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A special service was held in All Saints' Church on the 4th of June, when the Rer. E. N. Breo was instituted and inducted into the incumbency of that parish. The following clergymen were present and assisted in the ceremony, which was of a very interesting character:—The Right Rev. Jiishop Cowie, D.D., Ven. Archdeacon Mauneell, "Ven. Archdeacon Pritt, Revs. C. M. NeUon, A. G. Purohas, W. E. Mulgan, F. Gould, J. S. Hill, R. Biggs, and J. Bates. The church was crowded, not a seat being vacant. The singing did the choir great credit. The bishop delivered an impressive address, appropriate for the occasion. The service was closed by singing the hymn "Abide with me," the bishop pronouncing the benediction. A collection was made in aid of the Church Fund.

A eoireo, in connection with the Mahurangi Heads Church, was to have been held in the Mahurangi Heads Schoolroom, on Thursday, the sth of June. It wbs postponed, however, on account of the extreme severity of the weather, and was held on Monday, the 9th of June. After tea and the usual preliminaries, the Rev. R. McKinney took the chair en the occasion. The soiree was a very great success. " There was an immense crowd at it, who did ample justice to the tea and the other good things with which the tables were loaded, and the evening was agreeably diversified by the usual entertainments—music, speeches, readings and recitations. The tables were given and presided over by the Misses Darracn, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. J. Scott, and Mrs. Algie. Despite tbe unfavourable state of the weather, a large audience assembled in the Otahuhu Public Hall on Friday, June Gth, on the ocoasion of the above concert, which was in aid of the Parsonage Repairs Fund. Mrs. Mitchell lent her valuable aid, and other singers from town *nd the distriot rendered good assistance towards so worthy a ?£ - Mr - Im P e y and several members o£ the Engineers Band gave their services gratuitously, end-helped greatly towards the success of the evening. Mrs. Sutherland ably aoo»mpamedthe differenteongsandglees

The new organ was opened at St. .Paol'e Church on June 4t,h by a " Recital." The weather waarexceedingly tempestuous, and the'attendance was, in-consequence, -muob smaller thau'it otherwise would have been'. Amongst those present were the Hon. the Native Minister, accompanied, by. Rewi, Tβ Wheoro, Kaihsu, Mr. Lewie, Mr. J. C. Young, and Mr. Grace. -The,. Rev. Mr. Nelsou, before , the service commenced, thanked those who had attended on that,occasion. The following was the programme : —■ (1) Organ voluntary, " Silver Trumpets," F. Viviani; hymn 166, Old Hundredth, Old Melody ; (2) anthem, bass solo, "To Thee. Great Lord" (prayer from " Mose in Egitto") Rossini; (3) organ, " Prelude and Fugue in B minor," Bach; (4) base bolo, " The Tratnpet shall Sound," Handel; (5) duet, " Ave Maria" (adapted to English words by Rev. O. M. Nelson), Martin Swallow ; (6) anthem (soprano solo), " Come, Holy Gho3t" (Hymn 157), T. Attwood ; (7) organ —" Ngatimaniapoto March" (dedicated to Rewi), Martin Swallow ; Hymn 227, "| Auckland," C. M. Nelson; (8) anthem (s>prano solo), "I will sing of Thy Power," A. S. Sullivan ; (9) organ (a), andante in F major, Beethoven; (6), "St. Paul's March" (composed expressly for the occasion, and dedicated to Rev. C. M. Nelson), Martin Swallow ; (10) recitative and aria, "But the Lord is Mindful," Mendelssohn; (11) anthem, " Gloria" (12th .mass), Mozart; (12) organ, "Air Varie," P. Rode; (13) Hymn, "Te Deum Laudamus," F. D. Fenton ; Hymn 23, "Canon," Tallis; (14) organ voluntarv, "Offertoire No.' 4," L. Wely. The vocal parts were Bung by members of the choir of St. Paul's, and were all very beautifully rendered, the principal soloists being Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Stanier, Mrs. Stevens, Mra. Raynes, Mr. Brett, Mr. Brooks. Mr. Swallow, in No. 5, No. 7, and No. 9 (6), had ample opportunity for ehewing hie ability as a composer. The " .Ngatimaniapota March," dedicated to Rewi, is clear, distinct, and, as a march should be, wellmarked.

