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New Zealand Herald Office, Saturday afternoon. The Customs receipts to-dar were £164 10j 3d. The following are the amount of duties collected by the Customs at the Port of Auckland for the week ending March 1, 1579 : — Duties .. •• •• £4,C60 14 9 Lfcht dues *. 35 U 10 Merchant Shipping Act fee 3 .. 1- 1£» S Arma Act fees U 0 O Other receipts .. .. .. 414 0 £4,119 19 10 $t dement stewing the amount of Customs duties collected at the Port of Aucklaud from the Ist to the *231h Febtuary. 1379, both days iucluaive Spirits. 12s per galloD .. .. .. £4,130 10 G Cigars ami snulf, 53 per lb. .. .. 31)3 S 6 To:ki. Co. 23 Gd per lb 2,009 4 5 Ditto (shcepwash), 3s per lb 19 5 Wine, 4* por gallon .. .. 490 1C 2 Al* and brer, &c. (iti bottle). Is 3d gal. 272 11 3 Ditto (in wood), Is per gallon .. 50 0 0 Te*. 6d p-r lb 1,040 3 C Coffee, cocoa, chicory, and chocolate, 31 par lb IGi 0 9 l>itto (roastfti), 5d per lb. .. .. (5 1 S Sugar, raw, refined, and molasses, Id lb. 1,413 14 1 Opium, 20s per lb 5 0 9 Goods by weUht 1,103 16 2 Ad valorem. 10 per cent... .. .. 7,713 12 0 Other duties not specified absve .. 037 0 0 £19,496 3 6 Gold duty — 365 4 1 The It.II. s.s. Australia, with the English and American mails, arrived in harbour on the 13.1 i ultimo,—24 hour 3 behind contract time, consequent upon the delay In the transmission of the English mails across the Atlantic. She brought London datei to January 2a<l, and Sao Francisco up ta the 22cd. The other arrivals have been the ship Uargaret Galbraith and Endymion from London, with full cargoes of as?orted merchandise, many of the lines of which have cjme to an overstocked market. Business during the month has teen somewhat limited ; all speculative enterprise for the present being at a discount, in consequence of the money—the banks acting with cmtion in advance-'; for undertakings of this description. Notwithstanding, there is no dcirth of money for legitimate trading, and no restrictions are being placed, so far as we have heard, upon good trade ptper (3 months) which is beins done at eight per cent., but outsiders are requiring more. The depreciation in the value of rural lands in the South is acting prejudically on the sale of similar lands in thia di-trict, —not so much in lowering p.ic ua*in he stoppage of investment. While th*s is true regarding country estates, city and suburban properties are gradually but surely rising in value, a:»d several important sales have taken place sinci our last. In stock 3we remarked last month that local bank shares bad decreased in value for reasons then assigned, and similar remarks are appl - cable this month to insurance shares, which have suffered a serious relapse in consequence of the recent heavy losses sustained in the fir < and marine branches. The low price at which several of the companies' stocks stand would naturally, we thought, have Ird to considerable business being done therein, but such is not the cise. On the contrary, ihe deposits in the banks hwe increased to a remarkable extent, investors being better satisfied with the OA per ceut. which these institutions are offering than the uncertainty which prevails with regard tD minine, and other investments. The amount of duties collected by the Customs for the month of Februny i 3 £19,490, shewing au inc:ease of £3,000 upon the corresponding month of last year, and a decrease of £561 upon the month of January last. In mining there has been a slight reaction, and