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DEPARTURES. August 27—Percy, ship, 919 tons, Woalhorburn, from Gravosend, for Auckland. August 27 —Strathallan, ship, 551 tons, Paddle, from Deal for Napier. 31—Water Nymph, ship, 584 tons, Buchanan, from Deal, for Nelson. September 2—Wild Duck, ship, 735 touj, Bishop, from Gravcsend, for Wellington. September 7 —Gain, ship, 81G tons, Shaw, from Deal, for Auckland. September B—Glensnark, ship, 953 tons, Wranckmorc, from Grave end, for Canterbury. September 11—Chilo, ship, 7G7 tons, Stringer, from Deal, for Otago. Soptembor 19—Cehono, ship, 703 tons, Reliant, from Gravesend, for Otago. Sepleuibor 21—Ballarat, barque, tons, Allon, from Gravesend, for Auckland. LIST OF PASSENGERS. Per Gala, for Auckland: —Captain and Mrs. Horner and child, Quartermaster Martindall and family, Misses Faulkner (2), Messrs Faulknor (2), Mr. Fred. Ohlson, and Dr. Robert Harding. Por Cehono, for Otago : —C. G Moore, Esq., family and sorvant, Messrs. Honry P. Comyn, Davidson, Ferguson, James Richardson, Geo. J. 11. Boamish, and Dr. Thomas Tato. VISSSKLH SPOKEN WITH. Water Nymph, ship, from Locdon, for Kelson, Sept. 13th., "hit. 48 51 N.,long. 12-20 W City of Philadelphia, (?) from London, for Auckland, July 25, lat. 4G N., long. 9 W. Kchunga, ship, from London for New Zealand, Aug. 20, lat. 45 N., long. 830 W. Eclipse, (hip, for New Zealand, July 14, lat. 9 S., long. 35 W. Robert Henderson, from Clydo for Otago, Aug. 20, lat. 38 N., long' 10 W. Strathiillan. ship, for Now Zoaland, Sopt. G, lat. 49 N., long G 40 W. Theracia, ship, from London for Otago, Mai' 27, bit. 12.1 G S., lone 30-55 W. "VESSELS LOADING. COBHECTSD TO tKI'TEMHER 23, AT LONDON. For Auckland (N.Z.).—Golden City, Martin ; Mary Shephord, Croot; Cosuiporc, Halbert; Liverpool, M'Ewen. For Canterbury.—Mermaid, Rose ; Himalaya Corr. For Nelson, &c.—Donna Anita, Sharman. For Otago, &c— Parisian, D'Oyloy; Stornoway, Tomlin. For Wellington (N.Z.) —Commodore, Colvillo ; Epsom, Vaux. AT GLASGOW. For Port Chalmers.—Paria, Nichol. For Southland. —Maria. THE BALLARAT. Iho barquo Ballarat, Capt. Allan, sailed from Gravcsond for Auckland on tho 21ft Boptomber, and passed Deal the next day. She lias on board a largo curgo and Foveral passengers, and comos consignod to Messrs. Cruiokshank, Smart & Co. ■Sho has also on board a magnificent prizo cup, tho gift of Messrs. Shaw, Saville & Co., to bo run for by tbo cargo boats ut tho noxt rogetta.

