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• MAY.


..: VTiadj S.W.; clear. TO-DAY'S ALMANAC. High water, 3.7 a.m.; 5.32 p.m. * Gun rir.ta 6.55 a.m.; sets, 4.58 p.m. iteii rises, 5.33 p.m.; sets, 8.33 a.m. ARRIVED. ■■ May 2, 6.25' a.rn.-Mocraki, 9.s 4392 ions Bolls, from Melbourne, via Hobart, Blua and Dunedin. Union Steam Ship Company, arcnts. Passengers: Intercolonial Mcsdlmes Menzie. Hills and Pctterd, Messrs Booth, SwindeUs, Gibson and three steerage; coastal—Mr Gamble- and four steerage. May "710 a.m. Maori, s.s., 3389 tons. Indwell, '■ from Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers-Misses M'Laughlin, M'lienzie, Rudkins Haokyns, Storrio, Martin, Fitzgerald, Amalt, Benny, Bbant, M'Lellan, Edgar, Corney, Jones, Holmes, Fleming, M'Kenzio, Rutherford, Bowes, Hamilton, Corbett, Smith and I. 'Jones, Mesdamcs Tumor, Cramp, Spray, •Finch,' Davis. Ross, Archer, Cock, lenwick, •Prvor Hay, Stokes, Cox and Banfiehl, Hon T. "Mackenzie, Hon G. J. Smith, Colonel iHeard, Rev J. Jollie. Rev R. Hall. ■Baker, Crawford, Mowatt, Bay, Little, Le.xnotte, Murphy, Davis, Buckley, Chamberlain, . Murrav, Robinson, Ganger (2), Hitch, Bankin, Davion, Mitchell, Innes, Johnson, Harley Brian. M'Lollan, Haytou. Swathe, Wmte, Milne. Peterson. Chapman, Stndholme, Conjnor, Pryor, Grßham, Simons. Fenton, Los;bridge, "Stewart, Morris, Meefiold. Reed, 'Stringer, Reed, Cramp, Fickenny, Kenning, iVanluusen, Nairn, Lees and Grange and 'aighty-seven steerage. , May 2, noon—Storm, s.s., 405 tons, Gordon, from Port Chalmers. A. H. Turnbull and 'Co.. agents. Mav 2, 7.25 p.m.—Cygnet, s.s., 124 tons, Murray, from Kaikoura". Stevenson, Stewart and Co., agents. SAILED.

' May 2. 5.5 pjn.—Koonya, s.s.. 1091 tons, Pryde, for Wcstport. Union Steam Ship. Company, agents. May 2, 3.5 n.m.—Moexaki. s.s.. 4392 tons, •Rolls, for Sydney, via Wellington. Union Steam ShiD Company, agents:. Passengers: For Wellington—Miss Taylor, Mrs Davis, Messrs Dive and Davi3; for Sydney—Misses •Bing, Trent. Hicks. Elder. Young and Dickinson. Sisters of Mission (">), Mcitdames Evans, Buxton, Overton, MLcod Smith, Leitch. Meiga.l, Scott, Smith, Ure, Smith, tDownie, Clarke, Hall and Cotton and three boys. Lieutenant Evans, Dr M'Millan Brown, Messrs Hallard, F. Drake. Lucas, Horlook, loi'tcb, Meigal, Scott. Pearson. Gibson, Young, Ure, Whoeler, Hughes, Harrison (2) end Scott-Baker, and thirty steerage. May 2, '6.25 p.m. —Wakatu, 5.5.,, 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. Kinsoy and 1 Co., agente. May 2. 8.40 p.m.—Maori, s.s., 3399 tons, Aldwell, for Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. EXPECTED ARRIVALS.

