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Just like a Waiter—Tho Grand Journal tells a little characteristic story, which may he thus Anglicised : —A gontlemun going into a chop-houßO tho othor day found the room very closo and hot. He called tho waiter and said, " Havon,t you any ventilators ? " Tho reply was, " No, sir; they are all gono. I just Berved up tho last!" Turner the painter was a ready wit. Once at a dinnor where soveral artists, amateurs, and literary men were convoned, a poet hy wayof being facetious, proposed as a toast tho health of the painters and glaziers of Great Britian. 'Xhe toaßt was drunk, and Turner, after returning thanks for it, proposed tho health of tho British paper slaincrs. Heavy Damages.—The handsome damages of £150 wero awarded at Sandhurst lately to a journeyman baker namod Schmidt, who was arrested at tho instanco of his employer, a Mr. Baud, of "VV'hroo, on tho charge of embezzling the sum of sixpence, and was incarcerated throo hours beforo ho could obtain bail. Schmidt had established himself in business iu opposition to his old master, and the chrrgo was made through jealousy at his (success.

CITY BOAHD.—Monday. The usual fortnightly mooting of tho City Board was ■ held yesterday, at 3 o'clock, lit tho Commissioners' Offices, Canada Buildings. Present: J. W. Bain, Chairman ; Messrs. Ashton, Gcorgo, Shoehaii, Macroady, Swanson, aud Wrigley • The minutes of the last mooting were read and confirmed, or.d several letters sent, arising out of tho proceeding of last mooting, were read. TEMPORARY CAM STAND. The following letter from his Honor tho Superintendent was then read; "Superintendent's Office, "Auckland, 29th November, 1865. " Sir,—l have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of tho 21st inst., makiug application for a piece of ground at tho junction of Albert and Custom-housc-strcets, for tho purpose of a temporary cart stand. In reply, I have to inform you tlu.t 1 have no objection to offer njrivinst its being 7s**;'- iov tho purpose named as a temporary measuv.i, i-uiil the completion of the spot to be grafted as a permanent iltand. "I have, &ii..,. " FiccpK, w r nn:,iK!-i, "Sur "To the Cliairwnn of O'ty ThwivC" t' I'PEti-cic >:::>-STiVK .-t. Tho Skcmj-a.iy .-ad the jhi;o7;i;ig lottei from Mr. Hardinf,l,i>n; - •' xSttiaar Olßcfl, 'November 30, 1565. " $■'•?,—I most re.ipcct-fiiHy to call your attention to tho dangerously narrow and unprotected state of tho •■•jaii over tho gully in Upper-Queen-etreet. At iho placo referred to, tho available apace for traffic is oi:'.y about 18 foot, without any protection whatever in tho frhapo of wall or fence. Tho average width of dray*; Albert cars, and other vehicles, is about 7 feet, consequently in tho ovent of a horso bolting eithor with a dray or other vohiclo and meeting tut omnibus at tbo narrow portion of tho road, ouo or both vehicles would inevitably be hurled over an embankment to the dopth of about 20 feet, when tho result would in all human probability, be something frightful. The unprotected Btato of the wharf has lately cost ono life, but the unprotected state of Queen-Btrcot may cost a dozen, and who wou'd bo to blamo ? Largely interested ns I am in public conveyances, for my own safety as well as that of passengers, I most earnestly call your attention to this matter, feeling fully convinced that unless steps bo taken to order a fence in that portion of tho road referred to, an appalling aceidont will bo the rosult. " I havo, &c, " H. HaKDINGTON.

"To the Chairman of tho City Board." Mr. Mackeady said thero was no doubt that this part of tho 6troot required some attention, but by doing anything they might bo getting themselves into a fix. It was all very well if the people wero willing to assit t tho City Board in building retaining walls but thero wero peoplo who would bo cr.ntankerous. There was a case pending in the Kesident Magistrate's Court, and no doubt the Magistrate would give it a fair decision, so that the Board had belter not interfere until that case was decided. He would move that tho letter bo laid on tho table until that dcci = ion was known. Mr. Whiqley said it would bo desirable that something should be dono. Mr. Sheehan agreed with Mr. Maeready that they should wait until tho decision of tho Court should bo known. IVESIOVAL OF NUISANCES. It wits announced that tho contract for tho removal of nuisances had oxpired somo time, but had beon carried ou in tho meantime by tho samo contractors, and not to the sa'isfaction of tho Inspecloi'. On tlie motion of Mr. fit-EHAN', it was ordered that fresh tenders be called for. BATES. Tho amount of rates collected during the last fortnight amounted to £210 143. lOd. The rato levied during tho Inst ye ir amounted to £6131 4s. B<L, of which £5059 7s. 9d. had been received, leaving a deficit of £107 L IGs. lid. CONTRACT. The bond botweon the contractors and tho Board for excavuting in Mill's Lane having beon completed, tho work was ordered to bo preceded with at onco. LOTTEMES. The following letter on this subject from Mr. Wynn was then read :— " Auckland, Nov. 29, 1863. "3ir,—ln answer to your lotter requesting an opinion for tho City Board with referenco to the existing laws relating to the suppression of lottories, and games of chance, I forward tho following OPINION. "1. With regard to lotteries: —Thero is an English Act of Farliamont which is in force here by virtuo of tho ' English Laws Act 1858,' which provides that' tho laws of England as existing on the Hth day of January, 1810, shall, so far as applicable to the circumstances of the Colony, be deemed and taken to have been in force therein on and after that Any," See. Tho Act alluded to is 4-2 Geo. 111., cap. 119, sec. 2, which provides—

