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• ; - ' ••• ' f^EO.tI.A.JEi'S ....,, „.-, .. . ■ \ , ; W,Ol^i|[jl>-FAMEp. .^RpMEDIBS •' , ■.." ■< < CAN" NOWiUK' OBTAINED FltOM ALL RI&PECT ABLE . , '"■<' ■ .•-■ ; OHfiiMISTS ANri'STOKEIkBEPMiS.' 1 '■ .'«•■' I f/io • ■ 1 ' :r;■ '! .'-' • ' '■' ''-'^ ■•";'■,' ' ' ' ' . ■■;■-..>'■•■'.-"■. ■^mQoJHß,.,'^; ■;:,;;■.■; : : " fciror nilgoatlon', JLJvor and^Kidnfty Cortiplainta, Diliousnoss, Flatu^nco.JHeadachosJ ; _^ _ _ _ tand kindred complaints. « ''la ( Urio^ualled'foi/'alil^a'ini'lS'H'oUlngs^, StlrfheVs'-of^Mnffl* Contraotod^Norvoe'jStralnfl,.' ' ... ' ■"■■;■'•- [Spraipa, aßd,,gcuisaa;ji , ,[■■.,;; \- 1 inn 1 ..tfOH VIV) f I, „,1 :• ■ ;■* ■• .THO ? I : .:. w... J,' : , • , For Bronchitis, AstnmaVnndallißhonnlatio Complaints; Sciatica, Lumbago, Nourulgfa,, UlaoumalioQoutt GDUbSiMuadular, Aouto,audChrouio lUiounmliflm.L j ' .. . ■ÜBq' ; Seg%a^'aCu^'lnt^&iiJ',^njlSequah'8 l qil externally, and|tyofi will cure j ■ ,1. t, „-ttrt «, .... ■n.m-T* y J ttr J 0 1 i v 2k.Spoeaily ana Pefmanentay;.l " >'■" ':'"•' .' i .. . '„ '•"■" " , ' " :. ' j ■,.iT.i,.ui..» _-;:-£. J ,;, J———,,^. '■ , 1 , ■"■ -, 1, ./,..■>! ■.•-iQWATT'/PTiPCfMyiWQiW'fiATtTH T>'l?J TM ©S -I a i • 1 ..-(,. -i. .■trfSJM&U.AMjbi.M^ ; ;i..j. -.n( ill lai'-iti'i I: ,«t«lf .-Iti.llil.' J ,+JTJII V-' ' 7^J3 j "ft tha'Dbst fedw^'riarf^&yJtf^tbWtalM^Va gnw E . qt'Spaarnsi / aUp,-foi^Jatrioea;] and DyßontryyßpngUs'Kiid 'qoldi— (Dislructlons witblcachbottlo.l ! „r • ' "'.;. 7§ojib\#sr':J& ! ', ■ •I-' ■„!•' ,[li-.; 1 , ■'■ in-> ■-•• iii-! '•-■•''oi '.' I :' „-,, -1.,\ /„,'.« ;,;!! ',7 '.■{■'■''• '..,•! ' Ml -:•'■ • 'T .l.'i-iMii ■•"(■ m:.-'. iri,i,i..'T- ■. i „. '..,.!„ {..•; .: „•; 1 ;-, „„v 1. ,- „.1, , .'-. •' \ i <•,: ..(.) ::* • ' .'I : i.ii,-.. . .°. [| .•-,-•(. . '' , .|..'mi' «:iiiiii'!i ■ 1 ' r '■' Is '-■ '"■ "j> ■' .— j.-.'yn-"; n '• I „->-,.■ /....,,<; ,- : >... ,iji ,!■!■■, •' •!, { , |t ;:„; ,:;;,• •..;.;: ,v,^.;r^;^#fi^BAL H^^?£ 1 ' f :;; lVi ' i "' v: - 0 ! "" ! ' — 4 j ■•■■ ...,:-, , «-. v , : .-r •■s§%«?.«>&.] VQ l 0 'L^'S- ■•■»■■"■>•« ••" I : ''' ")■.:■".■ - ? -i";^--'"'? 1 "•■''''•'•'•'; ■~y;'W£W&Al : *'-'^;U'.<-.-' ■0 ! '■'■ «i „! : ' 11 •■■' 'i •■••?•' ■ '-I'ifr/, ? J ' " ~~ " ! ' ,-.!-..,, ;....;•.. 1 fv.r,;t.-i «• •-•i.'.itio i.l i r)ilKi:i M iH. ''"••■ V .•!.• . f . In J'O/'T'-i.-'-' •"•:! !•'"> fl"'n!i<! vij,!u'.. ; ,t;,<JV. ' J J'-^njL..imnU »»O£r».7- r \ ,„ oa . KJ o.. y; , \ i:U>K , .- p. TMPhR'nPP At fT^WI'T; AT~nnJJQ3? TTTTPTCTQWT?!} IMI yJixiihix OC-orxiWJiJtiAuHwiyJWAJßP'^tt Ul^lNlQJlXitU' jo mt i.f %.! »■/;•. <i 1- 1' > m hniruii - : ii 'liEO'EnykD' " ' '-•■■■■ ii-, 7 b.;tr :A'J>f*T?''i'iEaT1 l lPWiri»ln^.^l^^iV!^ ; " Including IRON ANU^KAS? " BEBSTEADS, A'm'eHlOA^' :ifiUBT!RiANif,.