THIS DAY— Mararoa, s.s., from Wellington; Moana, 8.5., from Sydnty, via Wellington; Waihora.x s.s.,'from Newcastle; Kaixaki, s.s., from Nydia Bay. From Loudon Ruahino, s.s., sailed March 14. at Wellington May 2, duo Lyttelton Mav 6; Arawa, 8.5., sailed March 23, due Wellington May 14, Lytteitou May 20; Pakeha, b.s., sailed March 13, doe Lyttelton May 6; Paporoo. b.s., sailed April 4, due Lyttelton about June 5; Euapehu, b.b., sailed April 11, due Copo Town Hay i, Hobart May 23, Wellington May 28, Lyttelton June 8; Tainui. s.s., sailed April 26, due Wellington about June 12, Lyttelton .June 17. From Liverpool—Kent, s.s., sailed March 12. due Auckland about May 12. Lyttelton Mav 23; Niwahi. s.s.. sailed March 16. due Lvftelten May 15; Nairnshire, s.s., sailed April 4, due Lyttelton about June 19. From Montreal—Karamea, s.s., tailed February 21, duo Lyttelton »bout May 6; Waimate, b.s., sailed March 15, due Lyttelton June 5; Tokonjaru, 8.5., sailed April 15, due Lvttelton about July 6.* • From New York—Anclo-Bolivian, s.s., sailed February 11, due Lyttelton about Mav 4; Hohenfols, s.s., sailed March 7, due Lyttelton about May 30; Tomoana, s.s.. sailed March 24, duo Lvttelton about Juno 6: -Neidenfe.s, s.s., to sail April 27; Courtfield, s.s-., to sail Mav 6; Star of Australia, s.s., to sail May 10. From Gene, Sweden—Don, barque, sailed November 11, left Plymouth January 12 From Puget Sound—Alumna, four-masted schooner, left Port Blakely March 19, due Lvttelton about May 31. "From- Calcutta—Waitemata, s.s., galled April 3, left Samarang April 15. due Newcastle April 29, Auckland May 4, Lyttelton about May 10.

UNION STEAM SHI? COMPANY. The Mararoa will arrive from Wellington this morning, and will leave tc-night on the return journey. The Moana in duo from Sydney, via Wellington, this morning. Sho will jail later for Melbourne, via southern ports. The Wairar.a is due back horo on Monday or Tuesday to load grain for Melbourne and Sydney. Tho Whangape is to leavff for Svdney to-night. Tho Waihora, which left Newcastle on Friday, April 2b, is esnected to nut in an appearance to-night. Sho is probibiy being delayed by bad weather.

• Loading operations on board the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rirnutaka will not- bo completed until to-morrow, and the vessel will then proceed to Picton and other I'orts to complete. The Fcderal-Houlder-Shire steamer Surrey will leave Lyttelton to-day for Dunedin to compete discharge o£ her Liverpool cargo. After docking at the latter port the vessel will proceed to a number of ports for Homeward* loading. After having been .delayed for several hours by bad weather, the Now Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruahine arrived at Wellington yesterday afternoon from London, via Cape" Town and Hobart. Her southern pasJEOngers should aTrive this morning by the Mararon. The vessel has a largo cargo for .Wellington and Lyttelton, and is duo here early noxt week. Mr W. M'Kenzie, socond engineer of the i Hippie, has left the ship, and Mr S. Bernech iliaa signed on in his stead. Mr W. J. Sirnp:son has joined the same vessel as mate in iplace of Mr J. Owen, who has left the vessel.

Mr R. Dodd, late mate of the coastal steamer Blenheim,- has been appointed to the Union Company's wharf etaff at "Wellington. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's ihartered steamer Karamea. from Montreal, is expected to reach Wellington to-day in continuation of discharge. She will probably teach Lyttelton on Sunday or Mondajr. . Mr«T. Sowall, late assistant wharfinger at Wellington for the Union Steam Ship Company, joined the Whangape yesterday in place of Mr R. J. Reeves. Mr F. R. Gamble Jejoined the Maori as chief officer yesterday. -The "New Zealand Nautical Tables," published by the Marine Department, were much Used and appreciated by members of Captain ■Scott's Antarctic expedition. A few days ago iCaptain Blackburne received a letter from Lieutenant E. R. G. R. Evans, favourably commenting on the table. Lieutenant Evans jinth-e course of his letter says:—" I shall endeavour to bring your tables into more general use in the Navy, as I consider them facile princeps of their kind. Burdwood and Davis lire so. cumbersome. I think you will be tpleased to hear that on the southern journey J used your tables exclusively, and worked cut all magnetic variations and true bearings Vy means of them up to latitude 85deg S„ thence to 68deg., almost by exterpolation." • [Tho Shaw. Savill and Albion Company's iXumara, which left London en MRrch 30 for New Zealand; ports, via Hobart, resumed her ▼oyago on S\inday last from Capo Town. Tho vessel is duo at Wellington about the end of the month. I Tho Shaw, Savill- and Albion Company's Pakeha arrived at Dunedin on Wednesday. The Bakeha loft London on March 13, and ran into a thick fog in the Chennel, and «fterwards met with very rou?h weather crossing the Bay of Biscay. The weather then moderated, and continued fine for some -time. She crossed the equator on March 21, •nd pioked up moderate trade winds, which continued until arrival at Capo Town on April 3. After replenishing her bunkers tho Pakeha resumed her voyage the following /day, and mat with moderate weather crossing ths Southern Ocean. She arrived at Sydney