"1. Any person or persons whatsoever publicly or privately keoping auy offico or plnco to exerciao, keep open show or expose to bo played, drawn, or thrown at, or in either by dice, lots, cards, balls, or by numbers or figures, or by any other contrivance or device whatsoever, and game or lottery called a 'little go,' or any other lotteri; whatsoever, not authorised by Parliament, or " 2. Knowingly suffoiing tho eamo to bo exercised, &o , or, " 3. Persons discovered in a houso, on warrant of Justices, aiding, assisting, or in any way concerned with off'onders in carrying on, &c, Every person so suffering to bo deemod a eogue and a vagabond, and punishable as Biich. Tho punishment is imprisonment for not exceeding threo monthß calendar and hard labour. Tho costs of conviction may likewise bo recovered under 11 and 12 Vict. cap. 43, which is in force in fho Colony. " With regard to the other of chance, I am not awaro of any laws in force hove for their prohibition. The English Statutes 8 and 9 Vic, cap 109 ; and 17 aud 18 Vic cap. 38, applicable to tho subject are net in force in this Colony. These Acts are very stringent in their provisions, and would form good models for an Act to prohibit tho keeping of gaming housei). It must bo borno in mind that tho Licensing Act, 1803, sec. 28, prohibits all gambling in licensed public houses, under a penalty of £20, sec. 40. I should observe that thoso aro subjects over which tho City Board has, as such, no authority to interfere. If there aro any Lotteries oxisting in Auckland, tho Police authoritioß should bo communicated with, and requested to take proceedings for tho purpose of suppressing thom. If tho. Police do not act in the matter, tho City Board may easily tako stops to put the Law in motion. If dosirod, I will, should tho ocoa sion arise, further advise tho Board as to tho strips to bo takon. " B. W. Wynn." Mr. Ashton moved that tho letter bo received, and a copy bo forwarded to tho Commissioner of Polico, and that ho bo requested to tako action in tho matter. Mr. GkoeGe seconded tho motion. Mo'iion put and passed. ASSESSMENT. Mr. Shekjian moved that tho rate of assessment for tho next half year be—for the gonoral rato 6d , and tho lighting Id., as ho thought it would not bo well -to put on a higher rate in the present depressed stata of tho colony. They had had great difficulty in collecting the last half year's rato, in fact thcro was a deficiency of £1000. Mr. George secondod tho motion. Mr. Maceeam: modo some remarks in support of tho motion, and said that as tho labour market was so full, tho Board ought to take advantage of it and reduco the rate of pay to their workmen. They could get men for four or five shillings a day, and it was nothing but right that they should do so, as they must put their shouldera to tho wheel and reduce their expenditure as much as possible. In proof of what ho advancod, he stated that when Mr. Walters, had advertised for twenty labourers his houso was besieged by upwards of one hundred applicants for situations. Mr. Wuiglet moved that the general rate bo 6d., and tho lighting rate 2d. Mr. Swanso:; supported tho original motion, and proposed to make tho expenditure meet the income instead of tho incomo coming up to tho expenditure, which thoy would find a rathor difficult job. . Mr. Ashton would bo opposed to any higher rate than 6d. for a general rate, and Id. for the lighting.

