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1 " Mail. —Another opportunity 1 j; nrr lot tors to the Australian Colonies j of 10 [ ffa Tj n jtcd Kingdom will be afforded to tho % bv the departure of the clipper barque ; j £ate L rsi Tic Asylum.—On Thursday I I H r '. r , Visited the new building on the Wliau | r 'f in course of erection for a lunatic | <pi ie party narrowly examined the 1 a ST!u ni - . tnu , lu f e . both inside and out, nnd 1 * Jt , i piqued that such a building was I 1j" * t 0 f Auckland labour and Auckland ;i It is 1° he ready for the reception of t pia.o k t j u , m iddle of January, and when s J? 1 ! 1 ' 'jt fl ili hear a favourable comparison I sn!" 1 ' 1 '• in the Southern Colonies. 1 The 'Cni«' Justice and the Jusy List.— I v ti'rJav Mr. Spittle, who had served as fore- | ** ' s J.\-eral of t'.ie juries, brought under the ~<• his Honor the hardship to manv juryl n°'n ho haJ t0 lcavo their work for ?' ' t0 ,hcir grea! less, nothing short, in some of ai-tnal distress to several families. ; S-. Honor said he had no power to interfere. ■ ij*, n-ntU'inea of the press might make the ■ ,-;u!i?iu:iii's L-ompl.'iint known. 'llie evil was I ;!rtiinlv one of considerable magnitude. He hd heard front a gentleman that he had to 'uinUiii one family during the time the head ■f the fami.'v :ls attendmg the Supreme Court y-erve on the eomuion jury. The only means t'-Jt could be adojited was for those who were ■i'lble to serve on the jury to take some action iri'.h ;l view to petitioning the Legislature on His Honor's observations are very I'sterestnisr. v "-' appended to our vpor! of' tlu- piweedings iu tlie Court. The Court rose at twenty minutes past five, until Mondav next, at 10 a.m. Gokoskr's Ixiji'KsT. —An mqiwst was held yesterday ai the " Kailway Terminus" Hotel, Diiii-ial liav. before Dr. Philson, coroner, on the bivlr of the infant that was found the day preliou's in a Maori kit concealed in the grass near the Supreme Court House, Parliament-street. Ttiejurv returned an open verdict of "Found diM.i. but bv what cause was unknown." MttiTAKY.—llie baggage, &c. f of the 12tli ;?;:!iient wns embarked on board H.M.S.S. j £ji; yesterday. a:id the men will go on board iis inornin-r. ofter which the vessel will proceed to .Vapier. The 12th go to relieve the v-hich regiment will return by the Esk, ' for ein'iarkation to England per transports Ida Zie.'ler and .Nam. Watkr. —For years the inhabitants of this cir luve felt each summer, tlic want of a sapplv. not of pure water, but of water at all. It will be with no small feeling of pleasure that the public have noticed a number of irou pipes hid along Queen street, as high up as the old supreme Court House. A quantity of the piping is already laid from the reservoir in the Pemain. and before long Auckland will enjoy, if not a sufficiency of pure water, at any rate a rerr acceptable makeshift, untill a regular apply siiall have been introduced. SrPKKME Court. —The criminal sittings of the Supreme Court were resumed yesterday before | hi; Honor the Chief Justice. The whole of the

! aav was occupied in trying the case of Henry j Harris, an insolvent debtor, charged with wili fiilv and fraudulently omitting from his schedule i the receipt of £'ti2 from the Commissariat De- : partment. being a quarterly payment upon a contract for a year, amounting to £218, for clearing ash-pits, cesspools, itc. The principal pints in the dci'.'nce were that payment was not due at the'time he filed his petition; that the money received was to pay for the necess try kbotir in carrying out the contract: and that the defendant omitted the amount under a mistaken notion of his rights. A large proportion

of the evidence was documentary. The jur\found the prisoner " Guilty," "and the Court ordered him to enter into his ownbondfor £100, ssJ to find a substantial surety in £200, to come cp for judgment when called upon. The defendant has been two months in prison. The ase is one of great importance to commercial nen. and will be found reported at great length in another column.

