. The kauri gum market has been very active sincu the last mail left—a ready sale at full rates having been obtained for all but the poorest qualities, while East Coast rose from £60 to £67, though it is Binoe easier'at £63 to £66. We quote-poor ordinary at £36 to £38; fair ditto, £40 to £43; good ditto, from £45 upwards ; East Coast, £63 to £66. The barque Loch Bredan, loading for London, has up to date 2488 choos on board, and this quantity will be further supplemented before the sailing of the vessel, about the first week in May. The brigantine Peerless has 2415 oases on board, and. about 300 cases more will complete her complement for New York. She is likely to sail at the end of this month —her delay being caused by having repairs being done to her spars, Sc. The receipt of gum since last mail, up to date, is 509 tons. Little or no business has been reported for gunpowders, the only demand being for blasting, which, 'however, remains steady at previous quotations. Stooks are fair, and have just been added to by the arrival of the Alastor from London. Grocers' sundries, under whioh we inolude all descriptions of oilmen's stores, are coming into a little more' notice, country orders being received much more freely, but, as a rule, merely to supply immediate wants. Bottled fruits are somewhat dull of sale. Morton's and Whybrow's salad oUb, pickles, and capers have been placed at quotations. In vestas -fair sales are reported of Bryant and May's, R. Bell and Go.'i, and Bell and Black's. Stooks are. heavy, but prices remain unaltered. In hops there haa been a little more doing, Late London advices report of the market:—"Trade in English hops since our laßt has been confined to a few retail orders for immediate requirements. The demand, indeed, is so slow that for oertain classes of products a slight concession in prices has been offered in order to do business.- Thie, however, is only in the oase of parcels of second quality. No reduction whatever is submitted to for the better qualities, the values of which are still quoted, nominally, very firm ; and factors all concur in stating that holders evince no disposition to force sales." Later cable advices report that the blight haß appeared amongst the Kent crops. Although the shops are fully employed, thus induoing a good demand for all descriptions of unfinished iron, Btill outside little is doing. Good parcels of bar, plate, and sheet iron have been placed. A little demand has been experienced for tin plates, which appear likely to improve. Of galvanised corrugated iron there have been a few sales at fair pricos. The greater number of lines of ironmongery are much overstocked, and the trade done is only for small parcels. In ales and porters there has been but a quiet month's business, although the demand has been a slight improvement on the previous month. Parcels sold have only been of small lots. We have no alterations te quote in previous quotations. There has been a fair trade done in rice, paroels of Patna having changed hands, whilst Japan dressed has also moved. We loam of 50U0 bags having been shipped for Caloutta by the Night Hawk, on the sth of Maroh, for Dunedin. For saltu there has been a {air demand, both line and ooarse moving off at late rates. The sugar market is quiet at previous quotations. Since our last summary the barque Stanley, from Bourabaya, in Java, has arrived with the first cargo of raw sugars (866 tons) for the New Zealand Sugar Company. The Stanley is being followed from ■ the same port by the Aianhegan, whioh left on ! the 31st of March with 1520 tons. This vessel is being followed by others to arrive here —one per month. Each will bring an average of 1000 tons of raw sugar. Tobaccos are fully stocked, and sales are unimportant, being only of \ small paroels for immediate requirements. A much better business has been experienced in wines and spirits during the month. We note a good demand for brandies, Hennessy's and Martell's case and bulk having been taken up at full quoted figures. In whiskys, Teacher's case and bulk have been moving freely, whilst Walker's has also been quitted. Stocks are fairly supplied in almost all lines. The market for breadotuffs remains unsettled. We quote flour, best local silk dressed, at £12 10s, household £11 10s, Southern brands £10 10s to £1110s. There has been a good consumptive demand experienced during the month. Stocks of Southern' have been considerably added to by recent arrivals, and advices are to hand of further shipments. The timber trade bu been extremely brisk, the mills being kept fully employed in meeting the demand. Large shipments from the mills have been made to Australian ports. The brigantine Peerlesß is taking in, for New York, a small but valuable shipment of selectod timbers for cabinet-making purposes. The timber .(15,388 feet) comprises fourteen sorts, such as eilvor pine, ribbon wood, mottlod and figured kauri, puriri, akeake, and others.

