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Public Notices., ~Jjf" ' ° T J c E ' Our Warehouses will bo closed on ' TUESDAY NEXT, 2nd OCTOBER. ■ . .L. D. NATHAN & CO. E. & A. ISAACS '■ ■. ... ARTHUR H.NATHAN ■ - M. LEVY & CO. P. HAYMAN & CO. I" aKE EOAD DISTRICT. , Tho Collector -Bill attend at the Lake School-room on MONDAY next, October Ist, from 2to 5 p.m. to receive payment of rates for tho current year. By order''of the Board, • THO3. WM. SEAMAN, ■■' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ , Clerk. September 27,1833. ~ ■, ... . :; -• • cans.; "TTIXTENDED GOLD MINING COAIJjJ ... P-ANY (LIMITED). A C.xll of Threoponco per Share on the Company's capital has;this day been made by the Directors -payable to the Manager, at tho Company's OHico, New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Auckland, on WEDNESDAY* tho 10th day of October, 1883. " D. 0. MAoBOHNELL, '':■'. Manager. Auckland, Stptember 23, 18S3. ■ ' ' ' ■krORTHERN. OMNIBUS COMPANY Jjj ■ , (LIMITED.) Tho Directors have this day made a call (tho second) cf two'shillings and sixpence (2s 63) per share, on the cipitsl of the Company, due and payable to the Secretary; at tho company's office, Mercantile Cham-.bors.-.Auckland.'pn or beforp Saturday, the 29th Soptember, 1883. .' '" ' ' ■ ' ■ JOHN E. RANDERSON, • -. -.-'., Secretary.-, " Auckland; 6th September, 1883.' . ' ST. HELIER'S . AND NORTHCOTE LAND CO, (LIMITED.) • A Call (tho 3rd) of Is 3d per Share has been made by tho Directors of .tho above, Company, payablb to the undotsigned, at the Office of the Company, 33, Queen; street; Auckland, oii Jet November, 1883 '. •' ■ .... . St.-A. WHITE,,' . , • • • Secretary. • Auckland, 20th,Septcn>ber, 18S3. '. --, ' = BARWIN GOLD MINING} COMiPANY; (LIMITED). ... '. ' A Call (the Ist) of Threepence, per' Share has been' mado this day by tho Directors on the capital of the ■above-named Company, payable to the Managor, at : the Registered Office, New Zealand Insurance Company's Buildimrs, Qucen-stroat, Anckhind, on'WEDNESDAY, October 10, 1883. . - ■■ ; . :r. McDonald scott, , . Manager. Auckland, September 25,,1553. , .■ - ... To Let ... TO LET —Rooms for OfQc'es (Cheap).— 252, Qncen-strcet.. '.'.". ' . . TO LET—An Office in Queen-street.— •Vor particulars, apply, to F.' A. White, 83, Qnnen street., '■ ' ■ ■ - ."' ■ TO LET.—Oißcea over Kaher and Co-.'s; Queen-stroot.—Apply-to 11. Ashton.and Son, .8, New Zealand Insuranco I)uildirig3. TO LET—Pleasantly-situated Cottage , in" •Kyber Pass Road, svooms.—Apply to 11. ton and Son, 8, Jtew-Zealaud Insurance Buildings , nnO LET—Large Warehouse in CusfoinU house-street ;/ROod collar and back entrance; will be vecant shortly. Apply to 11. Ashton and Son, 8, Now Zealand lasnropcb JUuilriiogi. ' . . ' TO BE LET, with immediate possession (Aβ a' HTOiiB)-7-Tho Stone Building in Fortstieet known as lamb's Mill Apply to J. Lamb,' or to W. Aitkcri, Land Agent. . ■' TO '.seven-roomed House,and : " Six Acres of = Land, with frontago to tho One. ' hringa Road and three milee from town.—Apply to W. Aitkcn, Shortland-street... ■ ■ ■__

TO LET—Ten-stall Stable, convenient to Qucen-sticot ; rent 183 ner week; also, several' Boarding-hou=es. — Heighten" and Co., jlouso and Estate Agents, 177 Qncen-strcot. TO BE LET—"With- Immediate Possession, Qlenorchard House, at St Ueliers, Containing 14 rooms.—Apply to Capt. Clark, on tho Premisos, or to ; W.. Ait-en. I>and-agont. TO LET, at the .North Shore—A Nice, Cottage and Garden, orchard in fall bearing, suitable for a gardenor.—Apply to Mr. Brown, Va jxhai) Gardens; or H. Ashton and Son, Mo. 8 New ZeaUnd Inauranco Buildings. TO LET,—Firßt-class Draper's Premises, in tbo boat part of Queen-street, with shop fittings, for a term, from January Ist, 1884. Now in Hie occupation of Mr. John Lock.