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In the Council, today, after a large batch of preliminary business, there was a discussion, lasting nearly an hour, on the petition of the late Chief Serveyor, Mr. Jackson, but nothi lg definite was done, though the subject will probably recur again. Sir F. Bell gave notice to move " That the Council eleemed Sir J. Vogel justifiel in believing he had the Government's sanction to join the Land Company Mr. Wuitaker notified the introduction of a measure to prevent inelecencies in theatres." Captain Fraser gave notice to move the Government lo introduce the Weßtioghoiise brake on the railways. There was considerable eliscussion on the proposed condensation of Hansard, but, after several members, including the Speaker, had remarked on the difficulties in the way of condensation, the debate was postponed. An Imprest Bill for £250,000 wit passed, and a number of important measures advanceel a stage, cither in Council or committee. On ths order to read the Lawrence Athecroum Bill a third time, it was thrown out, on the motion of Dr. Pollen, by 16 votes to 10. Dr. Pollen stating it to be undesirable that the Legislature should interfere t) legalise doubtful pecuniary actions between small institutions and their creditors. The Council adjourned from 5t07.30 p.m. The Council, at the evening sitting, was in committee on a number of little measures, which were reported with ameudmeut3. The Council rose at 8 SS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday. The House met at 2.30. THE DUTY ON SPIRITS. Mr. Downik Stewart presented a petition from tha licensed victua'lers of Otago, praying that the duty on spirits do not exceed 13s per gallon, and that spirits iu bond be exempted from tho operation of the property tax. srrriNr. on satukoay. Mr Dicil gave notice of motion, "That tin Bo.ise fit on Saturday during the remainder of the session for despatch of private members' business. PETITION. Captain l-'or.Bi-TK pr. setite 1 a petition from Rev. Mr. Hill and a cuulbsr of M:iori< of Otaniatna. On tie >i;ifsti'vn, ''That it be reid," a division t'.ok place. Aye 3, 27; noes, 36 NK.W ZK4LAND I EXICON. Replying to Mr. Ormono, Mr. Bkvce said no good purpose would be served by having printeel specimen pajj-s of the New Zealand Lexicon furnished to the Native Olncrs by Mr. 'Jolenso. EXAMINATION OK SURVEYS. Mr. Hutchison aake i, "(1) By what authority the public are charged Is for each plan examined in the survey o(Gces of the colony? and (2) if the Government will direct that iu future all maps and plans of surveyed lands be open to all authorised or lieens el surveyor* free of charge ?" Mr. I'.en.i.EoTON replied that a charge was only made for inspecting original maps of a public character, the same being authorised by section lti'J of the Land Act. IIIROKI. Mr. askcl, "If there is scill a rewar 1 ottered for the capture of Hiroki, and, if so, presumiug that the Armed Constabulary were to capture him, would they be entitled to the reward ; also, if the Government shall consider it uecessai-y to keep up the large force of constabulary now established on the West Coast of the North Island?" Mr. B'j.yce replied that no reward had been offered, antl the Government considered it uec-'ssary, in the meantime, to keep up t'ae constabulary force on the West Coast, but expected that the necessity would shortly pass away. DESPATCHES. Replying to Mr. Gisuokne, Mr. Hall aa : d tho Government would advise his Excellency the Governor to lay before Parliament during the present session copies of elespatches which have passed between his Excellency and tho Secretary of State for the Colonies, since the close of the session of IS7S. ACCOMMODATION FOR THE GOVERNOR. Replying to Mr. Fisher, Mr. Hall said that the G vernment did not see its way to make provision in the Supplementary Estimates to proviele suitable accommodation for his Excellency the Governor when he may be pleased to visit the large centres of population, Christchurch and Dunedin. BILLS READ FIRST TIME. The following bills were introduced and read a first time : The South Island Native Schools (Mr. Sheehan) ; The Otago Harbour Board Endowment (Mr. Dick) ; To Amend the Civil List Act ISG3 Amendment Act IS73(Mr. Shepherd). RIII.S. On the motion for going into committee of supply Mr. Macakdrew explained that certain 531b. rai's bad been exchanged for 40lb. rails in tha interest of the district (Waikouati) whera they were to be used. He made the explanation in answer to complaints made by Mr. McLean on the subject. Mr. McLean said that he had made inquiries on the subject, and had been informeel the work in question was chargeel to maintenance, whereas he bael since a-certained that such was not the case. THE HONORARIUM. On the motion for going into committer being put, a motion was made for recommittal of th; Estimate", for the purpose of reconsidering the proposal to reduce.the amount to be paid to members as honorarium. The motion for recommittal was put auel carried. In committee, one item, expenses of members of both Houses, £22,090 3s 2,1, was enntd ierid. Major Atkinson proposed that the sum, as ori_;i: ally printed, be passed. Ic was explained that the 10 percent, deducted ou the previous occasion reduced the item to £20.515 3s 2d. The Home divided. Ayes, 37 ; noes, 2G Ayes : Andrews, Alkinson, Ha lance, Barron, Beetham, Brown, Bunny, Del.autour, Finn, J. B. Fisher, J. T. Fisher, George, Gibbs, Gisborne, Hamlin, Harris, 11. Hirst, Hislop, Hutchison, Ireland, Luudon, Macanelrew, Montgomery, Moorhouse, Oliver, Pyke, Keid, Seddon, Shanks, Sheeban, Sutton, Tainui, Tawhai, Te Wheoro, Thomson, Tomoana, Wallis. Noes : Adams, Baiu, Bowen, Bryce, Dick, Hall, Kurßthouse, Johuston, Kenny, Levin, McLean, Moss, Murray, Richardson, Rolleston, Saunders, Shepherd, Shrimski, Speight, Stevens, Stndholme, Swanson, Tole, Trimble, Willis, Wright. The deduction previously made was therefore restored. imprest BILL. An Imprest Supply Bill was granted to the amount of £250,000. LAND ACT. Mr. Rolleston moved, "The recommittal of the Land Act, for the purpose of adding the following to section 11 :—' Provided that, in tho caao of lanels sold on deferred payments Bince the Ist Jannary, 1878, the payment of the aforesaid one-third shall cease as soon by such payment, together with any paymcuts previously made, the I total amount of one-third of the price of the land has beenpaidover as aforesaid.' Tosec- ' tion 27, to add to first paragraph—' Provided ' tbat the conditions of the occupation and

