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BIRTHS. Alkxasdvii.—On December 1, at hr-r residence, Alton 1 oa>l, the wife of Isador Alexander of a daughter. IJij ickwki.lj. - -On N^ovember 13, nt Ox Grotit Barrier, the wife of George Wackwell of a son. Cariey.-Oii .November 17. Nt the Bank of New Z aland, Opotiki, the wife of Mr. I. Carley, of twins (son and daughter). Cahmiciiael—On November 30. at her residence, Mnunt Eden, Auckland, K Z.. the wife of Jamts Carmicliael, 1 itcof Belfast, of a daughter. Cmitvk—On November 11. the wife of Mr. Wm Carter W liko'nitl, of a daughter. Ciiadwick.—on November 5, at the Flax .Mills, Kaihu. the wife of Walton i hadwick of a son. C'o-SKv.—On Novcmbei S, at her residence. Dru/y, the wife of S Cossey, jun , of n. daughter. OnwiK —A'. Hisho])seourt, Auckland, on December 2, the wife of the Bishop of AuckLv d of a son her If., Mrs. Ellvett of a son. ' Fox. On Novembers al Conquest 1 lace, l'arnell, Mrs. W. 11. Fox of a son. FimsT— n November 22, at To Wharau, Wairoa the wifo rf Ktlward C. Frost of a daughter. , Goodwin —On November 17, IS7O, at Parn-U, tho i'e of s. Ooodwin of a son. llortos —On November 3, at Auckland, the wife of A. G. Horton of a son. IlncsT iN.-On November 27, at Mongonui, Mrs. It. M. Houston of a son. TURN»i:LL.-AtOnchun K i on November 25, at tho resilience uf T. O. Itlakey. Esq , t!.e wife of Mr. C. W. Turn'ull, of Whatipu. of a son. Prkkck.-Oii the4th November,at Opotiki,the wife ■ f George A I'reece nf a daughter. Woom-ock —<m November 15, at Fif'din<r, Wellington, Mrs Henry Woodcock of a daughter.

MARRIAGES. Chap*' Bisli'o|i'» roiirt, Parncll.bythVliight i cv. thu HHiop nf Auckland, assisted by the Veil Arcbdeac..:i Maniiscll the irev. Frederick Tlio Haker. Kishops Chaplain, to Emily Eizabeth. eldest .laughter of Kro'erlek ' arkim, ".-sq.. o' R< mtiera Auckland. li»KF.u- I,»—On October 1, at I'aruell, liy •h- Verv 11-v. FaO-ur FyiifS. Willinii [J J., fides: son ~f.Mr. I"; iijimin l! ; .ker. late of Dcv.>nsliiro, r-n-liinil, !"itriek" 'uviiardlTif' Almrlow' fippcrary,' Ireland.— Ilawkf'i- liny pavers incase copy. H-ATTV- ViM.ixs-On November 13, by sp-cinl license at St .Mark', Cburcll, Uumllcra, by the Vcn ••rebda.vH I'ntt, D.D.. Junes Beattv, to Mary Mullint, fcivn.l dan-liter of the lats Samuel Mucins, late of Spiilii.- H mk Firm, Otaliulill. It LL-UM.Kru.—On November 4. at the r siileiice of the briilc's, at Maun!,-akaramea. by the It-v. Mr. M.Uar,, only ton ..f .loa-ph lieli. J P.. lo Mary Isibc la, d uighter of Jauica Walker, r:.<(| , late of the I'ia;o. UimciiiiroN—PniLi.irs.-On November IS. at All Sninta , Ch-irch. l-onsoiihv, by tho Kev. E. X. Ure,:. John Henry, son of l.ichanl Uruuifhton, Ks>|.. of Huv'nn jshropshire. Kvglaud. to Ellzibcth Jane, eldest d:ni-,-hter of flichaid i'bini|is. Esq., la;e c! r.rnckton and same county.—Shropshire and Stafford-s-h're papers )>li'ase eopr. Gll.Mc.r.E— l-:»iwis.