A soiree and concert in connection with the opening of the new school-hall was held on the 18th June. The hall was well filled, and the tables well furnished by the following ladies :—Mrs. Waddel, Mrs. Brittaiu, Mrs. G. Burne, Mrs. A. Stevenson, Mrs. Captain McGregor, Mrs. J. Mackay, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Coghill, Miss Lloyd, Mise MoNicol, Miss Gow, Miss McCulsky, Miss Leys, and Miss Cranwcll. Two bachelor's tables were also provided. After tea, the chair was taken by the Rev. Mr. Macnicol, who introduced the first piece on the programme, which wa9 the "Chough and Crow," by the choir. The Chairman said he would next call upon a lady who was well known. The song, •• Sing to me the Auld Scotch Song," by Mra. Mitchell, was well rendered, and elicited much applause. The song, '' Four Jolly Smiths" was also well rendered. The song, " I Speak as I Feel," by Mrs. Robinson, was loudly applauded, as was also a piano solo by Mrs. Woolley. The songs, "Autumn in the Forest" and '' Maggie May " were highly appreciated. After an interval of ten minutes, the choir rendered the glee, "Where art Thou, Beam of Light?" which waa loudly applauded. Several other songs were given by lady and gentlemen amateurs, the whole concluding with the song, "Good-night," by the choir. The attendance was and the proceeds must add considerably to the New School, building Funds.

The annual soiree in connection with the P.irnell Wesleyau Sunday-school was held on the 4th of June. The tables were gaily decorated with flowers, and the walls with evergreens. The tables were presided over by the following ladies: —Mrs. Bayley, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lowe, Misses Sherwin, Laybourne, Harvey, and Morley. After tea a public meeting was held. Mr. R. Arthur occupied the chair.

On Tuesday eveniug, the 3rd of May, was held the concert in connexion with the Presbyterian Church, Mangere, under the auspices of the church elders, and assisted by other friends in the district. A sweet toned harmonium, the new property of the church, selected from the musical repository of Professor Hoffmanu and Sons, swelled forth its melody under the able hands of Mr. Patterson and Miss Blakey. The local musical talent of the district made a very successful public debut in their rendering of various songs and duets, and the Onehunga Choral Society discoursed most delightfully under the able conductorship of Mr. W. Stevenson. 'lhe Revs. David Bruce, R. F. Macnicol, and G. Brown were the visiting clergy present. Apologies for absence from the Revs. J. iMacky, Munro, and Runciman were received, owing to prior engagements. The church was crowded with friends from Auckland, Onehunga, Otahnhu, and the district. The elements of an enjoyable evening had been brought together, and their blending was complete and successful. Mr. James Robertson, sen., presided. A concert was given on the 9th Jnne, in the Mount Eden School-room, in aid of the funds of St. Barnabas Sunday-school library. The Rev. B. T. Dudley occupied the chair, and stated that he hoped the present concert would be as successful as the last one they had. He wonld not take up the time of the evening in making a speech, but would introduce the first piece on the programme, which waa the glee, *' Love me Little, Love me Long." Several songs and readings wore given, and a, very enjoyable evening was spent. The song "If," by a young lady, was certainly the gem of the evening. Mr. Rice presided at the piano. A meeting of the Roman Catholics of the Thames took place on Sunday- June 8, at the schoolroom, Willoughby-etreet. The Rev. Father O'Reilly occupied tho chair. The rev. gentleman stated that the church in that street was getting out of repair, and he had invited the people together in order to Pee what could be done in the matter. The meeting, which was well attended, reselved to collect subscriptions to renovate the church..

The anniversary of the Grafton-road Wesleyaa Bible-class was celobrated on the 16th June, when over CO persons met for tea in the school-room, which bad been previously decorated with taste for the occasion. The tables were richly spread, and presided over by Mesers. Mears, Lincoln, Laver, Stone, and Wayte, assisted by Messrs. Walfis, Mears, Garland and H. Holdship. Tea over, an entertainment, consisting of music, reading, recitations, &c, was thoroughly enjoyed, under the presidency of Rev. G. Bond, Before the meeting closed, Mr. Gatland, in the name of the members of tho class, gave Mr. Bond a great, though pleasant surprise, by presenting him with a handsome black marble timepiece, as a token of their appreciation of his services, bearing the modest inscription on a silver-plate— " To Rev. G. Bond, from the Graf ton Road Bible-class, 1879." Mr. Bond replied in suitable terma. He said that the handsome present was quite unexpected, as he felt it was undeserved. The tea and entertainment were followed by the novel sequel of a coffee-supper.

The committee of the Young Men's Chris tian Association have apparently gained new strength since the nucleus of debt with which the establishment was loaded has been removed. Many things were required which hitherto could not be ventured on for want of funds. The reading-room accommodation was exceedingly limited, and the paperhangings were by no means so fresh as they ought to be. Now the reading-room is being enlarged by taking in an adjoining room—the partition being removed—and new paper is being put up, giving the place a fresh and life-like appearance.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 2

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ECCLESIASTICAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 2

ECCLESIASTICAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 2