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GOVEUNMENT’S INVITATION LIST. A very long list of invitations to tho Royal review has been issued in the namo of the Prime Minister. There will be a special enclosure for the Princo and his suite, and their Excellencies tho GcSvernor-General and the Countess of Liverpool and staff. In the Royal enclosure, also, the officers of H.M.S. Renown will bo accommodated, as well ns Ministers of the Crown and their wives or daughters, the Mayor and Mayoress, the Anglican. Dean of Christchurch, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Christchurch, the Moderator of the Christchurch Presbytory and tho Jewish rabbi. MajorGeneral Sir E. W. Chaytor, BrigadierGeneral G. S. Richardson, LieutenantColonel Sleeman and Colonel Young will also be present, and in each case the invitation will include one lady. Tho general list of invitations for the Royal enclosuro is as follows, in each case a lady being included in tho invitation:—

Tho Mayor of Christchurch, the Mayoress, tho Town Clork, tho City Surveyor, tho city councillors, the Hon H. F. AVigram, tho Hon C. Louissou, the Hon John Barr, the Hon. It. Mooro, tho Hon W. H. Triggs, tho Hon C. A. C. Hardy, tho Hon Joseph Grimroond, Mossrs L. M. Isitt, J. M’Combs, G. Witty, D. G. Sullivan, E. J. Howard, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes, M.P.’s Mr Justice Herdman, Mr Justice Stringer. Mr S. E. M’Carthy, S.M.. Mr V. G. Lay, S.M.

Tho editors and chief reporters of the " Lyttelton Times,” " Press,” “ Star ” and “ Sun.”

Tho Mayors of Simmer, Hew Brighton, Sproydon, Riccarton, Lyttelton and AYoolaton; tho chairmen of tho lieathoote, AYaimairi, Mount Hcrbort, Wairewa, Springs, Halswoll and Paparua County Councils, and of the South AVaimakariri River Board. The officer in command of tho Salvation. Army, the Rev J. A. Joughin, Chaplains W. Grigg, W. Ready, W. B. Scott and Mackenzie Gibson, Revs J. Paterson, Christian, and Dunnage.

Iho presidents of tho Canterbury Trades and Labour Council, Civil Service Association, R.S.A., Veterans’ Association, Canterbury Patriotio Fund, "Working Men’s Riflo Club, Christchurch Rifle Club, Canterbury Rugby Football Union, C.D.C. Corps, Cante.rbury Jockey Club, Canterbury Trotting Club and Navy League; the Superintendent of Police.

The Commissioner of Lands, Registrar of Pensions, South Island Fields Instructor, Inspector of Land and Income Tax, the Chief Postmaster (Christchurch), Public Trustee District Engineer Publio \Vork3 Department Stationni aster (Christchurch), Registrar Births, Deaths* and Marriages, tho District Valuer, tho Wheat Controller, the District Traffic Manager, the managers of tho Union Steam Ship Company and New Zealand Shipping Company, the managers of tho Bank ot Australasia, Commercial Bank of Austraju, Bank of Now South Wales, Bank of New* Zealand, Union Bank of Australia, National Bank, and Sydenham branch of the Bank of Now Zealand.

The professors of Canterbury Collego, tho head masters of Christ’s College, Boys’ High School, St Andrew’s College, St Bode’s College. the head mistresses of St Margaret’s College, Girls’ High School, tho secretaries of tho Y.AV.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. The chairmen of the Christchurch Fire Board Christchurch Drainage Board, Christchureh Tramway Board, Lyttelton Harbour Board, Board of Governors of the Canterbury Colloge, North Canterbury Hospital Board, Canterbury Education Board, Board of Governors of Technical College, Domains Board, Chamber of Commerce uM T a’ 80hman W Andrew Anderson, Anderson, Mr 0. T. J Affiers * M w R ‘ °* Bi T hop ’ Mr Alex Boyle, Sir Francm Beys, Mr J. AY. Baty, Mr H. L. Bowklr. Henry* Cottonll, Sir George Clifford Clark! Mm cJril 'Carey. C ° loman ’ T ’ Mrs Emerson. Miss Freeman.

