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||15 s?o ciatioH.—The usual fortnightly ill Ijtebab-- - Association took place on 1 3fCtin / evening la st ; Mr - Stewart in the m fyv&f a tho gcnera i business taking up m - -ir' T ' m-vunt of time than had been anticiH, ' . ai t 0< - f our rca dings announced, g/ «tod. only ny • _, The ried p iper> » Browning, ga ;' and .. Tom Hood's Letter to M *? v£. " li'v Mr. Tissiman. On next night M y I T - ( -Z an '«W wiU V e by Mr. A. ra ct B ieeUD - '~Tji e 'Overniliiitj Providence of 1 Ca T D '-IW-atcd br Historic' Events." m tt 3S in —Some 'of the very best allotments Si M ;'„' Jmaiiv are aware, were not sold on m f B .S ™' 5t Messrs. E. Jfc H. Isaacs will offer SB l ;' e " ' ir *Vb on Tuesday next. They comprise IS f° n ver' and ether frontage of those sold on SB 'i e -md are well known, many of them, m Parser? grounds of Mr. 'Hawkins, ■Si f> lie removed his business to its present """in l Tlu' fact of so good a judge and so IS P f?"sfut a horticulturist as Mr. Hawkins, 8 "vVn'occupied this spot as a nursery ground, H M ,i-» at once tor its value. m ,? Me«k<. U:p!>'o-« .of r> Dowpex will sell tom . ' a "nuan:i:y of provisions, beef, mutton, fur--1 C Jmic Jra'perj- tobacco, crockery, Ac; also, a S ?--o quantity of brandy, and a lot of fancy g "Niessks SncnnrKY axd Sox will ofler for t! -«V t'hV day. a quantity of plaid vestas, tea, vB <~ c 'p canJles. bacon, spice, ales, wines, and sunffl ar jlE-«E>- Hakbi? axp TriiKKR -will sell by 3 .-rtion to-day, a quantity of groceries and i>ro--8 rVoi-. i\:i> :^'"; - ot lc3, hams, sauces, sanlines, B -•v'siTTO*. hats, screws, brandy, and chamfja ic'-co oats, laaize, and potatoes. '« ""?iiE of VAirAi'Lu Hobsb Stock.—Mr. •II Euckhnd will offer for sale to-day, withM -t -e-erve. at 12 o'clock, the following valuable W v'rjo stock bolon-ins: to the St. John's College 8 E>:s:e. namely. I'.ie horses Caliban, XJudine, 9 y,,' ;. >'ortM. 'Ta'.adino, and others, a Myssus. C. Artiu-k asp Sox will sell to-day. I '■ ihiir a: , :." wart, Queen-stroct. 130 bags M -v;o. •"'" 1--* rrushed oats, onions, II "t Ti.var-.n , -. .vir.ej. poultry. Ac. U " Mkssns. .'ones asp Co. will sell, to-day, 9 ;-■".•' kiu:i I'liii?.' five American ploughs."a S .—.sn:i:y oi i'-.'ef. pork, maize, potatoes, flour, 3 {:. ; also, a larce stock of ales, wines and spirits, a '•.-,-, superior Sydney maize, and 3 cases of a Lv::>'^>'T. —TV.or.ias Bennett was charged with I r.- :!:::« throe pounds from the house of Mr. 1 C.\r'.i • C.!r!i»:o:'.. Chancery-street. The prisoner 9 :!;. c J-.\i i-'iiiitv. and was sentenced to six raojitJis' 3 : .::rr:.M miii-ai. wish hard labor, a i''H of Wales Thkatee.—Last evening S :be voric | rmaai'e at this theatre consisted of a •■ Tie Lesson for Ladies," which was exceed--1 ;:;'.y well rendered, and was followed by the 9 r. :c !-v.l>-:a:uia! performance of distributing M :':.. ;::":• which Psniels continues to bestow I :::!i the victors to the theatre. To-night the ffl rf.-iomsnee wiJI commence with the well-known m t:2j of " Kobert Maeaire," to be followed by 9 ie anions burlesque •' llumtifoozle," to conj :::ie with the gift enterprise as usual, consist--9 : zz oi a silver watch, work- boxes, cameo