I 1 ax-tecna -tnf. c a .—"We are to be favoured on Monday evening next with a new species of entertainment. Those who recollect the popuhritv of the late Mr. Banvard's exhibition in London, will have a pleasing recollection of the instruction and lively impressions received from witnessing panoramic illustrations. For spectacular effect, this hind of entertainment is unequalled. Messrs. Ayers and Co. have brought to Auckland a series of magnificent views. As an educational aid this sort of exhibition is deserving in the highest degree of public patronage. The greater number of these views purport to illustrate the grandeur and beauty of American scenery, but there are also s jreat many scenes of places which must be familiar to us; of well-known places in the old conn try, panoramic views of London under various aspects, as also some charming views taken on the Khine, It-ily, and other picturesque and historic places. We wish these enterprising exhibitors the largest measure of success they themselves can hope. Aewto.y Cong!ii:gatiokal Gnvnen.— The Bazaar in aid ol the funds for this building was re-opened last evening. There was a good tttendance. and a large addition to the contributions. The wares of the fair stall-keepers *ere in good demand. There was an additional attraction in tiie shape of diagrams of the buried cities of Pompeii and Iferculaneum. Amongst these was the Amphitheatre, the Street of Tombs, theliestored Interior, the Baker's Shop, The young people were amused by the cxliibiu n of :!ie magic lantern. Fatal Accident.—An accident accompanied oj circumstances, a peculiarly mournful and appalling character, occurred yesterday afternoon between four and live o'clock. It appears that

some young people were engaged in painting a :j boat just under Point, when they were < startled by hearing a sharp sound within a few ;; yards of them. They were alarmed at seeing that it was the body of a man, which had fallen !■; head foremost from the top of the cliff, a height of forty or fifty feet. The ground at this spot ' 13 exceedingly rough, composed mainly ;! 2? projecting pieces of sea-worn rock, .] The terror cf the witnesses of this | tragic occurrence may be conceived. Informa- { tion was at once given to the police. Dr. ; Jicrrett was sent for and was almost instantly | attendance. The unfortunate man it was j discovered sustained injuries, from which it is I scarcely possible lie can recover. His skull was i '"S'ltfully fractured, and one of his arms was i ®Uo broken. He was conveyed to the hospital j !? cavc cf constable Gamble. His name is ■j theodore Kecle, one of the Waikato Militia, j I, He was tried on Wednesday 1 lliursday in the Supreme Court, upon two i lf.' ri , K ' nts; f n ' s t> f° r feloniously secreting a j t, 0 -' 1 - e " ( ' r ' an d second, for unlawfully de- , aininir three post letters. He was acquitted J a " these charges. The unfortunate man j as, we are informed, a person of superior eduj 2 ion, and has 1 fc a wife and child surviving. ] p Hate.—The Secretary of the City i , oa,( * announces that Che Commissioners under I in 6 f , 10r 't.V °f the City Board Act Amend--1 1805, intend on the 18th instant to I r-t ra '° °' 0110 l )eun y in the pound on the 1 rp, Ta ' ue property assessable under this I Ut' r !i rat -e will be for the period from the \ . 1 -December, 1565, to the 31st May, 1866. 1 r m lenient of the proposed rate lies at the j e t' l ® collector, Canada Buildings, for the J mspeetion of ratepayers. 1/ -i J E ' Sale of Famt Stock.—"We IL "l u ested to state that ill consequence of 1 -n'l I '° l Council meeting on Tuesday 1- a ° several members having expressed a 5 wi! • P rese "t at the sale, it is therefore ® o'lr d Wednesday the ]3th, at elaren

Tenders arc invited by tho Secretary of tho City Board for removing night soil. Tenders receivable until 3 o'clock on Monday, the 18th instant. Information to bo had of Sergeant Ueilly, Inspector of Nuisances, at 1113 office, everyday between tho' hours of 10 and 11 o clock.

