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LAST EVENING’S MEETING. The monthly meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council, last evening, was attended by the Mayor (Mr F. A. Kitchingham), Crs. F. F. Boustridgo, J. Anderson, J. B. Kent, 11. Herring, C. Neville, and J. Saunders. An apology for absence was received from Cr. R. J. WilliamsMessrs Guinness and Kitchingham forwarded, for the Council’s consent, memorandum of transfer, Beale to Smith, and memorandum of transfer, J. Heveldt to J. J. Bourke, jun.—The necessary consent was granted in each case.

The following telegram was received from the Prime Minister (Mi Savage): “On leaving hospital, I desire to express my grateful thanks for the good wishes conveyed in your kind message, which I very sincerely appreciate. Regards.” Messrs Guinness and Kitchingham forwarded a further plan of, subdivision, in respect of G. R. Cottle s property, for consent of the Council. —Consent was granted. Mr J. W. Beresford wrote, applying for permission to transfer Mr E. V. Arthur’s “dangerous goods” license to himself.—The necessary permission was granted. Mr O. N. Campbell, Native Trustee, Wellington, writing with reference to the lease of two sections by the Greymouth Native Trustee to the Greymouth Trotting Club, stated he had been informed that registration was being held up owing to the Council not having produced the necessary evidence regarding the question of a street. A tracing of the land had been forwarded to the secretary of the Trotting Club, and Mr Campbell suggested that the Council should endorse, on this plan, a certificate to the effect that' no part of the land in the lease was recognised as a public strbet. He thought this would be sufficient evidence to enable the District Lang Registrar to proceed with the registration.—lt was decided to endorse the plan, as suggested. Mr Tom Learmont forwarded, for the Council’s approval, alternative scheme plans of the proposed subdivision of sections 9 and 1 10, being part of the ■ Education Reserve, and bounded by Milton Road and Byron Street—The Town Planning Committee recommended that the scheme, providing for subdivision into six allotments, each with 44 feet frontage, three to Milton Road and three to Byron Street, he approved. The alternative submitted provided for six allotments, which would comply in all respects with the Borough by-laws, but the scheme was undesirable in that it necessarily involved two allotments with right-of-way access only, to Milton Road and Byron Street respectively—The recommendation was approved. On behalf of Mr George Cottle and Mr J. Eadie approval was sought for plan of sub-division of part Lot 60, section 1522, and part sections 1592 and 1593, Block XII., Greymouth Survey District. —Approval was granted. Accounts amounting to £2,461/2/were recommended for payment, and the payment of accounts (£4,055/2/-, District Fund, and £1,621/9/-, sewerage loan) was approped.

BLAKETOWN COMPLAINTS. Mr J. W. Grant, hon. secretary of the Blaketown-Preston Road Ratepayers’ Association, wrote bringing the following matters under the notice of the Council: — Blake Street.—The edges of the bitumen road in this street are m a very unsatisfactory and deplorable condition. The formation'has broken away at the edges, leaving a sharp drop, which is very dangerous for both pedestrian and motor traffic. We believe one accident has already occurred through this dangerous condition, where.a passenger was alighting from a bus. Sewerage.—Some time ago it was mentioned that the Council intended to do house sewerage, etc., for those who wanted it done. So far, we have no definite information as to whether application to the Council or otherwise is necessary for an estimate, and we would be pleased if you could issue a statement or give us any information on this matter as numerous residents are desirous of haying everything in readiness for immediate use when the time comes. The end of September was mentioned as the possible date for the completion of the outfall, when the sewer could be used. Is this date still correct, or has it been extended? Bus stop signs.—Some time ago the Council had power and telegraph poles painted white to indicate the bus stops. Whilst improving the position considerably, we think a still greater improvement could be made as we have had complaints from the public and bus drivers that strangers do not know their meaning, and we would suggest that the poles be given another coat of paint and “bus stop” stencilled on them. With reference to your letter ot August 8 regarding the tar-sealing of Doyle and Streets, we regret that the Council cannot undertake this work at present, but would appreciate it, if it could be done as soon as finances permit. In the meantime, could these two streets not be graded and a dressing of metal applied to permit the bus route being extended? We believe these two streets were laid down as a bus route by the Transport Department in 1936. With regard to Blake Street, .it was decided to reply that the condition of this street had already been referred to the Engineer. It was decided to accede to the request regarding bus stop signs, and to refer the suggestion,, in connection with Doyle and Rigg Streets, to the Works Committee. The sewerage question was discussed in committee. . .

