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SALES BY AUCTION. Mr. Arthur's sale of a sm;ill stock of groceries, sold by order of the trustee, was well attended, and f;iir prices were realised, liice, 24d to-JJ; salmon, 7s ; herrings, 7s (id ; sardines, halves Si, quarters 4s Gd ; sperm candles, 9J; mustard, Sjd ; vestas, plaids, Gs 3d ; oatmeal, 2Jd; sugar, i.\'\ to 5.1 ; vinegar, 8s; pickles, 7s to Jβ 61; barley, 2j<l; carbonate soda, 2?d ; clothes lines, Si lid to 13s ; hops, Is Id ; brooms, l!)i ; washboards. (i» (ill to Ss Gd ; weighing machine, £4; sago, 3d ; raisins, 3Jd ; ginger, lid ; Taylor's cocoa, Is -Jd ; chocolate, Is 5d ; canary seed, 4 1 .J; linseed, Gd ; dates, 3.\d ; tea, half-chests, ls~3d to 2s ; currants, 4d ; paper, Shd to 5d ; tinfoil, !Ud ; nails, 3d ; peas, 3^d; jujubes, 13.M ; twioe, IS.I ; vestas, 250' a, 20s; starch, 3VI; "cornflour, Old to (ii'd ; Fry's cocoa, 2s Gd ; s'alad oil, halfpints, Gs; Lea and Perrin's sauce, 12s CJ; capers, Gs Gil; currie, !><; lemon peel, Is l<1; j*m, Gs Gd; moulds, 4±d ; tobacco, 3s lid; marmalade, 7s ; blue, Sd ; knife powder, 3s 6.1; walnuts, 5Jd. A line of old Canterbury cheese sold at GJd to (j.M ; old potatoes, R-> (i<l; peanuts, 2jid; box tea, 18s to 20a Gd; vestas (small fancy tins), lls 3d to 11s 3d per gross; apples, Ud to 2id. November 24. At Mr. 11. C. Greenwood's s.Ue of land ami villa sites, held to-day, there was a good attendance, and the biddinß spirited. The following prices were realised :—Villa sites, Stokes's I'oiut : Lot 10, la lr 2p, £20 aer acre, C. Major; lot 11, la. lr 7p, £22 iOa per acre, C. Major; lots 12 and 13, 2a 2p, £'22 10s per acre, Lind; lot 14, lair 10p, £22 10s per acre, Harper ; lot 15, 2a, £27 per acre, llar/ier; lots 5 and 'J, 3a lr 3lip, £28 per acre, Comptou. Villi residence and 20 acres of land. Kingslind Koad, passed at £000. Leicester Villa, College Koad, passed at £GSO. Messrs. E. anil A. Isaacs sold this morning. by order of the Uity Council, the lease of the paddocks abutting upou this city abattoiis. The attendance of butchers and cattle-dealers was very large, nearlv the whole of the tr.'ile being present, l'addock 1 was let to Mr. Stimpsoll for three years, at 25s per acre per annum ; Mf. Barringtui), paddock 3, for £2 10s per aero; -Mr. .Martin, paddock -1, £1 12s Gd per au.e ; Mr. Hume, paddock 5, £1 13a per acre ; Mr.Ganett, paddock 0, £3 per acre ; Hellahy Bros., paddock 7, £3 5s per acre ; Sir. Wood, paddock S, i"-'.» per acre ; Mr. Foss, paddock U, £1 17s M ; MrMaxwell, paddock 10, £3 per acre; Helaby Bros., paddock 11, £2 15s. Manure : Mr. Slacnair purcliascd the right to remove the manure for 20a per month. November 26. At Mr. R. C. Greenwood's sale to-day of allotments and saw-mill plant, l'reemau's Bay, there was i good attendance, anil the following prices wore realised :—Lease of allotment No. G, Freeman's Hay, subject to £15 per annum ground rent, £10 ss, Duffy ; lease of adjoining allotment, subject to £20 a-year ground rent, £12, Billinston; galvanised iron shed, wood oliice, kc, £13 10s ; circular saw beech, catting It inches deep, £0 ; sundries, &c, at fair prices. December 4. Messrs. E. and A. Isaacs held a sale of Mcl-bourne-niade clothing and Geelong tweed 'yesterday. Tlin ntf*ii<Unce ivas e»«' ""'f prices were obtained December 5.' Messrs. S. Cochrane and Soujlield their nsnsii 'weekly sale of furniture, &c, which was well nceciidol. Mil fail- prices realised. The collection of oil painting drew an unusual number of connoisseurs together, and the following lots were disposed of :—" The Dutch Shopman," by Braekeuburgh, A.D. 1675, brough i £0 10 ; "Fruit," by Adams, £8 10s; "A Garileu Scene," by Lancret, £10; "The Spy,"' t'10; "Expression," by Gruize, £9 10s. A painting of Napoleon Bonaparte, when First Consul, and two paintings by Passinore, were passed in at £D eaoli.