Rates op Exchange on .London.—Buying : 120 days, 2 per cent. discount; 90 days, 1}- percent, discount; 60 days, 1 per cont. discount; SO days, j per cent. Demand 4 per cent. 'Selling; 60 days, £• per cent, premium ; 30 days, J per cent, promium: 90 days, p»r :deraand, lj per cont. promium. Fixed deposits : 3 months, 4 per cent.; 6 months, 5 per cent.; 12months, 6 percent. . Freights.—The following are the rates of freight quoted at this port for London: —Wool, greasy, §d per lb.; ditto, washed, $d per lb.; leather, 60s per ton; oil, 803 per tan of 252 gals.; tallow, 55s per ton ; copra, 53s per ton; whalebone, 80s per ton; kauri gum, 50s per ton; shells, GOs per ton ; dead weight,sos per ton; cotton, pressed, £d per lb.; sheepskins 3d per lb.; measurement, 50s per ton Steam rates of freight are for wool, greasy, Jd; washed, $d per lb; undumped. £d per lb extra; cotton, 3d per lb ; flax, 100s per ton ; gum, shell, and tallow, 60s per ton ; measurement, 50s; butter and cheese, in cool chamber, Id per lb. All with ten per cont. primago added. Ales and Porter.—Marshall's Dunedin Ale (duty paid), in bulk (pale), £5; xxxx, £6. Ale, in bulk (duty paid) per barrel, Bass's, £7; Ashby's, £8. Ale (in bond), Tonnent's, pints, ? s Gd; quarts, 8s 9d ; Bass's Dogs-head brand (Head's bottling), pints,' 6s 6d; quarts, 93 3d : Bulldog (R. Porter and Cr»'s bottling), - 6s and 9s; Griffln. brand, 6s, 6s 3d. and 9s 3d; . ditto sparkling pale ale, 6s 9d- and 9s 3d; W. ' Younger's, 5s and 7s 3d Ashby's," 6s 3d to 9s 6d and 8s Od; lud Coope, pints, 6s 6d ; quarts, Ss 9d; Bass's (Blood bottlers), pints, 4s; quarts 6s 6d,- " Angloißavarian : pints *6s.Cd; quarts 9s. Boar** Head: quarts, 8s 9d; pints, 6s Cd. Guinness', H&\{i brand by Foster: pints, Cs; quarts, Bs. Norway ales, pints 6s 4d, quarts 8s 6d. Baas' Bugle brand, quarts 9s 6d,- pints 6s Gd. Stouts in bond : Foster's Bugle stout, quarts 9s, pints 6s adBlood's, pints, ,ss; quarts, 7s; Dogshead, Guinness's (Bead's bottling),pints, 6s 3d;quarts, 9s 3d ; R. Porter & Co.'s bottling, 6s 6d and Ss 6d : Spark's Molinc bottling, Cs to 9s 3d; Griffin brand, Cs 9d*and Us 3d; Burke's, 6s and 9s; Cameron and Saunders's, 7s and 9s 6d ; other brands, 5s and 7s Od ; Combo's, quarts, 7s ; pints, 5s 6d Duty; Pints, Is Cd; quarts, 3s per dozen.