stocks are upon the whole firmer, while several compauies Are shaping well to yield dividends ere long. The stoppage or the big pump will disturb for the time being th» labour market on the Thames. There i* a feeling prevalent that the mines which haveso long benefited by the pu up hftre added l ttletothegold returns, and consequently the IO'S caused by their stoppage wilt uot be so great The capital monthly absorbed by ihesepuiocs will prove of far greater advantage if expended in the aroa that is beyond the small limit which has hitherto constituted the mo3t important part of the Thames 3old:ield. The timber industry still remains paralized for the want of iogs or square timber, and until rain, and that in abuudanc;, comes to fill the creeks, we shill have no improvement to record in tbi", one of our largest exports. We are already beginnin? to feel the inconvenience of the foregoing : many large and important buildings are delayed in consequence of the high prices now rtdiog for kauri, while numerous vessels formerly engaged in the carriage of it to distant ports are liid up, and the markets in the South have to go elsewhere for th*lr supplies. Breadstuff's and grain have suffered a relapse, and tha abundance of the harvest throughout the colonies ha 3 been such as to warrant our millers in reducing the price of Hour 20j par ton, and local 3upe:fine now stands at £12, second quality £10. -Ou'hern brands-, of which large stocks «re h*rld, aod a larye tonnage afloat, are being offered at £9 to £10, and Adelaide at £14. Maize is fulJy Is per bushel lower—large parcels having arrived from Sydney and elsewhere,—and haj been quitted at 5s 3d too.i4d. Oats are also on the downward scale, and obtainable at our quotations. In malt the principal brewers are sufficiently supplied until the new grain to hand, in the meantime Kn<fish t3 being offered at 12* to Hi Cd, and Californiau at 10s to lis. A large line of malting Warier, ex steamer from San Franci-co, hai been placed at 5s aud 5j 3.1. Fencing-wire is fa rly supplied, and seve«alline3 have been placed a>, list pr'ces. Cement is dull of sale, with latge stocks, a-id 14. 61 tolui would find numerous 3rller. j . Salt has coa>e forward freely, ex ship 3 from London, and is lower in value than last month, —a !in* having been quitted at 755 for coarne, ai*d 80s and S2s 0 I fine Upwards of SQO ctses of salmon were recei ed, ex s.s. Austra'U, and several parcels have been taken up at Ss and Ss 31. 'Ihe mirk«i is fully supplied, and /jrther shipments would tend to embarrass pr> sent quotations. Sugars have received attention during the month, and, notwithstanding the large rece : pt?, the market is out overstocked, and liolderj arc realising a slight advance on late A shipment of 300 in its of Fijian was offere 1 to public compeution, and r;:al;s*d from £25 to £29 15?. The market is bare of j ira?, and the neit shipment is 1 .oked for eagerly. Stocks have pretty well cleared, an i several parccls of recognised brauds so!d at 6s 9d and, 7* d.p. Considerable business has been done in ales of known excellence. A shipment of 300 cases of Head's " Bullflog," ex Margaret Galbraith, was absorbed in the course of a few days, while a parcel afloat is anxiously looked for. Stouts are neglected, and a lino of Coombci's ius been purchased at 9« and ss, d.p. llennessy's brandy is chicily in the hands of o e firm.