the price to bo paid for the lands within the settlement by the persons placed thereon by the contractor shall be submitted to aud approved by the Governor before any such contract as aforesaid shall be executed.' To section 27, to add to second paragraph : ' Every person placed on any lands as aforesaid by any contractor, who has fulfilled the conditions of his occupation, Bhall thereupon be entitled to a grant from the Crown for the land he has become entitled to in respect of his occupation.'" The debate was interrupted by the 5.30 adjournment. The consideration of the Land Act was resumed in committee. Mr. Pyke moved, as an amendment, "That the following should be added as clause 7, ' That any purchaser of land on deferred paymeut who, by reason of the operation thereof, shall have been prevented from obtaining the 320 acres, shall, subject to the approval of the Waste Lands Board, be entitled to select additional land in the neighbourhood, not being more than when added to his original purchase, will make up 320, aud he shall pay therefore at the same price as he shall have paid for such original purchase.'" The House elivided—ayes, 25 j noes, 30. Mr. Seddon moved, "Tbat clause 20 re elebate in respect of adult persons being introduced from the United Kingdom be expunged." A division took p'ace on the question that the clause as printed stand part of the question. Ayes, 2S ; noes, 30. The clause was accordingly struck out. Mr. Kelly proposed to amend a clause by making provisions, re the deferred payment of Jauds applicable to New Plymouth. Tbe House divided on the proposal. Ayes, 16 ; noes, 37. The bill was then reported with amendments, read a third time, and passed. onrwhero land bill. The Onewhero Land Grant Empowering Bill was recommitted. The bill wa-. reported with amendments, read a third time, and passed. debtors. The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1876, Amendment Bill was committed. A motion was made that a workman's pay lj9 protected as a preferential claim for a period of two months. Mr. Macandrew maintained that a provision of the kind woulel be liable to abuse, as tbat preferent'al claims of this kind were found to swallow up the available assets of small estates in liquidation. Mr. DeLatour argued that the expounding of a provision of this kind would be a hard ship both to workmen and employers of labour. Good workmen stuck to their employers, even although they might be a few wi eks in arrears. If this provision was expunged, the effect woulel be tbat employers of that particular class would be debarred from carryiug on operations.

The clause as printed was put and carried. At 12.50 a m., the discussion had not closed when our message left.

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New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 5

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 5

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 5