-On November 11. a , . Hi Isi.le. Katikati, at Ihi! residence of the Kev. Canon Johnston Mr. John Gilmore. Ulster Smilb Works. Tail-miii-4 to 1 etitia daughter of Mr. Wm Emerson. Warrinirstown. Comity iJ.iwn, Ireland. I! (UK-Williams—On Xo ember 20. at St. Mat-llu-w--. Chiuvh, by the Kialit Hcv. th-- UMiop of «„ k'an.!. a>si»t .1 by the Key Henry O.lassnn, M \ , Holiort Warren, eld.stson of K. J. Hale. Ksq . M l>.. of Walroi South, to Marv Jane Uuni, eldes. ilaiyhtcr of Captain Williams, H M.C.. Auckland. - \t All .-aintj, Poiisnnby. on yovemlicr 10, by the Kev. E. X. liree, Willi. m Franc'e llammonil, Arebiteet and Surveyor, eldest son of William Henry Hammond. E«- , .1 V.. of Kivcu lls 11 -carborou'.'b, Voriahirc, to Ainialiclla FimlWv Alston, only duuplittr of the late .lohn Alston,' Esq., and step dauuhto.- of Thos. Forghani, Esq of Fcrnliiink. WaitemaUa. ll'Kßison—llusiElt.—On Oetob, Andrew's Church I.i'inore. New South Wales, bv the Kev. F. It Newton assistei bv the Kev. II "Porer John ll.irri«>n eldest son of J. C Harrison, of Double Biv to Helen Francis, sixth daughter of A e.xamlor Uiiutor of Parnel 1 , Auckl Hid. NZ. K MifTT— I'.&scli. —On the fith October, at Itealinr B-rks, J. hn Chatles tldcst son ot the late Jihn Kicgett. of Cirencest»r, Gloucatershire, to Kathcriao i eorniri, only surviving daughter of the latelC- orce Hussell, Esq., of Auckland. > ew Zealand, and London. lijiMfß— Xovcnhcr 1 at Howick, bv the Kev. Mr "all, Charl.s Limmer, of P.ipakura, to Martha Ncallic, of Papakura. Mowbrav ll.iil:u. — OnthclSth Xowinlicr, at Knoi's Chur'-h. nnnedin, bv ths Rev l>r. s tl ,Ar!. D.D., John, rld«t -on of Joha Mars'iall Mowlimv. of Auckland, hte of Hardwoo'. Wi-st C.»l Vr, Midlothian, to CathTin* Mini, th rd of John Harris, of tb« Grange. I'ur.cdin, forniPrly rf Did lirjrton, Oifor.lshirc, Eiu'.inrt. Patkrsov— Tkrmir.—r, n Oc'-ober 17. 137:1 by tbe Rev. I:. F. .M c-.icol. St. James's Clmrch. Auckimd XZ . fSr.*ithwaite Patcrsou and rt«chel Temir, both r,,:n Cistle Canlfield. County Tyrone. Ireland. Pens i.I—McArLEY.-Oii November 19, by the Rev. Mr. Dudley, at Epiphany ( liu-cli, Newton, Auckland. i;eon:e. seventh son of Mr. Thomas Pennell. of East Tamaki. to Sam Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr. Alexander McAuley. of County Derry, IreUnd. Sμ fa ton* — Cl\f k —A' tho Thames, on December 1, by the Kev S. J. Neil!, St James's Presbyterian Church. William Henry Olpihant. only son of the nev. Professor Smeaton. D.D. Tho Granßp, Vdinbii'"h, to Wilhclmine, younjrest daughter of the late G.o- Clark, Esq., Rostrevcr. C.unty D.iwn, Ireland. Si'Tiiß'-LAyD— Monro.— On November 20, at St James's Church, bv tho Rev. It. F. Macnicol, Gor.rge Sutherland. « haniarei to Isabella, second daughter of John Munro, Whanirarei. Wilkinson—-tre-t. o n > ovember 14 at St Pauls Church, by th» Rev. C. M. velson. William, second son of Robert Wilkinron, With»rsl<ck Grange, Oversands, Westmoreland, to Adelaide Esther, cld»st daughter of F. Street, Auckland. Home papers please copy. Wright—Pollock —On November 17, at Eden Crescent hv the Kev. R. F. Macnicol, Henry, second son of Jlr. Gcorga Wright, of Wansanui, to Martha, elde«t daughter of Mr. Aiulioar Po'lock, Koroit, Victoria, Au«tra'ia.