Buildikg Materials.—Cement mar be quoted at K.B. J6s. Market rather scarce. Slates: Supply beyond requirements. English Countesses are • worth £11 to £12,, r American, £8 to £10. Plaster : of Paris; lis." demand alight Bagsa>*d £*<2012*0, d.p.—Market steady. Wool- ♦ .full 101b5.,» 27 x .54,? Calcutta, 3s 3d; , Dundee, 3s 6d cornsacks, 4'bush., 2|dlb., 7s 6d to Bs.' Bread stuffs and GRXiN.~lj66ar best silk-dressed flour, £1210s; household, £1110s: Southern brands. - £10 10s to £11 10s; Adelaide (none). Wheat, (Auckland). 4s. Oats: Feed. 2s 9d to Bran (Southern), £5; local millers' quotations, •£6per' Sharps. £5 10s; Southern sharps, £5. Maire ; Local. 4s 4d to 4s Bd. Fiji, none;. 3ydney. none. Oatmeal, £13. Barley (for malting) to 5s 3d: Southern, feed, 2s 9d to 33 3d; peirl barley, £23 to £24. Cabin bread, • £18 per ton. Potatoes, £3. CoBDAOfc, £>.p. (Subject to trade discounts)— Manila hemp rope, all sizes, Sydney, £60 to £70; Auckland mode, £70 'to £78; wl lie and glance lines, £80; cutting in falls, £ 0 • New* Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £40 Auckland ma*e«* £33 to £40;' wool lashii-? s» £38 ; clothes lines, '5d per lb., subject -trade, discount; Mauila clothes lines, 8d; oakum, free,- ditto, £40; spun yarn two-yarn , ditto, £48 to £55; twine, shop, d.p., per lb., 9d to Is 2d; sewipg twine, Is Id per lb.; local maze, Is to Is 3d., Coitee and Spices (in bond), per ib.—Ceylon, coffee plantation. Is ; do., Fiji, 6d to 9d ; chicory, colonial, 4Jd ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's Is 4jd; Fry s Is 4d; Van Houten's, 4s Id to 4s 2d ; Epps's, Is 6£d; Maravilla, Is 6d; chocolate, Taylor's, Is 3d; Fry's, Is 3d. Spices, d.p.; Cloves; Is lid; bleachod ginger, lid ; unbleached do., 9d; nutmegs, 3s 6d! black pepper, whole, 9d; whito do.. Is to Is Id. Coal.—Newcastle is sufficient for requirements, 2Ss to 30s at Bhip's side; 32s to 35s in yawls, may be taken as a fair quotation. Bay of Islands is very scarce, and 13s, at the mines, i 3 quoted; "Whangarei _ coal, 9s 6d, ditto, Waikato; steam, 8s; household, 10s. Confectionery.—Local manufacturers are producing good articles, and the consumption is gradually increasing. Waters's colonial boiled, 6Jd: dry, 9£d; jujubes, Is Id; Keillor's assorted confec tions, 9|d; Gray's, 9Jd; candied lemon and orange peel, d p., 10£ d to Is; citron, Is 3d; jujubes, Is Id to Is 2d. Gum, Flax, <fcc.—Gum market is very brisk. Poor ordinary, £36 to £38 ; fair ordinary, £40 to £43 ; good ordinary,£4s upwards; East Coast.£63 to £66. Flax: First quality, £20; second, £17 to £19; tow, £7 10s per ton. Cocoanut llbre, £15 to £17; Cocoanut oil (fine white), per ton, £35. Copra, « per ton, £9 10s to £10. Fungus, 3d. Ironmongery.