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Women’s Institutes

STANWAY Miss Clere presided at tlie November meeting. Miss Z. Jefferies gave the i motto for the month. Mrs. L. Browning was welcomed as a new member. It was unanimously decided to enter again in the potato growing competition, members to supply their own seed. Miss ; Clere kindly offered to donate the prize again this year. It was also decided to send a parcel and letter to our Link Institute in England. An interesting i report on the council meeting held in j Palmerston North was read by Mrs. Facfarlane. Members ore *«sked to note that a flower show on the same lines as that held in December of last year wall be held again at this December meeting. A further talk in the Golden Thread series was given by Miss Clere who spoke on “Laval.” This talk, together with some interesting pictures of this man who is very much in the public eye, proved very enlightening. A competition conducted by Mrs. Harvey was won by Miss G. Marshall. Afternoon tea was served by the hostesses (Mesdames Mitchell, Jefferies and Misses J. Wilson and Z. Jefferies). The winners of the various competitions were as follows: Arts and crafts (a covered coat hanger), Miss J. Rosser 1, Miss Clere 2; cookery (three pikelets), Mrs. Evered 1, Mrs. Harve} r 2; best bloom, Mrs. T. Green 1, Mrs. Rosser 2. A talk on “Children of Other Lands” wa? given by Mrs. Harvey who a l ?© illustrated her talk with photos of the children of other nations. The cooking competition for the December meeting will be “a savoury salad.” The hostesses will be Mesdames Humphrey, C. Christian and Misses Nola Jefferies and D. Callingliam. Committee members are reminded of the meeting to be held at the hall on Wednesday, November 25, at 2 p.m. MANGAMTJTU Mrs. Sowry presided over an excellent attendance of members and visitors at the November meeting. Those present were privileged to hear a most enjoyable lecture by Envoy Samworth of the Salvation Army on Java—its people and customs. The Envoy illustrated her remarks with photographs and she received the keenest attention, her lecture being most instructive and containing much humour and pathos. Mrs. > Sowry moved a vote of thanks which ' was carried with acclamation. Among the visitors were the senior school pupils with their teacher, Miss Harris. , Competitions resulted: Best bloom, Mrs. r Stokes; six heaviest hen eggs, Mrs. s Foss. The roll call was a bandage for . the first, aid post. A competition • (jumbled animals) was won by Mrs. Mangin. Afternoon tea was dispens- ’ ed by the committee. j RONGOTEA Mrs. H. V. Caverhill presided over i the November meeting, and moved a - motion of sympathy with the president 5 (Mrs. Churchill) who is indisposed. Mrs. Palmer gave a comprehensive re* ) port of the half-yearly council meeting \ and the honouring of Miss Spencer, and ■ Mrs. Dufter, Senr., was thanked for the i beautiful papier mache dog which she • presented to Miss Spencer on behalf of 3 the Rongotea Women’s Institute. Final 5 arrangements were made for the lnsfci- ’ tute Flower Show to be held in Decem--3 ber. Institute members reported on I the canteen run at the stock sale, and r it was agreed to do this regularly in r turn with the other organisations. Mrs. J Clark kept members keenly interested ‘ while she related her experiences dur- • ing her travels in America. The coms petition results were: Lettuce, Mrs. Stern 1, Mrs. Hill 2, Mrs. Hurst 3. ? FOXTON 1 The November meeting was presided over by the president (Mrs. A. Chap- • pell). There was a fair attendance of members and, owing to the absence ~ through illness of the secretary (Miss i Walls), Mrs. F. Gay undertook the e duties of secretary for the meeting. The :i president welcomed members and visie tors. The president said that since the a soldiers’ parcels had been despatched, I she had received the names of four more prisoners of war and it was decided to 0 send a donation of 5s towards a parcel s to the next-of-kin of each of these men. e The children’s party was discussed and s it was decided that this be held on s Thursday, December 10. It was deII cided that members bring a plate and *’ donate the soft drinks, the ice cream to be provided by the institute. A ree port on the meeting of the half-yearly L , council meeting held in Palmerston >f North was read by. Mrs. W. Trueman. The usual collection in aid of the sol* • diers’ parcels -was taken up, also a 2 ' penny collection from those who did not enter the competitions. The competitions arranged for December aro £ Jor pikelets and an embroidered d’ovley. Competitions resulted as folio#?: Christmas gift (to cost no more y than 2s 6d), Mrs. Hughes 1, Mrs. e Hannam 2 and o; preserved fruits, Mrs. l > Petersen 1, Mrs. Shortt 2; best flower, [" Mrs. Hughes 1 and 2, Mrs. Titcombe 3; best vegetable, Mrs. Hannam. The ie roll call “economical hints” was well y responded to and after afternoon tea a is very interesting demonstration on the :e making of wool mops was given by Mrs. Hannam, who was accorded a vote of n thanks. The “bring and buy” stall was well patronised during the aftertt noon.

