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~ : r— ; — 7] — y,.v . ■„• — i B^t |_|AW^^BAgJ[,9^KEY OLui,,' ATJTuiaN PKOQBi^StaiB, '"■ COESDAY AND WEDNKSDAY, -19TH AND r . 20TH MARC^, 1g95. „, Prosident: Captain Russell, M.H;R. lTeas! . urer :, James Lyon. Stewards!: :Wm, Douglas, G. P, Donnelly, H. Gaisford. G, Hunter, F. Logtin, T. H. Lowry, flonry Mason, Hdn. ' J. ■ D. Ormbna.' M.L.0.,-'W. sfirimpton. Judge : W. Shrimptonj.'lStarterSH.'Pipor, Clerk of the Course :; James LopdeU. ' Clerk ' tit tho Scales : .Wm.. Beilby^ Timekeeperu, C. M.' Whittingtdn.' Clerk of the Totolisator: G; T. Cross 1 . 'HandiCappePi'-'Ji '8.1 Henry. Seorotary; F^.D^Luckfei):!!" ' „ ■' ' .' PROGKAMJIE.' ! ' ' , LII ppiST .'day, Tuesday; ...lflTn "' .' V-.'..';' .|'t,o,Stabt^t'- t ' ; „: • - jn 12.30 P.M.t-AUTUMN.-,-SA>NDICAP,- of i 100 Boys.; second .hdrSe' t67 receiva, 10, qovs 'fcbS the- strike} l! Nonjinati6n, 1 soy; ac'i'il'Jieiitancoj'asovß.r. ■: wji ■ , ' ': . -l'mile. 1.15 p.Mj-HIRST. (HANDICAP mHUUDLE RACE./ofj .loo bovb; second.h'orso-.ta re- ' l colvio 10 ,BOYs from the .stako. Nomlna- '-' ' Tf tioni:fßov;«coep^anct), ; '2s6vßv'r v i About-2vlnllcß, 2.15 E.M.-HAWKEiS [BAY ,CUI* .HAND'S ' CAP, a Pieci "oif Plata 1 p£ the,.vasi9,ol W : sdvff,' W7th' 300 SbVß'^Hded; Becond- horso to receive 30 J sovß'aud the.'Ufird : n6rsolo' . . -Bova'rom tho stake,! Nonjin&ydn; 2feo v»,; . ' 'acepptanco,' 7 1 soys. JTJIo wimorof any" ' ' 'Hapdicap of the vorao' of 800 soys alter L M the declaration of the -Vefghts to'edrry - ,101 b esUta,: of the valqertiti2oo-ißo'Pß,!7]b „,/ extra: and i of tho i^aluo /of 100jsq>fs;5)iWt J A extra? 'Penaltief ndtll^tminmtiva^ j . . 3 'PiMmNURSBBY. HANDWAPf ofUWBQVRi -second; horse-t^^lfaotti fhe -• ««a^Wfe4™°4 3.45 P.M.-HIGH WBmßlJ>BkM>W)iP\6f i ( (60 aqHß:;.Becond J h'Qrso!tOlrd(>eiv*.lo BbVB" ■^l^aff^^^f-igg^ 4.Bo'PiJlj-KfiiBIAS HANDIQAP,,(SiaT<6ovs; .. s.econ^npfflerf 0 ! J iP oelw >'-ft I SOTRJfePWi Fie ■ ' • stake. .For horses tuat hayoVxioxcr wan ft! ' .^YfiWe^WingSosdVsinsp'efcißiatjlttabof . M stortingifjllKomiDa(ioh', l lso'W;'' [ acclpt-' ■-ahcft-ijilvM jk ■ fiM j .wi ' Dnikyrouhd 5.15 . RM.-RffiAY&ih S$ &MpU 'Bi^P l " CAP, oWOOsovs; Becbna hbrae tormcivo ' r Hio^wrroni I tKO'Btnr'k«i''F(JrWo7siir-(ld8 ] . ;■ . ,' and mwttdsL Nominallon^ tsbr.^loccipt^ ' t tffil&W^Mffi**-- ■'. 6 - l W» 8 »;, ..ia' !BBCONi>7bAY',["WEDNB!SD'A^ f • . h iHi,r..a gPsHfli^RGßl'.-.:-,.j:j ■<> i i.i" t,,-i^uy; ii.-tfcAfeßaT.fio^'ti' '< •''' J2.aO£:M.4HM4aCHHAi«>rOAP,OM«>BO,Vsi i , sßqnd.horsp.tqiiaceive. 1Q sftvjiftbm the ,sta.|q^ Vl^oful)uiudii', I( L.gpy ; ; «ceept«Qcb. 2 I.IS B«i!-^SEeoND I HAND- OApi TttmßLll . , HACEI lottJOO soys, ; seOBM hoteo to lro ; , „ MlyOflO sqyg t torn , thsvptake, gSfoa^nai: • * ■ ■ ,-tian7rsdv ¥ l 'aqc F e;ptanbe 1 Zso va,. / , t TTT ; " ' " r - •'''■'"< '>. '-■'' A'bout'lJmilo. -2.15 fIM.-JUVENILE.. I HANbICAP.-'off7i ■j BOV8;foff. two-yearrolds/ Nomination, J, l '.adv; acceptance,, 2 80VS.. ; . Sfurlorigg.' ff-PAL—HURKB' MEMORIAL SI'AKES.'St ■• •.■■-Hnndicap,:6f>'26o, bovb i> ■ second-' horbe; to receive 20 soys, and third horso lOf eoViC . from thft^take. /Nomination, < iao- " ceJ)tan¥ey£Wg, ' ' r^' . - ,'llmllo. 3.4S pSI.