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" THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES ACT, 1893." Notice to Native Ownebs and Lessee of a Meeting to bo hold at the Cocethodse, Manaia, at 2 p.m., on Fkidat, 2nd June, 1893, to fix tho Ront for a New Lease to Frederick Augustus Kelling of Section No. 33, Block VII., ■'.VAritATE, containing 4G acres (more or less), being Land comprised in Memorandum of Lease registered No. 566. rflO Manaia Hukanui, and the other Native JL owners of all that piece of land situate in ihe Waimato Survey District, being Section No. 3d, Block VII., and containing by admeasurement 46 acres (more 1 or less), being laud comprised in memorandum of lease, registered No. 566, to Frederick Augustus Kelling, Manaia, settler, as transferee: "W hereas tho above-named Frederick Augustus Kelling has given notice to me, under the provisions of section 8 of "The West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892," that he desires to obtain under tbat section a new lease of the land above described ; and I consider his application ought to be given effect to : Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take place botween the said Frederick Augustus KeHinK and all the Native owners of the above-described land, for the purpose of fixing the rent to be paid for the 6aid land for the first twenty-ofte years of the new lease ; and I fix the Courthpuse, Manaia, as the place where, and Friday, tho 2nd June, 1893, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, as the time when, such meeting shall take place. Dated thie ."3rd day of May, 1893. i J. K. WARBURTON, I No. 18.] Public Trustee. "TE TURE WHAK AT AUn RAHUI O TE TAI j HAUAURU, 1899." ! Kupu whakaatu ki nga Tangata Maobi no ratou te Whenua, ratou ko te Kai-tango Rrrai, kia j mohio ai ratou tera ka tv he huihuinga ki ta Whaiie-whakawa i Hatveba, t. te Mane, te 5 o i nga ra o Huno, 1893, a te 10, o nga haora i te ata | hei whakarite i to utu reti mo tetahi Riihi hon j ki a WiLLiAir Mobshead Symons, o tetahi whe- j nun. c mohiotia ana ko Tekioua 07, o Poraka 1., Hawera, c 80 nga oka i roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei), ava ko tc whenua c mau na te whakapturanga i roto ite Riihi kua rehitatia ki te j Ni'.ma 540. ! XI a Tukarangatai, To Mira, Rahiri, Hurunga, j Tare Waka, Rangimawe, Te Putaka, Mange, Te Ouetu, Nunumi, Rsngitaniwha, Te Whakahoke, Tamimlicrt, Kakc, Te Raukohu, Tumahulu. Turahae, Puhaia, Kuke, Tonga, (Te Mira, te kai-tiaki), Piki, N;,'akau (Te Mira, te kai-tiaki), Tahunait 1 . Urnnga. Hone Whakapau, Te Manu Kariori, jlinenia, Kangipahi, Matakirangi, Te Ke- | nui, Rangipun, Tahnvi. Ngapuhi, Rongoapitj, i Hinerangi. Xci, Tc Aio, Puiako, Te Toroa, Toi- i rehe, Tau 'a, Taiakune, Tuhia, Hono Taka, Tutawa, Kfipiin, Potaka, Hihemaire, To Rero, Rehia, Haw.uhi, To- Para Ruakoro, Ponaua, Mata, Ngatai ii, Whataranika, Kumenga, Kehu, Hinauri, Tioko, Ngnl-awe, Hautaweru, Rourangi, Wharepnni, Tdhuoi, Karewai, Pukore, "Whakawiria, Te Augiauiji. lUikia, Te Tugoingo, Tuhia Wharoponri, Puaroto, Huionn, To Kahuiti, Whatakaraka, TamaliM, Kcin, ltanf;ihiiia, Tukaliu, Potaka, Harei, Hono Whakapau, 'J'e Pakoke, Hone Kotuku, Puiakohu, Muixana, Mounu, Ngana, Punahav, Hau■whemiß., A-nhin, M.iku, Mflkurmigi, Rangitupoki, Turauknwa, To Kahui, Rongitaura, Te Ratahi, Ngautn, To Moengaroa, Ngataioina, Wnitipu, Wiremu Kahui, To Rnngiwhirqn, Tnumnna, Te Haupupa, Tongaauroa, Ko Tenaihi, Taupiri Tocrangi, Tore Mutumutu, Huriwhakn, Tamaheii. To Kokoro, Matareinga, Hone To Poho, Tamatea, Rangawhenua, Kereona, Moni, Rangimamau Tuwehe, Hanpupa, Hinetau, Hinehau, Waitaoro, Mary ]?ai]o>. To Waipuhiao, Oroonga, Te Kn'i, Mercana Hawaiki, mo era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera pnbi whenua katoa i roto i to Tnkiwa Ruuri o Hawcm, c mohiotifl ana ko Tekiona G7 o Poraka 1., to ingoa, c 