o^ GouM - Mrs rie ’ lb} ’ M * J *, Gres son, Miss Gutk-

Mrs H E Hawkins, Miss Hood, Mi- H Holland, Mr George Humphreys, Mr G H* Sis m °Ell„ M H, Hineß ’^ r Harper! nl.'jr Ee lmore > Miss Heywood, Mrs Earns Mrs Carey-Hill, Mrs K. Hollis -Au b Gorge Jameson. Ki ““ 7 * * * A. li’lTo. H * L '"‘V' n[ll1 '* Lavie, Mia B. Miss Munro, Miss Mills, Mrs "W. H MedR If’ m-D J * Montgomery, Mr 1, M D , ona,t b Mr A. C. Maxwell Mr P Mo Mr M’Namara MrsW o' Morns, Mr D. MacDonald, Captain Man Miss Newman. Miss OrbeH Miss Overton. ur i l: n P %ir Ph,nket ’ Mr mgfws, r E T t Rhodes, Mr H. C. Rogers, Mr Dan Reese Mr TAV. Reese Mr W. T. Robinson Mr, Robbie 0C <5S ’ Mr * Rutlw! K°. Mrs E. A. \ Smith ’ Mrs D * M’Benn Stewart,’ H l ' Smith borenSen, Mr H * sla ter, Mrs H. a Hr Treleaven, Miss L. Tabart, Mrs A. 11. Turnbull. Mrs Vernon. M|r Whittaker, Mrs Watkins, Mr Joseph Wallace Mr C. 0. R Ward, Mr Cyrus J. Williams, Mr W. Wood, Mr Charles Vo-od, Mrs C. E. Wavbraith, Mr G. G. II Vikon, Mrs G. E. Way, Mr F. Wilding. Brigadier-General A. W. Andrews, Colonel \ . S. Smythe, Colonel Sir R. H. Rhodes, Colonel G. J. Smith, Colonel R. Snow. Colonol 11. Stewart, Colonel Fenwick, Colonel Chaffoy, Colonel Cooper; Lieutonant-Colonels C. F. Hutton, A. E. Loach, J, Murphy, T. A. M’Gibbon, N. F. Shepherd, Jennings, Dobson, J. Deans. F. B. Creswell, G. J, Beattie, It. W. Anderson, A. J. M’Credie Bean, Ccssgrovo, F. Symon, R. B. Smytho. Majors F. M. Charters, E. W. Cuddon, W. Aitkou, G. D. Anderson, L. G. D. Acland, J. Anderson, H. S. Batchelor, F. Bishop, J. P. Veale, R. C. W’ickens, It. Withers, N. Wolfe, A. C. Macdonald, S Westmacott, F. Devon; 11, D. S. Murchison, Stmseftsbn, Blakeway. Dennis, Cotterili. A P. Keddeli, C. V. Looming, R. A. It. Lawry It. S. Matthews, F. Matthews, 11. It. Mottrnm, A. G. Macdonald, S. C. P. Nicholls, J. P. Oakes, T. H. Overton, R. A. Row, J. L. Saunders, D. G. Smith F. P. 0. Smith, G. L. Stevenson, J. K. Thomas, Norton Francis, F. G. Gibson, Iv. M. Gresson, A. F. Drayton, W. P. Evnns. A. H. AY. Evenden, W. Barnett.

Captains G. M’Donald, It. Gould, A. N. Grigg, G. H. Grigg, J. H. Grigg. W. A. Humphreys, Angus Douglas, F. J. Borrie, J. A. Frostick, T. H. Gatos, C. H. Hewlett. It. P. Harper, D. E. Harkness, L. M. Isitt. A. It. Jacobsen,'V. J. K. Jennings, A. Kidd, E. F. H. Knowles, H. S. S. Kyle, H. G. Livingstone, M. G. Louisson, A. E. Lutlroll, It. Macartney, C. R. Mathias, J. F. Mid "ley, J. I). Marks, L l . Macfarlane, D. M’Millan, T.* Rhodes, D. M. Robertson, I. B. Riordan, F. G. Roach, E. Stout, W. H. Simpson, S. G. Scoular. H. E. Suckling A. Taylor, L. H. Brake, H. F. S. Drewitt N. Y. Reed, P. S. Foster, H. H. Fisher, tV. F, Grenfell, J. Guthrie, D. Chapman Crawford, ff. J. Dougall, J. F. Duncan, W. Deans, Euan Dickson, D. W. Gray, W. E. Earnshaiv, A. Fairbairn, S. E. V. Brown, A. Blunden, Bushel. Brooker, L. B. Burnet: J. Cocks, T. L. Cowlishaw, D. Crozier, S. A. Clark, G. H. Carrington, J. Coe, R. Chapman. It. C. Abernothy, W. O. Bradloy. E. J. Brammall, H. Bradloy, F. R. Bushcil, R. Ij, Anderson, W. Tracey, H. B. Wheeler, F. S. Wilding, A. R. C. White, C. Wood, S. M. M’Gee, W. W. M’ Kinney, F. Farthing, Spencer Daniels, A. R. Isaacs, L. J. Guiii-ver-Cradwick, E. A. Winchester, Thomson. Pemberton, P. G. R. Fordham, G. M. Abbot, D. Murchison, G. E. Archey, T. Arcliev, Cavasso, Atwell. Burnett.