—Ewbank's nails, Invoice, 10 per cent, off list; galvanized corrugated iron, duty now 40s per ton, 6, 7;'B feet, £22. £23, and £24 ; 9 feet, £25; 10 feet, £26 12s 6d; English bar iron, per ton, £9 to £10; pig iron, £4 10s to £5 ss; plate iron, £12 to £13; fencing wire Is overstocked,' duty 20s per ton : assorted sizes, £13 10s. Sheet-lead, £18; pig-lead. £18 (very scarce); sheet -. zinc, £24 to £26. Powder, Kaimes', Curtis and Harvey's, 5d per lb.; Hall s 6d to 63d; sporting (in canister), 2s; for 20 and 24, d.p. canister, No. 2, d.p., 3s Od. Yellow metal, 7sa ; Muntz, 7|d to Bd. Jams, Dried Fruits, Ac.—The duty under the ,-new tariff on dried fruit is 2d, and on preserves, I£<L English marmalade, llb.-tins, 7s 6d to 8s 6d; Moir's, 7s 3d ; Hobart jams, Knight and Johnson, 6s 6d; Peacock's, 5s 6d; jars, 7d to 8d; Nelson (New Zealand), 6s 6d: sultanas, to Sd ; muscatels, la 6d; elemes, 7d to currants, 52d to 6d; figs,,BJd to 9id; Turkish prunes, 7d to Bd. Dried apples, ordinary, in kegs and ' cases, 6}d to 7d; Alden's process, 7}d to Bd, d.p. Lxathek and Hides.—Sole leather, lOd to is 3d per lb.; kips, Is 6d to 2s ; runners, 2s 6d to 2s 9d; calf, colonial, 3s to 4s 3d; basils, 12s to 2Ss per dozen ; closed uppers, 4s 6d to 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 3d. to 3Jd; calf skins, 3jd to 3sa per lb.; . sheepskins, 6d to 6s. Manures.—Australian bonedust, £7; Californian. £6 15s; Auckland. £7 to £8 10s; superphosphate of lime. £7 to £9 ; bonefloux, £8; Poruvian guano, £15 10s per ton; Jarvis Island, £4 per ton ; animal manure, none: cocoa* nut oil cako(none); linseed cake, £12; Maldon Island guano, £7 10s; Huon Island guano, £6 ; Hurst's chemical manure, £14 10s. Malt and Kops.—English malt is scarce, and no inquiry is experienced. Colonial, 6a '6d to 7s. Hops: Nelson, Is 6d; glucose, £27 15s to £3110s, d.p., delivered to brewery. Oilmen's Stores.—Price's Belmont «<andle£, d. ljd; 10} d, d.p., per lb.; DeKoubaix Jenar, 9|d. Brandon'sNevas,and Gouda's Scliiedam, D.K.0., 9|d ; McLeod's Dunedin sperm, Bd, Local blue mottled soap, £28 per ton; carbolic, £29 ;- best yollow, £28; household, £15; first Crown £26; second Crown, £17; soft soap, in tins, 4£d per lb.; toilet, 9d to lOdper lb.; mould candles, 5d per lb.; all subject to trade discount. Salt: Coarse, £4 17s 6d; fine, £5; Jordan almonds, 2s to 2s 6d. Blacking paste, Day and Martin's, '4s i)d. Colman's starch, No. 1: white, 4jd; blue, 4ld; ' Orlando Jones' starch, 4d. Gill* and Tucker's starch, 4d. Mustard, d.p. : Champion'sgenxiino 1-lb. book-shaped tins, 19s to 19s 6d; i-lb. tins, 9s 3d to 9s 6d; | Colman's 'l«lb. tins (red), 10, 6d half | ditto, 5s 9d; 7-lb. {tins (red to green), 7£d. to Is; 1-lb. tins (green), 13s ; $«lb. dittos 7s I DSF 4-lb. tins, 9s 3d to 9s 6d ; Keen's, 9s. Blue : 1 Eeckitt's Thumb, BJd; Paris, in squaros, lOd; I Keen's, B£d. Matches : Vestas, d.p., Bryant and ! May's 250, per gross, 16s 9d; ditto, plaid, 1 4s. to 4s 3d; ditto, fancy oval. 22k Gd ! Letchford's, 17s; Bell and Black's, 15s to 16s; plaids, 4s to 4s 6d; R. Bell and Co., \. 250's. 14s ; plaids. 