80 nga eka i roto (nui ake, iti iho rauei) l runga j te ruuritanga, ara ko te whenua c mau na to whakaturanga f roto Ite riihi kua rehitatia ki te Nama 540, a ki a William Morshead Symons, o Normanby, auo hoki, kai-noho whenua, te kai-tango riihi. Notemea kua tuhi pukapuka whakaatu mai a William Morshead Symons kua whakahuatia nei tona ingoa i runga ake nci, i raro i nga tikanga o tetua-waru o nga tekiona o"Te Ture Whakfttau Rahui o telTai Hauauru, 1802," whakaatu i tonft hiahia kia riro i a ia he riihi hou i raro i nga tikauga o taua tekiona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ake nci ; a c whakaaro ana au o tika ana kia whakamaim taua tono. Na, tonei ka whakaritea Uei a au kia tv he huihuinga i waenganui o taua William Moorshead Symons me vga tangata Maori katoa no ratou te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ake nei, hei whakarite i te utn reti kia utua mo tana wlienua 1119 nga tau tuatahi o lua-tekau-ma-tahi o te riihi hou; a tonci kua whakaritea nej c au ko te Wharewhakawa i Hawera te kainga c tv ai, a ko te Mane te 5 0 nga ra 0 Hn»e, 1893, i te 10 0 nga haora 1 to ata, te wa c tv ni taua huihuinga. Ho mea tuhi 1 tenei te 3 0 n~a ra 0 Mci, 1893. NA TE WAPUTANA, J. X.' WARBURTON, N'ama 19] Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. "THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES ACT, 189-2." Notice to Native Owners and LrssEE of a Meeting to bo held at tho Courthouse, Haweka, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Monday, the sth June, 1693, to fix tho Rent for a New Leai>e to William Morshead Syjions ot Section 07, Block 1., Hawera, containing 80 acieb (more or less), being Lfind comprised in Memoiauuum of Lease registered No. siO nnO Tukaraugatni, To Mira, Rahiri, Hurung.i, 1 Tare Waka, Rangimawe, Te Putaka, Mange, Te Onetu, Nunumi, Rangitaniwha. Te Whakahoke, Tamawheio, Kako, Tc Raukchu. Tunmhuki, Turahao, Puhavn, Knkp, Tonga (Tc Mll a, trustee), Piki, Ngakau (Te Mira, trustee), Tahunaiti, Urungo, Hone \\hakapau, Te Manu Kariori, Hinenia, Rangipahi, Matakiraugi, Te Kcnui, Rangipuri, Tahnvi, Ngapuhi, Rongoapiti, Hmcraugi, Xci, To Aio, Puiako, To Toroa, Toirehe, Tanira, Taiakune, Tuhia, Hone Taka, Tutawa, Jvapua, Putaka, Hinemaiio, To Rere, Rehia, Ha^aihi, Te Para RuakeVe, Ponaua, Mata, Ngatara. Whatnranika, Kumenga, Kehu. Hiuanri, Tiqko, Ngakawo, Hau1 taftcru, Rouraugi, Wharepuni, Tahuoi, Karewai, Pnkore, Whakauina., Te Angiangi, Rokia. To Ingoiugo, Tuhia \Mlalepouri Puaroto, Hmiona, To Kahuiti, Whatakaraka, 'Tauiahhi, Rewi, Kangihma, Tukahu, Potaka, Harei, Hone Whakapau, Te Pakeke, Hone Kotuku, Pninkohu, Mereana, Mounu, Ngunn, Punaban. Hauwhcnua, Awhia., Maku, Mnkuiangi Rrngitupoki, Turaukawa, To Kahui, Kangitanrn, Te Ratahi, Ngauta, To Moengaroa, Ngataioina Waitipu, Wiremu Kahui, Te linngiwji^roa, Taumana, Te Haupupa, Tongaaui'oa, Ko- Touaihi, Taupiri Toerangi, Tere Mutumutu, Huriwhakn, Tamaheri, To Kokoro, Matareinga, Hone te Polio, Tamatea, Kangawhenua, Kereona, Moni, Rnngimainau, Tuwehc, Haupupa, Hinctau, Hinehau, Waitaoro,- Mary Bailey, Te Whareaitu, Waipuhiao, Arohonga, Te Kiri, Mereana Hawaiki, and the other Native owners of all that piece of land situato iv tho Hawera Survey District, being Section 67, Block 1., and containing by admeasurement 80 acres (more or less), being the l&hd comprised in memorandum of lease, registered No, 340, to William MorsUead Syniouß, oJ'-NoTinauby, settlor, lessee: Whereas the above-named William Morshead Symona has givon notice to mo, undor tho provisions of section 8 of " The West Coast Settlement Resoi yes Act, 1892," that ho desiros to obtain under that section a new lease of tho land abovo described ; and I consider his application ought to be givon effect to: Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meetiiig to take place between the said William Morsboad Symons and all tho Na'.ne owners of the nbove-desenbed land, for the purpose of fixing the rent to be paid for the said land for the first twenty-one years of the new lease ; and I fix the Courthouse, Hawera, as tho place where, and Monday, Oki Cth day of June, 1893, at 10 o'clock in the. forenoon, as the time when, such meeting shall take place. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1893. J. E. WARBURTON, No 39.] Public Trustee. ERANK SQUIEE, "TVECOBATIVE HOUSE JL/ PAINTEE, Pajjebban&eb, Glaziee, &c, High-street, Hawera. F.B. can always supply genuine White Lead, Oils, Colors, Varnish, Scrim, Paints (mixed ready f or use), and Glass (cut to any size), at lowest possible prices. Estimates given if required. "TE TURE WHAKATAU RAHUI O TE TAI HAUAURU, 1892." 1 Kupu whakaatu ki nga Tangata Maoei no ratou 1 te Whenua, ratou ko te Kai-tango Rnm, kia mohio ai ratou tora ka tv ho huihuinga ki to Whabe-whakawa i Hawhra, a to Mane, te 5 o nga ra o Hune, 1893, a te 2 o nga haora i te awatea, hei whakarito i te utu reti mo tetahi Ruhi hon ki a Fabquhah Finlayson, o tetahi whenua c mohiotia ana ko Tekiona 03, ft Poraka 1., Haweba, c 94 nga eka i roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei), ara ko te whenua o mau na te whakaaturanga i roto i te Riihi kua rehitatia ki te Nama 1303. XI a Wiremu Katene, Kuraroa, Pipi, Tapuirangi, Ngapaku, Hauwhenua, Huatahi, Tapena, Punahau, Nauora, Taketako, Ngatai Tangirua. Marupatunga. Tahuoi, Ngaripo, Matohe, Te Hira, Kawhena, Ngarama, Ngati, Ngatqkoma, Kirimaro, John Carr (Charles Carr, te Kai-tiaki), Ngawharo, Te Ike, To Piki (kaumatua), Mahau, To Piki to Iki, Horj, Whareherehere, Kiri Taupata, Tamawiiero, Paorangi, Hiwi, Ngahuia, Rangiwhetu, Raugimaha, To Raho, Ruihi, Motumahanga, Huia, Te Raima, Taniwha, Kohunga, Maha, Ngaro, Tuku, Tauke, Te Whirowhiro, Hoao, Ngahaka, Kiore, Tawiri, Waiata, Ngawai Tarawhiti, Awhio, Te Rupapira, Pouwhareumu, Whakataka, Taha, Waipatara Him, Haukopa, Ngoku, Whakarua, Tarowa, Kotuku, Atutahi Pirikahu, Tini Pirikahn, Taroi Pirikahu, Koroneho Pirikahn (Whakarua-te-Kareha, te Kai-tiaki); Pirikaha, Kiriwhera (kairiiwhi o), Tutae, Ngataitangirna, Te Whatu, Rangihawe, Te Heko, Taumana, Hore, Whakawiria, Tohukore, Pawa, Motuhanga, mo era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera piihi wheuua katoa I roto i te Takiwa Ruuri o Hawera, c mohiotia ana ko Tekiona C 3 o Poraka 1., o 94 nga eka i roto (nni ake> iti iho ranei) i runga i to ruuritanga. ara ko te whenttßMi mau ua to whakaaturanga i roto ite riihi kua reUita,tia ki te Nama 1303. aM a Farquhar Finlayson, o Normanby, ano hcki, kaimahi paamu, te Kai-tango riihi. Notemea kua tuhi pukapuka whakaatu mai a Farquhar Finlayson kua whakahuatia nei tona ingoa i runga oJuj aei, i raro i nga tikanga o te tuawaru p nga tekiona o " Te Turo Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1892," whakaatn i tona hiahia kia nrq 1 a ia he riihi hou i raro i nga tikanga o taua tekiona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ako noi; a o whakaaro ana au c tika ana kia whakamana tana tona. Na, tenei ka whakaritea nei c au kia tv he huihuinga i waenganui o taua Farquhar Finlayson me nga tangata Maori katoa no ratou te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ako nei, hei whakarito i te utu reti kia utua mo taua whenua mo nga tau tuatahi c rua-tekau-ma-tahi oto riihi hou ; a tpnei kua whako ritea nei eau ko ta Whare-whakawa 3 Hawera te kainga c tv ai, a ko to Mane to 5 0 nga ra o Hune, 1893, i te 2 o nga haora i te awatea, te wa c tv ai taua huihuinga. fto mea tuhi i tonei to 3 o nga ra o Moi, 1893. NA TE WAPUTANA, J."K. WABBURTON, Nama 20.] KftPfciaki mp te Eaioa,

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2419, 5 May 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2419, 5 May 1893, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2419, 5 May 1893, Page 4