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' ... -. "mm. '"■--:-.' .-: ... , I . 1, OLiRENBON CLUB HOTEL, I ■;.. J NAPLEH.' \ T W. P. KIRKWOOD, ] PKOPEIETOB. I I . THE above Hotel is now kniwri. . as ono of the Bbst In Now Zo and; „ , — — '■■ *. ' EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE SUITES Of/aPARTMENTS, j ' 1 SAMPLE ROOMS, - ; : . , , 1 ■ . -1 P.O. BOX 113. I _ :, THE.'TAUPOAND PETANE'icOACeKa . S The HoteT is* tho starting place for botfi . .{.hesol^ Cpaphoß,; ■ ■( • ■•., 1: . . .-: : 1 --. \. 1.:, i' ■ ■ :,i' It .■•!•■ 7' ' ' ■ ..' ''''■■ ■■" ■ : -t " ■ ' " • ■• ■ ' ; coAb3J ;a,nd poasE^,,, \ l; : '.;' ■' .'-' ■'•,-,■ ,3-A'RAWERA,' , ' -,"' '• .:,., !■ The ; Best- AScomnnidatloii !•: i^rave -s' " llnyaDds,and.TourJsta,,.,,,l lnyaDds,and.TourJsta,,.,,, . . ; ' Trout FiJhiog.' Game In abundance, and,. . Nflturil^Warm' Baths for Invalids '' i ? .-■ BtopplrigjPlacofortheTaupo'CAaoheaL' *W' ' - . I ..-■! -I'.j „,.1 j ■■-■ „f .)!..! ;', 1 \ )<> I ' ' <■ .rTI — ?• ' '< t,- : -' '- V' V ,i^ t, r , ft 7^ 1 ' i^sP™r Napier^Wai, , '■JL -pawtf by raiJ, oount every. grey horsfe to be Been on eaoh side of the liho, then mat[p)y .by thirteen, and it will give you the nunirn" . fat, dine, -ati.the CALEDONIAN iHOSJSj ' Dajlj^Tß|rt!. ! , . ; ', •.;,, .„ ,„ j ... 'Un beat) ',' ropas '. Najler tjbur' up pchll^ng ! ' :: ej^iiTPN:;CL]Jß,l^ ,' .. •/■ i :.. In'HASt^GSI n 'HASt^GS. 1 1 11. 1 .;-... I ■ EAMILY 'AND .OOMMERCIkL . , ■■- - !.. HOTEL.. -• T I •! P. 'GORM AN „„:_', .J. \ PjROPBIETpR ' .'- : ' - -' : ■'--'.■-' ■■ - ■ ' ' MAW&E'S .BAY CALEDOiNHN .■ ..... ...SOCIETY. , ", -, j■■ ' Patrbn : His Excelloncy tho Earl of Glasgow. ' ' I'.^ President :'Ri D. : D;'M'Lean, Esfcj./ i ANNUAL,"aATHERINa ■ .WEDNESDAY", Ston JANUARY? lks, ON THE ' , . , NAPIER RECREATION GROUND. Games will comm'onco at 11 a.m. sharp. PROGRAMME, (In each Event amount of Prizes will bo in' 1■ .. .1 pash or Trophy). EVENTS. ■ 1. QUOITS (Open). Prizes : Ist «2 lte; 2nd £1. Entrance 2a. ■ " . , ■ 2. RUTTING THE SHOr.. Prizes: lst $2, 2nd fil.' Entrance's. ■■ ~ B. THROWING IGIh 1 HAMMER! • Prizes: let £2 106, 2nd £1 10s. Entrance 2s (Jd. , A CALKDONIAN. HANDICAjR (Open) 3 » distances, 100, 220, and 410 Yards, with lab, 2nd, and 3rd Prizes of (Cash and Trophies) M, £2,iand. ( Bl'for"each distance;' 'Points w iUj^ntf.Qia2BregaJ,o«Aß follows— lst 6, 2na 37ana3rd2l Prizes for aggregate — 18tf.&5 and Gold Medal, 2nd £6, 3rd fii." Nomination 69, acceptance 4s. - . S'.' AMATEUR HANDICAP (open only; to 1 1' members of recognised Amateur A thlotlo ' 3- Clubs, and will bo.mnVinder tho Rules of the N.Z. Amateur Athlotio Association), 1 . '■ 3 distanced,' 100,1320,' ah« 4KrtTardß. ■ 'Aggro- ■ Baeo^lstiPrlKe.' TrobHy ; 'valuo' : £6,°2nd -viTDplfy.wlue-fiSiiard'Trijphy'vamd £2. ■ iPolhtswHl count' as follows— Wfi 5,'-2hd 3, ;■ ':t3rd'2ii.'Bntrancefiß.. ( '<•' •■ ' '• I' 6. BAGPIPE ' MUSIG-: (Sfrttthspeys 'and '- .'■ Reelri>."aslJ PrizeW3S)''Sndwa 103;3rdl0o. Entranco 3a. .."