The following papers wcro then laid on the table : — DIOIST OF ASSESSMENT FROM DECBItBER IST, 1865, TO MAT 31ST, 1866. OEOHS ANNUAL VALUE. KEEP AN'NUAL VALUE. East Ward 1 £18,218 East Ward 1 gilMi „ „ 2 10,465 „ „ 2 9.G59 „ „ « 27,602 „ „ 3 24,872 £86,188 £79,001 GEOS3 AKKUAL VALUE. KBIT ANNUAL YALUJ!. West Ward 1 £41,300 West Ward 1 £36,932 „ „ 2 27,1371 „ „ 2 24,75<~! „ „ 3 3G,WJ, : , „ 3 32,037 £105,083 £94,649 • GBO?3. NISTT. ! iiSs.lS'i £79,001 | 105J083 K4.619 | ~£U)T~ZIl £173,653 J. W. DIDDAJIS, Valuator, &o. Beeember 4th, 1865. Estimate of Money required by the City Board of Commissioners for the several purposes in respect of which they are authorised to lsvy a Kate under the "City Board Act, 1865," and "City Board Ace 1863 Amendmont Act," for tho period from the Ist day of December, 1865, to tho 31st day of May, 1566 (both inclusive.) . £ s. d. Makinc and Repairing Streets and ... Drains 2350 0 0 Eire Engine and Brigade 50 0 0 Advertising, Printing, Stationery, and Bent 250 0 0 Salaries _ 550 0 0 Interest on sums duo Provincial Government and Sinking Eund 1000 0 0 Contingencies 141 6 6 £4341 6 6 Tho Eateablo value of property assessable under Acts is £173,653, and s. rato of sispenco per pound on the ; ;iid value is necessary to rniso tho money required for tho said estimate of ... ... 4341 6 6

CITY HATE. Moved by Mr. SnEEHAN, seconded by Mr. Geouge, and carried—" That the Board approve of the estimate now read, and rcsjlve that a rate of sixpence on each Ono pound Bter'ing of tlio valuo of the propertv assessable, is necessary to raise the money required ; and further, that on Monday, tho 18th day of December, 18G5, a rato of that amount on the rateable value of the property assessable bo levied under tho ' City Board Act, 1863,' the ' City Board Act, 1863, Amendment Act,' and tho ' City Board Act Amendment Act, 1865,' for tho period from Ist December, 1865, to 31st May, ISGC, both days inclusive, and that the statement of the proposed rate be deposited in the Collector's office, Canada Building;, for inspection by tho ratepayers, and that the requisites notices thereof bo inserted in the New Zealand Herald, the Daily Southern Cross, and New Zealander nowspapers." Estimate of Money required by the City Board of Commissioners for tho purpose of lighting th City of Auckland, in respect of which they are authorised to levy a rato in terms of the " City Board Act Amendment Act, 1865," for tho period from the Ist day of December, 1865, to the 31st day of May, 1866, (both inclusive.) £ s. d. Lighting the city, and providing lamps, &c. 700 0 0 Contingencies - - - - - 23 11 1 723 11 1

Tho rateable value of property assessiablo under said Act is £173,653, and a rato of one penny per pound on the said value, is neceßsaiy to raise the money required by tho Baid estimate of - 723 11 1 LisnTixa HATE. Moved by Mr. Sbeehan, seconded by Mr. George, and carried, " That tho Board approvo of tho estimate now read, nud resolve that a rate of one penny on each one pound sterling of tho valuo of the property assessnblo is necessary to raißo the money required. And, further, that on Monday, tho 18th day of December, 1865, a rate of that amount on tho rateable valuo of tho properly assessable be levied undor tho ' City Board Act Amendment Act, 18G5,' for tho period from Ist December, 18G5, to 31st May, 18G6, both days inclusive, and that tho statement of the proposed rate bo deposited in the Collector's Office, Cunada Buildings, for inspection by tho ratepayers, and that tho requisite notices thereof bo inserted in tho New Zeaxsnd Heualo, Daily Southern Cross, and New Zealander newspapers." THE NEW MAKKET-HOXTSE. Mr. Geouge moved " That a deputation bo appointed to wait on his Honor the Superintendent rrquesting him to grant to the City Board o'' Commissioners tho sum of £3000 out of tho ol' £14,000, granted for tho market-house to tho City Board by the late Provincial Council, for tho drainago of tho market site, with a view to the erection of the market-house. Tho deputation to consist of the Chairman, Mr. Ashton, Mr. Wrigloy, Air. Macready, Mr. Shcehan, and tho mover." Mr. Ashton seconded the motion, and trusted that somo energetic step 3 should at once bo taken to get some kind of a market-house, even if it wore only a shed. Mr. Macmady suggested that tho amount £3000 should bo omitted altogether, and that tho deputation should only ask for a sum of money to bo expended. Tho amondment was agreed to, and tho motion as amended was passed. Several accounts were ordered to bo paid, and tho meeting terminated.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6