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Melbouhnk, Nov. 17. Tlio Legislative Council last night rejected tho Tariff Bill by 19 votes to 5. Owing to this decision, Government determined to allow goods on which duties were impose! under tho new turiff to pa6s froo and merchants were not slow to take advantage of this resolution of tho Government. Great excitement to-day in consequence—the Custom House was quite besieged, nnd the doors were locked at half-pist 2, to prevent further admissions. Inconsistently, however, tho low rate of duties under the new tariff on tea, sugar, opium, and gold aro still co'lected, and it is said that the limits of outry dodge will come into force to-morrow morning. Nov. 19. The Government is taking advantage of the powers contained in the Units of Entry Act. An Order in Council, published in tho Gazette last night, fixes tho quantities of goods to constitute units of entry, on which a rate of twoponco per unit shall bo levied. In the case of salt goods and other articles dutiable under tho rejected tariff, tho rates have been so fixed as to accord with the duties included in the Government scheme. Tho Units of Entry Act will not apply to goods already imported. A large number of entries were passed at tho Customs to-day. The duties on tea and sugar continuo to be collected at tho lower rate. There is great excitement at the proceedings of Government. Littlo business doing. Candles inquired for. Sales of Belmont and foreign, 2000 boxes in all, at lOjd. to IOJd. Private telegrams by the mail notify tho dispatch of 15,000 cases kerosene for Melbourne, and 7000 cases for Sydney. No rice coming from Calcutta. Heavy shipments of tobacco and fish. Three vessels of tea i'o:.- Melbourne, and two for Sydney. Currantß, eighty-five tons. Cheese, 1000 cwt. Bacon, 600 cwt. Cornsacks, for Melbourne, 4600 lbs. ; for Adelaido, 7200 lbs. Sugar, in London, £3 per ton higher; tea, higher. Nov. 20. A collision ocenrred between the steamships Penola and City of Launceston, last night, in Hobson's Bay. The former was arriving from Adelaide and the latter was leaving for Tasmania with the English mails. The City of Launceston was damaged noar tho main chain, and immediately sank. Efforts will bo made to raiso her. The Penola was .also damaged, but no livos wero lost. An official invceti- ■ gation is ordered. i

The Eilora, with the English mails, reached Hob son's Bay lasi, overling about G. She left for Brfn« —, at 10. ! ne J / Another .640,000 judgment has been obtained h tho Lor-Scm Chartered Bank against the Govern merit. The Xyster Opera Troupe played for tho last tima at Ballarafc or. Saturday; they appear to-night ,! Geolong. Jliss Cleveland is at Ballarat. Twenty-eight Chinese gamblers were arrested at Ballarat on Saturday evening. More nu»gers havo beon found at Dunolly. The Lightning sails to-morrow, for London, vrith 419 bak-s wool, and 11,000 ounces of gold. Cleaved Out.—Pride of tho Ocean, with 86G7 bslcj wool and 81"3 ounces gold. Business quiot, unsettled ; in broadatuffs nothing doing, pendinga large auction salo advertised for to, morrow, at which low prices are expected. In keroseno, sales aro difficult to make at 3a. 6d. One hundred and fifty tons rice, ex Annio DutMo sold at £21 103. per ton. * Advices from New York bliow tho following departuros sinco last mail:—Prima Donna, August sth for Adelaide, with 5000 cases kerosene ; Southern Eagle, August 22nd, for Melbourne, with 5000 caa e3 keroseno and 113,000 lbs. tobacco; Queen of the Seas, September sth, for Sydney, with 2000 cases kerosene, 31,000 lbs. tobacco, and 13,000 feet lumber. From Boston, tho Windward sailed for Melbourne August 21th, with 2700 crises kerosene, and 813 packages tobicco ; and Littleton, for New Zealand with 300 cases kerosene, and 392,000 feet lumber. ' Vessels Loading.—.At New York: three for Mel. " bourne and cno for Sydney. At Boston : one for Melbourne and two for Otago. Adelaide, Nov. 19, Mr. Beynold's motion for the reduction of taiation ha 3 boon postponed till "Wednesday neit. The Adelaide Volunteers have agreed to the Sydney men firing in December by tho casting vote of the chairman. Nothing doing. Prices: —Breadstuffs, nominalwheat, 10s.; flour, £2G to £27. Not. 20. J. Hawkins, who was awarded a second-class certificate, has been suspended for twelve months, in tho Insolvent Court. Tho bells for the town-hall aro finished and shipped. Jamos Dunn, steerage passenger by the Cooron», fell overboard during tho passage, and was unfortunately drowned. Patrick Auld, charged with the murder of a n?iir« In tho Northern territory, surrendered to his bail, and tho case was further postponed till tho 15th February, 186 R. The sailing of the Wonga Wonga (s.) is postponed till to-morrow, owing to her having sprung a leak, which can be repaired without difficulty. There Rro no export orders for wheat or