: ':'.->:c!ies. scarf pins, concertina, and other i i::i:!cs of jewellery. AlYklinii City Mission aki> Cd'lpbex's \ H'v". —Lr.-t evening a lecture was delivered -v ;•;■• Kov. S. Kilmer, of Albertland, in aid of :'-i i'lv.if uf this charity. The chair was occu::oi hv John Williamson, Esq., M.Cr.A. There ! Ti? j tumorous attendance. The subject of the :er. I'.Ytiirer's discourse was " Recreation," and "■e fallowed him with interest and pleasure in '::• observations, which were intelligent so long z t- lie kept the promise with which he opened, '. :1*:. Wir.z no orator, he sought no oratorical '•■ :: r'.r.-. He claimed to be merely a thinker. i:. ; . -o l< ::.: as he employed himself in thinking. ■:•■:•• «; much in his discourse that was both and entertaining. In a lecture given •i ai.i of the maintenance of a " Children's H:r.e." one would have thought that the lec:::;T would have confined himself to the de- ; '.::L:fu! task of teaching the young idea. But \ i; rc-iTS-Jed his function as more extensive, and : L? c-l\-e;ed to every kind of amusement unless : ::irvJ i; was something such as he would have ::. He would not even have boys winning v. mrWes, nor should cricketers play to ri the came. This appears to us nnrrow- | : zz the subject, for it is the necessity of : : haan beings to find zest for amusement ' I i: it i; to cat salt with meat. The rer. gentlenia said he knew practically the race-course • i trd the theatre ; spoke of these two branches of i public amusement in terms through which we I «nnot follow him. He did not inform his j i"dicnce in whose stable he had been trained, ' : c: 03 ivliat stage he made his first appearance. ■ sincerely regret that he should have marred - i a excellent and thoughtful discourse at the I commencement bvan exceedingly oratorical and ; J-ccnsidered display at the close. We would, ' I a all sincerity, direct his attention to the injustice of making an attack upon a class of persons ; *h.o were not present to defend themselves, and j to avoid the very " oratorical" expedient of "silencing those who differed from him to an■wer him if they dared. A most interesting object was destroyed by a most unreasonable paroxysm of intolerance. Felcn-t—Alfred ilartin wa3 charged before toe Kesident Magistrate yesterday, with stealing i a watch, the property of Sergeant Riley, and < tes committed for trial. j Assault.—Frederick Brant and Wm. Legatt, were charged with assaulting John ! -McGinlay, and were remanded till this-day. ■BiPE.— Alexander Lynch was charged with we commission of this offence, and Thomas ; Simons was charged with aiding and abetting \ "im in the perpetration of the act. The prisoners were committed for trial. w.VHBAL Cameron's late residence, and the '. pounds on which it stands, will, we perceive, w brought to the hammer on the 12th of December neit, by ITessrs. E. and H. Isaacs. ■we grounds are extensive and beautifully laid out ; the mansion is of stone, and in every resPect suitable for the accommodation of a gentleman's family. ■i Tee ]S T ew South Wales Marine Assurance ! Company are, we see, prepared to effect insurance against the risks of inland navigation between the Hanakau and the heads of theWaipa find Horotiu rivers. j IESSES ** rxTEB Co. will sell by auction, to-day, at the Durham-street sale yards, a new ; Patent Excelsior, self-delivering, combined reapmg and mowing machine. ' « meeting of the inhabitants of Onehunga • as f IA at the Boyal Hotel on Thursday evenwg; lor tbe purpose of making preliminary arrangements for the forthcoming regatta at that i f$ e - *■ committee was elected, and a secretary °, na treasurer appointed, and it was arranged nattheregattashouidtake place the first or second week in January. J liv j HA3fICS ' IxsTircTE.—A lecture was dej Htt' , institution last evening by Mr. ' ft V t ,- ada m. the subject being " Significance 5 «the T,mes to Christiins." The lecturer bore Pl,lf P ar ticularly upon the want of unity in the nS 5 T ld ' and E ointe<i out the ill effects i 1 !„ thereby. e gave as a familiar inI ± w p t of the Ma °ris, who said, " You ' 4 us one thin g' Rnd yourselves do the N aniH-i'i and in consequence of the distrust ScpH „ I engendered by this they had sacri- , I iC 1 »° tLeir teachers and other Europeans. > I Cr ' a,SO * notei a Terse from I{evelall 8 the GhnTch onl y p artiall y M V e^ S i ° d, and said that all must rouse ?'l * JfinFr aD , d join together as one to obtain '- 1 % a a * hic]x all Christians strive. There 'H seemed f, rate at tendance of people, who i i j? ed snatiy to appreciate the lecture. • ' tika »p" IK t Go , LI> EETtJuifs.—We have Hokie | 6th " The sum received by i 1 «tR? B 1 r 80ld from tbe lßt to the 16 & i i vus ?..eieot month amounted to £8180 Be,

