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[from our own correspondents.]

Thames. Saturday. Reuben Parr.—The proprietors of thia claim have commenced operations, and are about to put in a low I v vel near the Sons of Freedom hoppers. The object the proprietors have in opening out thia level is to intersect several leaders in the old 23rd of June gronnd. At one time these leaders

were worked with very good results, and operations ware only suspended owing to the works being flooded with water. By opening out a new level below the old workings a largo area of ground will be drained, and the present proprietors will be enabled to recommence work on these lodes. In many instances good gold was left in winzes sank for a short distance on the lodes, so that there aro really excellent prospects of the ground proving highly remunerative. Besides the level which is already being opened out, the proprietors are also desirous of putting in another level lower down the creak, which would give about another 100 feet of backs. This level would have to go through a portion of the Watchman section of the Albumia mine, and the proprietors of the Reuben Parr have requested the directors of the Alburnia to join them in the cost of driving the tunnel. The well would undoubtedly be of great service to the Alburnia Company, in opening up the lower of the Watchman mine, and would ultimately be of use in working the Middle btar and other sections also. The proposal is to drive about 350 feet on a lode which is known to run through the Watchman ground, and an equal number of feet on the same lode in the .Reuben Parr ground. A drive of this length would open up an extensive area of ground, and would be available as an outlet for prospecting cross-cuts in all directions through both mines. After passing the Reubsn Parr mine the drive would enter a valuable section of the Alburnia mine in which very little work bas been done of late years, but which at one timo yielded considerable quantities of gold GOLD RETURNS FOR THE WEEK. Oz Alburnia, Barclay's tribute ... 45 2 0 ~ Cloutt's tribute 66 1G 0 Cum. Clark'a tribute ... ... 17 0 0 Kuranui Company ... G9 0 0 ~ Coriu's tribute ... ... 25 5 0 ~ Mills' tribute ... ... 95 4 0 ~ Fernandez's tribute ... 110 0 ~ Williams's tribute ... 3 10 ~ Nicholl's tribute ... ... 517 0 ~ Knoobone's tribute ... 15 15 0 „ James's tribute 40 19 0 ~ Schofield's tribute ... 4 9 0 ~ Coutt's tribute 71 2 0 „ Jennings'tribute 013 0 Little Lizzie claim ... 2 14 0 Little Sissy claim ? 10 0 Little claim... ... ... 9 12 0 Moanataiari company ... ... 50S 10 0 ~ Whisker's tribute ... 58 8 0 ~ Charnock's tribute ... 2 6 0 ~ Moore's tribute ... 18 0 0 ~ Hayes's tribute ... 31 16 0 ~ Green's tribute ... 59 5 0 Manuk&u, Clnrkson's tribute ... 32 0 0 New North Devon, Garvie's tribute 337 3 0 „ Watt's tribute 28 0 0 Piako, Williams's tribute ... ... 13 0 lied Queen, Gilmour's tribute ... 17 15 0 Radical, Hosie's tribute 6C 0 0 Sir Hercules Robinson claim ... 4 10 Waiotahi : Teasdalo's tribute ... 29 2 0 Total 1,075 18 0 [by telegraph, own correspondent.] Thames, Saturday. Gold Return's.—Moanntairi Company, oOSozi. lOdwts. ; Kuranui Company, 690z5.; Radical, Hosie's tribute, GGoz<.: total, 6130z5. 10ii wta. Moanataiiu. — Tha usual fortnightly cleaning up and retorting for this company took place to day. Since last cleaning up, 300 tons of general stuff have been crushcJ, for the good return of 50Soz?. lOdwts. retorted gold. The return is the largest the company have had for some time now, and it exceeds considerably the most sanguine expectations. The result of the last fortnight's operations prove most conclusively that the quartz obtained from all

