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[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.*] THAMES, Wednesday. A fire occurred iu Pollen-street early this morning, destroying two shops, owned by Messrs Brien and Wood. Brien, who was a furniture dealer, &c , was insured in the .Royal for £175. WooJ, fruiterer, was insured in the Norwich Union for £50. Nothing wag saved. Mr. Maurice Casey had a narrow escape of a serious accident to-day. He was crossing a small bridge on the railway works with two or threa loaded trucks, when the bridge gave way, throwing him a considerable distance. Fortunately he escaped with only a severe shaking. CAMBRIDGE, Wednesday. A number of natives were here from the Kings place, Hikurang", who say that Rcwi is ill, and that he expects to die. His trouble is that he was not permitted to settle matters between the Pakeha and Maori. The natives are looking forward to the great meeting next montli, at Waotu, when the whole of the laud negotiating so far .19 Ngatiraukawa are concerned, are to be ended. Those of both races interested in the lands gazetted for next Lands Court at Cambridge are afraid that the meeting will decide to prevent any more land going through the court. The prospect is, that for all officials connected with the court, the duties will be far more onerous thau they were at the last court. A rumour is current to-day that Mr. Sheehan has decided to tako up his residence iu Cambridge. If so, it ia to be hoped that he will not often have occasion to £o into the Cambridge Cour:hoase, for if ho docs it will do something to shorten his existence. The It. M. Court sat to-day to hear more cases than will be found out of Auckland in any court in the province, aud the atmosphere was simply disgraceful in a civilised community. How the officers of the court bear it at this season of the year is beyond my comprehension. Another rumour is afloat that Major Mair will shortly rc3umc his duties as Native Agent and it.M. in the Upper Waikato. Our obliging postmaster and telegraphist, Mr. E. B. B»yn;lds, who has held the position eleven years, is leaving us this week. The duties of his office bccame so laborious during the late Maori Court that ho became so prostrated that a yoar's rest was considered necessary to restore him. He loaves with the sympathy aud well wishes of every person in the district. HAMILTON, Wednesday. The Inspsctor of Schools, Mr. O'Sullivan, has visited Cambridge West and Kirikiriroa, aud has decided that schools be built at both places. At the annual meeting of the Hamilton Choral Society, held last night, the balancesheet showed an expenditure of £29 lGs Id, and receipts £43 10s Gd, leaving a balance in hand of £1-1 14s sd. Captain Northcroft, It.M., was elected president, Mr. Gywnne vice-president, Mr. Culpan conductor, and Mr. C. Laishley secretary and treasurer. lie the Cambridge telegrams in yesterday's Herald, the censure on the Waikato Turf Club is most uufair. The race meeting, being held a week before the Cambridge one can only tend to benefit the latter by bringing more horses into the district, which are sure to remain until the Cambridge meeting takes .place.

At last Dight's public meeting of the bur-ges-es of Hamilton, held at the Borough Council Chambers, re the prosecution of the