4s to 4s 6d; Crown plaids, 4s 3d to 4s 6d; 250's, 16s. Oil: Castor, in pints, 8s 3dhalf-pints, 4s 9d to ss; quartor- ' pints, 4s 3d. Salad: C. and 8., pints, 13s to 14s; half-ditto, 7s 6d to 8s; Morton's pints, 10a ; half-pints, 5s 9d. Pickles : Stephens pints, 7s<; Crosse and Blackwell's, pints, 12s 9d; Fool's, 9s; 'Morton's. and others, from 8s to 10s 6d. Bice (ground), in tins, 4Jd. Sauces: Lea • and half-pints, 12s 9d; C. and 8., half-pints, 9s ; Miller's, 7s 6d; Stephens', 06 6d; Goodhall's Yorkshire Hellsh, 6s 6d. Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, por gallon, 2s 4d; 2s to 2s 2d ; Evans', 2s 2d ; Burnett's, 2s 2s Id: Potts', 1b lid. Treacle : golden syrup, 3d per lb/ American . honey, 2-lb. tins. 12s 6d, d.p. Sago, 23d; tapioca, 2Jd. Cornflour: Brown's, 4£d, cy>.: Brown and Poisons, ! 6Jd; Johnston's. 6jd: wade's, sa; Munns. 6d. | Preserved milk : Nestle's, 8s 9d \ Milkmaid, 8s 9d; j • Milkman, 7s Od. Tartaric acid, 2s 2d ; cream I of tartar, Is Sd ; bicarb, soda, 14s 6d to 16s ; soda crytals, £7103 to £8. Oils and Paints.—Duty 6d a gallon. Colza, in drums, 4s '3d; bulk, 3s lOd; linseed, boiled j drums, 3s 9d ; bulk, 3s 5d ; raw drums, 3s 6d ; | bulk, 3s 3d; castor, in bulk, 3s 10} dto4s ; kerosene, d.p., Is6d to Is 7&d ; kerosene, ( in bond Is to Is Id. Whito lead, ground, per cwt., genuine, 28$; • No.- 1 white lead, 245; red lead, dry, £1 10s. Oil colours, assorted, £1 10s to £1 18s. Turps, duty paid ; drums, 4s to 4s 0d; American, 3s 9d; whiting,per ton, £4 15s; rosin, £9 to £9 10s (overstocked); American carriage varnish, 7s 6d to lis per gallon. Provirionh.—Cheese—Provincial, 5d to 7d; Canterbury, to 6d. Salt butter, lOd to Is for good sound. Hice, d.p., Rangoon, £22; Saigon, £23: Japan dressed, £17, for parcels. Hams and bacon (duty, -2d per lb.); Canterbury hams and bacon, Hams and bacon, in cloth, 9d ; bare, B}d ; bacon, bare, Sd; hams, bare, 10£ d ; In cloth, lid to l*u Fish : ling, s£d ; preserved red herrings, in tins, 30s to 32s per dozen (2-Ib. tins); white, 34s per barrel; Findon haddocks. 10s; lobsters, American, libs., Ss 9d to 9s 6d; 2lbs., 18s; salmon, lib., 7s 3d to 8s; pickled salmon,3d; sardines (Albert's), quarters, 5s 3d; halves, 9a 6d; oysters, 6s 6d to 7s. Sugars, d.p.—Sydney, No. 1, £37; Yarraville, 1.C., £37 ; IW, £41 to £42 i brewers' crystals. £37; to £40; Mauritius white crystals, £37 to £3S ; bright, £35; yollow, £32 to £32 10s; English crushed loaf, sd; Californian crushed, 43d (very bare): Californian cube, Fijian rations, £24 to £23; yollow crystals and counters, £29 to £33; Penang Estate, Fiji, d.p., bright yellows, £31 to £33; whito crystals, £37. Spirits.—Brandy: Rouyer, GouiUet and Co., 25s and 8s: Marcellain's, case, 22s 6d, IB: flask, 28s 6d: half-flask, 35s 6d; quarter-flask, 53 6d, and in bulk 7s 9d; Hennessy's brandy, bulks 13s 6d to 14s; case, 39s to 40s; Bisqult Dubonche and Co.'s pale, in hhds. and qr.