parts of the mine is steadily improving in quality. The exce'lent prospects of the company are apparently increasing in value 1 every week. Kuranui.—A small parcel of general stuff obtained from the vicinity of the patch found in the Oddfellows lode, some months ago, has been crushed for the excellent return of G9ozs. retorted gold. The amount of quartz put through the mill was 7-i tons. Alburhta.—ln sinking down on the lode yesterday near the Whau boundary, between 401bs. and 501b3. of good specimens were broken out, and a considerable parcel of picked stone obtained. The best of the gold is right on the Whau boundary, and it is evidently a portion of the rich patch obtained in the Whau winze. New Whau.—There has been no breaking down in this mine to-day. The men have been engaged stripping downs the lode and securing the winze. Radical (Owiiaroa). —Hosie and party, who are tributing in this claim, have crushed a small parcel of eleven tons of general stuff | for the excellent return of CGozs. retortod • gold. COROMANDEL, Saturday. Royal Oak.—The manager reports that the stopes are looking well, and a fow good ' specimens are to hand occasionally. The general stuff is very good. The Comet is crushing about five tons ol 1 general stuff at the Nil battery, which is 1 expected to yield well. Just-iu-Time is driving fouth on the leader, which is still looking well. V ery rich stono is to band every breaking-down. MONTHLY SUMMARY. Thames, Saturday. During the past month the general improvement in mining affairs has been fully maintained, and at the present time there are evidences the period of prosperity which has already set in will continue for some length of time. The difficulty in connection with the mines mortgaged for the £50,000 has at last been definitely settled; the whole of the mines having been sold. The Caledonian mine has been purchased on behalf of the old shareholders, as has also the Tookey mine. The settlement of this difficulty has established a feeling of confidence in the future of the mines on the Grahamstown Flat. The big pump has al.-o onco more resumed work, and on a baßis which is likely to ensure its beiDg kept constantly going.—Moanataiari : Very little alteration has taken place in this company's operations during the month. In the Point Russell section of the mine, the drive on the adit level is still being pushed ahead, on a very promising-looking lode about two feet thick, The quartz obtained from it contains good mineral indications, and of late more copper than usual has shown in the stone. The quartz broken out haß always been crushed by itself. Yet till very lately the yield of gold from it has been rather poor, but during the last few days there has been a considerable improvement, and it is

uow proving more than | ayable. Tunnel level: Driving westward on the large lode cut in the south cross cut has been suspended, and the lode is now being prospected in an easterly direction. No change, however, has taken place in the general appearance of the quartz. The new rook drill has been got to work in the Nonpareil cruss cut, and the diive is being pushed ahead as rapidly as the nature of the co.iutry Jwill al o-.v. At present it is going through a rather hard belt of ground in the Morning Star section of the mine, but it is expected that ere long this will be penetrated, and a better class of country met with. The No. 3 lode and ita branches continues to yield large tonnage of really excellent crashing stuff, and very frequently parcels of good picked stone are obtained. In connection with the works on these leaders several prospecting cross-cuts are being driven in the country in the vicinity both on the tunnel level and on the eightyfoot level. The company have recently purchased the big pump plant from Mr. R. Comer, and the pump is now being worked under the direction of the company's manager. The cost of maintaining it, however, is bom by the several companies whose mines are effected by the drainage system—Caledonian, Cure, Red Queen, and Kuranui. Although the pump was started early in the month none of these companies have been able to get to work on the low levels. —The Kuranui Company are working on one or two small leaders on the beach level, but with only limited results. There is some talk of an amalgamation of the three first-named companies, in which the Tookey might also possibly join. If this amalgamation could bo carried out a large and valuable block of ground would be secured, and in the hands of a strong company wonld, no doubt, be _ worked very profitably.—Alburnia: During the month the west drive on Dixon's low level has been driven home to the Whau boundary. The reef, however, contrary to every expectation, proved poor. In consequence of this the manager has started to open out an intermediate level

from the winze sank from the seventy-foot level, about forty feet below the floor of the latter. This new level is being opened out both ways simultaneously, and ia both drives good prospects have been meet with. Between the winze and the Whau boundary there is a block of ground, sixty feet long by forty feet in height, to be t*ken out, and it is calculated this will yield a large qumtity of very rich stone. Eastward of the winze there ia a rather extensive block of payable ground to take out. Stoping operations have commenced on the foot-wall leader, and good prospects obtained. The eastern drive on the seventy-foot level ha 3 been carried home to the Davon boundary. Towards the boundary the 1-jde opened out to four feet thick, and the stopes above the drive are yielding a large quantity of good grade crushing stuff. About 100 feet westward of the Devon boundary the ma nager hai Btarted to drive on a small leader in the hanging-wall of the main lode, and very good prospects have been obtained from it. This leader is abmt foar inches thick, and is very much similar in appearance to the old specimen leader of the Whau which was wotked so sue in 1877. On Dixon's lower level driving has again been resumed. As this drive is extended, the reef appears to improve in quality. The company have joined with the proprietor* of the' Keuben Parr claim, and are about to put in a low-level drive in the Watchman section of the This level will give about 140 feet of backs below the Sons of Freedom tunnel, and will assist in opening up a valuable section of the company's mine.—New Whau : Although the operations of this company are only confined to the sinking of a winze on the Alburnia boundary, yet during the month one of the richest deposits of the precious metal ever discovered on the field has been met