ASHHURST Mrs. Flowers presided at the November meeting, and was elected to the chair as president until the end of the year, the vacancy being caused through the death of the late president. The delegate who attended the recent council meetings held in Palmerston North presented a good report. Mrs. Colin Brewer demonstrated rug making, which proved interesting, many taking an interest, in the work. The December meeting is to take the form of a social gathering, when the children of the local school are to be entertained. Competitions for the next month will be a Christmas novelty not to cost more than 2s, also a decorated floral V in a soup plate. Hostesses for next month are Mesdames Rogers, Evans, -Welton and Brewer. Competition for best ironed supper cloth resulted: Mrs. H. Fairless 1, Mrs. Haekett 2, Mrs. Telfor 3; pikelets, Mrs. Fothergill J, Mrs. Flowers 2, Mrs. Haekett 3; bloom, Mrs. Haekett 1, Miss Dobson 2. The judging t was carried out by Mesdames Hodgson and Rogers. The takings at tho patriotic Shop this week amounted to £6 2s 3d. GLEN OROUA Mrs. Foster presided in November and one new member (Miss K. Hill) was welcomed. The profits received from the luncheon which somo of the members had supplied at the recent Rongotea sale amounted to £3 ss, to aid the soldiers’ parcels fund. A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Penketh (the institutes’ hospital visitor) for the donation of 10s which had been o;iveu her. The delegate to the council

meeting (Mrs. Foster) gave an interesting report of the meeting. A number of letters were read from members of the Forces who had received parcels which the institute had sent them. It was decided to hold a Christmas party early next month. It will consist of game.and competitions for both children and adults, with dancing and items be tween. Competitions resulted: Custard tart (short pastry), Mrs. Vallender 1, Mrs. Boswell 2, Mrs. A. Saunders 3; sewing (something made from old felt hats), Mrs. Vallender I, Miss J. Vai lender 2, Miss Riddick 3; best bloom, Mrs. Clarke 1, Mrs. Boswell 2, Miss Boswell 3; Madeira cake, Mrs. Foster 1, Mrs. Lawlor 2, Mrs. Saunders 3. The competitions for next meeting will be a Christmas novelty and plate of cheese straws. Hostesses will be Mesdames Webb, T. Scott, Angus and Wallace. The half-yearly points trophies were won by Mrs. Vallender for sewing. One of the patchwork quilts made by the members won first place at the council meeting. There were two quilts made by the members. The hostesses who supplied afternoon tea were Mesdames F. Wheeler, Bailey and Miss Robinson. HALCOMBE Mrs. D. C. Managh presided over the November meeting. Miss Nita Wish* nowsky was enrolled as a new member. Sunshine members for tho coming month will be Mrs. R. Williams and Miss Edna Fergusson. An interesting report on the combined ManawatuOroua Federation’s half-yearly council meeting was given by Mrs. Ward. Arrangements were made to hold a Christmas party on December 12 in place of fcho December meeting, for institute members, their husbands and children. An interesting demonstration on poker I work was given by Mrs. L. Dufiin who | also had a fine display of work she had i done. A presentation was made to Mrs. Ward (a valued member who is leaving the district). Mrs. Ward suit- i ably replied. Competitions resulted: Vase of flowers, Miss Olive Fergusson 3, * Miss Edna Fergusson 2; cotton frock, Miss Olive Fergusson 1, Miss Doris Field 2. The competitions for December will be a Christmas novelty and the best lettuce. Miss Edna Fergusson was the winner of the ice contest competition,. while Mrs. Mason was the winner of another competition. Afternoon tea was served by the hostesses (Mrs. McNae and Mrs. N. Anderson.) RANGIWAHIA The November meeting was a red letter one for the Rangiwahia Women’s Institute. There was a very large attendance of members and friends, for the pioneer women, the grandmothers, and mothers and wives of men in uniform, of the district were guests. Mrs. Billinghurst and Miss McMillan had attended the combined Federation’s council meeting at Palmerston North and i Miss McMillan gave a very compreheni sive report. The soldier’s parcel was . drawn for, McNeely will be the recii pient. Mrs. Fankhauser will pack the • December parcel. Mrs. Carey donated . a mystery parcel which was competed i for. The proceeds (£1 16s) to bo sent , to the Leper Fund. Mrs. Heiso was ; the winner. The competitions were won as follows: Bouquet, Mrs. Billing- , liurst; short bread, Mrs. Jones; Christ- ! mas knick-knacks, Miss McMillan; High . School girls’ bouquet, Doreen Tomp- * kins. Miss McKenzie, Mrs. Fankhauser ; and Mrs. G. Rose welcomed each section i of guests and must be complimented on i the tine tributes they paid these women, i A most enjoyable programme followed, ; composed of community singing, solos . by Mrs. F. Billinghurst and Mrs. Hodge, r monologues by Mrs. W. Beard, and a . play by the Drama Circle which was . very well done and enthusiastically re- ; ceived. Mrs. J. Thompson on behalf i of the Drama Circle presented Miss j Morgan with a floral tribute in recogni- > toin of her interest and help in keeping drama alive in the institute. The hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and every guest received a floral spray. Mrs. Boshier, the institute pianist, acr companied the singers. After tho ) National Anthem was sung the company 1 sang the Doxology in praise of victories 3 achieved during the past week by the t Allied forces. Afternoon tea was a 1 jolly item, the guest table being prer sided over by the president (Mrs. Bil- - linghurst). Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. Beard on behalf of the guests, t thanked the institute for the very enjoyable afternoon.

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Manawatu Times, Volume 67, Issue 276, 21 November 1942, Page 3

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Women’s Institutes Manawatu Times, Volume 67, Issue 276, 21 November 1942, Page 3

Women’s Institutes Manawatu Times, Volume 67, Issue 276, 21 November 1942, Page 3