THE GALA. Tho fins Glasgow built ship Gala, Cnpt. Shaw, oailod from Graveser.d for Auckland on tho 7lk .September, with a full cargo, and a large numbor of assisted and other emigrants. Messrs. Combes & Daldy are her agents, and as sho is now 89 days at sea, may soon bo oxpected to arrive. THE LIVERPOOL. Amongst the vessels loading f ro this port at London on the 23rd September, was tho splendid Quebec built ship Liverpool, 1451 tons rogistcr, owned by Goo. Marshall, Esq., of London, and commanded by Capt. J. MeEwon. Sho is spoken of as ono of tho fastest ships afloat, and on account of her superior accommodation for passongcrs of all classes, had been chartered to sail about tho middle of October, with a select special sottloment party. Her saloon is 80 feot long, fitted with stato rooms 10 feet Bquaro, and tho 'tween decks 9 feot high; thoro is also on board a distilling apparatus upon tho newest principles. Messrs. Harris & Laurio aro to bo her agents, and upon arrival hero sho will bo opon for freight or charter to any port. Tho other ships lending woro tho Cossiporo (with Government stores), Mary Shepherd, and Golden City. THE PEROY. This fine ship in command of Captain "Weathorburn, sailed from Gravesend for AucMund, on tho 27th August, and is consonantly now 100 days out, and theroforo hourly looked for. Sho comes consigned to Mr. D. Nathan, and in addition to a largo cargo, has also on board 17 cabin, 7 intermediate, and 65 stccragopassougors. Amongst tho saloon are two old colonists—Messrs. Martin and May, who wont homo some timo ago as Emigration Commissioners. CABOO Per Porcy, from London : -3 bales, S. H. Smith ; 6 pkgs., T. Keith and Co.; 5 do., H. Monk; 1 case, H.Potter; 1 do., Schomborg ; 1 do., T. Buddie; 1 do. Pompallior j 4 pkgs., T. Turnbull; 1 box, Higgings j 1 do., George; 1 caso, J. T. Clarko ; 3 eases, J. Loach ; 5 do., E. and H. Isaacs ; 1 caso, A. J. Taylor; 73 pkgs., K. K. Kidiugs ; 1 case, H. "W, Bradbant; 1 do., J. Soppett; 1 do.; Capt. Frazer; 2 do., J. Kinder; 3 pkgs., E. and H. Isaacs; 1 caso, W. Mason ; 1 do. AVin. Hamilton ; 18 trunks, Geo. Turroll; 1 parcel, Calvert; 1 case, J. So; pett; 100 cases, Bucholz & Co. ; 1 ease, .T. Abbott; 121 pkgs , W. J. Young ; 203 do., W. P. Kirkwood ; 2 cases, J. Koberton and Co. j 1 do., order ; 1 do., J. Pearco; 2 do., E. Watkins ; 20 do., order; 3 do., order; 3 do., <T. Harris; 1 cases, Hay and Honeyman ; 1 do., J. C. Clough ; 7 pkgs., Buchanan and Stewart; 9 do., S.Brown; 6 do., S. H. Smith; 4 do., J. Boberton ; and Co.; 4 do., Hendersou and Macfarlano ; 5 pkgs., It. Mooro; 1 case, Captain J. Ninnis; 12 do., ] ordor; 3 do., do.; 1 do., New Zealand Insurance 1 Company; 3 do., S. H. Smith; 1 do., Win. - Vickory; 2 cases, R W. Hyson; 50 half-hhds., r Brown Campbell and Co.: 5 cases, Bucholz and Co.; t 1 do,, S. Johnson ; II pkgs , ordor; 1 case, liuobanau [ ji ind Stewart; 108 pkgs., T. Mucky and Co. ; 2 cases, 1 3. Rcnshaw; 100 casks, S. Browning; 7 trunks, I 1 )rder; 1 case, E. Watkins ; 1 do., 8. Aloxandor; 1 | n

