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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Hehald Office, Monday evening. The Customs Receipts to-day, amounted to £397 5s lOd. Messrs. Arthur & Son, sold to-day at the stores of Mr. Thomai) Seott, his stock-in-trade. There was a fair attendance and the following prices were realised : —Mixed Fieklos, pints, os 9d to Ss 6d mackerel, tubs, 6s 3d to 6s 6d each ; white herrings, tubs, 7a 6il to 8s oaoh ; sardines, 5s 6d to 6s doz ; jams, 12s Od doz.; confectionery, Is lid to Is 3d lb.; J Uatgers' do. 10j to Is id lb.; quarts pickles, lis to 12s 3d; salmon, 16s 3d; henings, 7s Gd-tcSs Gd ; | mustard, 9d lb; starch, fljd lb; wax vestas, 12s 6d I

gross; Hector's salmon, 20s 6d doz ; loaf sugar, Gd to GJd j Epsom salts, 2s to 2a 4d per box ; bitters, 16s 6d doz; rioe 3Jd ; corkf, la to Is 3d; gross hams, Is 4d lb; currants, 6Jd lb; matting, 9idto9Jd; hair oil, 2s 7d doz; capers, 6s 9d doz; canary seod, 2d. OTAGO. Markets have relapsed into a state of quiet, and, except for a little country trade doing, Ilia transactions of the day would have boon insignificant. Flour is linn, and small parcels of Chilian are moving off at current prices. Quotations for all miscellaneous goods continue fullv maintained. No auction eules have takon place— Times, November 21. STOCK. 4ND SBAUE MAKKET. Banks.— Sew Zealand : Only a few to be had in tho market. Otagos a shade Under par. These boar sis months' interest to 30ih September last. Commercials: From par to a slight advance. A parcel of Otago Firo and Marino Insurance has changed hands at u nominal prico. N.Z. Steam Navigation Company. Limited, not saleable Provincial Government Debentures in demand at £ 5. CANTERBURY. The Blue Jacket lias not yet been admitted to pratique, but it is expected to bo released in a fow days. The price of Hour remains stationary, at tho lato rise, and no reduction may be looked for during the remainder of tho season. Wheat is not offered, although some few holders have small stocks on h wd, which they are unwilling to quit, at the prices at present ruling, viz , 7s to 7s Gd per bushel. The farmers complain that tho price offered for wheat bears no just comparison to that of flour. * Oats are only dealt in small quantities for immediate wants, and hay is being largoly used by stable keepers, f hould the present dry weather continue much longei - , a light hay crop will be harvested. Tho other crops are also suffering from the same eaus;. l'oatoes have been dealt in, in small lots, tho prico given being £3 10s per ton, delivered ut the wharf. Cattle arc not in so great demand as was the case about n month ago, and prices have slightly gone back Good fat stock are still, however, sought after. — JPresx, Nov. 27. SYDNEY. Flour.—Tho flour market has been in a very disturbed state, and prices have fluctuated considerably during the month. On tho 22nd October, Adelaide flour was quoted at £24 to £25 per ton, and before tho end of tho first week of November prices had advanced to £29 to £3J for fust brands, and to £2G for Chilian. Wheat also participated in this rise, Adelnilo being sold as high ns lis 9d to 12s, and Chilian 10s 6d to 10s 9d. During tho past ten days, however, we have hud several arrivals from Chili and California, and as the harvest ha 3 been very abundant at tho latter place, and several vessels loading for tho colonies, prices gave way fully £2 per ton on tho top rates realised. In tho present state of the market quotations are almost nominal, buyers only purchasing to meet actual requirement*. Adelaide flour i-s quoted at £28 to £'.'9, and Chilian £24 to £25 ; and theso rates show an advance on last month of £3 to £i per ton. Wheat hai also declined, Adeluido being quoted lis to lis Bd, and Chilian 10s.

Liquids.—Alo in bulk is without tiny material alteration. First brands, £6 12a 6d to £6 17s 6d. A sale of a large parcel of Marian's, ex Morrie Monarch, is reported ut £G 153. Porter in bulk is not 60 firm, and owing to recent arrivals has given way about 7s Gd per hogshead. Taylor's, £6 17s Gd to £7. Bottled porter is in greater request at improved quo tations ; but bottled alo is not so firm, stocks being heavy; first brands range from 8s Gd to 0s 61. Brandy is not so firm, and has given way about Gd per gallon ; Mavtell's is quoted at 7s, but largo parcels could not bo quitted except under that figure. Rum has also declined about Id to 2d per gallon ; 30 o.p. is quoted at 3s Id to 3s 2d, and a largo sale was made last week at 3s Id. Geneva is unaltered ; for first brands holders are asking 10s. In wines there havo been few Bales of any magnitude ; fine sherries and poits command high rates, but light and sparkling wines are not so saleable as they usually aro at this season of tho year. Teas are very firm. An impression prevailed in tho morcantilo community that tho duties on teas and sugars would bo rais;d by the Government. Consequently, a largo amount of duties were paid, and so i.o speculative purchases wero made which had the cfll-Ci of strengthening prices. At auction, last week, tho whole of tbo cargo of the Cathay, fiom Foochow, was 6old at tho following rates: —Fiuo congou* fiß to £8 7s Gd;' medium, £7 to £7 15s; boxes, 22i Gd to 23s Gd. Very fino congous are worth as high as £10 to £15 per chett.