Mr J. G. Walton wrote, complaining that, as a result of the filling in of what was called the Blaketown frog pond, the water was being forced back on his section, which was at the south end and which was the lowest section in Blaketown. It was impossible for the water to get away, and it was coming up to his back door. Cr. Kent said that there was no doubt Mr Walton had good cause for complaint, and he thought something should be done to alleviate the position. TT Cr. Boustridge said that, the Harbour Board was responsible for the filling in of the frog pond. The Council had no control over the work. The Mayor said that the land belonged to the Harbour Board, and die would not be in favour of spending any of the Borough money on remedying the trouble. It was decided that the Borough Engineer should confer with the Harbour Board on the matter, and point out that, in the opinion of the Council, it was the Board’s responsibility. It was also decided to reply to Mr Walton advising him to lay his complaint before the Harbour Board.

BLAKETOWN RESERVE. With regard to the proposed Recreation Reserve at. Blaketown, the District Office of the Lands and Survey Department, Hokitika, wrote suggesting that the area should be transferred to the control of the Borough Council. r l‘he Mayor said he was agreeable to the Council taking over control of the reserve, on the distinct understanding that the Council was not to be pushed into any expenditure in connection with the reserve. That was his personal view. Cr. Neville said that, if the Council took control of the reserve, they would get all sorts of applications to improve it. The area was in a rather rough condition at present. It would undoubtedly be an acquisition, but the Council had no money to spend on improvemtns. Cr. Kent said that spare labour could be used on the reserve. If the Council was not prepared to spend some money on the reserve, they should not take it over. It would be quite an asset to the Borough. The Mayor said that there was nothing to stop the residents improving the area. The Council, too, could adopt a progressive policy of improvement, but they did not want to be harrassed with deputations and letters asking for improvements. If the residents cared to raise money for improvements, the Council would no doubt provide the labour. Cr. Anderson said he thought the Council should take over the reserve. Even if the Council spent no money on it for six months or a year, it would still be an asset to the Borough. It was decided that the Council should take over the reserve.

ENGINEER’S REPORT The following was the report of the Borough Engineer: — Streets: In preparation for next season’s tar sealing programme, work is proceeding in Shakespeare Street where, except for the intersection of Marsden Road, the roadway has been re-metalled nearly up to the finished cross-section from Buccleugh Street to opposite Raeligh Street. In Bright Street, a start has been made upon the re-grading of the portion between the finished length of tar-sealing and Sturge Street, considerable excavation being required and a footpath has been relocated from Sturge Street, below the terrace, to Bright Street. The water tables, and the sides of the roadway in Eva, Elizabeth and Marlborough Streets, and in Sinnott Road, in the Kilgour Estate subdivision, are being regraded. In Blake and Reid Streets the footpaths along the recently constructed concrete kerbing and channelling, are being graded as regards crossfall. The footpath in Turumaha Street, between Tainui and Herbert Streets, and those in Rochfort Street have been surfaced with emulsified bitumen. On the Moss Street footpath a slippery length of concrete surfacing was removed and replaced by emulsified bitumenous asphalting. The footpath on the southern side of Chapel Street, between Tainui and Alexander Streets, is being resurfaced in conformity with the concrete kerbing and channelling. A dry stone wall is in course of construction between the footpath and the roadway along the rise section of Ashmore Avenue, Ward Street has been formed and metalled, between Clifford and Hall Streets, and a metalled footpath has been made along the western Side. \Spoil from Ward Street was used to widen the embankment approaching the terrace in Hall Street, and a footpath has been formed on the southern side of Hall Street, from Ward Street to Range Creek. Concrete kerbing and channelling has been completed in the western side of Lombard Street, from Herbert Street to the angle near Tainui Street.