DEATHS. tsakrr On November 23. J*t her resilience, K , her Pa=s Koa-1 Ann. the beloved wife of James B-iker, l.toof tlie Thames, nit- r a long ami painful illness borne with ChrUthn fortitnde,az>'d CO. Boyle Accidentally killed, at Point Tiritomart. Auckland, on I e. ember 3, J ime ; Boyl , of Papakura, aged 41 BoTLn.-On December 2, William Boyle, aired 4S. after a lons and pai'ful illness His end was pc-ice. Eobert Carey, in the C th ye 'r of hi- age. ' Ticket -in November 19 at C ty Ro»d, Auckland, John, the belovd husband of Harriett E. Dickey, aired 41 years. Griboe —On December 5. at Pamell, Wm. Ceorge, aged 37. Nelson 3t/cct, Ja™e3 Glenny. late of Newry, Counties Down and Aroia h. 'reland aged 72. Heath.—On November 20. at his parent* , residence, North Sho-e, Auckland, after a Ion? illnefs, James Heath, ayed 27 ycar>. FTfrtjun—«m November 0, at Eaneiriri. Jame? Henry, infant son of Dennis and Elizibeth Ifertman. aL'Fd'34 months, d.eyly re;;iettcd by his parents and friends. Hoptox—On November 12, at Alfred street. Albert Park, Aucklind, Jessie Haliburton, the b.loved wife of A. G Horton. afjed 36 years fluLJiE.—On December 1, at the " Oalts," Tauranfra. Earnest Clad, infant son of Charles F. Uulme, aged 4 JriixsoK.-At Nuhaka, Giehame, on October 14, James Hawkins Johnson, only son of the late John Johnson, of Rus3ell. liay of Islands, aged 24 years. Jasks. —On Kovtmher IS, at her iesiden<-c, Clifton Housft. Tauhoa, Kaipara. Annie .Tames, in the ;>Sth year of her axe. — Yorkshire and London papers please copy. Jeffhifs.— On Novimber 28, Henrv Francis, younfr-st son of Henry Jeffries, telegraphist, Waipu, —On November 25,1579, Robert Luttrell, D"ed 51 years. Mason—On October 22. at SS. Errol street, llotham, Jlelbonrne, Deborah, the beloved wife of Juh:i Jlason, "Tick \T°—Tin November 29, Manr.irct Lilian, daughter of Jnmts McKay, 3 months. Newton, after a long and 'painful illness, Thomi.-s Millar. Veterinary Surge- n. aged 83 years. P«i.sikii.—On December 4, at Onehunga, Edward Palmer, aged 70 vc rs. I'RK-'ct —On November 10. at the residence of T. 15 Kendo'dir.e, surg.on. Eden street. Mary *rn, relict of the late James l'rcece Fsq.. formerly of the Church Mission Soci<-ty. in her 79th year. Roß'STiN.—On 13tji November, at Cotele. Upoer Symondsstrcct John Nisbet floherton, 20 yearr. S-lIEMIAS. —On November 20. Thomas J. Slii'ulian. raomlsoa of the late Mr. David aged 25 ve:irs. " Smith.—On Scntembor IC. at liis late rc3:dcnL-e. New Hrighton, Mirand i. Tliomas Maton Smith, aged 69 years, Me of Salisbury.— Wiltshire and bom papers plcmsti copy. STiMPSns.—On November 19, Mary Jane, thebeloved wife of W:il!cr .-timpson, 24 years. Tattk sam..—On November 27, at Arthur street, Ponsoiiby Margaret, tho beloved wire of Lawrence Thompson —On November 20, at iiii late rca'dTice, Or.v street, lti.bert Tlioinp«on, aged 04. TH .MP3..N.—On December 1. at St fieorge's P.ay R'a/i Parncll, Arthur, son cf George L. Thompson, aL-id ". immlhs. Tor.v - On November 24, at College Road, PonBONby, John Tole, land survivor, aired 72. Touts —On November 21. John Tomes, aged 59. Q.-Ai.Tiinrii. —At I uoluoroa. Cambridgn on December 3 J.ine nell. wife r f Thomas Qualtrougn. Wallace. — On November 21, at Parnell, I'ctcr Wallace, alied 91. Wrioiit.—On .Vovrmber 28, at his father's residence Gundry street, Newton, George Wright, nged 24, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation. ZI.N7.iN -On ■■ovember 25, at Oneh-Jnga, Robert Vsur: Zinzau, M 11.C'.5., aged 40.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 7

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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 7

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 7