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OTAMATEA CLUB ANNUAL MEETING The annual trials of the Otamatea •Sheep Dog Trial Club took place in Mrs Mountain’s paddock, Maungaturoto, on April 30 and May 1. The weather on the first day was excellent, but was inclined to be cold and showery on the second day. The attendance was slightly above that of the previous year. Mr Geo. White, of Bay of Islands, acted as judge and gave entire satisfaction. Special Prizes. Otamatea Cup.—Dog scoring most points in Class I. To be Avon three times by same man with same dog.—d. E. White’s Pat, 421 points. Fraser Cup.—Dog scoring most points in Class 11, To be won twice in succession or three times in all. —F. R. Massey ’s Sluirp, 54-1 points. Champion Cup.—Best all-round dog; must qualify in Class TIT. To be Avon three times by same man and dog. — P. Kalavich’s Shep, .1051 points. Simmons Cup.—Most points in Huntaway. To he Avon throe times by the same man and dog. —E. 11. Sloano’s Bill, 43 points. Maungaturoto Ladies’ Cup. —For dog scoring most points at meeting. To be Avon three times by same man and dog. —P. Kalavieh’s Shep, 105£ points. Shield. —Presented to the Club by H. McCarroll, Esq., for dog scoring most points at the meeting. To be held by | the Avinnor for one year. —P. Kalavich’s Shep, 1051 points. Air d. OaldAvoll presents Gold Medal for dog scoring most points in Classes !l. and IT—L. W. Wilson’s Scott,' 92 | points. Gill Cup.— Presented by F. F, Gill. 1 Esq., for competitor under 25 years dT age AA’ho scores most points at the meeting. To lie Avon three times by same man Avith same flog. — P. Kalavich, 1051 points. Crawford Challenge Trophy.—A Challenge Trophy Avill be presented by H, W. Crawford, Esq., for local dog scoring most points at any tAvn Local Trials held North of Auckland during Ihe season. Mr F. F. Gill presents £l. to be awarded to youngest competitor under 21 years, Avho scores half possible points in Classes 1. nr IT. —Tan McCarroll’s Pat, 301 points, in Class I. LONG HEAD The results Avore as follows: — Possible Points: Head 17, bring back 17, ring 4, command 12; total 5(1. .1. F. White’s Pat (Okaihau): Hi, 14, 21, 10—121, first. Cast to right, ‘ ran out freely on good line and stopped on hill before heading sheep, headed quietly in 1.20. {Started to pull quietly on good line, let sheep off line after coming through fence, recovered, entered ring a little to one side and steadied in 4.45. Let sheep out of ring, recovered, steadied nicely, completed in 9.20. A. Hill’s Tweed (Maungaturoto): IG, 15, 1, 9—41, second. Oast to right, stopped tAvice before coming to fence, then made good cast, set sheep before heading, headed in 2.20. Let sheep off line in pull, brought back, allowed sheep to split before entering ring, dog's barking failed to shift sheep at ring. Entered ring on side in six minutes. Let sheep out. Dog left work. Let sheep break, failed to shift sheep. , Dog tool; little interest in Avork. Time called. L. W. Wilson's Scot (Paparoa): 12, 15, 21, 10—391, third. Cast to right, came in on cast, stopped, ran out Avide on hill, stopped several times, overran sheep, came hack and headed in 2.33. Started to pull quietly, then became rash, dog yapping and sheep coming 100 fast. Steadied, entered ring in front in 5.4 G. Let sheep out, recovered and steadied nicely. Dog firm. Time called. R. Kruse’s Matiy (Wellsford;: 13., 14, 2, 9—38, fourth. Cast in left, stopped. Dog slack going out. Headed quietly in 1.20, Started to pull barking; sheep on good line. Dog continued barking. Good Hue to flip, then off line, lei .sheep pass ring. Entered at back In 5.30. Dog left Avork Avi th sheep in good position, let sheep out, recovered and out again. Time called. OTHER STARTERS G. Katavlch’s Shop (Warkworth): 15. 13, 0, B—3o. ,T. W. Cliff’s Don (Paparoa); 13. 13, I, 8—35. F. ClotAvorthy’s Rye (Whaugarei): 15, 12, 0, 5—.35. 11. Wallis’ Scamp (Whakapirau): 12, 14, 0, 8—34.