flour. Whoat, 10s. per bushel; flour, £20 to £27 per ton. No sales. *>ov. 23. A parcel of 8,000 bushels of wheat was sold to-day at 9s per bushel. Tho Anna cleared out to-day for Brisbane, with flour and bran. Nov. 21. Owing to the illness of the Chief Secretary, tho motion antagonistic to tho Government has b;en adjourned till Tuesday next. The general belief is that the harvest will not turn out so bad as was anticipated. There is no change in t h e wheat and flour mariet. Wheat, 0s; flour, £21 to £2G. Fat sboop, lGs to 17s ; lambs, 10s to lis. Candles aro rising, owing to the advance in Melbourne. Currants are very scarce, and worth 6}d. Byass's porter is in demand, at 9u. 9d. The total value of tho exports of the quirter ending 30th September, i5£G86,621. Fobhes, Nov. 20. ' Tho drought still continues unabated. Many largo establishments havo started their sheep travelling to keep them alivo. 8000 passed hero to-day belonging to Mr. Furlongo on tho Forbes side of tho river. Nothing is left of the grass but the dry roote, and on tho Lower Lachlan tht-v havo disappeared. Sheo aud cattle aro dying. A"herd of 1500 cattlo passed horo for Victoria, n few days ago, out of which 200 head had died ; and of 40 saddlo-horaos travelling with them not one u fit to ride. Tho river in a slendor stream at Forbes, but has ceased running below, being only a chain of w.iter-holes. The crops are completely burnt off. Sydney, Nov. 23. Iu the Assembly to-day Mr. Joseph moved the adjournment of tho House, to bring under notice Ibe great inconv enienco tho people of tho colony sua>red from the very inefficient manner in which the present mail contract, via Suez, had been conducted by tho ■ Peninsular and Oriental Company. The Treasurer 1 said ho intended to place himself in communication ' with tho neighbouring colonies and tho home Go- ; vcrnment, to seo if something could not be doae to ' ensuro regularity in futuro. A bill was read a first time to remove restrictions ' upon distillation by tho manufacturers of sugar, wine, and cider. > Mr. Dean sold bv auction to-day the cargo of teas ' ox Helen, at £5 17s to £8. Six hundred and thirty bales of wool wore ofierea at to-day's sales. About half was sold at prices ) which, though a shado firmer, showed no matenal . advance on lato sales. r iAjur thousand five hundred and thirty bags o^ t' i Chilian flour, ox Kunnvside, were bought at £lo 5s to ' £17. Tho sound portions of the cargo wee bougM .lin at £20. Sound wheat, ex Sunnyside, brought^ f : 4-1, ha»s included, and tho damaged portion Ss 3d. , Tho°import markka are very dull. Rice is a shale firmer. Maize is quoted at -Is 3d, and Btcady at that

Sgnro. Arrivod —Elizabeth, from New Zealand. Sailed—Tou Tangs, for Melbourne, with supplementary mail, 1,900 bags of maize, am?. 1,700 bigs of wheat; Kathleen, for Melbourne and Sydney, Griffiths, for Geelong. „ nl Stoney, Nov. 24. Business is somewhat brisker. Sugars are very firm, and the compani's quotations arc—loaf, bw; snowdrops, £45 : crystals, £4-5 ; piece*, £43 ; yellows, £3G. Bulk alo is dull of saloat £G 10a to£o lis MToas are steady, but the trade is fully supplied at prosont. Manilla cigars aro almost unsaleaole ; good Havannahs are inquired for. Kerosene oil is etaguaut, except for small parcels; for the best brands, 3s 8d is obtainable Thero aro heavy stocM of Liverpool salt. Holders ask £3 12s w. but there are aro no sales at this price; finesalt is quoted £3 10s, and rock salt £3 15*. Kice u more aetivo; new Patna is saleablo at £20 10s to t-i. Bulk porter is declining; for Taylor's tho marro price is £G 10s to £6 15s. Martell's dark brandy remains at 7s 2d to 7s 3d. There is a slight ciport demand for palo brandy, which renders holdersfirmer. Best bran is of goneva is quoted at 10s. «»« freights to London, Jd in full. Dead weight nom- -° To-day Mr. Cowper stated that he hud no intention of introducing a bill to rednco the Governs Sa Mr y *Threlk f ad has sold by auction the cargo of Mauritius sugars ex Robert Passenger, at of £2 on late sales. The finest crystals brought «* 2s 6d: white count3rs, £19 to £42 lis 6d; Jdto» counters, £30 to £3S 15s. The same firm sold alarje parcel of sugars of other cargoes private y. Tho escorts have brought down 11,700 ounces g °The schooner Alexander, for Melbourne, and ger, for Sydney, both cedar laden, have beeu totally wrecked in Richmond Biver. , Breadstufls are unchanged, with lutle » d - Arrived-Kahlamba, from Foo-Chow, with a argo ° A°commission of ioquiiy has been appointed to »- vestigate and report upon the condition oi fry™;) harbour. It is thought that tho sewerage ot tne cuj fewer than 310 licenses wero issued at tr.e w "S'hundred hogsheads of Allsop's ale were solj to-day at £8, duty paid. Draught ale is being tore upon tho market. ~ Sailed.—Claud Hamilton, for Hokitika.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 6