—Apply-to Wm. Bnchanan, Bonth British Chambers, Queen-street. fIHO LET, for a term or by tho week, in ,H one of tho best situations in Onehunga, and clo=o to the bathing—A nice seven-roomed House, with largo store room and dairy and double cart shed, stable, corn and coal shed and i alf an acre of Eplcndid land. Rent, 10a por woek.—Apply,to Mr. Fletcher, near Mr. Gibbons", Onehnnga; or to Armstrong and Co., 157, Queen-strcct, Auckland. TO LET—Those first-class Bueinesa Premises, consisting of a largo store and concrete cellar, situated in tho beat and most central part of Quoon-street, lately occupied by tho Southern Produce Company, and immediately opposite to Messrs. T. and S. llorrra and Co.'s shop. This is one of the best stands in tho city.—D. F. Evans, Land Agent, Queen-street; TO LET. Comfortablo ami Commodious Residence (lately occupied by J. A. Tolo, Esq., 11.I1.B.), situate in Hamilton Road, Poflsonby, Tho House contains 10 rooms, fitted with gas and all conveniences; nice garden, and bcautiiul view. D. i\ EVANS, liand Agent. Qiiocn-strcet. m o l e t. SPLENDID siS OF OFFICES in iiin AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL TROVIDENr SOCIETY'S BUILDING (late Uickson's). Apply to Mn. A. SAUNDERS, 2. Insurance Buildings. Or, 1,0 . MR. A. SMITH. Archiiect (on tho Premises). "OOWEE TO' LET, on 80 milee or gas JL mains, in tho city and suburbs of Auckland, Consumption of ga?, from 18 cubic feet of gas per indicated horse-power per honi for the larger sizes, to 25 feet for tho smaller. Suitable for Ensineors, Woodworkers, Printers, Firewood Dealers, Boot shoe Manufacturers, Fodder Dealers, Mnlstors, Sausage Makers, etc, etc., and for Hoisting Paumgcn and Goods. Over 8000 delivered. Adrantiges*. No trouble with coal, ashes, smoko, insurance, water, or constant attendance. No danger oi rink of fire. Cleanliness, Economy, Convonioneo, Safety, Durability. Cos>t, 2d por horse-power per hour lor gas. Forty Otto Gas Engines are now erected in Auckland. ■ For terms, conditions, and particulars apply to tho Secretary, Auckland Gas Company (Limited}. Fort-street. Sizes usually kept In stock— j. 2. 3}. 6, 8. 12 h.p PersonaL SUN DAY— Reason would be too apparent. Sorry. Will explain. DEAFNESS ! —Read my voluminous pamphlet, with Its very wilderness of testimonials from nil parts of Now Zealand, Australia and Fiji. Stamps for reply. —T. B. llannaford, Auckland, flow Zealand. Lost and Fonnd. LOST, from Lucas' Creek—A small Punt, about 12ft. Ion?, blnish colour outsido. with oars, and ono brass and one.iron rowlock. If returned wholo, tho finder will receive 15s reward— Addross Rev. Alex. Ferguson, Poit-olnce, Lucae Urcck. . Wanted- . XKTHANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL. Wanted for the Wlwigarei High School, aqualified Applications, enclosing certificates and" references, to bo adiire«scd to tho Serotiiy up to November 1 1883. APART>! of Gentlemen can have Private Boird an I Uoklcnco in ParacJl. separate and well furnished loums, and exclusive use.—Apply, UEiiALb. Office. M - ARKIED Couple, without encum- j brance so--ks Situation in hotel, store, bai. or inv canacitt of trust. Both harJ-working business people Refc.'W-ccs or security Tuwn or country. and Co.. 177. Qurp:i-street. ■ M~~ RS. -WIiITCOMBE has on her list many good Generals ana Housemaids, Married Couples," anrt Men for various situations.—Registry Office, next Market. Wcllesloy-strctt entrince. T>RACTICAL GARDENING. — Orders JL wiU bo received hy Mr. Walker, Florist, in the Market, fer James llugucs, Practical Gardener, by the day or job. TUKRE arc many good opportunities to dispose ot 80-rding-liousca— furnished or nilfurnished houses—nt.illrs; Whltcombo'a -Rcgis'.ry, next the Market. ipt Lrss "f> I.O\V ING ! On SATURJ3»LOWINGI DAY AFTEKNOON, from 2 to 5. Ailuiiseion, Cd. Kach visitor receives ono Olaai Ju^.—M. Cook and Son*, Freeman's Bay. ...

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1