cask, S. Hoopor; 22 pkgs., order; 1 box, Poatfiuld; 1 caBO, order ; 1 do., W. Ormiston ; 3 do ,W. Rattray; 1 box, order; 2 bales, ordor; 1 box, ordor ; 1 oaso, A. Clark and Son ; 3 pkgs , order; 1 do., Gilfillan Co. ; 2084 pkgs. iron, order ; 91 do., do. do ; 33 pkgi. iron, do.; a quantity of pigiro:. and coko, do. ; 175 pkgs, 400bag3,d0.; 3 pkgs., A. Clark and Son; 20 dvdo., 17<i do., Kioeol and Co.; 11 do., order j 3 do., J. Robertnn and Co ; 13 do., K. and H. Isaacs ; 1 case, Alexander ; t do., Buchanan andHtowart; 1 do., J. W. Lewis; 1 do, A. Clark and Son ; 47 pkgs., J. H. Burnside and Co.; 18 pkgs., Owon and Fondoloiv; I cask, Luewall and Hattray ; 1 heir, order ; 3 ca?e?, A. Dietholia ; 1 do., J. Gano ; 80 pkgi., A. Clark; 1 case, Cruickabank, Smart and Co.; 133 pkgs. D. Graham and Co. ; 89:1 do., Brown, Campbell and Co. ; 2 cases, Buchanan and- Stewart; 250 do., order; 237 do., order; 32 do., order; <!9 do., ordor; 125 cases, D. Nathan ; G do., order ; 1 do., H. Pitcher; 405 pkgs., order;' 2 cases, J.Davis ; 3 do., Gilfillan and 1 box, It. 0". Marsh ; 14 cases, U. B. Lusk ; 211 pkgs., D. Nathan ; 238 pkgs, 12,000 slates, D. Nathan; 1 case, 0. J. O'Noil Ferguson; 225 pkgs, S. H. Smith; 90 do., 3GBO do. iron, Superintendent of Stores ; 23 drums Warden Marine Board ; G tanks, order; 309 pkgs., Cmiekshank, Smart and Co.; 1 case. It. Xurnbull; 11 do., E. and H. Isaacs; 5 do, Lewis Brothers ; 729 pkgs. iron, order ; 7 do., U. and A. Sherraid and Co.; 200 kogs, order; 134 pkgs, order; 45 do , Ciuickshtink, Smart, and Co.; 198 do., a. Titrrcll; 1G tanks, 4casks, D. Nathan ; 1 case, T. Buddie; 2 do., E. and If. Isaacs ; G pkgs., f-owis Brothers; 3SI do , E. and H. Isaacs ; 22 do., ICeesing, and Keosing ; 100 half-chests tea, Watt, Kennedy, and Walt; 50 hhds., Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 32 pkgs., order; 100 do., It. Lusk; leas.-, 11. and A. Sherrard: 3 do., T. Short; Ido,J. C. D. Bov. den ; 1 do ,J. Edson ; G do., P. Wright; 1 do., ordor; 1 do., G-. Hind; 5 pkgs., Anno Wilson; G do., Lewis Brothers; 2 eases, S. and J. It. Vailo; 2iß pkgs., E. and H. Isaacs; 5 do., order; 9 do., J. May; 11 do, J. Martyn. MISCELLANEOUS. The Earl Russell, under charter to tho Emigration Commissioners, Mr. Daniel 11. Bolt, K.N It., master, sailed from tho Mersey, on the llth September, for Brisbane, Queensland, with 352 Government emigrants, comprising 32 married couples, 165 singlo men, 11 singlo won) n, 23 boys and 16 girls, between the ages of ono twelvo years, and 5 infants, equal in all to 327j statute adults. Messrs. lioulricr Brothers and Co. havo despatched tho fino Al ship Gala for Auckland, with a full complement of pa-sengers and a valuable cargo. Among tho lattor were a number of nominated and selocted emigrants, sent out under the auspices of the agents for the Provincial Government of Auckland. Tho Admiralty havo just hired tho ship Vimeira, belonging to Me.-srs. Gollatly, Hankey, and Sowell, for the conveyance of about 289 convicts, who will embark t.t Sheetncss, Portsmouth, and Portland, for Swan River, under the charge of Dr. Crawford, sur-geon-superintendent. Tho Queen of tho South sii'.ed on August 31 from Gravcsend for Queensland, Captain John Purvcs, commander. The Queen of the South is tho Glth vessel tint has failed on tho land order system of emigration, under tho immodi-.ito direction of the Qiieunslimd Government. Sho contains 523 souls. J livided into pnying, agisted, and free pissongcrs, and consisting of 301 members of families, and 424 singlo men. The Norfolk sailed from Plymouth, for Molbourno, on tho 23th of August. The Maori sailed from Plymouth, lor Adelaide, on the Ist of Soptembor. Tho Emigration Commissioners have chartored tho Salamanca for tho conveyaneo of emigrants to Adelaide at £12 14s. per statute adult. Tho Salamanca is appointed to receive her pass-.-ngers at Plymouth on tho 23rd of October next. Tho Princess of Wales, which arrivod off Portland on tho 10th of September, reports that sho sprung her foremast off New Zealand. The Macduff sailed from Plymouth, for Melbourne, on tho 12th of September. The Duncan Dunbar sailed from Plymouth, for Sydney, on the 2nd of September. The Glcnmark sailed from Plymouth, for Canterbnry, on tho IGth of September. Tho ship Lincoln, of 996 tons, sailed from Plymouth on Soptembor 13 for Adelaide, with 408 Government emigrants; comprising 107 married people, 96 singlo men, 41 single women, 38 boys, and 4 1 girls between tho agos of 1 and 12 years, and 22 infants.