•'*' ■ ■ 7. TOSSING..THE CABKR. Ist Prize (Hi, 2nd£l. Entrance 2s. 8. DANCING HIGHLAND FLING (in costume.) Ist Prize £3, 2nd S3, 3rd fil. '.D.'DANCIIfe HIGHLAND FLING (in costume). For Youths under 1G years. Ist Prize m*Ha"4il 'Entrance 2s. f 10.DANGINQyHI(3HLAND R.EEL (in cos- ■" tlime), Youths under 16 years." Tst Prize £1 10s, 2nd IDs;'. Entrance Is. ' 11. BAGPIPE. MUSIC (Marches). Ist Prize .: :rf |( ;^ro3;"Mtf^f,erallfis";Entritacfa'.2s6a 12. RUNNING HIGH LEAP, lst Prize £2, 2nd £1. Entrance 2s, < 13.; HANDICAP MILE' RUN.. Ist Prjzo fir, 1 ; ' itm £3, > 3rd' £2. = Nomination h, aoceptanco 3s. 14. BWORD!DXNDE'(Ihc6BIuine). Ist Prize £3, 2nd £2, 3 rd £1. Entranco 3s. 15. BOYS'. RACE HANDICAP, under 15 ycars,lsoyai l ds; Ist Prize fil 10s, 2nd 15s, 3rd sa. Entranco is. . ..,..• 48.BVTO&D DANCE litf oostumof, , Youths ■» ' uriddr 16 Velra. lßtPrize T £ri6s,2ridlos. „ . EDtranco 2d . „ ■ ,r. .r .. ■, ■ ■-, : It'DANCING,:HIUHLAND REEL (in cobtume). • lat'.najb, «3,- 2nd fe, 3rd £U Entrance 4s?'' J -■'■ 1 -' 18. WRESTLING (Border Btylai: lst Prize £5, 2 nd £2, 3 rd £1. Entrance 4s. 19.HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, 4IO yards. iCl^'Prizei £4;^nd i% 3rd' *lJiNpmlnatiOrt3s, acceptan.oo2s.'t:! , ,■ • , ; 20. three mile run" Handicap, ist Prize £7. 2nd £3, 3 rd £2. Nomination is, 2J.{ B??f/efN(f BHANaTIUEs' 1 . lii &Btume). 22. WL^^^mpf-te^Aml ' tances J, li, and 3 miles. To be decided by points. ap-ipUowe i-plst. fcgndv 3, and 3rd 2. Priiieß value £110s wnTb?£iven to th» wiunet of each distanoai and of £4, *2, £1 10s for aggregato. Entrance fis. ' , 23. BEST DRESSED HIGHLANDER. Prize .• ~ £2. Entrance 2s.' ; ••' <■■■•,- --24. BEST DRESSED HIGHLAND, YOUTH 1 (under lßjearsl.' Prize'iS' Entrance Is 7 ! J25. BAGPiPEiMUSIO'tPIbroch). lst Prize £3, 2 nd fil. "Entranco 2a 6d. 26. WRESTLING (Catch-asoatch-can). Ist '" Prize £3, 2 nd £2, 3 rd £1. Entrance 35." : 27. HOP., STEP, AND JUMP, lst Prize £2, 2nd fit. ' Entrance 2s t ; ; 28. SAILOR'S HORNPIPE (iricostumo). Ist' . Prize £2, 2 nd £1. Entranco, 2a Gd; 20. -HIGHLANDERS' RA;QE (in costume), 1 150 yards. Prizo valuo £2 10 a,' Entrance, 2s. . . 1 Handicaps will be declared on SATUR- , DAY, 12th Januarr, 1895. ' . -■■■■<- ' Acceptances for hahdicapa'and Entrieß for other oveuts (accompanied by fees and colors or tartans) to Be in the handsof 1 th 6 Secretary, - at the Masonic Hotel, Napier, by 9 p.m. on THURSDA-y,:24th January; 1893. Nominations for handicap events must be accompanied by colors 'apd. .'a record of previous performances'. Any competitor found' guilty of Bending!.' in" false. Performances, running under an assunied name, or practising any fraud,, shall ba' disqualified. The Committee ro3ervo, the right to require any competitor, eithqr,'p6£oro or after any event, toumkon'tfcclfiratioji as to his identity and tho correctness of his description of his Performances. The Committoe may dlscpiiilify any competitor before or aftor any eyent who shall rcfuße tohiako tha roquireddcclaratlon, and ho shall nof'bo entitled, to claim any prizo, -. ' ! ■ ' : i ' Tho particular -attention of competitors is" drawn to tho following Rnle:— "Every compotitor mußt wear domplete olothingfrom tho shoulders to the kuco^ ; . that is jersey (sleeved to elbow): and looao drawora or .tj-unka. Neglect of this, R,ule renders the competitor Ilabio to be excluded ' fronj. taking ■ part in tho Sports. ' ' ' In case of disputes all protests must bo made in writing and handed to tho Pecretary within 15 minutes aftor the event, accomoaniediby tyMe'posit' of 53, .which sfcaJLbo forfeited it tho protest ia found to bo frivolous or voxatious. 