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Wanted. "TVTANTED in Auckland,.early in 1884— ?¥, Situation as Governess by lady (20), experienced ia High Schools; is an L.L.A., of St. Andrew's. Subjects: English, Arithmetic, Grammar, Philology Liteiatnre. etc, French, Botany, Elementary Msthematiesand Chemistry.—Apoly ij., Hekau Office. WANTED. — "Turn upside down!" tespen oin }xen 'o;pn ls I em j« spiuj aoqg pus gia:p[x sa>p.a garcoaxigAt WANTED Known—Snake Bracelets, 6d j Silver B/acslets, 9d; Needles, jd for 100 (half price); Dam;Uk Table Covers. & 6d; do., White Linen, 4s 6d; Table Covers, 8s; Small Toote Combs, Is 10d don; at Dampior's. W "ANTED Known—By friends and ous tomers— That Messrs. Tapp and Co., Boot and Shoemakers, have purchased the Stock and Business of Scott and Co , Victoria-street (opposite Hobsori Hotel), and intend to continue selling tie Best Quality of Goods at current prices. No Kubnish. TIT ANTED—Property-holders in the city Y V and suburbs wishing to sea may nnd resdy buyers by calling with particulars at Central Lutd Agency, comer ot Queen-streot and Ynlcan-lane — George Fraser, Mhtinser. WANTED Known- -Colonial Ovens at 12s and upwards; Side and Portable Ovens Kitchen Ranges, Stoves, GraVjs, and Portable Boilers, general smiths' work in. all its branches at cones ponding prices. Country orders promptly attended to-—Address. R. XichoU. 32(i. Queen-street. Auckland WANTED Known—Boy ß ' Suits, 8a 6d; ! :. Hearthrugs. 3s lid; Coloured Prints, 4id'; Dress Muslins, 4d ; Youths' bhirts, lid; Bcsh Hats, 3Ja; Corsets, Is lid; Men's Straw Hats, Is 2d ; Men's Hard Hats,3s6d; Tweed Eats reduced to Is lid; at Dampier's. W" ANTED Known—That we = delivoi Taupiri, Bay of IsUada, and .NcwcjjUo Coal also Firevrood, to any part ol the City or Suburbs at Lowest Sate:—W. e fc. Wlnstone, Cuatombouxttioet. : ANTED to Lease for Twenty Years— T T > Two Farms, capable of carrying from twenty to thirty head of cattle, must be within fifteen miles i of Auckland; stock at valuation.—John H. Hamer Estate Agent, Nuwton. ■ W 'ANTED. Known—Tbafc I have a Good Stock of Tweeds, Cloths, and Coatings always on hand. All goods well shrank. Fit and style guaranteed. Prices Low.—E. Stow, Tailor, IJ3, Victoria-street. • ■ ■■ ! :, ■_ ' ■ j Known—Toilet Pins, 2 for y..?.,: ; Id; Crewel Wools, ljd skein; Egyptian j Antimacassers.'ls 6d; Ivory Buttons, SJcldoz; Men's ! BoatiDg.Hats. Is lid; Lace Kibbed Hose,lid; Crochet Cotton, 2Jd; Splondia CretOEne, Is Od; Turkish Towels, 7d.' At Dampier's. XSTANTED Known—Men's Dux Collars, V». 8d a box ; Men's Linen Collars, 6d ; Brown Windsor Soap, 8 for Is; Boya' Dimity Collars, 4d; Frilling, Id; Table Damask, lid; Roller Towelling, 3id;'at Dampier's Wakefleid-etreet shop. TKXANTED Known—The Auckland Tin- , V T . ber Company ("Vholesalo and Retail) supply .on application, new Price List'of Doors, Sashes, Sash Frames, Mouldings, etc Also, Illustrated Priced Sheets, of Mantelpieces,' Gates, Turnery, Brackets eta .-.',. ■■■-;.-:.-V.; , ..?■'-'■;'■''■■..;:. ; -. ■■: ■".■;■>■ ■•' W ANTED":to''Buy — Left-off Clothing . of .:every 'description,, for cash. Parties waited on. P.S—Wanted Known—For H're, Trap and Saddle: Horses.—' pply Thomas Hill,' Clothior and'Drap'erjParnqll. ~':. ~■■."■ '■ ' ■' :■■,■'•'■'■■: '.s. ■.■■'.'.'■' • %^'^TED:^Knowri : ~ That P, Louie, ■Vy■. . Watchm'iker and; Jeweller,-ha3 opened in those premises lately known as the Wharf Pharmacy; ■ Queeh-Btreet,Wharf,;r- First-class-Workmanship gua anteed.,.". ""T' : " : " '. ■"■ : v' '■.■■ •■• ■ ; ..",■',.:..' v.'^'