WOOL SALES. llv. A. Bucklaud held his flist wool sale of tho season at the Iluy market ou Xov. IS. Tliero were about ISO bales catalogued, ami the prices realised were very satisfactory—beiag fully P per lb. all round ruoro than was expected by tho sellers. The only reserve made was on ouo bale, and that brought its price, so that every bale olfored was sold. Wool in grease v.iugea from CJd to according to HM'Jljl and, washed wool from 9Jd to Cd.f^«§iSSSie™

Atessrs. Hunter and Nolan hel.l their first ,™nl sile'for the present season at. the Diirhamtect yards on November 19. There was a largo attendance of buyers, nnd a very fine lot of wool offered for competition. Wool m greaae ringed from 7<l per lb. to 5.V1, according to 11 iHtv and washed wool from b'gd to 7j[ per Ih. The firm helil their first sale of the season in t!i,>ir newly-erected wool mart, which is u large nd commodious apartment, well ventilated and lighted. The building has been erected by Mr. Heron under the supervision of Mr. K. Hartley, architect, and reflects great credit on them both, and the well-stacked tieis of wool, tocetker with a. good attendance and Bpiiitcd bidding, miule it easier work for Mr. lv. J. Hunter, who officiated as auctioneer. The second of Jlr. Buckland's wool sales of the seison took place on December ."?, and there was an increase iu the number of bales sold, there h tvin" been 202 on the catalogue, and out of these only one parcel of 12 bales was withdrawn, not brinsinK the price wanted by its owner. The prices realised were about Id per lb. higher than at the last sale, though the bidding mis far from being brisk. The next sale of wool by Mr. Uuckland will take place on the 17th inst.

List of aticles ito~ JIF TTjTTTT DCTY.-Almontls, h :l r)«ry hitte, V, ?,' '"c* confectionary; bolt, ~n . l ««™. for nuts, tire bolts, shackle holder, iS i?."' fittings for carriages; morocco' ro™ ° "T enamel!*! leather; t'anneHla tfc^Tsefl' use m brash-making; pWphora,, oil of rhodium; sulphate of soda; saddlers' ironmongery; grindery; sheet zinc and plain sheet fcalvanised iron. "

The b.-miue Georgietta cleared at the Customs on Nov. 2S for New York, with a cargo of 3G5 tons of cum, valued »t £-.'0,000. Statement shewing tlie amount of Customs duties collected at the port of Auckland, in the colony of New Zeal»n<l (according to the several heads of revenue undermentioned), from the 1st to the SOlli November, 1S79, both clays inclusive :— Head' of Receipt*. Total. Spirits, 21s 14.. 12, per Ralln:, .. £4.4l:i 1 2 Cirars amUnuir. 6s and 5- iwr In. .. 30! IS 10 Totaccn 3s Wiin'l (>'l perlh. .. 2,13il;'> » 31 iKTlb. .. 19 9 V.'ine. 63, 4s. 5s, 4s. nuil 2s p:r Ballon 45) 1 1 Ala and liter, in buttle, It 3.1 per ea:l<in .. •■ 341 5 S •• I- , 10 0 Tea 4:1 M-r lb... 3,0(0 15 S Coffee, co.-rw. chicory, an i c1i..cjKio. 3! per lb 133 S 0 (rnast-.l). SI per !b 0 2 C Suglr, raw rrlincil, acd molasses. Jcl ,,crlb l."43 10 3 GcoJj bt re:lit 1.777 1.-. « Ailvalori-in. 2'.. IS. Bn<l 20p<!rccit.. 3.17S 7 0 Other liutivs not spccitti-d ubove .. 519 14 S TnMl /:i7,S6!) 4 10 Golililu'.y 245 14 7 £iS.O14 IB 5 SHAKK IXVE3TOKS' GUID13. 3 *r= 0 = 0000 O OO OOSOOOOOO 1 -O -u-O -O— 0000 = 00 • Jl! ~ ~ OOOOOO O OOO 00300000 r-:i-i " —' ■"-• r- — i— i-i f-l i-l * 5 , H I £_ _ - = — oo=:o = ooooo=3oooo=:=co £• i === c=:o = i--;--oooo=:ooo=x = ooo -=— 'j-i3:i = 33fl- ■-" — ?i -r o o -• o o — __l_ H J 1 =e I =J " j ] " Z. illttllllllllllllllllllil = I fllll|li?ll|ll||-llpll &• • = = P ''I i <c5 •:•:::: :o : ' ' ' "•? ' ' '-22? . £ 2 I =li>.i- £5'.= ;• : : : : : f = § 1 ilislllll1ll|11&11 gilt s z -5 £ £ 5 S = 3 L z S 5_y = < = <^ga<^ ■■ " Sharebrokera and Land .Agents. lr=nrance Building Auckland, and Allert-strce:. Thamos, December C, 1S79.