Lieutenants W. E. Mouldy, W. Iloare, R. A. Hawkins, J. Hanratty, L. A. Ilolford. H. S. Hobbs, F. Hubbard, H. P. Hawker, A. Humphreys, T. G. T. Hamilton, S. Hearno, W. B. Hutton, H. A. Hamilton, R. S. D. Harman, R. Hall, R. D. lies. C. James. It, C. Jameson, M. D. Laurenson. J. B Le Mottee. 0 R, Murray. A. J. Merton, C. L. Mcrcdith-Kayo, MaSoy, G G Macdonald, C. B. Marshall, C. H. Millar. K. B. Macßae, R. W. Morrow, F. H. Min tvom, T. M’Uee, J. W. R. Oaken, A. Owen, G. B. Park, J. Page, C. M. Penfold. F. L. Roes, E A. Robinson, J. H. Rigby, J. H, Rhodes, A. lthind, A. ’J. Raines. S. J. Samoson, R. Smith V, Siddall, C. C. SandHton" T C. Scott, S. C. Sherrard, R. B. Spiers Salter, T. Stockdell, M. 11. Tisdall, F. J. Traynor, J. L. Turnbull, J. Burnarcl, F* L Bcwron, G. Booth, A, Boon, 0. F. Baker. N. Barlow. S. G. Bowron, H. W. W. Beck J. S. B. Bridges, T. G. B. Candy, F J Coe, C. G. M’Kellar, H. D. Christie. J.' J.' Ardagli, R. G. Armitage, J. Anderson, B. Barnes, E. H. S. Batchelor, AS. B. Puckhurst M. W. Boaven, T. Beckett, C. Bell, W Bridgman, D. Barker, H. J. Biggins, E. Amos, R P. Tabley, H. Webb H. Whitehead, R. B. Walker, C. C. Minn W. 0. Warman F. F. J. Trent, W. R. Lascelles, F. Cracr'oft-Wilson, Waiiklyn. J B. Wilson. ■p W Smith, J. F. Walsh, R. G. Armitaso, L. FosS H. C. R lWoll J. T. Ford. C. L. Gee Gibson, J. H. Gilmour, J. b. Cl Chisholm. P. Crisp F. S. Cooper Chester. J- L- v^. D D a, M. E- Kho«: 3 T. C. Evans’ ?' G. Forde, J. Brown, S. G. Brisker C- G. Baker. E. C. D. Withell, F. J n. Willcox, H. w. Winter B. b Wood. A. T. Williams, A. Watson, J A Westenru, W I Ward, S. B. Wharton, F. W. A\ ilaon> B ' West G. S. Weston, Wilkinson, G. V. Williams. H. A. Mnrey, J. C. M’Donald.

C. I. Denham, H. W. Raphael, E. A. Dilmer, W. B. Cook, P. A. Turner, F. R. Smythe, A P. Hopkins, T. W. Pago, Moikle, C. Stringer L. A. Morrison, H. Nelson, M’Clolland, F. D. Helmoro, J. C. Schneider, M’Whannell, Bell. M’Artkur, H. E. Farr. F. L. Brandt, A. E. Brockett and S. G. Prebble.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18408, 14 May 1920, Page 7

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THE ROYAL REVIEW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18408, 14 May 1920, Page 7

THE ROYAL REVIEW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18408, 14 May 1920, Page 7