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MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS. TERRACE END SCHOOL. The monthly meeting of the Terrace End School Committee was held last evening, Mr AV. B. Cameron presiding. Also present were Messrs J. Davidson, W. A. Peterson, C. R. Luke, H. It. Smith, J. H. Nash and G. G. Priest (secretary). Apologies for absence were received from Messrd AV. L. Macpherson and J. Allen. The Girls Guides’ Association wrote thanking the committee for tire use of the school swimming baths for the guides’ annual sports. Tho Wanganui Education Board advised that the resignation of Miss M. Matlieson from the teaching staff had been accepted. Letters of thanks were received from the Russell Street and Hokowhitu Schools for the use of the baths. Mr F. C. Campbell, headmaster of the former school, added special mention of the .services of the custodian, Mr Arthur. The headmaster, Mr A. AV. Thompson , reported as follows: —The roll number is 672 and tho average attendance is approximately 646. During the past few weeks the attendance has been most satisfactory. Owing , to the temperature of the water dropping considerably, I Have discontinued all swimming classes. The following certificates from the New Zealand Swimming Association will be distributed this week : —T.wenty-eiglit certificates of merit, 31 proficiency and 45 learners. Besides these, 104 certificates jhave been issued to pupils able to swim one width of tho baths. Mr F. AV. Roydhouse, physical drill instructor, visited the school and inspected all drill squads. In compliance with the wish of the Minister of Education the school was closed on April 4. I wish to acknowledge the gift of a parcel of books from Mr J. P. Lines. Some 128 books have been received from the borough librarian. These are suitable for Standards 3 and 4. The school will close3for Easter on Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday. As this is the last meeting of vlio committee before the annual election, I wish to express my appreciation of the assistance rendered by the committee during the last 12. months. A vote of thanks was accorded Mr Innes for his gift of books. The chairman remarked that the swimming season had been excellent. The baths were a wonderful institution and undoubtedly contributed a great deal towards the regular attendance of children at school. . Mr Cameron took tho opportunity to thank Mr Thompson for his expression of appreciation which was reciprocated. He thanked Mr Thompson for the loyal co-operation of himself and his staff which had greatly resisted the committee. The statement of accounts revealed a credit balance of £67 19s Id, the chairman commenting that the position was very satisfactory. Attention was drawn to the need forfootballs and jerseys and it was decided to purchase the latter. Messrs Priest, Luke, Peterson and Nash offered to donate tho footballs and were accorded votes of thanks, as was the chairman, who offered to donate two jerseys. The secretary was instructed to write to the caretaker, Mr Arthur, expressing appreciation of his excellent services in connection with the baths. It was decided to grant him a bonus cf £lO. _ . CENTRAL SCHOOL.. The monthly; meeting of the Central School Committee —-the final before the annual election—was held last evening, Mr AV. R. Mayes presiding. There were also present: —Messrs., H. J. Canton, J. A. Grant, L. S. Hands, AV. S. Patton, and the secretary (Mr AV. H. Brown). The headmaster, Mr E. Bary, reported:—“The average attendance for the last four weeks is 756; the present roll is 801, thus making 94.2 per cent, attendances for the term. During the month the following officials have visited the school: Mr Lange (agriculture instructor), Mr Roydhouse (ijhysical instructor) and Mr Hodge (Education Board’s architect). Messrs. Crawford, Adams and Law (inspectors) also paid an offioial visit to say goodbye before relinquishing their duties. The swimming or the pupils has been completed and good results have again been gained. During the season 115 certificates were issued to children who had learned to swim, whilst 56 pupils gained learners’ - certificates, 41 proficiency and 29.10ng distance. It is worthy of record that Joyce Cameron learned to swim this season, gained a certificate for 880 yards and qualified, for her proficiency Certificate for life saving. Another girl, Katie Snelling, eight years of age, qualified .for her 880 yards certificate. Classes in life saving have been conducted -by . Mr Taylor and two of the pupils,. Cecil Alierby and Charles Hopkins, have qualified for the bronze medallions; seven have gained the proficiency certificate and six the -elementary certificate. Of the standards 4, 5 and 6,/0 per cent, of the pupils can swim. Through tho generosity of Mr F. A. AVollerman supplying a temporary wireless set at the school the children were, able to listen-in to the address given to school children by Rear-Ad-miral Byrd. The staff and the children appreciated Mr AVollerman’s action. Tlie following repairs are required: Blinds in both schools; wires for opening the ventilators; flushing systems; rope for the flagpole; leaking taps. "Whilst Beryle Ward was playing in the grounds on April 3 she tell and broke her arm.—The report was adopted. A letter was received from the Education Board stating that the -architect had been authorised- to proceed with the remodelling of the hot water heating system at the school, including the taking out of certain pipe lines and replacing same w r ith pipes of larger bore, increasing the number of radiator sections, and insulating the exposed pipe lines below the ground floor. The work would be put in hand as early, as possible. COLLEGE STREET SCHOOL. The final monthly meeting of the College Street School Committee prior to the householders’ meeting was held in the new building last night, those !>resent being Messrs. AV. R. Taylor chairman), P. AV. Barnard (secretary), AV. F. Cutler, C. S. Pees. R. Edwards, C. L. Turnbull, H. Tucker and the headmaster, Mr AA r . A. Swinbourn. The AVanganui Board of Education’s architect, Mr E. Hodge, wrote suggesting - that the fence in front of the new building be of concrete, 18 inchea in height.—The committee decided to notify the architect that they approved of the suggestion. • In-reply to the committee’s requebt that an electric light be wired in the porch, the board stated that it could see no necessity for this as a street lamp is in front of the school. The board approved of the installation of towel rollers and of a basin in the ladies’ lavatory. Accounts amounting to £B3 8e 2d were passed for payment. It was decided that letters of appreciation of past services be forwarded to Messrs. B. F. Barlow and H. A. Hamilton, also expressing regret that thejy