fcugurs.—There have been some large transactions in sugars during the month, and prices show on advunco of 303 to 40 per ton. Tho following urs tie latest quotations for Mauritius sugars :—Uation, £28 to £31 ; brown counters, £34 to 35; yellow, £37 to £40 ; crystals, £42 to £44 10s. Coffee.—Stocks are very small, and an improvement of fully |d per lb. has been established. Plantation 12Jd per lb. in bond; Manilla, 9d per lb.-in bond. Candles aro firmer, and sales have taken place at an advance of Jd per lb. ; full weights, lOd to 10-Jd po/lb.; light weights, BJd to 9d per lb. MONTIII.T COMMERCIAL KEVIBW. The money market oontinuea in the same stato ns last month, and until there is a reduction in tho high rate of interest allowed by the banks for deposits for along juried, it must bo evident that mosey is not so plentiful in their coffers as formerly. Tho rates of discount remain at 8, 9, and 10 per cent, premium. Tho binks have reduced the rates of exchango for bills on London at 60 days, j per cent., the buying rate being per cent, discount, and the selling rata 1 per cent, premium. There ha 3 been a little mora business doing in the share market during tho pait fortnight, but the amount seeking investment is still considerably below that of previous years. Besides, there are only a few favourite securities, and particularly Bank shares, which are sought after, and these hi Iders aro not dispcßitl to sfll, except at improved prices. The fliictuutions that have takoa place sine i month aro us follows :—Bank of Now South Wales have improved 40s por share, in consequence of having deelai od an increased dividend, and tho s -tijfactory report thoy presented to their shareholders. Bank of Nov Zealiind shares aro in some ro.iucst, and havo been sold at an advance of ss. per Bharo ex dividend on Ihe prica of la*t month. Tho increase in tho dividend to 17 per cent is tho cause of this rise.— Herald, Nov. 81,


Tho import markets havo been fairly represented in to-day's transactions, notwithstanding that tho departure of the mail has necessarily turned tho attention of merchants in moat cases towards tleir home corro pondence. Brendslufi's do not show tho slightest activity. Tho country dealers, however, being haro of stock, continue to purchase Adelaide flour, though sparingly, at £24 10a. to £25 10s , and a shide over, a.-oDrding to brand. Chilian is. quoted at £2 J. In wheat wo hear of nothing dnng. The millers will operate with extreme caution until supplies now on tho way from Sydney come to hand. Wc havo seen a samplo of Silas Fish's Califoniian wheat, daily expected. The quantity is very superior, and, v/.i have no hesitation in asserting, quite equal to the best South Australian. Teas have met with considerable notico, several good kinds of congous having been placed. Some 300 chests of fine were disposed of at Is to 2s, in bond. A trade parcel of fifty chests was quitted at Is lOd, and about 150 chosts medium realised Is Gd to Is 6id. In Dundee goods wc hoar of some 20 bales of corn sacks having been disposed of at 14s, and some 30 bales of woolpacks met, with a purchiser at is. A parcel of 1000 quarter-barrels of blasting powder has been quitted at Ghd. In candles, further sales are reported at the advance established, a shipment of 250 boxes Brandon's having realised Is. Hops havo had more attention. Wo hear of two parcels of fifty pockets each, line Cl's, having been placed on private terms. For this quality trade buyern have to pay 2s 4d and over for small lots. There is a fair enquiry for oats ; a Bhipmont of about 3000 buihels disposed of brought 5s 9d. In malt, wo hoar of sales to a moderate extent it 10s. Hennessy's case brandy continues to meet with favour, and advanced rates have been paid toda, holders having refused to accept under 27s 6d Exchanges for the present mail havo been issued by all the banks at par.

We understand that merchants are using every endeavour to take advantage of the low rates of duties still being collected on tea and sugar. It is stated that not a bag of the latter remains in bond on which the duty has not b en paid. It is also said that duty has paid on about 15,000 chests of tea during the last fortnight.— Ar /«ts, Nov. 23.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4

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Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4

Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 4