■with, and about a ton of specimens and picked stone have been obSained, which on crushing yave the extraordinary yield of 8440z5. retorted gold. As yet the winze is only down about twenty feet, and although the very rich gold has died out to some extent, still the prospects at the bottom are good. The company will Bhortly be commencing operations from the Alburnia low level.—New North Devon : During the month the tributers in this mine have had two really excellent crushings. The company are about to make preparations for commencing operations a 9 soon as the tributers' term is up. 11 is proposed bo -work on the Alburnic seventy-foot level, but osroio a«,. 0 an f re g) communication mußt be effected with the Sons of Freedom tunnel. The Devon an' Columbia Companies are therefore about t( join in sinking a large pass from Dixon'i lower level through to the Sous of Frradon tunnel. —Waiotahi : Siucd the resumptioi

of pumping operations the low level of this mine has once more been cleared of water, bufc operations have not yet been recommenced upon it. The numerous small leaders on the No. 2 level have yielded a large quantity of payable quartz, and the mioe continues to main taiu its character as a steady gold producer.—Queen of Beauty: This com pauy's pump has not yet bec-n got to work The manager is at present engaged erectiaf new poppet legs, and repairing the winding gear. As is usual when an improvement takos place in mining affairs, several vacaul blocks of ground have again been taken up, and, in some instance?, companies are beini. formed for the purpose of work ing them. On the Moauataiari Creek, Messrs. Walker act Comer have taken up a claim, and named i' the Reuben Parr. Several gold-biaritu leaders are known to run through th<. ground, and the proprietors will shortly commence operations on someo? these. Neai the Punga Flat, two large blocks of gronu< have been recently pegged oil", and companin are formed for working them. One I named the Columbia, and tho other th* Victoria. Both will probably prove valuabl mines, Ground has also been again takei up at the bead of the Karaka Creek. On th< Sunbeam Creek, Mr. E. Thomas has recently pepgud off an area of forty men's ground 01 the line of two well-known auriferous lodes and a strong company is likely to be formet for the purpose of working these lodes. GOLD RETURNS FOR THE MONTH. Alburnia Company, £50 tons ... 300 15 ~ tributes, 93 tons ... 338 19 Caledonian tributes, 38 tons ... 36 8 Crown Princess tribute, 5 tons ... 4 2 City of Manchester claim, 11 tons 13 15 Cure tribute, 4 tons 17 0 Dauntless tribute, 19 tons... ... 11 15 Golden Calf tribute, 9 tons ... 39 13 Golden Crown, 23 tons 32 17 Hape Creek tributes, 14 tous ... 13 2 Hopeful claim ... ... ... 10 3 Hill of All Nations claim 21 12 Joker tributes, §4 t>ns ... ... 55 12 Kuranui tributes, 257 tons... ... 713 o Last Chance claim, 1 ton ... ... 13 Little Lizzie claim ... ... ... 2 14 Little Sissy claim, 14 tons... ... 2 10 Little Maggie claim, 12 tons ... 9 12 Moanataiari Company, 700 tons ... 894 18 ~ tributes, IG6 tons ... 295 7 Manukau tributes, 9 tons ... .... 32 0 New North Devon tribute, 118 tons 519 0 New Whau Company 844 0 Only Chance claim, 7 tons ... 7 8 Prince Imperial tributes, 45 tons 18 18 Piako tributes, 5 tons ... ... 7 10 Robin Hood claim, 55 tons ... 55 4 Rod Queen tributes, 9 tons ... 17 15 Spiro Meliora claim, 5 tons ... 4 2 Star of Te Papa claim, 6 tons ... 816 Sir Hercules Robinson, 8 tons ... 10 18 Saturday Morning, 5 tons 4 5 . Sundries ... ... ... ... 500 0 Uncle Tom, 4 tons 2 7 ' Victoria, 5 tons ... ... ... 6 7 Waiotalii Company, 185 tons ... 257 2 i 1f tributes, 21 tons ... 29 2 i Welcome tributes, 10 tons ... 18 16 Young William claim, 4 tons ... 3 9 Zephyr claim, 4 tons 4 1 Total 5,007 0

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5729, 29 March 1880, Page 5

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5729, 29 March 1880, Page 5

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5729, 29 March 1880, Page 5