; .'.%)kr-;AjNTED.Kn6wri^-BrusselsNet, Is6d ; ■ . VV ,, Aprons,ls; Taioestry Carpet,2s Id; Brown .Hqllabd, :, 4 j , i ;-Black ; Cishmere, Is 3d; Coloured Cash■mef b. Is srt ; Lace Curtains, 3s Cα; Good Twetd, lid; ■Whitfr.Cbtton: Fringe, 3d; Luatro, 8d; Check Stnff, { ■6d;.Hoaiespnns,'6d; at Da'mpier'B. ■ : '■■ ■'■-. j ■irjST:: ANTED.. 6d ! :: j\ . anil :• Is ; : Ayhite : Shirts; 2s 6d ;'grand line 1 Men's Socksy.iJdjjißoys'.TrouserSjSs^nd; Men's Moleskin 6s;. Flower's, 3d a': bunch; Oilcloth,: 7d; 1 ICfeWdson'eCalico, 25d,; , pord , and , 'Tassels, ■2s set; at I .'■bam'pier's.'. •'■'•.'.."■; '. : -■■ ,;/ ."... , :.;- : - '..'■■■*■■'"" •■' , " - " :' \^nSjANTJSD ; ■'■ ;all 'Working ,■ Vy.: , ■■Mencii'iiiEave .their money by calling at GovefnorGordon RestKnrant: '■, All meals 6d. Board and Lodiing,>lss per Murdock, Pro'priotor.' ■■ Note"'tho address;.nearly oppositetbe Waitomata, and clo3c to the Dock. : ' : . • rorrANTED—Purchasers and Tenants for ':'" 1. 1-".. : Houses and , ■ Allotnents, Farms,. Land. Im--I"proved and Unimproved ; torms arranged.' I have a list.ipf".Tenants wanting houses. Money lent on freehold and personal, security. * Bills Discounted. '.Irians negotiated.—Q. .T. Hojc, next Union Bank, : l!s7; Qnef.r]-street.'V •■;"' ;' ■■'■«.-?..■ ■■ ■■■ ■'■ ' ''■ 1 — The ■ beet aid '■'!.• Y-Y '■'' cheapest article for .removing grease or dirt, of any.:, description is the Spirits of -.mmonla; cleiinses and purifies everything wasted with it; will not injure the finest fabric,if used according to direc-tions.—Works,'Albert-street. Sixpcnco per Pint Bottlo at,all Grocera.—Charles Williams.. . -■. . WANTED Known—Selling at Dampier's: Umbrellas, Is.; Sunshades, Is 3d; Summer Hats, Sd ; Millinery.Net,.2d; American Leather, lid; Cretonne, OJd; Crctonco"' 6d ; Suteens, Gd ;. Union ShirtiD'gs. 5Jd ;.Cotton do., 4id ; ; Boys' Sailor Hats, 4d ; -.'.... WANTED- Known—SpriDg Tape Mea- ■ suies, 2d; Silesea,' 3Jd; Glass Cloth, i Jd; Shirt Buttons, 3d a , gross; Pink arid.Blue. Hose, Bd, > slightly 'faded ; Toilet Sets. 6d; Green . Window' Holland, Is Id; Straight Busks, 2d ;, at Pampicr's.- ■- WANTED: Known—lnfant's Bibs/ 3d ; ! Silvir Buttons. 3ddoz.; Youth's Straw Mats, lid ; Wh-ileboue .Sets", 2 for Id;' Scoured Grey Twill Calicoes, 7d; Beautiful Hearthrugs, 7s 6d; Coloured P'Oyloys. 4d: AfDampiet's. ■ - ■ ■ WANTED Known—That the,BIBLE STANDARD can be had.from tlio following agents'. Slesars.Uplon and .Co.',-Queen-street,' Mr. John H. Ilameri'bsokseller, Newton, and Mi. 0. W. ,Tnmbnli;Clothier; Nawmarfet. -.. ' '' ' ' WANTED Known—That T. Caiu has .returned from the South and opened- a business An Rutland-street -with Itcbert -7rvin? as Wholesale Coufec! loners, where ho hope 3 to see his bid .friends. . . ' '■' . ' ■"* ■' '■'■ . WANTED— The Ladies to look into Dunrio, Hall, andiCo.'s-window, 218, Queenstreet, and they""will see some Now Spring Goods, just ■ a'rHvcd-T-bbaritlful, useful; and ornamental—at very low prices for tho (JUALITY, OF TUE GOODS. Wo would also beg to say our dressmakers are,turning ont some very beautiful Spring Costumes juat now. Ladies' own Materials made'up ia the best manner. ■Opposite Messrs. Mcjrthui's Warehonso.. '■ • , WANTED go Bragh. Un-. dressed White Sliirts compare favourubiy' with 10s" Searched, Shirts. , The, cioth r is stout a?id free from' dress, and tho .fronts tLe finest Irish Jinan. Size 14, 4» each; larger sizes., flsed each ; Dreasi d White Shirts', 3s 6d each, military fronts, and buttons at the back ; Men's Soft Felt Hats, 'in; Men's Serge, Hats Men's Tweed Ilats, 2a "6J each ; Men's, Linen Collars, from 6d—make?, Pall Mall,' Slipkesj-earc; Reform liux, -c; Men's Brown Cotton Sock*, from 3id per pair ; Men's Braces, from Cd: Men's L. "W. ■ Socks, Men's Merinc Ves.a and P.vnts.— J. G:een, 85, j ;Victoria->treet.' . : ■___ W" ANTED Known—Salvage from,, the,' late fire, bought at the Insuranco Company's" sale, consisting of all-wocl check and striped Shirtiug, at Is Sid,,worth fully 2s.per yard; ladies' 4-button Silk Gfovcs Is Cd, worth 21 Cd per pair; colours, N&vy, Seal, and Grey,; Ladies' Silk Scarves; White Liesse Frilling, 4d per yard,; Cretonne, 'UJcI, worth at least Is■4d yard (nood palterns) ; Black Lustre, Is, worth Is Cd yard; Flannel, for Men's wear, BJd to Is 3d per yard (extra wide-width); Men's linen." Co'lars, fd each. We also call, attention, to our Summer Stock of Nun's Veiling. Dark Groirud Prints, Ac; Lustres, from 7J(I yard; a ligli'- make of Satin Cloth, 4id yard. Thrifty' housewives should see our - Oil Cloth for ! passages, at Is 2Jd.yard,and for rooms at 2j Id to 2s c<l per yard; width, ll and 1J yards;.Bono, for ; dresses, 2 sits for Id, .or 5Jd per dozen.—J. Green, 85, '■ Victoria-street:. ■'■-'.•.. ■_ .. WANTED Known—Money to Lend, on ■ .■iceurity." . . . ■ ,- Perfons '-.orrowinp; £S'receive JM 10s - - . i' Person. 1 ; l-.Drrovrihi £10 receive £9 '! Persons borrowin:; £20 receive' £18 ■ ■■-'•■ I'erson-i £5C i*o<m-e £45 Stricte-t r.ecr.TT. B'ils d.'. ountol dailv. —London 1-o.i'j ar,' Disconnt Company, High-itrect, two doors Ssuih. of Viii'jjn '! ne ■T*r ANTED KNOW N.' Can a Good Tnrso be too Widzlt Ksows? Testimony da ; 'iy to hand id the uriu'iitakable effects of our ,' - LI V E B TONIC, For Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Piles, and ■.CdstivenosPv .la Cd and 2s a bottle. Is it Hound 'iVorais or Worm 3 that yon are suffering from, or } tiur Childr-in ? Get .'.t onci> onr WOKli POW!)ERS, CAKES, OB TONIC SYItTJP. Is it Taps Worms?—uux remedies axe safe and cerUin. DIAKRIICE v AND DYSENTERY . . , No Family shoulu be without our Mixture, either Powder or 1 iq«id. Is each. , - COMPOUND SAUSAPAHILLA, Of the best and purest quality, for all impurities of the Blood. -2*61 a bottle. 1 G£NUI S E 11OP BITTERS, 2s 6d BOTTLE. , All ori'ers pro 1 ptly attended to. Consiltation, personal or liy letter, free of charge. NMIL & CLIFFORD, BoiAxicf Di!=ra>.b\!iY, Wrimiiye. East, 'Auckland: GO TO B A T H— To Koin's Fublie Hot. Cald, and Shower Baths, Victoria-street East. Charge, Oμ Sdillino. Open all week daye from 7 a.m. to 9 pm., and Sokdav Morkiso from 6 till 10am. Tho Bath-rooms are aU private, and supplied with every towels, flesh and hair hrushes, combs, respirators, soap, etc.'• Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladies every day at all" hours, with female attendance, Sam.wa;*PUaae note the address: Victoriiisteeot Eaet above "*he Oreybon'nd Hotel, and iwat the Caieap Beddtog and Furniture Mart, Auckland.'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1