•n April St. and landed 10. TS immigrants, who were promptly despatched to various destinations in New South Wales. Tho 'Pakeha left Sydney the following day, last Friday, and on Saturday heavy winds net in from the southward, and increased to a howling gale during the night, accompanied with very high seas and blinding squalls, causing the vessel to labour heavily. Dtuing Sunday tho gale abated somewhat, but Increased in fury during the n*lght. ar.d on Monday tho wind increased to ;i hurricane. immense »sa? evoke against the vessel, which laboured bo he-ivily that Captain Chudlcy isemed it prudent to slnckrn npeed, and at midnight ho hove-to for eight hours, during which time she nut wallowed in the huzo •ea?, which would have smothered most small ▼easels. .At 3 a.m. the Pakeha resumed heTray under easy sleain, and' the g»!c rubsided considerably as the vessel: nearcd the "and. : Tho Pakeha brought no passengers to New 1 J Zealand, but has 'about 4000 tons of- general cargo for Dunedin and a large quantity for liyttelton. During the voyage to Sydney the

Pakeha proved to bo all that was claimed for her os * comfortable and speedy vessel, her avorago speed boing 13 knots to Cape Town and 13.4 knots from the Cape to Sydney. Captain T. H. Chudley, R.N.R., is still in command, and has associated with him the following officers;—Mr S. Kelly (chiof), Mr J. H. Gaakell. R.JN'.R. (second), Mr D. Christio (third), Mr P. F. Chowles (fourth). Mr R. E. Bamsbottom is cngineer-m-charge. his assistants being Messrs S. A. Widdingt'on (second), G. Lidgett (third), W. Gower (fourth), It. Paterson (fifth), A. Brewer (sixth). Tho refrigerating plant is hi charge of Mr R.'Latta, hi 9 assistant being Mr A. F. Roberts. Mr C. M'Gillvray is boilermaker, and Mr W. Carey is steward-in-charge. The health of all on board wa3 looked after by Dr C. G. Aickcn and the matron (Sister M. Rudman) and two trained nurses during the voyage to Sydney.

TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. WELLINGTON, May 3. Arrived, 7.25 a.m., Mararca, from Lyttelton; 3.15 p.m., Rnahine, from London via Hobart: 3.15 p.m., Tarawcra, from Lyttelton. Sailed, 4.35 p.m., Remuera, for London; 8.5 p.m , Mararoa, for Lvttelton. GREYMOUTH, May 2. Sailed, 11 a.m., Kaitangata, for Melbourne. KAIKOURA, May 2. Arrived. 7.30 a.m., Cygnet, from Lyttelton. Sailed, 10.10 a.m. Cycnet. for Lyttelton. - TIMAEU, May 2. Arrived, noon, Wairuna, from Lyttelton. PORT CHALMERS, May 2. Arrived, 5.10 p.m., Mokoia, from Lyttelton.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, May 2. Arrived—M'oncwai, from southern porta. WELLINGTON, May 2. Arrived—Ruahine, from London.

Sailed—ltuapohu, for London. Moana' (7 p.m.), for Hobart and Melbourne, via. southern ports: passongers for Lyttelton—Misses Newsojl and Brown and Mrs N&wson. Mararoa (8.5 p.m.), for Lyttelton; passengers— MiES2s Coombs. Ryan, Gardiner, M'DonaJd, Scott, 3'oney, Warnock and Aitken, Mesdamos Adamson, Pcarce, Hoaiey, Stow and Turnbull, Messrs Murray, Milne, Lawrence, Woods, Havelock Wilson, Magnus, Hawke, Chapman, Andrews, Field. Robinson. Knirht. Dent, Albert, Bovlo, Wilson, Stone and Stow. DUNEDIN, May 2. Arrived—Mokoia, from northern porta.

AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. NEWCASTLE, May 2. Arrived—Waitemata, from Calcutta, for Auckland.

SYDNEY, Mav 2. Arrived—Morning, from Tahiti; Karori, from Lyttelton.

Full moon . . 1 9 49 p.m Last quarter ■ 9 8 26 p.m New moon . . . 17 9 44 a.ra First quarter . 21 1 41 a.m Full moon . . 31 11 0 cm

Thermometer . !S.< jti. Noon, opjc. ?i 20.60 29.67 .(} 50 55

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15919, 3 May 1912, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15919, 3 May 1912, Page 6

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15919, 3 May 1912, Page 6