Thames-Waitato Railway and a free bridge, —the acting M.ayor (Mr. McDonald) in the chair—the following resolution was passed : —1. 14 That a committee be appointed by t.iis mc tinir, cons of Captain Utte], Oplai«» Dawson, Mts&rs. Vialau, Bcale, and Gwyxinn, to correspond with the Governor with a view to commence the Tlnme*-\Vaikato Railway, and that our members receive a copy of the same with a request to urge upon the Government its immediate undertaking. 2. That a committee composed of Messrs. Secle, Gwynne, Dawson, Vialou, arid McDonald, be ap. pointed to carry out the resolutions of this meeting. 3. Tbat the Government be requested to take ever the liabilities of the Hamilton traffic bridge, and declare it a free bridge ; and tbat the committee alio deal with this matter." Mr. Gwyuue narrowly escaped an accident this afternoon. A long ladder reared against the hotel, which is being painted, was caught by a wind passing down the street, and fell quits close to him. The ladder was smashed. Mr. Gwynne escaped. NGARTJAWAHIA, Wednesday. A son of our local brewer had au attack of sunstroke to-day, but is recoverfng. [press association.] WELLINGTON, Wednesday. The City Waterworks loan, which was about to ba floated in the London money market, ha 3 been temporarily withdrawn by the .London agents of Corporation Banker*, owing to the fact that the issuo of the live million loan has affected the market to a considerable extent. All the single girls by the ship Arethusa have obtained employment at a fair rate of wages. A Maori boy, Toko, wa=* arrested at Carterton yesterday for stealing a horse, the property of Mr. Green, formerly his employer. lie was brought down to-day, and will be charged at the Magistiate's Court to-morrow. BLENHEIM, Wednesday. 1 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, the casrs against Kerwin Goff and Gondrie, for cattle-stealing, and Yates, for assault on a young gir), were dismissed. At the court, this morning, in the esse of Earle v. Doherty, a charge of libel, Mr. Travers, who appeared for defendant, made a special plea, alleging the allegation in the libel to be true and that Earle had actually seduced Ilia niece. The effect of Mr. Travcrs special pi.a was tbat Doherty was not guilty, the libel com- I plained of was true in tmbst&nce and fact, that Earle had seduced his and had had 1 frequent intercourse with her while living under Ilia care and protection. That the 1 publication was fur tho public benefit as Earle lnd been a councillor of the Borough of Blenheim just previously, that at that time he was a caudidate to fill a vacancy ; that he held office as Grand Councillor in t : io Good Templars for the South Island ; that he held office in the Presbyteri m Church, and had served, and wa? entitled to serve, aa a Grand Juror; and that it was for th'i public good that the allegations should be cleared up, sj as to prevent such a pcrs.ui from holding auy such offices. Mr. Connolly asked for au adjournment to consider the plea, whiuh way gtanted for an hour, and demurred that the publication was for tho benefit cf the public. On reassembling, Mr. Connolly said the evidence must procecd. The cipc then went on, aud the publication of the libel was proved. Mr. Travcrs opened the case, aud outlined a most horrible stsry, comprising a series of offences of a grossly iadecent nature. This afternoon Fanny Tovvnscnd gave her evidence ia chief, and detailed a number of indecent act?, and the committal of a capital offence. o;her important witnesses are to be examined to-night. OHRISTCKUUCH, Wednesday. The first sod of the first contract of the city tramway will be turned to-morrow. The Bishop of Christchurch and Mrs. Harper celebrate their Golden Wedding on Friday next. Tenders are cal'ed by the City Council for sinking au experiment artesian well, to lower the stratum in Cathedral Square. An animal, called an Indian snake-killer, which was here at race time, escaped tho other evening from where the owner was lodging, near the railway. It has since made great havoc in the poultry yards of tho neighborhood, large numbers of ducks being found torn to pieces, and fowls with deep ineisious in their bodies. The animal is still at large. The results of the Grand Templars' Lodge elections this afternoon is as follows ; — Chief Templar, liav. Dr. lloseby; Vice, Brother Johnstone, Wellington ; Secretary, Brother Cameron ; Treasurer, Brother Carr ; Chaplaiu, Brother Butler, Balclutha ; Marshall, Brother Smith, Lytteltoa ; Superintendent of the Juvenile Templars, Brother Smith, Christchurch; Representatives to Wauganui and Melbourne : Brothers Bennett, Naseby, and Jago. LYTTELTON", Wednesday. At an inquest held on the body of T. H. McGregor, who fell over the gangway of the ship liurunui on Monday night, the third officer of the ship, Mr. Michael, was comineuded for the very prompt manner in which he went to the assistance of the deceased. TIMAIITJ, Wednesday. The criminal sitting* of the Supreina Court opened to-day, before Judge Johnston. True bills were returned in the following cases : —Stealing from the person, W. C. Kidney ; forgery aad uttering (two charges), P. Finn; forgery and uttering, E. Jeffrey ; maliciously placing obstruction on the railway, Edward James; forgery, Harry D. Manning; aiding an 1 abetting to commit a forgery, J. Doyle; forgery and stealing, W. C. Graham ; attempt to murder, Thos. Hunt; cattle stealing, Mary Hunt; wilful damage to property, F. Neifcr. No bills were found iu cases of a Fisher, libel, and \V. B. Nightingale, larccuy. The following prisoners were dealt with :— Thomas Griiiin, 12 months ; W. C. Kidney, 0 days; P. Finn, 12 months ; E. James, 2 years; J. Doyle, 12 months; Mary Hunt, 1 day; F. Neifer, 1 year. On one charge he was acquitteil. v The weather is now Warm, but heavy floods are still coming down most of the rivers. The annual regatta on the Anniversary Day promises to prove a very great success. DUNEDI.V, Wednesday. At the city Police Court this morning, Peter Tryston was again brought before the bench, for failing to support seven children, already inmates of the Duncdin Industrial School. 11c was ordered to pay 50s per week. Edward Brown was ordered to pay 5s Gd per week. He admitted his liability, but urge! in extenuation that he had only received £2 12s Gd for tlirco weeks' contract at Mullocky Gnlly. Kate Walker, a girl of Stuart-street notoriety, was fined 20s, and 7s costs, for obscene language. Henry Muir and George Mantell were chargcd, on the information of a J. P., with cruelty to a dog. The case was not sufficiently proved, and dismissed. An Albion telegram of the Stli instant advises that Messrs. Trust, Barrow, and Co., leading South Staffordshire makers of bar iron, having withdrawn all quotations, and tbat prices continue to advance. On Monday night the Rev, Dr. Stuart, while walking in his garden, slipped aud fell heavily, dislocating his shoulder and sustaining a severe shaking. He was at tended by Dr. Milla r , and is progressing favourably.

At the Land Board to day it w/53 sfcafced, for the convenience of new arrivals and in. teodiug settlers, that statement* would bo prepared and posted in all public places, giving all information rcgardiug laud open for selection. The annual session of the local Orange institution opened at tho OdddieUuws' Hall, Rattray-streefc, this afternoon. R.W.G.M. Brother Levcll aud live delegate* wtve present. Part of the business will i-o considering the motion to take Pastor Chiaiquy under tho society's protection during tho New Zealand tour. The Caledonian Society has resolved to make the first prize for the baud competition at New Year's sports £50, and t • make 1(5 the minimum number of metubera it\ each band.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5

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NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5