—a shipment of 7C9 ca?e3, px Endymion, coming to a bare market; 3ls and 34* Gd is the ruling quotation, and 10s for bulk. Second clasi fortnds are more in demmd. and a fair quantity i 3 going into consumption. ODKZ genev* is more plentiful than for months past, and a fair business is being done. 3 gallons(ls bottles),proof, 14s to 14i 3d; keg, si»me gauge, 13s. Candles remain a glut, each arrival from London bringing additional supplies. Sales have been ma-le that cannot prove remunerative to the importer—a liue of 500 boxes of Urandon's Nevas at SJd, d.p., and a largo parcel of Price's at Ojd. Kauri gum (ortlicary) has lu'ed rath l* easier during the month, in consequence of the two London sh-ps in harbour completing their cargoes. About 450 tons will be takeu by the Loch Kleet and May that sail for the a'»ove port in a few days. Higher grades command fancy prices, say from £}0 to £60. The receipts for the month of February amounted to 240 tons. RaTRs op Kxchanob os London'.— Buying: 12 days, 1} per cent, discount; 90 days, li per cent, discount; CO days, $ per cent, discount; 30 days, J; on demand, par. Selling: 90 days, J percent, premium; GO days, 1 i per cent- premium ; 30 days, 11} per cent premium; demand, 2jper cent, premium. Discount 1 —95 day?, 8 per cent. ; 125 days, 9 per cent. ; exceeding, 9 per cent. I Fjikiuhts.—The following are the rates of freight ' quoted at this port for London: — Wool, greasy, |d per lb.; ditto, washed, Id per lb.; leather, 70s per j ton; oil, 803 per tun of 252 gall ■«.; tallow, 55sper ton; 1 copra, Ms perton; whalebone, 803 per ton; kauri gum, : 55a per ton; shells, 603 per ton ; dead weight, 30s per I ton; cotton, pressed, -jd per lb.; sheepskins, gd per lb: measurement, sos per ton. Albh asd Porter. —Best bxands of beers have gout off readily, and the market i 3 bare, btouts are neglected. Daoedin ale, in bulk (pale), £5, xxxx, £6 103. Ale, in bulk (d.p.), per barrel, K. Younger's, £6 103 ; Bass's, £G 15s to £7; Ashby's, £3. Ale /in bond): Tennent's, pints, Gs 6d, quarts, Ss 9d ; liasVs liuH-dog brand (Head's bottling), pints, Cs Cd ; quart*, 9i ; Ashby's, 7s and 9s .* lud, Coope, pints, Cs 0(1 ; quarts, 8s 9d ; Hass's (Blood bottlers), pints, 6s 6d; quarts, Bs. Stou's in bond, Blood's, 8s 3d ; pints. 03 3d; Pig brand, Gs 3d ; quart*, Ss 3d; Bull-dog, Guinness's (Head's bottling), pints, 6s Cd ; quarts, 9s ; Bnrke's, Gs Cd and 9s; other brands, 5s and 7s Cd ; Combe's. 7< Cd, in bond. Duty—pints, Is 3d; quarts, 2i Cd ; perdozeo. . Building Materials. —Cement 13 concentrated in few hinds, and is firmly held at our quotations, butthere is no greatdemand. Slates are hardening in value, with an upward tendency. Countesses, £14 103 to £15 per thousand. Cement has sold at 15s to losGd. American plaster, scarce. Bags and Bagging, d.p. —Woolpacks have been neglected, and the demand for cornsacks is now almost over. Woolpacks, full 101b., 27 x 54, each, 3* 9d ; cornsacks, 3-bush., 2§d lb., 9s to 9i Cd per dozen. Bonedust is in better demand, and several cargoes have arrived, with more on the way. 1 h«9 season is now on, and during the ensuing month a brisk demand should be experienced. Bonedust, £3 to £9. Vitriollsed bones, £9. Peruvian guano, £17 to £!S per ton ; Maiden Island, £6 10s to £7 per ton ; animal manure, £810s ; cocoanut oil cake, £5 per ton.