are not seeking re-election to the committee. ' * * •

The headmaster," Mr W. A. • Swinbourn presented his monthly report which was adopted. He stated that the roll stood at 518 with an average attendance of 482. A special class, under Miss AVapp. had 'commenced on March 31. Tile new infant school was occupied on March 10 by primers 1 and 2, primers- 3 and 4 moving in two days later, while on the 31st, Standard I. took possession of the remaining room. There were now 191 pupils in tire new building. During March. Inspector Law paid a visit to the school, and Mr Roydhouse. physical instructor, visited the echool this week. The headmaster expressed keen regret at the retirement on superannuation of Senior-Inspector Crawford and Inspector Adams, stating that their retirement would be felt by the teachers in the district. Considering that the school lost its most promising athletic pupils at the end of last year, it had been very : successful in. swimming, the College Street team coming second to Terrace End School in the Pat Cunningham life saving competition. “The swimming season closed on March 28th and we are again indebted to. the Borough Council for the use of the baths during the season,” continued tho report. “Fifty gained distance certificates (from 50 yards to one mile) while 21 accomplished tlie width of the baths. AVith the 12 life saving certificates earned, three bronze medallions were included.” Several donations had been given to the new school, among which were 10 vases (Mr and Mrs G. AA r atchorn), couch (Mrs Harris), linen and medicaments (Mrs Bale), “sea horse” for museum (Master Trewick), while Mrs F. Relling is giving a complete doll’s house and Mr E. S. Olliver lias offered a basket ball for the girls’ games-. Mr A. J. Berryman had lent a wireless set to receive the broadcast of Rear-Admiral Bryd’s speech. Commenting on the report, the committee expressed its pleasure at the swimming successes. “Swimming is the finest sport the children can undertake,” said Mr Barnard. The committee passed a vote of thanks to the donors of gifts for their generosity to the school. . A resolution wa6 passed requesting the incoming committee to draw up a new schedule to cover the caretaker’s duties in connection with both the old and new buildings. It was also recommended that a sandpit be provided for the infants. The arrangements- made by the combined entertainment committee to hold a social gathering in the new school were confirmed. • - A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr W. It." Tayler, the chairman, for hie services ‘during the past year. In moving that a vote of thanks be tendered to the ladies for their willing assistance, ■ Mr R. Edwards expressed the view that the men did the talking but the ladies did the work. The motion was carried unanimously. MILSON SCHOOL. At - a meeting of the Milson School Committee Mr ±‘\ J. Malcolm presided. Others present were*Messrs. A. Franklin, E. Petterson, G, C. - Francis and F. J. Murphy. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr Berryman thanking him for the use of the radio for the reception of Rear-Admiral Byrd’s broadcast speech and he was also instructed to write to the Terrace End School Committee, thanking them-for the use of their baths. The committee commented very favourably on the recent health camp conducted by Dr. E. Gunn. The headmaster (Mr A. A. McEwen) reported that the roll number was 81. Miss Ross left on March 14 to accept a position in the Auckland education district and was being relieved by Miss McDonald. Miss K. Keen had been appointed to fill the vacancy and would commence her duties on M a Y !•. On March 12, Hon. H. Atmore (Minister for Education) visited the ecliool. During the month the agricultural instructor (Mr - Lange) had pajd a visit and expressed appreciation of the work being done. On March 21 Inspector Law had visited the school and rejjorted favourably, while on March 27 Mr Roydhouse (drill instructor) had made an "inspection. The school would be closed at Easter from April 17 to 23 and for the term holidays from May. 10 to May 26.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 112, 8 April 1930, Page 3

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STATE SCHOOLS Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 112, 8 April 1930, Page 3

STATE SCHOOLS Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 112, 8 April 1930, Page 3