^ND „.w,i; r.-.v.i,.-. /.«..* n.«i" '"-v u\^ff±^^9^- ,msi c ; -" „!,,.■; ' ' .j'im;. yAWA ,-,',,9ap^g,: ; jRJiAii; aWp • w A^^p'f gqR.'.uPHOLS'rBRiyG. , ;'» AN ENDLESS VARIETY" OB 1 TAPES! RlEs/CRETONNES}' PLUSHES* GENOA AND OTHB R '^VELVETS. ' n/r,Xi.OTT .1000, PIECES IINOLEUM jmoro or less TO CHOOSE FRoil ; : ! ■ ' < _ . PARTIES ABOXLT. TO .FURNISH AH E .INMTMJiTqjINSPKOT, Jpi/BNORiMOUS ■ " l : i : \ < \U vit< f VT^i O »'- ]-" . , *^t'~~ — ; — ~ ' ■■<■'■■■■''■■ ■'*:■.. , .. ■ ■' ■•fiA'WK'EiS.-BA-Y' O POSITE'iJU ■'■COMPANY'S^ BTABLE3. HA>STINQS;BTBEKa ;;•' :-.;'• .:"'"'■' ; "'.x ihm^j: ; . ' '.; •WtfKEMATTR&SStoS,; COUCHES,^ SOTS, ©OO^ "MATOi' &o.i ANY SIZK , , „,, • - )-llato to Ordjajc on the Shortest Notice and at Modejrato J Pripes' , .','■' '-■ ' UNRIVAIiEDiffOKi ELASTICITY- ■ CODLNESsV ANp 1 CLEANLINESS' ' : '"" ■' '' '"'":' „ Write' forlPrloe Lists ",' 'The.^rado SuppUed', ' ,'.'. , ; ; . ■ ■ ■ ';.•■-. ..'.-. ;:•■',' '' '" .' ''''•-' •' ' " ' ■ ■' _ '. „ .( - „'.,.'.' r „' .' OJ^i I .cisytE ; '')a l A'^rKE S BAY^HERALD, iCHAMBERtK ;PKICE/^r^ElCE'l2or PRICE : m ' : V .. ..,'..-:..;!'-': ■>•,"' '' ' .••::/, ' 'i.' '... '. ,-^\ -Ir : ;;: • :-"" ::; ' '■ ' ; '^^^Vt I }^^? : ' ' : I . i. m 5 Ttirffv; ■. ic. v,tT/i! /J ./ \- ,\Vi. ■■ uiU y-v ■. . % of ' ' ' ' ' I |"^<s2 r *'- \ •"'Av^H^-n, ■ -'"f"'' •"■ B ■. ■ -° ' ! 'W'/ "' -- 1 ■"r'■ 'j .- •;■ ,-,' i ■•..-' • • 3 : .■' ' ".'■! ■ •' ■ ' ' '' '..?'.- ■ >:.■ ; ;:i,..ii'.- !•. ■•i!'T?ii.!:iS! 1.J..l .J.. • ■■ ':■ . PRICE £20. PRI(k/ ; ,£2b ! ." : " PRICi m. i ..?,'' N •!<: 'M ! :•' f I inR.'EWART- ', • •:'.'•■ , ■ " : • ..^i ... iv. .^ui^-,.- . r ißrom Rev. . F. .W> I^lT.T.'.Wes- — :- <a g»»»m««- T r^ Tr ™|a»i loyau Miuister..— I ha'vb derived • ... r ■ i-i ir^TTT-^j. j .ibwS^i. much bonoflt from its uso when 1 X^V. »•• •• r» „ • -„. , lS«^^^Blßua!DringifrpmiexoessiVQ : spoaiin3. , A CHEAP. . PLiCABA>JT WFjiiisss*rYou wUI.I suppoao, know that tho *» feW * WtMW/ *" *®^^H,Roy. . Alpxandw Reed (now. of 'icj'f ■ '••.■ .AND. j-i!-.:.;' j wHMM'}^\ <s|i' : l aria,;hlghly ! "'com- ■••[■■.; c S^Kaj ' From Hew* H. . a. CONQDONN W I Ir—■ i■ ' ' ■.. 4 WMMm GILBERT, Christchuroh •' I shall CTTrojpa- • - •; y^ (•''."■• ft WziatiffflX notfaHtQ ßecommend icto.all who T^Ti iiyfjl^ ly^T??*^^^^ 7^^ o^^*^^^^^^^*^^! SSr Sn*f sn " ef f wni aueobibns dJC tn© throat.^ "^MIBM?- Z^3 X \J^'j^A^'^W^Jr^ rooomm.nd to all who Buffer." . S «^ ' ,Fromßov.'OflAßLE& PENNEY, , f VrV^SHS^TWr«i'^^^ s W**-Tv' f i P 35- Naplor.— -'ln one tftso whou every ',! I^V^BfflWffiMw'aa'^lii'V- J?S^S romedy tried proved poworless to " K^TISTMHRhSi/aSl^^K *^. '^ PS^^R Eivo relief (tho cough was bo dis. I TsVj^i^i^^^^NsJi^r^ a«^^S trossingl'theUrstdosoof yourLunfc Mp^^^V/^v^S WimM lPre3orVor Proved most oftoctlve."]J •'" I^^^^P^i^T^O'liiHiii^^^^^^^'"''^^ Un BPr<i3orvor;'haß done Mis' '- ' I "iiilli' Chosson afireat deal of good," ] iV, iafttt*'?w!;^B < 'Wffd6piN.ifl''iiQ«GHg l^ra vn■.f ~~ ' !