BitEAD3rurFs and Gkain*.— nother fall hai taken ' place all round, in conscquenca of large importations and ihe gradual decline in all the 1 markets of the colony. Stocks are heavy, , with no apparent outlet for the present, i Auckland best silk-dressed flour, £12; house- , hold, £10; Southern brands, £9 to £10. Adelaide, £13. Wheat (Auckland), 4s 9d to 03; . feed oats, 4s; bran, £6 per toa ; Fiji maize, * 5i 3d : local, 5a 3d : oattneti, £21. Barley, » malting (Chevalier), 5s to 5s 6.1 ; Cape barley, j 4s; pearl. £20. Cabin bread, £19 per ton. Potatoes, £5 10*. Cordaoe, d. p.—Fully stocked. Manila hemp rope, all sizes,£6o ; whale and lanca lines, £70 ; cutting- [ in falls, £63 ; second quality, all sizes, £52 ; New 1 Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £42 10s ; wool lash- > ing, 10i; clothes lines, &d per lb., subject r to trade discount; Manilla clothes lines, Sd ; oakum, free, ditto, £42; spun fine two-yarn, ! ditto, £70 to £S0 ; twine, shop, d.p., per lb . Is 3d to Is 6d ; sewing twine. Is Id per lb. ; local make. Is to Is Sl'. 1 Coal. —Newcastle coal Is selling at 36s for cargoes, > alongside; Bay of Islands, 125., f.0.b., at the f mines, and Wnaugarei coal, Ss ditto; Waikato, 6s ditto _ . l Coffee a>*d SriCES (in bond), per lb. — Ceylon, u plantation. Is 4d : do., native, none ; Java, Is 3d; chicorv, coloniat, 7J<l ; cocoa, d.p., Tavlor's, Is 4Ad ; Fry's Is 3d ; Epps's, Is Cd ; Maraviila, ls"Cd: chocolate, Taylor's, Is 3d. Spices : Cloves, 2s 2d ; bleached ginger, Is lid; unbleached do.. Is Id: nutmegs,4s; black pepper, whole,d.p., Sd; white do, lid. CoM'tCTiuj-KUY. — Wo have to notice a cessation of imports ex ships airived. Now the duty oa i sugar is reduced to id per lb., possibly importers 1 will reflect on importing certliu classes of confectionery, to meet our increasing local manuI factum. Water*'* colonial boiled goods, 7d ; dry goods, 10d; Keillcr's assorted, 10id; candied lemon and orange peel, d.p., Is Id ; citron, Is 44 ; jujubes, Is 3d. Cum, t'L.\x, &c. — ordinary scraped gum, £32 to £34, high grades commanding from £40 to £60. Flax: Finest quality, £17 to £18 per ton; tow, £10 to £14 per toa. Cocoanut Oil (tine whito\ per tun. £36. Copra, per ton, £15. Whale oil, £29. laONMO.NOERV.-The market fcr metals still contluuei in the most unsatisfactory state. The , imports have been far in excess of the demand, and yet ships arriving bring further supplies. Blasting powder, glutted aud unsaleable. Ewbauk's nails, invoice, 10 oer cant, on list; galvanized corrugated iron. Gospel Oak, 26 gauge, £25 10s to £26; Three Crown brand, £25; plain, JBt9 ; English bar iron, ptr ton, £11 10s ; plate iron, £13 10s; pig ditto, £5; fencing wiro, £13 10s to £14; sheet-lead, £25; sbeet-ztnc,£3o. Powder, Kame's, Curtis aud Harvey's, 33d per lb. ; Halt's, 4d; sporting (in canister), 2s; for 20 and 42, d.p. canister, Xo. 2, d.j)., 3s Od. Yollow motal, 7id to Sd ; Muuts, Sid. * . Jams, Djued Fruits &c.—The fruit season is now approachiug to a close, and imported jams 1 have been ueglected, but, in the course of a week or two, a deina-jd for canned goods should spring up. ihe new jams from Hobart Town are expected in about 14 days, and should meet with a ready sale. Dried fruits have reilUed low pricts, owing chiefly to inferior quality. English marmalado, llb.-tins, Ss Cd; Ilobart Town jams, 6s 9d to 7s; jars, Ci-d to 7d ; Melbourne, rod cross 6* 9d ; aii'tanas, 5Vd ; muscatels, 7Ad to lid ; elemes, * 4jd to ssd ; currants, 4d to 4sd ; figs, 5d to Sd. s Leatuer and Hides. —Sole leather, lid to Is 3d lb.; kips, ls6d to 2s; runuers, 2s Id to 2s 9d ; calf: colonial, 3s to 4s 3d ; basils, 10s to 18s doz., 3 closed uppers, 4s Cd to 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 3 3d to Sid ; calf skins, 3}d to 4}d per lb.; sheep--5 skins. Is to 53. 