Tho Emigration Commissioners have chartered tho Amoor, of 1314 tons, for tho conveyaneo of emigrants to Adeluidoat £12 Os. lid. por statute adult. Tho Amoor is appointed to receive her passengers at Plymouth on November IG.

Tho St. Vincent sailed from Plymouth, for Adolaido, on September 13. On Saturday, Septombcr 23, much excitement was croated at Liverpool in the oirly part of tho day, in consequence of an announcement to the effect that a vessel cillcd tho Hannah, whilo on tho passago from Cardenas to that part, had been overhmlol by a serow steamer, which was alleged to be a Fonian cruiser. Tho following is tho paragraph which gave rise to tho excitement, and which appeared in the localiSy<i>.u% Telegraph :—" Report of tho American ship Hannah, from Cardenas, at this port—On the 15th September, in lat. 50.50, long. 27.16, fell in with a screw steamer, barque rigged, about 2000 tons, apparently full of men, and heavily armed. She lireda shot across our bow, and whon wo hove to sot our American ensign, upon which sho suddenly altered her courso an,d steered for a vessel in the distance, hoisting a green Hag with a harp on i',." This soon gained an oxtensivo circulation, and nothing was talked of for somo timo but tho Fenian cruiser. Howover, it was ultimately discovered that tho report was an ingonious fabrication, and that the journal which had inserted it had been hoaxed.

SHIP LAUNCHES. Messrs. A. & J. Inirlis launched from thnr buildingyard, on tho 9th of Soptombor, at Point House, Glasgow, a vessel of the screw and sailing class, destined for tho Australian and China trade. Sho measures in length of keel and foro rako, 245 feet; breadth mouldod, 31.1 fret j depth ditto, 22f feet; tonnago (British measurement), 1400. Sho u fitted up with nil Mossrs. A. &J. Jnglis's latest improvements, and will accommodate 40 first-class, and •100 second and third-can's passengers. Sho is also fitted with a screw propeller, which may bo taken up aud let down a3 circumstances require, the engine power for driving which is 250-horse power nominal. As sho glided into her oloment blio wan named tho Erl King by Mrs. Captain Waro, wifo cf one of the owners. Sho has since been laid on tho berth tor Melbonrno and Sydney, to sail from. London on tho 13th of Novomber. Tho launch of Mr. Frederick Hcyn's frigate ship took place in Dantzio on the <)tli September, under most favorable auspices of lino weather, and an immense concourse of spectator. l ). Tho vessel is trie largest evor built in tho Baltic, being about 1400 tons register. .Several of the high dignitaries of tho town also favoured tho scono with their presence. Tho yellow metal and iron knees wore imported from England. The vessel received the namo of ICarino Minister Yon Koon, at the hands of Miss Marie Hoyn, daughter of the owner.

Lately n. barquo named the Florence Panvers was launclied from tho building-yard of Mr. Johnson, Bidoford. Tho vessel is 750 tons burthen, and has been built for Messrs. Bichurd and Power, of Swansea, and is intended for the copper ore trade. There wus recently launched from the buildingyard of Mr. WilliSm Duthie, jun., Indies, Aberdeen, a clipper ship of tho following dimensions : —Length, 200 feet; breadth of beam, 31. feet 3 inches ; depth, 21 feet 4 inches; tonnage, 1117 builders' measurement, 1017 register. Tho vessel was named the Strathnavor, is tho properly of Henry Arlamsjn, Esq., shipowner, and is classed A 1 at Lloyd's. She is intended for tho Australian trade.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4

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ENGLISH SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4

ENGLISH SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4