Messrs. Hunter and Nolan hel.l their first wool sale for the present season at. the Diirhamtrcet TirJs on November 19. There was a largo at cnJanco of buyers, and a very fine lot of wnol offered for competition. "Wool in greaae ™°Ah1 from 7d per lb. to 5.\d, according to nu ditv and washed wool from Sgd to 7jf [ier Ih. The firm held their first sale of the season in their newly-erected wool mart, which is u Urge *n" commodious apartment, well ventilated and iiohted The building has been erected by Mr. neroii 'under the supervision of Mr. K. Hartley, architect, and reflects great credit on them both and the well-stacked tieis of wool, tocetker with a. good atteudauce and epiiitcd bidding, made it easier work for Mr. K. J. Hunter, who officiated as auctioneer. The second of Mr. Buckland's wool sales of the season took place on December ."?, and there was an increase iu the number of bales sold, there having been 2f)2 on the catalogue, and out of these 'only one parcel of 12 bales was withdrawn, not brin s iiiK the price wanted by its owner. The prices realised were about Id per lb. higher than at the last sale, though the bidding was far from beins brisk. The next sale of wool by Mr. Auckland will take place on the 17th iust. The barque Goorgietta cleared at the Customs on Nov. 2S for New York, with a cargo of 3G5 tons of cum, valued »t £'.'0,000. Statement shewing the amount of Customs duties collected at the port of Auckland, in the colony of New Zealand (according to the several heads of revenue undermentioned), from the 1st to the SOlli November, 1S79, both clays inclusive :— Head' of Receipts. Spirits, 21s 14.. J2, per Rallnn .. £4.4l:i 1 2 Cirars amUnuir. 8s and 5-per !b. .. 30! IS 10 TotaCCn 3sM iin-I 2i <>'l per ]b. .. 2,13il;'> » (he-pwa>h\ 31 p.T lb. .. 19 9 Y,'ine, 63, 4s, 5*. 4s. and 2s p:r pallon 45'} 1 1 Ala and liter, in b.ittle, U 3.1 per W.\ n0 341 5 S ,1n«™l,ljp«t«li<m-. •• '- 10 ° Tea 4:1 per lb 3,0(0 15 S Coffee, co.-im. cli-cory, an i c1i..cjKio. 3! per lb 133 S 0 (rori5t-.ll. SI per !b 0 2 0 SagYr, raw, rrlincd, acd motet!, Jcl ,,crlb l."4S 10 3 Goods br We:sllt 1.777 1.". « Ad 2'i. IS. anil SOpnrcctt.. 3.173 7 0 other ilutivs uot speciUHii above .. 519 14 8 TuMl /:i7,S6!) 4 10 Cold tlu'.y 245 11 " £iS.O14 IB 5 SHAKE INVESTOKS; GUIDE. li_l ~->-> I !_ — — ' 5r"5"c'==V o"r-."="i.-:"rf =? *; o^^i ~_ |||f§|||||||e||g||i|g| cl' iIiiJ.|ii?llliJ-lllpMI I -a I <c5 ::::::: -.o : '■'*":?'' ' = 2p >,-,•- I ls§a=" >. I I >, „- : : : = = ll|pl>.l = : = = S§ s. _ E = 2-3|ilf5i^i5|&sf|5 I |1 : I i-i 2 s ir 'i-i 5 -.