5 Malt and Hops.—Malt, during th 9 month has met 2 with a fair demand, and ihe principal brewerß 5 are supplied until the new season's make is to 0 baud. In the meantime a little English is being G offered, aud commands, d.p., 12s to 12* Cd. and tanks £4; colonial, 10s. Hops: Nelson, 9 1873,15; bullish, IS7S (new). Is Sd; Bavarian, 3 Is 3d; American (new), Is. 1 Oilmen's Stokkh. —Price's Belmont candles, 9Jd, 9 dp., per lb.; De Roubaix Jenar.S-Jd ; Brandon's 2 >?evas, and Oouda's,', Bjd. Local blue-mottled 5 soap, £27 per ton ; carbolic, £23 ; best yellow, 5 £27 > household, £14; first Crown, £25; second Crowu, £19 ; soft soap, in tins, 5 4\d per lb.; toilet, Sd to 9d per lb. ; mould * candles, 5d per lb.; all subject to trade discount. 1 Fiue salt has sold at £4 2s 6d ; coarse, £3 15s: Jordan almonds, Is 9d; blue, 8d to lOd ; blacking, paste, 5a 61; Colman's starch. No. 1, white, t 4id. blue, 4ld ; Orlando Jonos's starch, SJd. Musi tard, d.p.: Colman's 1-lb. tins (rod), 10s Cd; half y ditto, 5s 9d : 7-lb. tins (red to green), 7id to Is ; 1-lb. tins (green), 13s; half-lb. ditto, Ss; DSF, s i-lb. tins, 10s (jd. Keckitt's blue, «Jd to 9d. t Matches: Vestas,d.p., plaids, 539 d; Bryant and 1 May's 250, per gross, i9s 6d ; ditto, plaid, 5s 9d ; . ditto, faucv oval, Us, 17s, aud 22s Cd ; Lotchford's [ 250,185; Bellaud Black's, ISs; K. Bell and Co., 16s; ® plaids, 5s Cd ; Crown plaids, 5s Sd ; 250's, 16s. I uii : Castor, in piuts, 8s 9d ; half-pints, * 5s Cd ; quaner-pints, 4s 3d. Salad; C. and 8., pints, 13s; half ditto, 8s; Morton's, " pints, 10s Cd ; half-pints, Cs 3d. Pickles : Crosse ' and Blackwell's, pint 3, 12s; Morton's and others, [ from Si to 10s Cd. Rice (ground), 23-lb. bags, ' 4}d. Sauces : Lea and Perrin's, half-pints, 12s 9d; C. & 15., lialf-piuts, 9s. Vinegar : Champion's, per gal., 2s 4d: Hill, Evans's, 2s; Burnett's, 2s 4d. Treacle : Golden syrup, 31 per lb. in bond; Sago, tapioca. 6id: Cornflour, Brown's, 4jd, d.p.; Brown Poison's, 7d ; Munn's, SJd. i Oils and Paints.—Duty paid (duty Od a-gallon) I The market for oils and paints, as reported in [ our last. i 3 glutted with both, and there are far more selleri than buyers, and prices * have be*n reduced, still this has led to no bud- ) ne>s. Kerosene, as previously reported, is any ' where, and consequently has a downward teni dency. C*.lz i, in drums, 5s 31 ; bulk, 5s ; linseed, boiled, Ss 9d ; raw, do.,3sCd ; boiled, in drums, 4s : raw, do , 3s 9d; castor, in bulk, 5s Cd ; kerosene, d.p.. Devoe's, Is 7Jd: diamond, Is Cjd ; Star, , Is CJ; Downer's," 3*. White lead," ground, i per cwt., cenuine, 335; No. 1 white lead, ! £t 15s; red lead, dry, £1 153. Oil colors, assorted, £110s to £1 ISs. Turps, d.p., in drums, 4a sd; American, 3s 9d ; whiting, per tou, £4 15s ; resin, £9. Provisions.—The improvement noticed In our last i still applies to the present month, and ham? and bacon of good quality are sought after, but the stocks are lighter, aud, therefore, comuaaud better values. Tinned silmou his bo-m received heavily, and has been sold at Ss to Si 31 : Colonial (Canterburv, in cloth> bacon and hams, asSorted. 