-i-PACEKiO'HANDIOAP, iif Sffsovs; - : second horso to rbceivo 5 eovs from tba ,' . stako, ' For horses that ha-nsneyee won-Q' raco oxcepdlvg 10 eovs ln,Specib ot timq of« starting.- NominatSon;l'sov; accopfanco, nil.- ' Tt.-i.: - Oncerouni r .180 PJi.— PPST STAKES, of 30 boyb 1 ; Sfccqnd horse tpjecoivo 10 soys from the- stoke. Weight, Bst. Maidens allowed. Tilb. ■\V3nner of any- raco of the valud'of] 40 - soys to carry 71b extra;' of 60 soys, 141 b extra; ot 80 soys, 2Ub extra; of 100-sOvs and upwardß, 281 b extra. Penalties not accumulative. Declaration of penalty! or. allowance must bo mado at time of ontj-y. Entrance, 1 sov,onnight,of general entry. Once round. 5.15 P.M.— FAREWELL HANDICAP, >' aovs; second "hforsb'to receive' lo' «ovs from the stake. Nomination, 1 boy; ac- , . OQptancp, 1 soy. Winner of the Htirch Handicap ta carry 51b extra ; of the Burke' Memorial, 71b extra. ""• 7 furldnge. DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ACOEPfANCES, AND WEIGHTS, ; , ■ With Amounts to be' lorwarded ,to tlie Seoretary H.8.J.C. .-, , ) N.B.— All Events Closo. at, lo. unless stated to the contrary. , ; "> TUESDAY, 22nd JANUARY— Nominatioijis— Hawke's Bay', Cup : Handicap .. .. 2 sovb Railway Stakes Handioap " . _ .. 180 V ■ TUESDAY, I&TH FEBRUARY- ; Weights— Hawke's Bay Cup Eandicap Railway Stokes Handicap TUESDAY, 6th MARdH— I NoMiNATiONS->-AutnmnHanaica^ .. lsbv First -Handiaap ' - Hurdles. „ .. laqv Nursory Handicap . lsorvHigh Weight^Harid^• '•> ! • „ , cap lsov Trial Handicap . . 1 boy March Handicap .. Ibov Second Handicap £ Hurdles .. .. lsqv, Juvenilo Handicap . . 1 soy Burko Memorial Stakes . ..- : .. lsov pacific Handicap _ I soy Post Stakea . . K . 1 boy. Farewell Handicap . . 1 boy Acceptances— Hawke's 'Bay uup ' Handicap :. .. 7 soys . • ; , Railway Stokes Han- . dicap ... .. 2bovß TUESDAY, 12th MARCH- ■ : Weiohts— Autumn Handicap < ' First Handicap Hurdles Nursery Handicap . High; Weight Handicap Trial Handicap FRIDAY, 15TH MARCH— j' Acceptances— Autumn Handicap ..' 2 bovb ' < FirsfHandioap .Hurdles; '.. .. 2 soya Nursery'HanViicap .. 2sova High .Weight Handl- ' ' • ' ■ cap ■;;.. „. ■.. lsov Trial Handicap .. NU , TUESD AY-'i9th MARCH, by 9.30 p.m.— ' „"'' (Nignt of First Day's Races.J , ', WsaGHTS— Mar'oh Handicap . . -, : , Secbnd HdndicDj) Hurdles '■ .'.' ■'••- -KBurk6M(Sm6'rlar Stakes ' Paciflo Handiaap . ■■■■'•: , J uvenilq Handicap •^■K&tffijffl! Handicap . , TUESbAY ' 19TH M AB,pH,,tif 10.SQ p.m.— . , (Nighti of First Daj;'s Races.) ACOEaPTANdiES— March Handicap ... 2^ove 1 '■ Second 'Handicap- ' Hurdles rj. U 2 soys .- '. .. ; -Juvenile-Handicap .; 2 bovb " Burke Memorial ■ Stakes ■''-■.: '_ ssova Pacific Handicap .. NU | Farewell' Handicap . . 1 soy Fi D. LUCKIE, i ■ Secretary. Crlterionßotel, "Naoior.' . .237 HAWKE'S BAiT METBOPOLITAN TROTTING OLUB. . • To be held on the HAWKE'S BAY TROTTING CLUB'S COURSE, HASTINGS, OK MONDAY, MARdH 18th,' 1805. President': Mr Geo. ElJls. -Vloe-Presldenti Mr D. M'Lean. Stewards : r Messrs W. C. Maddlson, W. Y. Dennett, J. E: M'lvor, W. Edwards, R. Goosoman, J, Dove, H. L. Jull, C. A. Loughnan, Geo. Land. Judge I , Mr Alex. C. Lean. ...Clerk of the Course: Mr J. LopdeU. ' Clerk of the Scales : Mr S. . Spenoe. \ Timekeeper ; Mr W. Edwards. Handicappers : The Committee. Starters i Messrs W. Y. Dennett and J. M Ivor. Treasurer : Mr W. K. Dennett, Soorotary t . W. D. Ireland. ' : ■ i PROGRAMME J . .12 NOON.