1 Tho doclsioh' of the Judges 'shall bo final In every case. Events will be decided strictly in accordance with tho Society's Rules and Conditions of Competition.- r " ' Tho N.Z.- Amatour Athlotic Association's definition of '4:»rof efaipHal \vlll bo strictly adhered to. - •■ In amatour ovqnts only niombora Qf rocog- > ni|cd-Aina.tour Cl(ibs.will bo allowed to corn'S»/ ED. BLACK, Secretary, ; ' ;'.';. :'. : '' ': ' 'gacggl ■ ." . : '' ' . , ' „' 1 •! :' ,!:('•" ■ ' r ! - ; EISSINGTON DIBTEIOT EAOKS. :'■■. 1 . •. ' '. '. ■ — L'^.- ■ li .'i ■•• ' " '• - To be held on the. ' . iW'O'o D T HX) RP K COURSE, . . ; •.FEBRUARY.Oth, 1890.' Stewards^, Messrs J. Jaraieson, H. Russell, J. .Bioßneifip. Williams, T. H. Lowry, E, W. Nolson. H. M. Sanders, T. Groomo, S, Bennett, J. A. Absalom. Judgo : Mr J. Bennett. Starter: Mr J. Blcknoll.. Glork of Scales : Mr. ,J;' A.,' Absalom, .Handicappor Mt J. Bicknoll.' Clork of .CbUrao:, Mr Q? ; Norriß. ■', ; ' ' t . ' " ; PROGRAMME. HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 12 SOVB ; ■■ . aboutli mile.Ovcr six flißhta of hurdles; , mmhnum weight, list, Noininntion)>l2s ' • 1 : . acccplance, nil. PA'TOKA HANDICAP,. of 7 Soys; about 1 . mile: minimum weight, Wat. Nomina- . Lion, 7s : acceptance, nil. . . ; RISSINGTON CUP HANDICAP, of 15 sovs; about 1} railo ; lhlnimuni weight, UsU Nomination, lus ; accoptnnco, nil, HURRY ECUURY, of 5 nova; about G fur- £ lougs; lOst up. Nomination, ss; accoptWOQDI'HORPE HANDICAP, of 10 soys; ' about 2 miles; minimum woight, IO3U Nomination, 10a ; nccoptanco, nil. llanai £ cap declared on ground at lor Rlssington t Cup is run. . CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 5 soys about 1 G furlongs ; minimum woight, lOfct s Nomination, ss ; accoplnnco, nil. ; t CONDITIONS. ■ s 1. All races confined to horses that havo not won a rnco excocding IS bovh for throo years „ immediately preceding tho mooting. '• 5 2. All horses to have been in tho district for f throo nipntliß immediately preceding tho " races, except Lhoso that havo won races out--1 side the district, auch horses to have been in the district six months. ! ° 3. All horsea to bo entered and ridden by -n rosldonts who have been in tho distriot thrbo months immediately preceding tho races, j ;< , i. All horses to bo tho bonu lido property fit Ihe nominator. > a. All horses to bo trainud in tho district. \ K 0. Second horso to rocoivo 10 por cout on valuo of stukes in all EMM&. j 2c 7. Hurry Scurry coaantA to horses that nio iiou-'itartcrs in tlio other raooa. j . 8. DiHtrict to incliulo stations known jis ,I'ntoku, Pulcotitlri, MaußnUilu. Manifauliaji, (^loiiroßSi r all^onilli, Tnnanui, > Cka\yii, "t Aplcy, to Vuketapu Hoto), ■ Da vis, Brod k ' liuids, Nowbl end, GlonKavrio, Henley Farm. y !), Nominations closa at ltissingtou im " January 12th, 1895. ; ■■•■• ' H.M. SANDERS, , non, Socrohry, : • j

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4