*casks, 7sto7s 6d: Beehive, bulk, Ss; Courvoisier'B, case, 345; Otard's, case, 29s (nominal); bulk, 10s 6d; Beehive, case, 245; Bisqult, Dubouche and Co.'s, 25s ; Hino's, 2Ss; bulk, 8s ; Gautior's, 32s and 10s 6d ; Burgaud's, 7s 3d to 7s 9d Muller Frere's, 20s i Cavalier Frere's, 245; J. B. Rene's case, 225; Moukow, 30s and 10s; Senimaud, 6s to Gs 6d; Dessandier's, 22s and 7s 6d. 1 " bulk: Walker's WW, 10s; Greenless and Colvillo's 5s 6d to 6s 3d ; case, Rob Roy, 18s ; case. Beith, Ross and Co.'s, 6s; Teacher's, 10s ; Vint's bulk, 7s 6d to 8s; Vint's case. 20s 6d; Dunvillo's, 5s 6d; case, 18s; Lorne Highland, 21s; Rod Doer 6s 6d to 7s; case, 19s; Craig, 6s 6d and 245; Heddle's old case, 16s Gd; Royal Blend, 245; Toacher's old, 28s 6d; Encore, 19s; Banaghor, 19s ; Walker's WW, 235; Jeraboam, 28s; LL, 22s 6d to 235; all* in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gaL lons, JDKZ, 15 bottles, 16s; 20 bottles, 19s; key, geneva, proof, 13s Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21s 6d; Dew of the Alps, ;275. Gin. Booth's, 16s; Burnett's, 15s. Lownde' rum. 30 op, 4s 9dtoss; Red Hearty case, 25s 6d; Burnett's case, 225. Key, 225. Tcacher's white rum, 32s 6d in bulk, d.p. • Duty,' 148. Timber. — Quotations are as follows: — Kauri boards and scantling cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., East Coast, 13s to 14s 6d, firstclass : Ss, sccond-class; at yards, Auckland, 15s to 16s first-class; 10s second-class. Flooring) 16s 6d to 17s 6d first-class; 12s. second class ; rusticated, 17s to 18s. West Coast, sawn kauri 10s; square baulk, 6s;' white pine (kahikatea), 7s; T and G, 9s f.0.b., at mills; at yard, first-class. .14; second-class, lis; Hobart palings, 5 feet, 15s; 6 feet, 17s; Hobart rails, £3155. Tobacco.—Duty, 3s 6d. Venus, 10s; three-quarter boxes, Is 3d; cases, Is 4d ; Venus, Navy flat work, Is 6d; double-thick ditto, Is Sd; Over the Water, 10s ; case Is 2d; Barrett's Crown, lid; Two Seas, Is Id to Is 4jd; Victory Twist, Is 4£d; and cases, Is Cd; low, 10s, 9d to lid; Derby 13's, Is Id ; Derby 6's, Is -4d , Orion 14's, Is • 3d; Cameron's Fancy Aromatic, Is 7 lid ; Roya to Is ; Standard, Id Old Virginia, and flat, twM\» Is 4d. Teas.—Prices range as follows (in bond):—Congous, common to good, 7jd to Is Id; middling to fine kinds, Is lid to Is 4d ; Saryuhcs and Panyoog> , Is 4d to 2s; Souchongs and Chingwo Kaisows, - Is 6d to 2s'3d. Indian teas are now coming into the market regularly. Pricos may be quoted for Semi-brokea and fine Souchong kinds, Is 5d to 2s id. • Wines.—Champagne, duty paid: Perier Jouetand Co., first quality, quarts, 80s; pints, 84s; halfpints,, 945; second quality, quarts, 645; pints, GBs; half -pints,» 78s. Inglelieim, quarts, SOs: 84s; Moot, quarts, BSs; pints, 90s; Roedorer quarts, 100s; pints, 105s; Pol. Roger and Co., 100s and 105s; . Adolpha Collius, 60s and 70s; ditto extra superior, 70s, 60s. St. Huberts Australian, 22s por dozen.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 4

Word Count

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 4