• ' 1 DIPFiCOtTY Ur'Q^ATHWiiO'i^ txMW&% From Rev. E. MARSHALL.- ?I Un Ail^^Vtnujo'ficfun I nim«e;f fflffi^^reooived considerable and Bpeedy 'i Shohwi^,'Tha^^,-& tARVNjty l^p '''" '— ; ' ri SmtAa»i*i?ii*7l«'Tt?r w % K^^S Compound Quinlno Pills are t«o ;■ ■' :> ™ W l /?, X'rt-Wb ■ ;.. ■ Wffl|^is§ host remedy Ihayo tried for flatftk '" ' • ■ '■!'■'■ fßMHlsra<l9flfly) anil pains in jtho Jjaafl. i The 'fffo* -I• 3d. SfifltL 4t ftd A fla , W&mm dqno my throat * Bvw 9m w'»«'n«<» t w*H "t* uw id wti3m&s*& good. I ' ga vo several pooplo doses, S . .i-' ••> ■ ' nSSpffiwuSPwSL fh° result)- being thac tho ohnmifitl PIC?ARC(ki 1 4N1.Y BY *]tT&!KS*ffi* -has boon send for a a^: CHBISTCHQIICHiiNi.Iv JimiieiS*-' Fromi Dr. J. EWART.-r"^B a Cough Hedicino for all ages la SOLD BY ALL 'CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS «r important' to purchasers. Purchnsorß aro requested to boo that oach packot of HubcjPresbrvor ofto' od for sale is a facsimilo of tho abovo drawing, and that the words ,'Baxtor's Lung 1 *csorvor, ChrisX' o urch," are blown.-on thobottlo. ; ■ ■ '; v ■ ' I"' "" ! . Further lhat this wrappor of each packet of Jri-ty. • ' // 'o i „ , v LUN,G PRESERVER , *$vSf9\ /^ h3 C^oll'^ \ Boarß tho Proprietors Tra&o Mark |nnd Autosraph [J \W[ \\ ' c ' * I along with tho lato Proprietor's signaturo thus— \sMsgJ "i|f /'j* ■//^'o 9f- ■/" '' REFUSE ALL OTHERB AS COUNTEKFEIT3 XsgKP^ (A&vi. 1 1- '&H/f-~jik' 83 ■ ' ; '„'.. <.-:--**~~— '■ ■ — ' — * ™ " : "^-rt ■ — " — *• r— — '— Wi PILLS Aro at ulljseaßon o tho year a K^liablo Rouiody for correcting any disorder of tho Digestivo Organs and for roatorlng o honlchy aoUoh to tho STOMACH AND BOWELF.. Thoy aot oi> tho! LIVER AND lODNEYS WITH MAR VELLOUS EBFECT, and, b/ glviqg Strength and Tono to theso importau Organs qroato a circulation of Puro|and Iloalthy Blood. Fomnlcs of nil nges flnd thosoiPllla invaluable. 1 - '. f ; ■ ■jhiiiij.^: 1^ _»MI 1 Vi 11,1 II^LEJUMMJ «^t— -^— — iHOLLO WA¥'SEILLS & OINTMENT Tfllfi CiNTMEKT j HcaUOUlircccnl Wounds, Cuts, Brul ios, nudUSpiuins.Jand is a cor in cure toi j HAD ljKGb, SORES, ULCERS, nndlOljU WOUNDS, .. II has»;uo cqiinl for this ; • euro of Bronchitis, Soro.'.Throat.tCoujKlis/Colds^Uheuiuiuisßi.iGout, Olauduhir j j{ ullmgs, all Skin Discuses. ; "4 ■ — . , j MritiiitaotiirertonlybyTHOMAH 1101.-LOWAYi 7S,Npv\ o>ford: , BticuL, )iitoS3.i, Uxtoiil-a 'eef I-ohdon"- ' ' ! IV Purchasers alio<ilil look (ojtho'l Jhol nn.theH'OJces.nndJ Pots. ' IC tho address ls.not 033,SOxford-BUc9y|lio'mlon, thoy ro spi<rlouß,'.| !

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4