representing the. duty on 25,410 ounces of gold. It will thus bo seen that the gold-fields maintain, if they do not indeed exceed, their previous yield. The Customs duty on imports for the same period amounted to £0791 ss. Gd., making n total of revenue collected at Hokitika for the first half of the present month of £9971 Ss Gd. The above gold duty includes 5500 ounces passed for 16th, to bo shipped per Auckland, Captain Ponsonby, for Sydney. The Auckland had not arrived up to the evening of the 16th inst. Coromaxdei..—The p.s.TasmanianMaid arrived last evening from Coromandel. bringing favourable news from that district, and 320 ozs. of gold from the Kapauga Company, consigned to Mr. Bobert Home, the proceeds of one month's crushing. A PnoTiifciAL Government Gazette was published yesterday and contains the appointmout of Mr. Joseph Tuekwell as gaoler, and that of Mr. Henry Justin as assistant-gaoler for the public gaol at Mount Eden. There is also n notice calling upon all persons claiming to vote for the highway district of Papatoitoi, to send in their names to Mr. W. T. Buckland, on or before the 20th proximo. Major Charles Heaphy is appointed a Commissioner Board of Education, vice Dr. Knight, resigned. The Gazette contains a proclamation issued by the Superintendent of Wellington proclaiming the Provinces of Auckland, Southland, and Otago, infected districts under the Act; also a notice to applicants for Crown Grants to exchange for certificates under the Native Lands Act, ISOS. The following are the accepted tenders for the respective public works mentioned: Culvert cutting and forming Pitt and East streets, Newton, A. Heavey, £330; Pilot-sta-tion, North Shore, William Cameron, .£IG(S; Leasing iron store on Queen-street Wharf, Geo. Eidings, £14 10s.

Imtobted Meat.—A large quantity of very fine carcase beef and mutton was lauded says the J/iiA-iVi/t-.i Aiircrtitcr of the loth inst.. on Monday evening last, from the Hero, killed in Melbourne, aud shipped over here. It arrived perfectly fresh and sweet, but the salt water had washed over the meat, causing it to have a pale sodden appearance, and it was sold, we regret to say, at prices which would not pay original cost and freight. We regret the circumstance, because it will damp the enterprise of shippers making further consignments, although we can assure them that with a little more care in the shipment they will find the speculation a very profitable one so long as the Canterbury and A'eJson imported meat maintains its present fsimino price. The mutton brought by the Hero passed out of first hands to retail purchasers at Od. per pound, and the beef 10d.

We learn from the Wellington papers that Lieut.-Col. Gorton, who was in command of the Colonial forces at Wanganui, has resigned his commission, to take a lucrative position in connection with the volunteers of A ie/oria. Major Von Tempsky, as senior oilicer, takes command until the vacancy is filled by the Colonial Government.

Lieut.-Col. Rooees. —The Wellington Independent of the ISth inst. says:—"We believe.

that Colonel Cecil Kookes lias again applied for an appointment from the Colonial Government, and it is paid that his case will be reconsidered. "We are glad to be able to announce that the ruruour.- which were some lime ago in circulation afleeting Colonel Eookes' character have on examination proved to be utterly unfounded, and that the cause of his dismissal from the colonial service was for a breach, of discipline only. The breach of discipline beins his refusal to return to Wanganui, when ordered to do so by the late Defence Minister." The West Coast limes relates an amusing incident that happened to Mr. Bonar, and a clerk in the Jiank of Sew South Wales. They had gone on business to the Claud Hamilton, in the Bruce steamer, and remained on board the former all night, intending to return by the Bruce in the morning. During the night, however, a gale sprang up, and the Claud Hamilton having lost an anchor and fifty fathoms of cable, the captain said it was impossible to tranship passeDgers in such weather, and put to sea. The two unfortunates were thus hurried off to Sydney without the slightest preparation. The Province of Canterbury, as a field for agricultural operations, labours it would seem under serious disadvantages. The Canterbury papers describe the ravages committed by these insects, varying in size from an inch to an inch and a-half in length. Forty or fifty are said to have been counted in a foot square, and fields ranging from five to forty acres, have been moro or less destroyed by this novel pest.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 636, 25 November 1865, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 636, 25 November 1865, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 636, 25 November 1865, Page 5