E. JI. SI on lie’s rilon ( Maungakarainon); If), 10, ], 7 —33. .1. AY Ingram ’s Sent (Marohemo): 12, 12, 0, B—M2.8 —M2. F. R. Massey’s Fly (Wairere): 9, 11, 2, 9—;;i. F. R. Massey’s Sharp (Wairere): 17, G, 1, G—3o. A. T. Ariell’s Toss (Paparoa): 14, (i, .3, 7—30. 11. AlcCarrnll’s Tweed (Taipuha): 10, 1.0, 1, 7—28. D. Fergus’ Spy (Marohemo): S, 11, 0, 8—27. T. Studholme’s Tyne (Mititai): 13, 4,0, 7-24. ■I. Finlayson's Star (Ruawai): 14, 4,0, 4—22. * IF Mnrlitt’s Stump (To Hana); 10, 5,0, 4--22. V'. JT. Carter’s Bruce (Hikurangi): 6,0, 0, 5—20. I. MoCarroU’s Pat (Taipuha): 10, 0, 0, o—lo. SHORT HEAD. Possible Points. —Hoad 10, pull 10, drive 4, hurdle 4, drive 4, work at yard 10, yarding 1 (>, command 12, total GO. F. R. Massey’s Sharp (Wairere) —S, 94, 4, I, 4,8, G, 101—54, Ist. Cast to left. Ran out wide. Through ' scrub. Stopped on hillside. Over hill. Back and headed in 1.10. 'Started to pull quietly. A little off line. Came on quietly and steadily. Throug'h flags in good line. Steady drive to hurdle. Good line. Through first attempt. Steady drive to peg. Good line. Sheep in good position at pen. Lost position. Let sheep round pen. Recovered and yarded In good style in 10.54. L. W. Wilson’s Scot (Paparoa)— 9,8, 2,4, 4,9, G, 101—524, 2nd. Cast to left. Ran out freely. Stopped before heading. Headed quietly in 4G sec. Started pull barking. Let sheep off course. Rack on to lino at flag and steadied. Through. Off course in first drive. Dog turned tail and left work. Bade and came on to hurdles quietly. Through hurdles in good line first attempt. Good drive to peg. Steadied. Good position at pen. Lost, position. Lei sheep round pen. Recovered and yarded in good style In 10.33. F. Clot worthy’s Rye QYhangarei)— 9,9, 21, 4, 21, 81, fi,‘ 9—501, n r( p Cast to right.. Ran out freely on good line. Stopped before heading. Headed quietly in 57sec. Started pull quietly in good line. Let sheep off course. Brought back and steadied, •Continued drive in good line but too fast. Allowed sheep to pass hurdles. Recovered. Through hurdles first attempt. Let sheep off course in second drive. Allowed sheep to pass pen. Recovered and yarded in good style in 8 22 A, T. Ariel!’s Toss (Paparoa)—9, 9, 21, 4,2, 7, G, 9-481, 4th. Cast to left. Ran out on good line. Stopped on hill. Headed quietly in 56 sec. Good lino in pull, but a bit jumpy. Through flags in good line and steady. Let sheep off line in first drive, dog out of position. Allowed sheep to pass hurdles. Recovered and through. Steady drive to peg. Dog left work. Allowed sheep to pass pen. Recovered. Good position at pen. Lost position." Round pen. Recovered. Yarded in good stylo in 11.42. d. C. Ambury’s Don (Mititai) —8, 8,2, 4,2, 9, G, S—47. D. Fergus’ Spy (Marohemo)—B, 81, 2,4, 3,7, 6, 7—151. -L W. Cliff’s Don (Paparoa)—S, S, ■A L-) 6,6, 8—45. H. Wallis’ Scamp (Whakapiran)— 81, S, 3,4, 3,4, G, S—44l. fl •1. W. Ingram’s Scott (Marohemo) — G-) 4,2, i, G, 8 —44. J. E. White’s Mack (Okaihau) —8, 7,2, 4,2, G, 7, S—44. F. IT. Slonne’s Tip (Maungakaramea)—G, 7,3, 4, 21, 7,6, B—l3}. E. If. Sloane’s Glen (Maungakaramoa)—9, 8,2, 4,2, 5, G, 7—43. •T. E. White’s Pat (Okaihau) —91, 91, 21, 1, 31, 4,1, 8—42. V. H. Carter’s Bruce (Hikurangi) 9,8, 1,4, 1,5, G, G—4o. H. B. Sloauo’s dot (.Whaugarei)— 7, 81, :i?,, 4, 31, 4,0, 9—391. H. AfcCarroll’s Tweed (Taipuha)— S, G, 2,4, 2,4, 0, 7—39. F. O’Carroll’a Tip (Mauugakaramea)—9, 8,1, 2,1, 5, G, G—3B. L McCarroll’s Pat (Taipuha)— 91, 7,3, 4,2, 4,0, 7—3G*. P. Kntnvlch’s Shop (Warkwrortli).— SI 844 22 0 S—3ol. Ron Trouusoh’s Gyp (Wellsford.),— 4 S 2.1 4 3 5 0 S—34l. H. L, Massey’s Roy (Wairere).—7 7 2 4 3 4 0 7—34. E, MurflU’s dill (Te Hana). —G ,G 1 4 o 4 G 0—33. G. IC. McKenzie’s Moss (Walpu).—7 C 2 4 3 2 0 8—32,

