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Meetiiigai JM. DARGAVILLE,' Esq., M.HE, ; Sm,-We leam from to-day's 'Beiiald that you intend to hold a Meeting of your Constituents in" St: , James's Hall.' ". - ■ ■. ■' .' ' ! ■ ■ ■' ■ ' '-. " As Electors of City West, we beg to rajgest that a larger place would be desirable, as there will likely be a very numerously attended meeting. ; Woare,Bir, ' ' ■ 1 ours obediently, Y. WARREN ' '.",'/ THOS: WALKER - EN. WOOD'. ' and 28 others. Auckland, September 27,1883. -' OF. AUCKLAND CITY ;. ' WHST. Gentlemen,—With reforence to the above, I hereby invite you to meet rae on WEDNESDAY EVENIKG neit, 3rd October, at 8-6' clock, in fie Theatre Royal. The Public aic alsocordialiy invited. , :' Yours Faithl'nily, ' . ■ J:M. DAEGAVILLE. ■ BANKOF NEW ZEALAND. Notice is hbieby kitcl that the Half-yearly Oeucrsl Meeting of tho Proprietors of the Baik will be held in the Banking-houso, In Auckland, on THURSDAY, tho 25th day of October next, at noon,,for tho purpose of receiving:.tuo Report of the Dircctors;for thu Ha'lN year ending tbc 30th inst.j the Election of a Director and for any other easiness" that may be bronght before the Meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. D. L. MURDOCH, .' " ' ■ ' General Manager. Auckland, September 14,,1883."OANK OF NEW ZEALAND, The TRANSFER BOOKS of this Bank will be CLOSED from TUESDAY, tho 9th, to THURSDAY, the 251h October, both days inclusive; By ordor of the Board of Directors. D. L. MURDOCH, General Manager. Auckland, September 14, 1883. TCT O T I C E~! A Meeting of tlio- Ratopaycru of; the Tamakl Woat Road District will bo ,held in the School-house on SATURDAX, the 20th Octjber,. at noon,, for tlie Election of a Trustee in tho room of Richard James Taylor, deceased. Candidates for the oilicn will have to send in their nomination papers to tho Returning. Officer. ien days before tho day of mtetinp. . JOHN MAINS, ■ ' ' ' " Rcturniiig Officer. Funeral Notices. HA. 0. B. S .O C I E T Y. p; ■ ~ ■ Au.CKtAND IIBANCIi, NO. 81. Tho Members of tho above are respectful'y requested to assemble at 3 o'clock on SUNDAY nest, 30tu inst., at Vincent-lano-.(off Yin.cent-strci't), for tho purpose of payinu the last sad office,to our late'Brolher, S. M. SMITH; ■■■■■■■. Regalia, with Crape and White Gloves. JAS. O'BRIEN, Jus.. ..-,.. ■ • ' , Secretary. ■OKICKLAYERS , • SOCIETY. g_> . v —. ■■■.■ . Tho Membora of the above Society are earnestly requested to'attcodthe Funeral of our lato Brother,. SAMUEL M. SMITH. Tho cortege will leave his late residence, Vincent-lane, TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 3 By order. ■• N. COLB, . - , ' , j- . ' Prefidont. ' Sermons, Lectures, Soirees, &c.