-MAJDEN HANDICAP TROT (in Saddle), of 20 soys; second horse to receive 3 boys from the Btake.' For horses that have not won an advertised Trot eithor in saddle or harness at. time of Btarting. Nomination, 10s; acooptanoe, 10s. Two miles. 12.45 P.M.-HANDICAP PONY TROT (to . ; Harness), of 20 boys ; second pony to receive 5 soys from the stake. Height 14.2 and under. Nomination, IDs ; acceptance,10s. TwomileSi ' I.SO P.M.- HAWKE'S BAY TROTTING CLUB HANDICAP (in Saddle), of 60 soya ; .second horse to rocoive 7 boys from tho Btako ; third horse to receive 3 boys from the Btake. Nomination, 20a; acceptance, 30s. Two and a half miles. 2.15 P.M.-HANDICAP PONY TROT (In.Sod-' die), of 20 boys ; second pony to receive 5 boys from the stake. Hefghc 11.2 and under. Nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 10s. One and a half mile. 8 P.M. - HASTINGS CUP HANDICAP TROT (in Harness), of 50 soys; second horse to. rocoive 7 soys from the' stake ; third horse to receive 3 'soys. from the stake. - Nomination, 20s ; acceptance, 30s. Three miles. 8.45 p.Mi-SELLING TROT (In Saddle), of 10 so vs ; ten soconds allowed for overy sso vs reduction off selling price. .Winner to bo Bold for 10 soys ; any surplus to go to the funds of the Club. Entrance, 20s. Two mlloa. 4.30 P.M.-ELECTRIC STAKES HANDICAP TROT (In Saddle), of 20 soys; second horso to. receive 5 soys from, the stoke. Nomination, 10a; acceptance, 10s. One 5.15^M. - OITY~ STAKES „ HANDICAP TROT (in Harneaa), of 20 boys; second horse to receive 3 soys from the stake Nomination, 10s; acceptance 10s. Two ■ milosi • ■ '!..:/' DATES OF NOMINATIONS, HANDICAPS, ACCEPTANCES, &o. Nominations closo with tho Soorotary on SATURDAY, March 2nd, at 8 o'clock p.m., addressed Box 41, Ha? tings. Handicaps to appear en THURSDAY, March 7th. Acceptance?, and Entries for Soiling; Trot closo on THURSDAY, March lith, at 8 o clock p.m. All Nominations and Accoptancos must be accompanied by tho necessary fees. RULES AND REGULATIONS. All Ponies to be measured boloro Btarting. Previous performance of the Horses to be xlvon at time of Nomination, also Colors of the Riders. .. . All Horses must bo rlddon and driven out. All protests to be accompanied by a foe of 2 iOVB, to be forfeited if tho protest In not bus:ained. No protest will bo received unices nado before tho rider or driver leavc3 tho jcales, oxoept in tho case of fraud. All disputes, objeotionß, and claims arising mt of the Racing shall bo decided by a najority of tho Stowarda presont, whoso leoisinn shall hn final, and shall not oe quesioned in any Courf of Law. Entrioa only 'eceived on this condition. Nominators must state tho bona fldo owners if horses. To be run under tho Rules of the Hawke's 3ay Metropolitan Trotting Club. No rider or driver will oo allowed to Btart f not dressed in proper costume. Five per cont will bo deducted from tho ;i-oss amount of all Stakes. WM. D. IRELAND, 57 Sooretary, Hastings, H.B. MR W, T. BA.BIN yETEIIINdftY SUBGEOJi toinber of the Uoynl Collego of Veterinary Surgeono, London), KARAMU-ROAD. HABTING3 Naor Carl ton .Hotel. 102 - j „.. ,ii „.i:,. ■, • -.1 ' •■• -.-".V^i".

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9891, 18 January 1895, Page 4