Sewerage Loan Works: The sewerage of the Kilgour Estate subdivision has been completed. In Marsden Road, the work is proceeding from Ida Street towards the lower bridge and the laying of a 36-inch diameter pipe culvert to replace the two 24inch diameter pipes, which intersected the sewer grade, is nearing completion. The sewer is almost completed in Ida Street; and work has been commenced in Marlborough Street, both ways from Ida Street. The sewer to serve the Paroa Road area has been commenced in Cowper Street. Work to provide for the connection of all houses in Preston Road is nearing completion, and in Collins Street there has been laid a length of sewer into which the small pumping station in this area will discharge. The excavation for the main sewer outfall culvert to the Grey River has been completed, and the bottom, on which the culvert will be built, has been concreted for 35 feet. Unsuitable tides and freshes in the river have latterly interfered with progress on the site. To date, 5.27 miles of sewers have been laid. The length laid during August was 3,111 feet. The men now engaged number 47, of whom 42 are employed on a cooperative contract basis. The scheme, as originally designed (there has been some modification), provided for the laying of 37,789 lineal feet of sewer of six inches diameter and upwards. To date, of these sizes, 26,160 lineal feet or 69 per cent, of the length of the original design have been laid. General Drainage Work: In addition to routine extension and maintenance of the drainage system, a sump and a manhole in Shakespeare Street have called for alteration to conform to road works in hand, and similar work has been required in Alexander and Chapel Streets. At the upper end of the culvert, through which the rising main to the reservoir crosses Omoto Road, ’a manhole and a large storm water sump, with a 24-inch pipe connection, have been constructed. On the western side of Bright Street, between Sturge and Blackett Streets, a 12-inch pipe storm water drain is under construction, in conjunction with the road improvement work in hand there. Waterworks: Four-inch water, and gas mains have been laid in Lydia Street, from Bridge Street to Junction Street. The reservoir has been kept full with an average daily pump run of 12.88 hours.

General: The low-lying sections; in the bend of Sawyers Creek near Palmerston Street, which were recently acquired from the Perotti Estate as a reserve, have been cleared in an endeavour to lower flood levels in the creek in time of extremely high flood. The improvement of the bank behind the Main School in Turumaha Street is proceeding favourably. The report was adopted. Cr. Herring said he did not wish to dictate to the engineer, but he thought that the men engaged on pot hole mending should be kept on that work continuously while any pot holes remained, Pot holes were a danger to

all classes of traffic, and there were quite a number in various parts of the town. In times of financial stress, a great deal could be done by judicious patching and mending. It was decided to pass on the suggestion to the engineer. INDUSTRIAL AREAS With regard to the question of defining industrial areas, the Works and Town Planning Committee made the following recommendations: — That the area, defined as follows, be zoned as a light industrial area in Cobden, namely:— That area bounded on the south-eastern side by Cardwell Street; on the south-western side by Nelson Qua?/; on the north-western side by the Hall Street; and on the north-eastern side by a line from the intersection of the boundary between Section 150 and 151 with the south eastern building line of Hall Street to the intersection of the boundary between Sections 57 and 58 with the north-western building line of Cardwell Street. That the areas defined hereafter be zoned as heavy industrial areas in Greymouth, namely: — That portions of Blocks 30 1 and 31 bounded on the north-eastern side by the north-eastern boundary of Section 197 Block 30; on the south-eastern side by the north-western boundaries) of the Sections from Section 202 A, Block 30 to Section 203 A, Block 31, and on the other sides by Herbert and Lord Streets respectively, and also Section 202 M, 202 N, 2020, and 202 P Block 30.

That portion of Blocks 32 and 34 on the north-western side of the line from the intersection of the western building line of Herbert Street, and the north-western building line of Morice Lane to the intersection of the north-western boundary • of Section 216 Block 34 with the north-eastern building line of the Town Belt North, and also 223 A and 2238, Block 32. That area bounded on the southeastern side by Boundary Street, and on the other sides' by the tidal lagoon and the Grey River. That area between the tidal lagoon and Preston Road between the intersections of Arney and Swift Streets with Preston Road.

That in accordance with the area zoned as a light industrial area, permission be granted to the Petrous Tile Co., Ltd., to operate a rootling tile factory on Section 82, at the intersection of Blackett and Peel Streets. The report was adopted. x WORKS COMMITTEE’S REPORT The Works Committee made . the following recommendations: — That the Greymouth Harbour Board be approached regarding the use to bp made of the areas at present occupied by tidal lagoon, this information being necessary to the full consideration of a town planning scheme. That where garages have been erected upon streets, the owners of the same be charged an annual rental of £l, as from July last. That action be taken to procure the demolition of an dwelling, now in a ruinous condition, on the south-easterfl sidd of Preston Road.