■\7"OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN JL ASSOCIATION. LECTURE HALL. SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONVERSATIONAL. BIBLE CLASS 3 O'CLOCK. CONDUCTOR: REV. J. S. HILL. STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF OUR LORD. Sept. 30th HIS SECOND COMING. Young Men not o.therwiEo.engagcd'cordially invited; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Comer of Wcllesley and Albertstreets.—Meeting for United Prayer This (Saturday) Evening, at 7 30. An ADDRESS to CHRISTIAN" WORKERS will bo given by tho Rev. J. S. Hill. Friends aio cordially invited. A BIBLE CLASS for MEN e rery SUNDAY AFTERNOON, from 3 till 4. CO > GREGATIONAL SERVICES Will be commenced in tho New Hail at MOUNT EDEN. ON SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30, At-6.30 p.m. The Opening Service Will bo conducted by REV. J. R BKRTSON, M.A. ipRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCHES SERVICES TO-MORROW as foUow3 :— ALEXaNDRA-STKEBT-Morning, at 11—Rev. W. S. Potter. Evening, at o.3o—Rev. J. Guy. PITT AxD EDW.N-STREETS-Aftcmoon, at 3—Mr. G. Turiey Evening, at G.UO-ilr. J. Geary. NEWMMIKET— Afternoon, at 3 -Rev. TV, S. Potter. Evonipg, at 0.30 Mr.'C. Reid. - ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.—II a.m., Moruing Prayer, B oly Communion, and Sermon, " Anfiels"; 0,30 p.m., Evening Prayer and Sermon, "Light bearer*." T. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, Ponsonby.— A Sermon to the Young will be delivered in tho abovo Church To-morrow (Sunday) by tho Rev. D. W. Ilunciman, M.A., at thrto o'clock. Parents and children are cordially invited. "OITT-STREET WESLEYAN CHURCH. JL Morning, at 11, Rov. T. G. Carr. Evening, nt 0.30, Rev. A. Kcid. Subject for Evening Sermon. •' Is the eternal punishment nf tho nicked consistent with tho Divine Jlenovolence/] _ /TeXf'tON ROAD WESLEYAN O* CHUKCll.—Morning, at 11, Rev. W. C. Oliver. Evenin;, at 6.30. Roy. T. (i. Cxrr ST. JOHN'S WESLEYAN CHURCH, Ponsonby. — Morning, at 11. Rev. A Reid. Evening, at fi 30, Rev. IV. O. Parsonson. P"aRNELL WESLEYAN CHURCH?— llomiiiß, at 11, Rev. J. Whewoll. Evonin?, at C.30, '<ov. W. C. Oliver. TTfcEVONPORT WESLEYAN CHURCH. H P —Morning at 11, Rov. W. J. Watkin. Evening at 6.30, liov. G. W. J. Sponce. Sermon to Young M en. MOUNT ALBEKT WESLEYAN CaiIRCIT.-MorDing »t 11, Mr. T. V, .HDWbold. Evening at 0 30, Mr. R. Jessop ■T^TELLESLEY-STREETBaptiat.Churoh. V» Snnday, Sept. 30.—Pastor Thomug Spurgeon, will preach in the Chapel at 11 a.m. Evening, in tho Choral Hall, at C.4S. UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH, Pitt ana Vincent-streets-Mornir.g at 11, Rev. S. Micfarlane. Special Service for Children. Parents and friends invited. Evening, at 0.30, Mr, James Saniidors. TCTEW CHURCH Services.—Held at the _L™ Commercial Clul)-ioom, over Rattr.iy's,' Qaeent>trcet; moroing, 11 o'clock. fcnbjcct: "Tho Law ol Human lilcsseilnc:;.." (OONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 'i.y ford-btreot.--Tlio usual jervicea will bo canducted to-morrow—Morning at 11. Rov. J. Robertson, M.A. Evening, at 030 Mr. A. Riding. Collodions will bo for tho Homo Mission Fundi ONEHUNGA Congregational Church.— Usual Sorvices To-u onow. Morning, Rev. Mr.Riflings; Fvcninn. Mr. W. J. Moginia. ABBOTT'S OPERA HOUSE.—Mr. T. L. Wilcoi will lectuto on SumUy at 0.30. Subject: ;■ The Church and tho World." Mcrning Servico at Iho Tomperunce Hill at 11. mHEATRE ROYAL.—SUNDAY EVESJL ING SERVICES, under the conduct of the Young Men's Christian A-aociatlon, on Sunday Evening, from Bto g. All are invited. Suits Free. TTJIBLE AND PRaijcß UNI9N. AUCKLAND BRANCH. .Members C.irjs for 1S8 , ?, containing their number on the roll, the principles of tho Union, and a . Calendar of Chapters for tho year, sent on receipt of name and nddiess, with a twopenny stomp, on application to Mr. Braicmig, Young; Men's :; Christian Association. ■■■:.,,., .■.'■■■■■...,.. ..■■;..« .■.■.:/-. •■'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 1