F. R. Massey’s Fly (Wairere) —7 ■7 3, 4 3 2 0 6—32. R. Kruse’s Matty (Wollsford). —7 7 2 4 22 0 G—3o. E. Murfitt’s Stump (To Hana),—G 3, 3 4 0 0 0 G—22. HUNTAWAY Possible Points — HnntaAvay IS, Noise 9, Style G, Command 12 —Total 45. E.. If. Sloane’s Bill (Alaungakaramea)—l7, 9,5, 12—43—1st. Let sheep off course approaching first tlag—-dog facing competitor to bark—through first flags in good, line—good line to second flags —through in good line—■ good line to third flags and through in 5.46—d0g Avell up on work. Colin .Tones’ Don (Tangitororia) IG, 9, 51, 12—491 —2nd. Lot sheep off course in first drive —through (lags on one side —off course in second drive — through second flags —good line to third flags—through in good lino —dog well np on work. Time, 5.24. J. O. Ambury’s Scott (Mititai) —15, 0, 41, 111—49—3rd. Started steadythrough first flags slightly on one side —off course on second drive —dog inclined to run back and Avork competitor —through second tings in good line —hunted sheep off course in third drive —recovered and through third flags In good lino in 5.52. 11. B. Sloano’s Ben (Whangarci) — 14, 9, 44, 10—374—4th. Let sheep off course in first drive —brought back and off line again—through flags on one side—lot sheep off course going to second flags —back and through in fair line —dog left work and came back towards competitor —then back and through—completed in 6.39. L. Child’s Bob (Maungakaramea)—12, 9,5, 10—3 G—sth. Started off quietly —through, first flags a bit on one side —off line to second flags—dog facing competitor to bark —through second flags a bit to one side —-dog out of position approaching third flags—dog barking back at competitor. Time called —failed to complete. IT. L, Massey’s Rock '(Wairere) — 10, 9, 44, 11—345. ,T. W. Cliff’s Mick (Paparoa)—9, 0, 4, 6—28. P. Katavleh’s Shep—ll, 8,4, 10—3.3. Weight Guessing. First Day (correct weight, 041bs). — Roav Tronnson, M. Mcßae and Geo,. Dodds, 9341bs each, R. F. Bull, 9441b5. Second Day (correct Aveight, 031bs).— L. Snolling, 931bs,

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Northern Advocate, 3 May 1934, Page 6

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SHEEP DOG TRIALS Northern Advocate, 3 May 1934, Page 6

SHEEP DOG TRIALS Northern Advocate, 3 May 1934, Page 6