Notification (Provincial Council).—Tho Superintendent will meet tho Provincial Council J' 1 the Assembly Buildings, at 3 o'clock, on l uesday next, for tho purposo of opening the nineteenth session.

I aunkli, Dramatic Hall.—The members of the 1 imiell Dramatic Company will repent the performance of " '1 he Miser of Slioreditcli," to bo followed by " A Hace for a Dinner," on Monday evening next. rf°RTU Shore Stkam Ferky ENTERritizE.— llie following is the Sunday time table of tho Knlerprise From Flagstaff, 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 2.30 p.m., 4 p.m., 5.30 p.m. From the Queenstreet AVliarf, 10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 3 p.m., ■1.30 p.m., 6 p.m. Pkinck of Wales Theatre.—The theatre re-opeus to-night, being the last night of tho season. The pieces to be performed are " Ben Bolt, to be followd by Byron's clever burlesque of "Aladdin." Messrs. E. ajjd H Isaacs will sell, on Tuesday next, the city lands aud mansion thereon, lately occupied by General Cameron, in the liiirangnhnpo Ifoad, together with a number o; valuable building allotments in tho same suburban district. Messrs. Jones and Co. will hold to-day a large sale of provisions, comprising beef, pork, potatoes, cheese, groceries, maize, wines and spirits, furniture, pictures; also, 40 shares in thy Auckland Gas Company. Messrs. Hidings and Dowden will sell today a quantity of household furniture, consisting of tables, couches, chairs and bedsteads; also, the library of the late Edward King, Esq., comprising 150 volumes. Messrs. Turrell and Tonus will sell to-day at their mart, Queen-street, a number of hearth rugs, pocket cutlery, children's shoes, felt hats, bonnets, hosiery, shirts, woollen aud white; also, >liirting, waterproof canvas bags; also, a quantity of washing and carbonate of soda. Garrison Hunt.—Tho next meet will take place at Ascot Heath, Maugarei, on the lands of W. Wallace, Esq. lis. Alfii .d Buckt.and will sell to-day, under a writ of J! fa, one mare, dray and harness. Messrs. Hunter & Co. will sell to-day at the Durham Yards, 7 first-class setter pumps, 20 tons compressed haj-, G unbroken draught colts, a bay riding mare, 12 heavy draught horses, colts and fillies, a lot of drays, ploughs, harrows, saddles and saddlery, cattle, lambs, fat and store pigs.

Messrs. C. Aethoe and Son will sell to-day, a quantity of maize, loaf sugar, mackarel, nutmegs, raisins, furniture, cofl'ce, groceries, sliowerbati], copying-press, hats, caps, &c. Also a two-roomed cottage in Upper Queen-street, adjoining Mr. Hobb's new building. Messrs. Stichbuky and Son will sell to-day, a large quantity of provisions, comprising hams, bacon, pork, potatoes, groceries, cheese, pickles, oilman's stores, vestas, salad oil, blacking ; also, a large quantity of wines and spirits, a number of saddles, bridles, &c. Messrs. Harris and Turner will hold to-day their usual sale of provisions, groceries and oilman s stores, comprising tea, sugar, bacon, preserved meats, and fish (lobster and salmon), sardines, pickles, sauces, candles, vestas, Ac. General .Kite. —The Secretary of the City Board also gives notice that Commissioners under authority of the City Board Act, ISU3. tlio City Board Act, 18G3, Amendment Act, and the City Board Act Amendment Act, ISfio, intend on the 18th to make a rate of sixpence in the pound on propert)', assessable under the said Acts aud amendment Act's, from the Ist of December, ISCS, to the 31st of May, 1860. A statement of the rate lies at the office of the Collector for the inspection of ratepayers. j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 5