="sJ 2~ = i 1 = |1 s||=|| ifilll i-ll l = =f ' ' other i=snes. Ws7otherlssues. ~ FKATfK BEOS , Sharebrokera and Land .Agents. lL=nrance Buildin?s, Auckland, and \ltert-s'.ree:. Tbames, December G, 1S79. THE NEW TARIFF. TLe following table, which is appended to the cfficl report of the Budget Speech, gives the list of new and additional duties, :— Pr«ent Ratcs - Dutic. 1: _ Aliiv-rda in the shell and i,ut- of all kinds, exc?|,t cf-cuiiuts .. •• ..Idpcrlb -2d per lb Cl;r.<T Free 103 per ton C -rk- t.tiUlinu' •• IS pet. adv. Fn:--' d-i«l lid l«r lb 2d ]>er lb Fiu.-j, fre-fh, other th»nj - i.'i'.'i-iiVe app'-es' .. . .';Free 15 p ct. a<1 r. G':i.-- crti-An sheet, and| .-11 in 11 wioJow .. .. Is pit 100ft 2s per lOOft Cmii] an pills'! of every; super. '-'i'1 lot oliCTwi=e enumnw4 .. .. Free 9,1 per ICOlb Grain '.vhcn μ-rounil or in : .•.in w-,v ,n»rmfactured . Free Is per 1001b Malt' ' .. .. la Gd pcrbhl -1- iK.r bill. P-a-, *[-,:'it '.". .. ..Free l>I-ercvrt. Eo|- Sdper lb Cd pt--lt< Ir'-n !>' w staples I uir:-t iiilaril-i Free 20s per ton Ir.,:.....:v;i:,i,td, cur Heated i, •;',,' ' ' J20s per ton )0s per ton Ir.p'•...'■ " " ..Fret! s each V:.',.:..;...: all . JlO per cent. 2S put. ailr. 31 !k. ,,r seritd .. ..Free i5 „ „ >:.)- .. 2j ])tr cwt. asperewt. Per:n:i.l'iy aii.i toil'ii pr.-'•"•'i'in.-r: t-i"' ". .' Lrl . olO 1 cr eeiit. -25 p ct. ad 1". |.r.-'|".V^i"'i , ,''V.l"«-l!icii C |iie r.<.'|..- i- ; n j,t Eceret, re-'-•'■iim.eiiiJrU l.y :«]veitisf. ii.i.nt bill nr label fnr the '•.ill of uny disorder or ailnK-nt . 10 per cent. 25 p ct ad v. Timber sawn' rou-'li ..I'rw 2.1 p luOft ar. TiluUr «a-.-n dr.fsd .. Kree 4s „ ,. Tim-or, and U'hs Fiee 2s per 1,000 Tim'.tri I«l ii-'a .. ..Frco 2a per 100 Salt .. .. .. .. Free 20s per tun with"any artiele, so that the de-Vec <if strength ti.ere..f c ni.'.t lie ascer-t-..ini.-il by hyd f> nut. t anil Hii in p oportion strc-iiL'ih than the strength of proof, and fur :m:t're'tcr or less qim tity tlau a t-allon .. .'. 12s per gil. 14s per proof SHriti-Olher spirils. hei..- yallcn tliutthe- e- ee of strength ciinut h: aseeitiiincd as . I2.spergal. 14s per fcts-l.-nu.'urs fc c-oniiii 12= per jfil. 14s per gul. il-intsftCiilogin Stearic •■ .. . 12a per gal. 21s per S al. Tobacco ■■ •■ Krce Id per llj Cigar., im.1 d I" ,,,- ..2i«Jperlb 3s CI pur lb Wine o-.hei : i,..' " 1 •• " l! P cr :l, J '~ l"-' r l0 and Austra'i- il B- ''- ir ':linAll urti k-a 111,,:;, . »'par sal. as pcr gal. w-.i n^!^\\

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 6

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 6