7id to" Srd. Cheese (provincial), GJd to 7i<l; Canterbury, Cd to Sd ; salt butter, lid, for good sound ; rice, £24 to £27 10s ; English hams. Is Id ; ditto bacon, l.s. Fish : Ling, Cd ; preserved red herrings, in tin 3, 32s per dozeu (2 dozen tins■; white, 3ls per }-birrcl,; lobsters, American, 10.i to 103 CI ; pickled salmon, 4}J; sardines (Albert's), quarters 4i9J, halves, S3 3d ; oysters, Gs. Scoaks. — Large nhipments have be«n received ex Rotorua and Hero, and y*t the market is only moderately supplied, aa I a large tiun would be dilfi;u t to purchase. The ten demy for all descriptions is therefore firm, and in sympathy with the Australian market'. In bond, Sydney No. I, £35 10», Melbourne *uowlropi, £37 IDs; brewers' crystals, £34 10j to £35; English crushed loaf, scarce, £40: Fijian rations, £25 to £27; yellow crystals aon counters, £27 to £29153. Spirits.— In spirits, the month closes without anv change, and transactions liavo been of" a most retail character. Martell's pale, 9s :• Llennessy's ditto, 10s ; Denis Mounie and Co.'s, none; Courvoisier's, bulk, Ss CI; case. 235; Biscjuit, Dubouche and Co's pile, in hhcls. and qr.-casks, 83 ; Beehive, bulk, 7s : llennessy's ca*e, 3H t© 31s CJ ; 32s ; Otard':;, : Beehive Case, 2ls; Bisquit, Dubouche and Co.'s, 255; Iline's, 23* bulk. Si : MulUr Fivre's, 17*; Mitre, 20s; Whisky, bulk: Greonless *nd Colville's, Cs 3d; Beith. it )se and Co.'s, os Cd; Teaiher's, lis; Dunville'3, 5s 9d, case, ISs : Lome Highlaud, 2is ; Crfenless and Colville's, JSs ; Teacher's old, 24*: Kncoro, 10* : all in bond. Geneva, proof, three gallons, JDIvZ, 15 bottles, pr -of, 14s C 1 ; key geaeva, proof, 13*. Schnapps, Wolfe'*. 2ls Cl : Dew of the Alps, 275. Gin, Booth';*! IC* Cl : Burnett's, 15s. Lowndes's rum, 30 o.p ,4* 3d. Tobacco.—Venu j , 10«, three-quarter boxes, Is to Is 4}d; Venus, double thick. Is 7d ; Over the Water, 10s, casols3id: Barrett's Crown, lOd ; Navy Pocket pieces, Is; Two Seis, Is to Is 3\d; Victory Twist Is and ca*es Is sd. Timber.—Kauri Boards and scantling, cargoes, lOOit., at mi l, f.0.b.. East Coast, lis to 13s; Cs to 73 Cd for second-class ; WVst Co ist, 9*61 to 12s ; baulk, Cs Gi to 7s ; white pine (kahikatea), 7s to 9*. f.0.b., at mills: Hobart T"wn p*l:ng3.sft., lGs; Oft.. 13s; Hobart Town ruils, £3 12* Cd. Team. —We have to report a further brisk business since the first of the moath. Stock taken out of bond has been considerable, Sal ps general la broken ar.<l siftings to finest descriptions at from Is OAd to 2* 41, i.b. Afsams meet with steady patronage. Stocks in broken kinds low, with pircels about due. Some of the finest descriptions of Jeanette little used Greens and assorted Pekoe, aud other teasqui-jt, with assorted parcel* to arrive. Winks. £s we anticipated, there has been and vvili bs a very lanje demaud for Australian wlne3. ITotel keepers state that the general taste of the public is becoming more accujtomed to these liquids, an I it is hardly possible to say to what extent the trade will yet reach. We quote; .-Champagne: Perrier, Jonet and Co., first quality, quarts, SOa ; pints, 84s ; half-pints, Olssswond quality, quarts, C4i ; pints, GS*; half-pints, 735. Ingeilheim, quarts, 80s to S4*: Moist, quirts, 83s: pints, Ol)s. Hoedeier, 100s. Adoipho Collins's quarts, 50a; pints, 30s; ditto, extra superior quarts 603; pints. 36?- Deinhardt's quirts, 1-dozen case, 46s : pints. 2-dozen case, 40s per case ; Periier's Imperial Siliery, 695, and Carte Blanche (d.p.\ SOs. Sherry : Cosens's, from TsCdtolGsCd; Wisdom's, Cs. Claret : Common St. Julien, lis, medium to good, 13-* to 2Cs; superior 30s to CO3. Port (in bond), in qr-cask* from £3 to £20 Sherries, £15 to £62, in qr-casks, according to quality- Fallon's Australian, in bond 24* in i a'C3. Penfold's Adelaide, S* ; bulk cvacs, 20s to 28s.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 4