The plan and specification, submitted by Miss K. Oliver foi’ an extension to the small additional dwelling recently moved on to part Section 21, Coakley Street, were considered and it was recommended that a building permit be issued subject to the condition that a sub-division of the section would not be approved at any time, and also that any motor garage erected must comply with any conditions laid down by the Council. Regarding the application of'Mr. T. Scalmer for a lease of portion of Hill Quay, along the western boundary of Cobden Domain, it was recommended that, subject to cancellation by either party upon the giving of three months’ notice, a year to year lease be granted qt a rental of 10/- per annum. The Works Committee reported that it had discussed plans and specifications submitted by Mr. W. Hamilton, on behalf of Mr. J. E. Williams, for renovation of the shop on Section 608, Block 3, Tainui Street, and the borough engineer was advised to issue a building permit accordingly, subject to such condition as the fire inspector might require as regards fire escapes. The inspector required that at least one upstairs window on the Tainui Street frontage be retained, and that an iron ladder be provided to lie on top of the verandah in order to be available for use in reaching the street in case of fire, and the engineer had issued the permit endorsed accordingly. The engineer had been authorised to purchase 100 feet of 12-inch concrete pipes for the completion of the storm water drain in the south-west ern side of Bright Street, between Sturge and Blackett Streets. The engineer had pointed out that, on account of the length of haul now required, the 'output of the crushing plant was restricted by the time taken in tramming shingle from the pit to the crusher. He recommended that a small petrol locomotive, similar to the jiggers used on sawmill tramlines for the conveyance of workers, be provided to facilitate transport. It was recommended that consideration be given to this proposal, after the engineer had submitted an estimate of the cost of the plant. The report was adopted, and the various recommendations approved.


The Finance Committee made the following recommendations, which were approved: — That the treasurer’s report be received, and that the treasurer s statement of estimated expenditure be reconsidered after the expiration of six months of the year and the position be reviewed, and that the chairman of the various committees be asked to consider the matter of economy. That the Council accept the tender of Messrs. Wellings and Co,, Pty., Ltd. of Sydney, for the re-setting of the retorts, and that the Town Clerk immediately make application for an import license and a license to remit. That the engineer be authorised to put in a shower bath at the gasworks, in place of the plunge bath. That the engineer effect essential repairs to the gas manager’s house, and that three rooms be renovated and papered, and that the house be rented to Mr. J. Kennedy, gas foreman. That a letter from the secretary, West Coast United Aero Club, requesting the continuance of wages subsidy of £7B, be referred to the Reserves Committee. That a letter from Messrs. R. G. McGowan and S. J. Hayden, requesting that some attention be given to the footpath in Cardwell Street be referred to the engineer, with power to act, if it is a small matter. That a letter from Mr. T. P. Ryan regarding the

erection of a motor garage be received and that Mr. Ryan be advised that the Council desired to discourage the building of garages on streets and had decided to charge for all garages on streets. That a letter from the Inspector of Health, regarding the registration of food premises, be received and left in the hands of the Town Clerk to look into the matter and report Io the Council. That a letter from the Inspector of Health regarding the rubbish tip, Harbour Board property, Arney Street, be ■ received. That a letter from Mr. N. M. Rivers, requesting that some attention be given to the footpath in Albert Street be received, and referred to the engineer, with power to act. That the agreement forwarded by Messrs. Hannan and Seddon, solicitors, ill connection with the purchase of the property from Mr. Robert Thompson, Be executed and that the sum of £lOO be paid as a deposit. That the engineer’s suggestion regarding a portion of Johnston Street be approved. That a letter from the President, the Royal Sanitary Institute, regarding applications for inembership from local authorities, be received. That in connection with a letter from Messrs. Farnham and Thorn before the Council on June 8, 1939, relating to the subdivision of Mr. Cottle’s property, that the plan bfe approved as per the conditions laid down at a meeting of the Council held on November 2, 1938.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 8 September 1939, Page 11

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Greymouth Evening Star, 8 September 1939, Page 11

BOROUGH COUNCIL Greymouth Evening Star, 8 September 1939, Page 11